A. 贷款业务
B. 中间业务
C. 电子业务
D. 授权业务
A. 公共交易
B. 公共查询
C. 业务查询
D. 公共业务
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 以上都不对
A. 同方向红字
B. 反方向红字
C. 同方向蓝字
D. 反方向蓝字
A. 本行以人民币为记账本位币,人民币业务以“元”为记账单位,元以下计至角分,分以下不计。
B. 表内科目采用复式借贷法记账
C. 表外科目采用单式收付法记账。
D. 复式借贷法是以会计科目为主体,以“借”、“贷”为记账符号,按照“有借必有贷、借贷必相等”的记账规则。
A. 冲正金额20万元以下的,客户签字或盖章确认则无需再审批
B. 冲正金额20(含)万元以上需填特殊业务审批单,其中冲正金额在20(含)万元至200(含)万元的,由主办会计审批签字
C. 冲正金额在200(含)万元以上的,由分管行长审批签字
D. 涉及信贷的业务,无论金额大小都需填特殊业务审批单,并由支行长或分管行长审批签字
A. 所发生的业务事项应根据合法、有效的会计凭证记账。
B. 现金收入,先收款后记账;现金付出,先记账后付款;转账业务,先记贷后记借;代收他行票据,收妥抵用。
C. 重要会计事项应换人复核,并按授权流程严格控制。
D. 当日对外营业时间内受理的凭证,必须及时进行处理,各项会计业务应于营业日当日结账。
A. 柜员误将个人客户取出的20万元记账为存款20万,未涉及客户签字确认,需会计主管在冲正业务主凭证上审批签字。
B. 冲正一笔金额为10万元的贷款业务,需要由分管行长在冲正业务主凭证审批签字。
C. 周末,需要冲账一笔10万元现金存款业务时,由经办柜员申请,无需其他人审批
D. 单位冲正金额在500万元(含)以上的,需要由分管行长审批
A. 所有者权益
B. 发行债券
C. 各类贷款
D. 营业费用
A. 会计要素
B. 会计项目
C. 会计档案
D. 会计资料
A. 资产类
B. 负债类
C. 所有者权益类
D. 资产负债共同类
A. 一级科目
B. 二级科目
C. 三级科目
D. 核算代码组成。
A. 开出信用证
B. 保函、
C. 开出提货担保等
D. 或有事项
A. ATM机现金
B. 存放在中央银行的备付金
C. 知识产权
D. 借款
A. 实收资本
B. 资本公积
C. 税金及汇兑损益
D. 本年利润及利润分配
A. 资产负债共同类
B. 备查登记类
C. 税金及汇兑损益
D. 或有事项
A. 资产类
B. 负债类
C. 所有者权益类
D. 资产负债共同类
E. 损益
A. 一级科目
B. 二级科目
C. 三级科目
D. 四级科目
E. 核算代码
A. 实收资本
B. 资本公积
C. 盈余公积
D. 本年利润及利润分配
A. 各项收入
B. 各项支出
C. 营业费用
D. 税金
E. 汇兑损益
A. 有价单证、空白重要凭证
B. 代保管有价值品、应收托收款项
C. 代收托收款项、收到信用证及保函
D. 未收贷款利息、未履行贷款承诺
A. 实收资本
B. 资本公积
C. 盈余公积
D. 本年利润
E. 利润分配
A. 付款人
B. 出票人
C. 承兑人
D. 收款人
A. 中文大写金额数字到“角”为止,在“角”后没有写“整”字
B. 票据的出票日期使用阿拉伯数字填写
C. 阿拉伯小写金额数字前填写了人民币符号
D. “3月3日”出票的票据,出票日期填写为“零叁月零叁日”
A. 填制程序和用途
B. 格式和使用范围
C. 形式
D. 管理方式
A. 整理传票时,每张凭证要求提头或文字朝上,下沿对齐,不要折叠,并用大夹子固定,平摊放入塑封袋。
B. 有粘单的支票将粘单展开,有三张粘单以上的支票竖放;
C. 银行承兑汇票竖着放置,一份银承一个编号(包括粘单),粘单在两份以上的对折后用透明胶粘牢;存折要求打码在有账号户名号码的一面(首页)并摊开正放。
D. 作为附件的身份证复印件,其纸张大小要求为二分之一A4纸大小,客户自行提供的除外。
A. 450-500
B. 400-450
C. 350-400
D. 300-350
A. 存单
B. 存折
C. 进账单
D. 本票
A. 付款人名称
B. 收款人名称
C. 用途
D. 付款地点
A. 一份
B. 二份
C. 三份
D. 多份
A. 柜员现金重空轧扎账、柜员轧账单、有表内表外业务流水的凭证
B. 有表内表外业务流水的凭证、柜员轧账单、柜员现金重空轧扎账
C. 柜员轧账单、有表内表外业务流水的凭证、柜员现金重空轧扎账
D. 柜员轧账单、柜员现金重空轧扎账、有表内表外业务流水的凭证
A. 机打凭证和手工填写的凭证
B. 单位客户凭证和个人客户凭证
C. 自用凭证和外售凭证
凭证整理中有粘单的支票将粘单展开,有( )张粘单以上的支票竖放;银行承兑汇票竖着放置,一份银承一个编号(包括粘单),粘单在( )份以上的对折后用透明胶粘___
A. 两、三
B. 两、两
C. 三、三
D. 三、两
A. 收款凭证、付款凭证和转账凭证
B. 一次凭证、累计凭证和汇总凭证
C. 贷款凭证、收费凭证和银行汇票
A. 存单
B. 存折
C. 支票、信用卡(证)
D. 汇票
A. 原始凭证
B. 单式凭证
C. 记账凭证
D. 复式凭证
A. 贰零壹陆年零壹月壹拾伍日
B. 贰零壹陆年零壹拾月零贰拾日
C. 贰零壹陆年零壹拾月贰拾日
D. 贰零壹陆年零壹月贰拾日
A. 恪守信用,履约付款;
B. 谁的钱进谁的账,由谁支配;
C. 银行垫款要收取利息
D. 银行不垫款
A. 放款通知书
B. 放款业务审批表
C. 单笔单批业务审批表
D. 银行汇票承兑申请书
E. 银行承兑协议书
F. 交接清单。
A. 现金收入业务凭证,应做到“先收款、后记账”,以保证账款一致。
B. 现金付出业务凭证,应做到“先记账、后付款”,防止因漏记账而垫款。
C. 转账业务凭证的传递程序是“先记借方账,后记贷方账”,以确保银行不垫款。
D. 受理他行票据应“先收妥,后抵用”,防止客户套用银行资金或被他行占用结算资金。
A. 中文大写金额数字应用正楷填写,如壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟、万、亿、元、角、分、零、整(正)等字样。不得用一、二(两)、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、念、毛、另(或0)填写,不得自造简化字。如果金额数字书写中使用繁体字,如貳、陸、億、萬、圆的,也应受理。
B. 中文大写金额数字到"元"为止的,在"元"、"角"之后,应写"整"(或"正")字,大写金额数字有"分"的,"分"后面不写"整"(或"正")字。
