A. 用橡皮擦
B. 用修正液
C. 用刀片刮
D. 不能掩盖或去除原来字迹.
A. 视听资料
B. 鉴定意见
C. 电子数据
D. 现场笔录
A. 当事人要求听证的,应当在收到听证告知书之日起7个工作日内,向行政机关书面提出听证要求。
B. 当事人提出听证要求的,行政机关应当组织听证。
C. 行政机关组织听证的,应当在听证举行的7个工作日前,将听证通知书送达当事人。
D. 当事人对听证不服,可以申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。
A. 行政执法单位适用一般程序作出的行政处罚决定,应当向社会主动公开。
B. 按照“谁处罚、谁公开”的要求,由行政执法单位负责本单位的行政处罚案件信息主动公开工作。
C. 对于主动公开的行政处罚案件信息,行政执法单位应当公开行政处罚决定书全文。
D. 行政执法单位应当自作出行政处罚决定之日起7个工作日予以主动公开;情况复杂的,可依法延长7个工作日。
A. 按无证行医处罚
B. 按医疗机构超出登记范围开展诊疗活动处罚
C. 按出借《医疗机构执业许可证》处罚
D. 按使用非卫生技术人员处罚
A. 外籍医师注册期满的,可以按规定重新办理注册。
B. 外籍医师来沪开展一天手术可以不用办理《外国医师短期行医许可证》。
C. 医疗机构聘用未经短期行医执业注册的台、港、澳医师从事诊疗活动的,视为聘用非卫生技术人员。
D. 台、港、澳医师未取得《台港澳短期行医执业证书》行医的,按照《执业医师法》等三十九条处理。
A. 中医诊所名称需符合《医疗机构管理条例实施细则》的相关规定。
B. 举办中医诊所的,报拟举办诊所所在地县级中医药主管部门备案后即可开展执业活动。
C. 不符合备案条件的其他诊所仍然按照《医疗机构管理条例》的要求施行审批管理。
D. 所有中医诊所均按照备案要求管理。
A. 二次供水水箱可以加盖但不加锁
B. 二次供水设施管理单位自行清洗消毒水箱的,不必取得二次供水设施清洗消毒单位备案凭证
C. 可以将生活饮用水管网与非生活饮用水管网相连接
D. 对供水设备进行维修作业时,应采取相应的安全防范措施,避免对二次供水水质造成影响
涉水产品生产企业下列哪项行为符合《涉及饮用水生产企业卫生规范》的要求? ___
A. 生产场地内人流与物流交叉
B. 涉水产品获得卫生许可批件后,方投入生产
C. 生产给水用输配水管材的设备也用于生产排污用管材
D. 从事水处理材料的生产的临时工没有取得预防性健康体检合格证
A. 尚未发现或者已经宣布消灭的
B. 已发现或者已经宣布消灭的
C. 已发现或者未宜布消灭的
D. 已发现或者未宣布消灭的
按照《医疗废物管理条例》规定,医疗卫生机构应当将医疗废物交由以下哪一个单位进行集中处置? ___
A. 卫生行政部门指定的单位
B. 卫生监督机构所指定的单位
C. 县级以上环境保护行政主管部门许可的单位
D. 疾控机构指定的单位
A. 申请行政复议的期限为30日
B. 村民应推选1-5名代表参加复议
C. 如要求申请人补正申请材料,应在收到复议申请之日起5日内书面通知申请人
D. 甲市政府为复议机关
A. 某人保局以李某体检不合格为由取消其公务员录用资格
B. 某公安局以新录用的公务员孙某试用期不合格为由取消录用
C. 某人保局给予工作人员田某记过处分
D. 某财政局对工作人员黄某提出的辞职申请不予批准
下列哪种情形下,行政机关不应当办理行政许可的注销手续: ___
A. 张某取得医师执业证书后,发生交通事故死亡
B. 王某违法经营的网吧被吊销许可证
C. 赵某依法向国土资源管理部门申请延续采矿许可,国土资源管理部门在规定期限内未予答复
D. 孙某通过行贿取得行政许可证后,被行政机关发现并撇销其许可
某直辖市对出租车的管理,在2007年以前,城内运营归城建部门管理,城郊运营归交通部门管理,因此,出租车需要办理两个许可证;2007年,该直辖市人民政府决定,将城内和城郊的出租车许可证合并,归交通部门统一管理。根据《行政许可法》下面说法正确的是: ___。
A. 该直辖市人民政府作出的该决定必须经国务院批准
B. 该直辖市人民政府有权作出该决定,无须经国务院批准
C. 该措施的根据是公开、便民原则
D. 以上说法均不正确
2001 年某公司在县广场附近开了家名称为“广场医院”的医院,获得县卫生局颁发的医疗机构执业许可证。到了2008年,由于拆迁致使必须搬迁,公司便将医院搬到本县另一处地方,仍挂“广场医院”的牌子。公司在依法申请变更许可时,县卫生局经审查认为其符合变更许可的条件,但是认为该医院已经搬离广场,故没有批准其继续使用“广场医院”的名称。根据《行政许可法》,下面说法正确的是: ___。
A. 县卫生局的做法虽然不合理,但是在其自由裁量权之内
B. 公司只需向县卫生局申请注册地址变更,名称无需卫生局审批
C. 医院的名称须经县卫生局批准,但卫生局不予批准的理由不成立
D. 县卫生局的行为完全合法
A. 指定传染病医院
B. 母要保健专项许可
C. 医疗机构执业注册
D. 公共场所卫生许可
李某违法应处罚款,某法律规定应处500至1000元的罚款。根据《行政处罚法) 27条规定,李某具有从轻或减轻处罚的情形,某行政机关给予李某500元罚款的行政处罚,这是适用了___
A. 减轻处罚
B. 从轻处罚
C. 适当处罚
D. 较轻处罚
A. 一般程序
B. 简易程序
C. 听证程序
D. 特殊程序
A. 上岗前职业健康检查
B. 应急职业健康检查
C. 离岗时职业健康检查
D. 在岗时职业健康检查
A. 罚款、处分、停业整顿、吊销卫生许可证
B. 警告、罚款、没收、吊销卫生许可证
C. 警告、罚款、停业整顿、吊销卫生许可证
D. 警告、公示、停业整顿、吊销卫生许可证
A. 责令限期改正
B. 警告,处罚800元
C. 警告,处罚3000元
D. 处罚3000元
A. 卫生管理制度
B. 危害健康事故应急预案
C. 卫生检测结果
D. 卫生监督抽检结果
A. 医疗机构主要负责人
B. 手术医师
C. 病区主任
D. 卫生计生行政部门负责人
A. 1/4以上
B. 1/2以上
C. 2/3以上
D. 3/4以上
A. 暂停6-9个月医疗执业活动
B. 暂停3个月医疗执业活动
C. 暂停12个月医疗执业活动
D. 给予警告
A. 六个月内
B. 三个月内
C. 60日内
D. 45日内
A. 以子女出生前一年市统计局公布的居民年人均可支配收入为基数
B. 以子女出生当年市统计局公布的居民年人均可支配收入为基数
C. 以子女出生前一年市统计局公布的城镇居民年人均可支配收入为基数
D. 以子女出生前一年市统计局公布的农村居民年人均可支配收入为基数
下列哪种产品不属于水质处理器? ___
A. 反渗透膜
B. 超滤净水器
C. 离子交换装置
D. 紫外线消毒器
按照《病原微生物实验室生物安全管理条例》规定,新建、改建或者扩建一级、二级实验室,应当向以下哪个部门备案? ___
A. 省级卫生行政部门
B. 设区的市级卫生行政部门
C. 省级疾病预防控制中心
D. 省级卫生监督部门
A. 鼠疫,艾滋病
B. 鼠疫、霍乱
C. 霍乱、艾滋病
D. 鼠疫、炭疽
A. 三级整形外科医院
B. 设医疗美容科或整形外科的三级综合医院
C. 设麻醉科及医疗美容科或整形外科的门诊部
D. 美容医院
A. 警告
B. 行政拘留
C. 责令停产停业
D. 吊销许可证或者执照
E. 较大数额罚款等行政处罚
A. 程序
B. 标准
C. 规范
D. 政策
E. 制度
A. 不满14周岁的人有违法行为的
B. 精神病人在不能辨认或不能控制自己行为时有违法行为的
C. 当事人承认有违法行为的
D. 违法行为轻微并及时纠正,没有造成危害后果的
A. 主动消除或者减轻违法行为危害后果的
B. 保障和监督行政机关有效实施行政管理
C. 保护公民,法人或者其他组织的合法权益
D. 维护公共利益和社会秩序
