A. APU灭火瓶释放自动释放
B. 火警喇叭音响警告停止
C. APU关车
D. APU低压燃油关断valve关闭
A. APU供气
B. APU供电
C. APU燃油系统
D. 液压系统
A. 驾驶舱有警告
B. 客舱有警告
C. 厕所自动灭火
D. 要用客舱的手提灭火瓶来灭火
A. 电子舱
B. 货舱
C. 驾驶舱
D. 厕所
A. IDG断电
B. IDG通电
C. IDG脱开
D. IDG保持原来的状态
B. 灭火瓶爆炸帽
C. 灭火瓶压力电门
D. 按钮按下灯就亮
A. 每台发动机2个灭火瓶,APU一个灭火瓶
B. 每台发动机一个灭火瓶,APU两个灭火瓶
C. 每台发动机两个灭火瓶,APU两个灭火瓶
D. 每台发动机一个灭火瓶,APU一个灭火瓶
A. APU地面火警.
B. 发动机火警.
C. 货舱火警.
D. 以上都不对.
A. 全部可以互换
B. 全部不可以互换
C. 仅左右发FDU之间可以互换
D. 仅发动机FDU可以替代APU的FDU
A. 驾驶舱的灯光和音响指示
B. 客舱前乘务员面板上的SMOKELAV灯
C. 受影响的厕所上琥珀色的灯亮
D. 厕所内的灭火瓶自动灭火
A. 由火警探测组件
C. 由红色圆片指示器
D. 由黄色圆片指示器
A. 前货舱烟雾探测器
B. 后货舱烟雾探测器
C. 厕所烟雾探测器
D. 设备冷却烟雾探测器
A. 相应发动机的燃油供应切断
B. IDG自动脱开
C. 相应的发动机液压火警关断valve关闭
D. 相应发动机的PRSOV关断
A. 发动机火警探测电路故障
B. 发动机火警探测元件漏气
C. 发动机两个探测环路在5秒钟内同时探测到故障
D. 发动机一个环路探测到火警,另一个环路正常状态大于16秒
C. 音响警告解除
D. EIU切断发动机的控制电源
C. AGENT1和AGENT2按钮都可以用于左发灭火
D. AGENT1和AGENT2都不能用于左发灭火
A. 当烟雾探测器工作时,AEVC一直对其进行测试
B. 通过按压一个测试电门对其测试
C. 通过CFDS上进行人工测试
D. 以上都不对
A. 仅前货舱灭火释放电门上的DISH灯亮
B. 仅后货舱灭火释放电门上的DISH灯亮
C. 前和后货舱灭火释放电门上的DISH灯都会亮
D. 前和后货舱灭火释放电门上的DISH灯都不亮
A. 主警告灯亮
B. 后货舱的SMOKE灯亮
C. 后货舱隔离valve的FAUT灯亮
A. 厕所烟雾探测不工作
B. 货舱烟雾探测不工作
C. 出现单谐音+主注意灯亮+ECAM信息
D. 电子舱烟雾探测器不工作(AEVC)
A. 左发灭火瓶用于左发,右发的用于右发
B. 两个灭火瓶既可以用于左发灭火也可用于右发灭火
C. 通过按压AGENT1还是AGENT2电门来决定灭火剂释放到左发还是右发
D. 以上说法都不对
A. 主警告灯亮
B. 灭火瓶释放电门上的SQUIB灯亮
C. 灭火瓶的释放电门上的DISCH灯亮
D. 灭火电门上的红色火警灯亮
A. 主警告灯亮
B. 火警铃响
C. APU灭火按钮上的红灯亮
D. 主注意灯亮
B. APU火警喇叭会响
C. 灭火瓶释放
D. 测试完成后要按压RESET电门
A. 主警告灯亮
B. 火警铃响
C. 货舱灭火面板上的SMOKE灯亮
D. CIDS在客舱产生警告信号
A. 主警告灯亮
B. 应急电源面板上的GEN1SMOKE灯亮
D. 主注意灯亮
A. 在驾驶舱松出APU灭火按钮
B. 按压外电源面板上的APU关断电门
C. 按压APU火警测试电门
A. 发动机灭火按钮红灯亮
B. 主警告灯亮
C. 机外的火警喇叭响机外没有关于发动机火警的警告
D. 发动机启动面板上的FIRE灯亮
A. 两个风扇都关闭
B. 两个风扇保持运转
A. 相应的DISCH灯亮时
B. 发动机火警按钮灯亮时
C. 发动机火警按钮松出后
D. 相应的SQUIB灯熄灭时
A. 环路A故障,环路B火警
B. 环路A火警,环路B火警
C. 环路A故障,环路B在5秒内故障
D. 以上的都给出火警信号
A. 用摇表(兆欧表)测量灭火系统导线的绝缘
B. 用三用表测量火警探测线路的电阻
C. 用三用表测量灭火瓶的压力电门状态是接通还是断开
D. 用三用表测量灭火瓶爆炸帽的电阻
A. 1个在APU舱内
B. 2个在APU舱内
C. 1个在APU舱前防火墙的外侧
D. 2个在APU舱前防火墙的外侧
A. APU自动停车,并自动灭火
B. 自动灭火,但APU不停车
C. 自动停车,人工灭火
D. 人工停车,人工灭火
A. 使用APUFIRE面板操纵灭火
B. 自动灭火
C. 从外部电源板操纵灭火
D. 利用地面灭火设备
A. APU自动停车,并自动灭火
B. 人工停车,自动灭火