C. 中文大写金额数字前应标明"人民币"字样,大写金额数字应紧接"人民币"字样填写,不得留有空白。大写金额数字前未印"人民币"字样的,应加填"人民币"三字。在票据和结算凭证大写金额栏内不得预印固定的"仟、佰、拾、万、仟、佰、拾、元、角、分"字样。
D. 阿拉伯数字小写金额数字中有"0"时,中文大写应按照汉语语言规律、金额数字构成和防止涂改的要求进行书写。
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A vSphere content library administrator is attempting to unpublish the content library, but the option is grayed out as shown in the Exhibit. Which statement identifies the reason for not being able to unpublish? ___
A. The content library is optimized for syncing over HTTP.
B. A synchronization operation is in progress with this content library.
C. There are active subscriptions on this content library.
D. Underlying storage for this content library is not accessible.
Assuming a mirrored (RAID-1) object configuration, how many hosts must contribute storage in a non-stretched VMware vSAN cluster to satisfy the “Number of failures to tolerate” policy option?“n” is the desired “Number of failures to tolerate” value for all options.___
A. 2n+2
B. 2n
C. 2n+1
D. 3n
An administrator must change the statistics level for short-term performance monitoring and wants to collect metrics for all counters, excluding minimum and maximum rollup values. What would be the statistics level?___
A. Level 3
B. Level 1
C. Level 2
D. Level 4
In a vSphere environment, two resource pools are created as shown in the Exhibit. Each VM is configured with 1 GB of memory. When the administrator tried to power on VM3, the operation failed. What action in the resource pool settings will allow VM3 to power on successfully?___
A. Deselect Expandable Memory Reservation
B. Increase Memory Reservation
C. Deselect Expandable CPU Reservation
D. Increase the CPU Reservation
Which network is used by vSphere HA when VMware vSAN is enabled?___
A. Management network
B. vSphere Replication network
C. vMotion network
D. VSAN network
Which statement is correct when migrating from a Windows vCenter Server to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5?___
A. Migration deployments do not migrate local OS users from the source vCenter Server.
B. Migration deployments support DHCP on the source vCenter Server.
C. Migration deployments allow the source vCenter Server to remain powered on afterwards.
D. Migration deployments support custom ports for all services on the source vCenter Server.
How can failback of a recovered virtual machine in vSphere Replication be performed?___
A. No action required, because failback is automatically performed to the source site.
B. Configure a new replication in the reverse direction at the target site.
C. Disable or Stop the virtual machine replication on the source site.
D. Power off and unregister the virtual machine on the target site.
After upgrading the vSphere infrastructure and VMware Tools to version 6.5, the “Upgrade VM Compatibility” option is grayed out in the vSphere Web Client. (See Exhibit.) What must the administrator do to enable the VM compatibility upgrade?___