A. 有明确的违法行为人或者危害后果
B. 有来源可靠的事实依据
C. 属于卫生行政处罚的范围
D. 属于立法机关管辖
E. 受他人威胁有违法行为的
A. 公民、法人或者其他组织能够自主决定的
B. 市场竞争能够有效调节的
C. 行业组织能够自律管理的
D. 中介机构能够自律管理的
E. 行政机关采用事后监管等其他行政管理方式能够解决的
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
6 During the weeks of discussion,delegations
from groups who are interested in the
Resolution may call on representatives to
( ) their point of view.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
7 Plato was a superb writer,and his works are
Part of the world’s great literature.Most of
His existing work is ( )Dialogs and letters.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
8 Young people should enter into a broad
Flexible training program,through which
They can learn a lot and be ( ) their future careers.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
9 The young man is very happy and proud to
be ( ) the old professor because he always feeIs great when talking With him.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession
10 One day they passed more than 20 villages ( ),and some of these are Said to have stretched for six miles or more.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
7 Being asingle parent,there is no way for her
to ( ) the time and energy she has
devoted to her children for the past 10 years.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
8 It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main ( ) teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
9 We all know the dangers of an earthquake: the ( ) to buildings,the troubles can be caused by falling trees,and the terror occurs when the earth actually opens uip.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
10 Not until recently have we realized that the increasing world population may lead to a potential gloomy ( ) for humanity starvation.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
2 It is the development strategy/of the company to ( ) its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
3 Nearly six million people go to see the Mona
Lisa every year,attracted by the ( )of her smile.When you're not lodking at her, she seems to be smiling;when you look at her,she stops.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
4 To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain ( )into its culture.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
5 There is a real need to ( ) academic
achievement in schools and help with the
development of a student's overall character.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote
mystery destruction analysis insight barrier
6 Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew
from his imagination rather than from( ),
reason and language.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
1 When the police caught up with him, Mr.Foster had to [ ] that he'd broken the speed limit.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
2 Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don't agree with, I tell him what I really think, though it's [ ] to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
3 As can be probably perceived, a manned tip to Mars may soon[ ] since scientists have achieved the manned moon mlssion
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate,
lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently
