A. 按营运载客汽车的规定报废
B. 使用15年
C. 按相关公式核算累计使用年限,且不得超过15年。
D. 使用20年
监销报废解体的机动车时,应查验被报废解体机动车的车辆识别代号,确认车辆发动 ______机、_____、变速器、前后桥、车架(车身)等五大总成。___
A. 离合器
B. 车轮
C. 刹车系统
D. 方向机
公安机关交通管理部门车辆管理所应通过现场或视频监管、____等方式对机动车_ _________查验工作进行监督,定期对查验照片(或视频)进行审查,监督查验员是否按照_ _________规定的项目进行查验、查验结果是否符合规定。___
A. 仅需要通过拍摄照片
B. 仅需要通过核查智能查验终端或执法记录仪
C. 仅需要通过事后抽查复核
D. 以上均需要
A. 小型、微型载客汽车
B. 非营运小型、微型载客汽车
C. 7座以下的非营运小型、微型载客汽车
D. 非营运小型、微型载客汽车(面包车及7座和7座以上的除外)
A. 机动车配备的后视镜和下视镜完好
B. 所有车窗玻璃完好且未粘贴镜面反光遮阳膜
C. 前风窗玻璃及风窗以外玻璃用于驾驶人视区部位张贴有不透明或镜面反光材料之色纸或隔热纸
D. 车辆上装备的商标、厂标等整车标志与车辆品牌/型号相适应
A. 小于等于9
B. 小于9
C. 小于8
D. 小于等于8
A. 大于6
B. 小于6
C. 小于等于6
D. 大于等于6
A. 大于等于3500
B. 大于4500
C. 大于等于4500
D. 大于等于5000
A. 载货汽车
B. 载客汽车
C. 专用客车
D. 特殊结构货车
A. 半挂牵引车
B. 载客汽车
C. 载货汽车
D. 摩托车。
A. 2016年10月1日
B. 2016年7月26日
C. 2017年1日1日
D. 2017年7日1日
A. 3000
B. 3500
C. 4500
D. 18000
A. 2018年1月1日起出厂的所有乘用车
B. 所有客车
C. 五轴及五轴以上专项作业车
D. 2019年1月1日起出厂的所有总质量小于等于3500kg的四个车轮的货车
A. 卧铺客车
B. 专用校车
C. 公路客车
D. 2018年1月1日起出厂的设有乘客站立区的客车
A. 专用校车
B. 危险货物运输车
C. 车长大于 9m的其他客车
D. 总质量大于等于 12000kg 的货车(除危险货物运输车外)
A. 18周岁以上、无上限
B. 18周岁以上、60周岁以下
C. 16周岁以上、60周岁以下
D. 18周岁以上、70周岁以下
A. 50周岁
B. 70周岁
C. 55周岁
D. 60周岁
A. 4.9
B. 5.0
C. 5.1
D. 5.2
A. 县级以上医疗机构
B. 部队团级以上医疗机构
C. 省级医疗机构
D. 省级卫生主管部门指定的专门医疗机构
A. 《机动车驾驶证申请表》原件
B. 原机动车驾驶证原件
C. 身份证明复印件
D. 《身体条件证明》原件
A. 《身体条件证明》原件
B. 《机动车驾驶证申请表》原件
C. 公安机关交通管理部门出具的接受教育凭证
D. 身份证明复印件
A. 有效期满换证
B. 转入换证
C. 补证
D. 审验
A. 十日
B. 十五日
C. 二十日
D. 三十日
机动车驾驶证损毁无法辨认的,机动车驾驶人应当在_____到机动车驾驶证核发地或者核发地以外的车辆管理所申请换证。 ___
A. 十日内
B. 三十日后
C. 三十日内
D. 六十日内
A. 本级公安交通管理部门
B. 省级公安交通管理部门
C. 上一级公安交通管理部门
D. 设区的市级公安交通管理部门
A. 每年
B. 每两年
C. 每三年
D. 每六年
A. 《港澳居民来往内地通行证》
B. 外交部核发的《中华人民共和国旅行证》
C. 香港、澳门特别行政区《居民身份证》
D. 《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或者外交部核发的《中华人民共和国旅行证》,香港、澳门特别行政区《居民身份证》
公安机关交通管理部门车辆管理所应当按照_____规定的程序办理机动车驾驶证 ________业务。___
A. 《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》
B. 《机动车驾驶证业务工作规范》
C. 计算机管理系统
D. 机动车驾驶证信息采集和签注标准
A. 10元/本
B. 15元/本
C. 20元/本
D. 30元/本
A. 公安部交通管理局
B. 省级公安机关交通管理部门
C. 设区的市或者相当于同级的公安机关交通管理部门
D. 县级公安机关
A. A1
B. A2
C. A3
D. A2A3
A. A3
B. B1B2
C. B1
D. B2
A. 尽快加速进入左侧车道
B. 不能影响其他车辆正常行驶
C. 进入左侧车道时适当减速
D. 开启转向灯迅速向左转向
A. 30公里/小时
B. 40公里/小时
C. 50公里/小时
D. 60公里/小时
- You seem to be lost. Need help? ____
A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
B. Help me find my key, please.
C. Yes, with pleasure.
D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.