A. VMware Tools should be upgraded last.
B. Restart the ESXi server.
C. Uninstall VMware Tools.
D. Power off the virtual machine.
What availability mode does vCenter HA provide?___
A. Active-Passive
B. Active-Standby
C. Active-Active
D. Load-balanced
In which scenario will vSphere DRS balance resources when set to Fully Automated?___
A. Hosts with only shared storage
B. Hosts are part of a vSphere HA cluster
C. Power Management is set to Balanced on hosts
D. Hosts with shared or non-shared storage
What VMware technology can be used to move physical servers to the vSphere infrastructure?___
A. VMware vMotion
B. VMware Converter
C. VMware vCenter Server
D. OVF transport
Upgrading vCenter Server with Microsoft SQL database fails with the following error message: The DB User entered does not have the required permissions needed to install and configure vCenter Server with the selected DB. Please correct the following error(s): %sWhat could cause this error?___
A. incorrect ports open on SQL Server
B. incorrect database on the SQL server
C. incorrect compatibility mode on the SQL server
D. incorrect permission on SQL Server database
What is a potential downside of having more than four paths per datastore?___
A. limits the storage protocols
B. increases storage latency for VM
C. limits the path selection policies
D. limits the number of LUNs per host
Which feature facilitates the sharing of templates via vCenter Server?___
A. Content Library
C. folders
D. vApp
A vSphere Administrator is in the process of configuring replication for a virtual machine, but is not able to select the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) value of 5 minutes. Which statement could explain why the RPO value cannot be lower than 15 minutes?___
A. The OS quiescing option is selected for Replication options.
B. The virtual machine hardware version is not compatible.
C. The target and source sites use different types of datastores.
D. The target and source sites are not using VMFS 6.0 datastore.
What advanced parameter defines a custom isolation IP address for a vSphere HA cluster?___
A. das.usedefaultisolationaddress
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
D. das.isolationaddress
Which method is supported for backing up the virtual machine that contains vCenter Server?___
A. differential
B. incremental
C. full image
D. individual disks
A vSphere Administrator must ensure that a user is able to view and manage the system configuration in vSphere Web Client. In the vCenter Single Sign-On domain, which group should the user be a part of?___
A. SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators
B. ComponentManager. Administrators
C. Administrators
D. SystemConfiguration.Administrators
What is the minimum number of hosts that must contribute capacity to a non-ROBO single site VMware vSAN cluster?___
A. 1
B. 64
C. 3
D. 2
Which guest operating system supports PVRDMA?___
A. Windows (32-Bit)
B. Linux (32-Bit)
C. Windows (64-Bit)
D. Linux (64-Bit)
What is the correct way to replace the certificate on an existing vCenter Server that is part of a vCenter HA configuration?___
A. Put the vCenter HA in Maintenance mode, replace the certificate, exit Maintenance mode.
B. Shut down Passive and Witness nodes and replace the certificate on the Active node.
C. Remove the Passive and Witness nodes, replace the certificate, reconfigure the cluster.
D. Replace the certificate while all nodes are participating in the cluster.
The vSphere Data Protection performance analysis results in the “Conditionally Passed” status. What can cause this condition?___
A. The results did not meet the minimum performance expectations.
B. The read, write, and seek tests were successful.
C. The read and write tests were successful but the seek test failed.
D. The read and write tests were successful but the seek test skipped.
A vSphere Administrator wants to reserve 0.5 Gbps for virtual machines on each uplink on a disturbed switch that has 10 uplinks. What is the quota that should be reserved for the network resource pool?___
A. 10 Gbps
B. 5 Gbps
C. 100 Gbps
D. 0.5 Gbps
A vSphere administrator manages a cluster which includes critical and non-critical virtual machines. The cluster requires different permissions for contractors and non-contractors. How can the administrator exclude the contractor group from some of the critical VMs?___
A. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the cluster level.
B. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the cluster level. Remove permission on the critical VMs for contractors.
C. Remove permission for contractors on the cluster level. Apply permission on the critical VMs for noncontractors.
D. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the VMs. Remove permission on the critical VMs for contractors.
In an ESXi 6.5 cluster only "NFS datastore has running or registered virtual machines" returns. A vSphere HA cluster with four hosts has admission control configured to tolerate one host failure. Which statement is true if a fifth host is added?___
A. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 50%.
B. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 30%.
C. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 25%.
D. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 20%.
Which command can be run to troubleshoot connectivity problems with vmkernal network interfaces?___
A. esxcli network
B. vmkping
C. net-status
D. vicfg-vmknic
What counter should an administrator check to determine if a virtual machine is ballooning?___
A. swapinRate
B. vmmemctltarget
C. swapped
D. vmmemctl
By default, how often is the vCenter vpx user password automatically changed?___
A. 15 days
B. 60 days
C. 30 days
D. 45 days
Which metric in the Exhibit would identify high latency for a virtual machine operating system?___
A. QAVG/cmd
B. KAVG/cmd
C. DAVG/cmd
D. GAVG/cmd