C. 人工停车,人工灭火
D. 自动停车,人工灭火
A. 通过压力电门和爆炸电路状况
B. 通过灭火瓶压力和爆炸电路状况
C. 通过灭火瓶压力和释放头状况
D. 通过压力电门和释放头状况
A. 发动机灭火瓶被触发且灭火瓶释放对发动机进行灭火
B. 发动机灭火瓶并不会被触发释放,只是接通了灭火控制电路,只有当按压“SQUIB”按钮后才会释放发动机灭火瓶
C. 按压该按钮后火警三级警告的音响被取消
D. 以上都不对
A. APU发电机不向网络供电
B. APU发电机不受影响
C. APU发电机继续向网络供电
D. APU发电机仍被衔接且供电
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.
What should you do in the TempWorld? ___
A. In TempWorld you must withstand disappointment, juggle stressful situations, and handle pressure.
B. You must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future.
C. Things always go well for successful people because they are honest.
D. Both A and B.
Which of the following statements is Not True? ___
A. Your boss may be willing to change his behavior than your think.
B. Some managers don’t care how much their words or actions upset staffers.
C. You should tell your managers how their outbursts make you feel.
D. If the boss values your work, he may stop his abusiveness.
Which of the following public places is NOT mentioned that have banned mobiles? ___
A. restaurants
B. gas stations
C. theatres
D. museums
What happened when the cellphone of the speaker’s friend rang? ___
A. His friend answered the phone and the speaker became invisible to his friend.
B. They answered the phone together.
C. The speaker threw away his friend’s cellphone.
D. His friend hung up the phone and kept talking to the speaker. (C)
What happened to the man? ___
A. He had a car accident.
B. He had his arms broken.
C. He lost his mobile phone.
D. He was not able to use his mobile because he was in a remote area.
Which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. Today there are about 400 million cellphone owners.
B. Today there are about 300 million Personal Computer subscribers.
C. Cellphones will be more often used.
D. Cellphones will completely replace Personal Computers.
Which of the following is true? ___
A. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf stayed in her country during the nation’s civil war.