- Can you help me clear up the mess____
A. Yes, it doesn't matter.
B. No, that's OK.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. No problem.
- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?____
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I'm afraid not.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'll not take No.20 bus.
- Can I help you? ____
A. Sorry, I don't need your help.
B. What help can you give us?
C. I'd like to try on these shoes, please.
D. Thanks. You are welcome.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting. ____
A. That's OK.
B. What are you doing?
C. What's wrong with you?
D. Where have you been?
- What is she?____
A. She is a typist.
B. She is talking to her friend.
C. She is having a holiday.
D. She is my sister.
- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.____
A. It belongs to the
B. rowns. B.The cat is my favourite too.
C. Mind your own business.
D. I can't say anything more.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the time____
A. You'd better buy a watch.
B. It's three thirty by my watch.
C. Can you see the clock?
D. It's late I think.
- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?____
A. The actress is bad.
B. Terrific!
C. The theatre is bad.
D. Nobody was there.
___ No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want anything.
A. Could you help me?
B. What will you buy?
C. Can I help you?
D. Do you like to look around?
- Hello, Peter. What do you do?____
A. I am fine.
B. I am not sick.
C. I am a student from Bonn University.
D. I came from Bonn University.
-Excuse me; can I have a seat here?___
A. Be hurry.
B. Come on.
C. Yes, please.
D. Do you mind?
- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?___
A. I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.
B. Sorry, I don't like neither.
C. Certainly, why not?
D. Yes, we like these two places.
- What do you do on Sunday?___
A. I 'm a teacher.
B. I play football.
C. You are a student.
D. They clean rooms.
- Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.___
A. That's right.
B. Thanks a lot.
C. Congratulations!
D. It's a pleasure.
- Hi, is Mary there, please?___
A. Hold on. I'll get her.
B. No, she isn't here.
C. Yes, she lives here.
D. Yes, what do you want?
- I am afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday. ___
A. Don't be afraid
B. Be careful
C. Not at all
D. Take your time
- I really don't know how to thank you enough. ___.
A. No problem
B. Think nothing of it
C. Not at all
D. It doesn't matter
- Must I be home before seven? ___.
A. No, you needn't
B. No, you mustn't
C. Yes, you will
D. No, you won't
-I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam______.
A. Not at all
B. Oh, thank you.That's very kind of you
C. You are welcome
D. Yes, I'm really sorry
-I will,______.
A. that's all right
B. thank you
C. all right
D. not at all
-Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?_____.
A. My name is Zhao Hua
B. I'm Zhao Hua
C. This is Zhao Hua speaking
D. Zhao Hua is me
___This is Mr Smith speaking now.
A. Who are you
B. Who is that
C. Who are you calling
D. What do you want to say
- I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.___
A. Don't worry about it.
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course.
C. Mr. Brown is very good.
D. Good luck to you!
-Would you go to the concert with me?___, but I'm very busy now.
A. I'd like to
B. Sure
C. No problem
D. Certainly
-I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat?Not at all. _______.
A. I have no time
B. I'd rather not
C. You can leave
D. I'd be happy to
- Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.____.
A. Certainly
B. Many thanks
D. Nice to meet you, too
- Hello, may I speak to Mike?_____
A. Who are you?
B. Sorry, he isn't in.
C. Thank you very much.
D. Yes, here you are.
- Will you join us for lunch?____.
A. No, I won't
B. Yes, with pleasure
C. Yes, please
D. Yes, help yourself
- Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it._____you enjoyed it.
A. I'm so glad
B. I'm sorry
C. What a pity
D. Surprisingly
- I heard Susan surprised her teacher by working hard. Yes, ___
A. her teacher worked hard.
B. Susan worked hard.
C. the teacher was surprising.
D. Susan was surprised.
- Peter, don't step on the grass_______.
A. It doesn't matter
B. I can't do it
C. Don't worry
D. Sorry, I won't do it again
- How was your journey to Paris? - ____
A. It went very well.
B. I flew there.
C. I love Paris.
D. Thank you for asking.
- I'm sorry for being late, Mr Lt______.
A. All right
B. That's right
C. Not at all
D. Never mind
- Happy birthday to you! ___!
A. Happy birthday to you
B. I'm very glad
C. That's all right
D. Thank you
- Do you like country music?___.
A. Yes, I like basketball a lot
B. It's far too crowded
C. Yes, I'm crazy about it
D. Oh, it's funny
- Have a cup of tea, ____? Thanks a lot.
A. don't you
B. haven't you
C. shall we
D. will you
- Thank God.It's Friday again.A nice weekend!___.
A. Me too
B. Yes,I'll be free then
C. That's all right
D. The same to you
— Write to me when you get home. OK, I ______.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. can
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ___ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on