4 A number of countries are [ ]their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
She authorizcd her partner to carry out daily responsibllitles [ ]when she was on her business trip
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
On hering the latest news about your mother's ill health, I [ ]canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not[ ] the general discontent.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes[ ]tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, orgrief was difficult to tell.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
Rose knows that continuous letters fromJohn, together with countless roses are aimedat making her[ ]him.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
[ ]public school for drinking and smoking and then failing inshow business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about
The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
1When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were muchvmore willing to [ ] solutions to the problems.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
2 A strong police force has been placed between the two [ ]group in the village to prevent fighting and killing.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
3 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in [ ] innovative acts cannotbe.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
4Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been [ ] in today's society___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
5 Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21stcentury and their [ ] birth rates have also posed problems___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
6 She didn't want to marry him and was [ ] against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
7 The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to [ ] his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
8 To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and [ ]providing me with a new and different perpective on the world in which we live.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
9 People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution notonly affects everyone's health but also makesit difficult for businesses to [ ].___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice ,
profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate
10 Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to [ ]the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from ,
impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around
1Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family [ ]him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from ,
impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around
2The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot [ ] purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from ,
impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around
3 Please don't forget the Tourist Guide , which should [ ] when you travel to different places in Asia And Europe for the next few weeks.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from ,
impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around
4 These people living in this area are still [ ] their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering many questions.___