B. She is still working for the United Nations.
C. She is the first woman ever elected president of an Asian country.
D. She is a Liberia.
What do you know about the solar eclipse? ___
A. Only hundreds of people gazed at it.
B. It was caused by the earth passing in front of the moon.
C. It was not often seen.
D. It started in Mongolia and ended in Brazil.
What is true about this meeting between the USA and China? ___
A. It was a meeting between Xi Jinping and Donald Trump.
B. It was the first time that the Chinese president had visited the United States.
C. The issue of the Olympics was discussed.
D. South Korea’s nuclear weapons program was discussed.
In which year did the station’s first permanent crew arrived? ___
A. 1998
B. 2000
C. 2002
D. 2003
If elected, ________________. ___
A. Richardson would be the first Hispanic President.
B. Clinton would be the first African-American President.
C. Romney world be the first Hispanic President.
D. Clinton would be the first Mormon President.
What are the things that the speaker’s inner and outer life based on? ___
A. Money
B. Health
D. elicious food
What kind of things has its own reason for existing? ___
A. Questioning
B. The structure of reality
C. Curiosity
D. The mysteries of eternity
Who are so full of doubts? ___
A. Fools and fanatics
B. Wise people
C. Professors
D. University students
To the speaker, what kind of things always win in life? ___
A. Truth and love
B. Power and status
C. Great minds
D. Money and material
What’s the key word of the speaker? ___
A. Love
B. Power
C. Freedom
D. Curiosity
What happened to the man? ___
A. He committed identity theft.
B. He was put in prison.
C. He reported a case of theft to police.
D. He robbed a bank.
What is the attitude of Mrs. Washington? ___
A. She tries to cover up for little George.
B. She thinks Mr. Washington should not ask George directly.
C. She encourages George to chop down the tree.
D. She thinks Mr. Washington should put the blame on the sharp axe.
What do Nancy’s colleagues think about her transgender transition? ___
A. They think it is ridiculous.
B. They make a big fuss about it.
C. They take it lightly.
D. They are sympathetic.
What are the two women talking about? ___
A. They are talking women’s liberation.
B. They are talking about an ideal husband.
C. They want a rewarding job.
D. They are talking about women’s choice between family and career.
According to what you’ve heard, which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. The two ten-minute workouts help people get into shape in a short time.
B. The two ten-minute workouts are designed for the people of certain level of fitness.
C. The two ten-minute workouts help people to lose weight and to be vigorous.
D. The two ten-minute workouts are suitable for most people.
What does Cindy say about visiting Costa Rica in June? ___
A. It is bad because June falls in the rainy season.
B. It is bad because there is almost no sunshine in June.
C. It is not bad because it seldom rains on the coast.
D. It is not bad because it does not rain all the time and in all the places.
What did the professor say about the translation of idioms across language? ___
A. Almost all idioms are translatable and can be universally used.
B. Idioms are hardly translatable and cannot be universally used.
C. Not all idioms are translatable but many have translations in other language.
D. All idioms are translatable and tend to become international.
According to Professor Randal, which of the following is true for SAT II? ___
A. It tests your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
B. It is more content oriented.
C. It is designed to measure subject-area knowledge.
D. It is designed to measure achievement in
E. nglish, math, reading, and science.
The movie in IMAX format adds the amazing effects except ___________. ___
A. the effect of sound
B. the effect of view
C. the effect of landscape
D. the effect of mystery
What can we learn from the conversation? ___
A. Nobody thinks he is under stress.
B. People should avoid stress completely.
C. Stress is a normal state of affairs.
D. Nobody is subject to stress.
What is Tom’s attitude towards the mobile phone? ___
A. It is very convenient to send text messages.
B. People have to put up with the inconvenience of using mobile phones.
C. He feels important when he uses his mobile phone in public.
D. He cannot live a day without his mobile phone.
Where did Helena start learning Dutch? ___
A. Spain
B. Holland
C. Sri Lanka
D. Indonesia
According to what the broadcaster says about what happened when the blackout occurred, which of the following is not true? ___
A. People crowded the streets of New York.
B. Throngs of people walked across the bridge, screaming and cursing.
C. The blackout stopped subways, buses and turned off traffic lights.
D. Many people are thinking of hitching a ride.
Who is Dr. Burkey? ___
A. The anchor
B. The questioner
C. A student
D. A clinical psychologist.
Which is true about Gandhi’s nonviolence? ___
A. There will be no pains and defeats when people use nonviolence.
B. People should be prepared to die like a soldier when they use nonviolence.
C. Nonviolence means that you have to accept injustice.
D. Soldiers can use violence against violence.
A. 直系血亲
B. 直系姻亲
C. 旁系血亲
D. 旁系姻亲
A. 三等亲
B. 四等亲
C. 五等亲
D. 六等亲
A. 乙是丙的姑母,丁是甲母的舅父
B. 乙是丙的姨母,丙是乙的甥女
C. 乙是丙的舅母,丁是甲母的叔父
D. 乙是丙的婶母,丙是乙的侄女
A. 外祖父母与外孙子女
B. 养父母与养子女
C. 祖父母与孙子女
D. 继父母与未受其抚养教育的继子女
A. 法院应判决撤销该婚姻
B. 该案应判决宣告该婚姻无效
C. 对该案的审理应当进行调解
D. 当时人可以对法院的处理结果依法提出上诉
A. 可以结婚
B. 如果双方不生育子女可以结婚
C. 不能结婚
D. 以上均不正确