(32969)发电车装在侧墙上的旋风式过滤器,对其作用不正确的说法是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 进气通道的首端
B. 过滤进气中的大颗粒杂质
C. 过滤进气中的水滴
D. 增加进气中的含氧量
(32970)对发电车的柴油机排烟口的防雨帽,要经常检查,一旦出现( )情况时,要立即检修。(1.0分)___
A. 打开时能自动落下
B. 打开时不能自动落下
C. 转动很灵活
D. 密封严实
(32971)发电车的柴油机进气装置中,空气流动方向正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 进气风道→旋风式过滤器→空气滤清器→增压器→中间冷却器
B. 旋风式过滤器→进气风道→增压器→空气滤清器→中间冷却器
C. 旋风式过滤器→进气风道→空气滤清器→中间冷却器→增压器
D. 旋风式过滤器→进气风道→空气滤清器→增压器→中间冷却器
(32972)发电车的备用机油箱的容量是( )L。(1.0分)___
A. 80
B. 90
C. 100
D. 110
(32973)发电车机油供装置中,通常装有( )。(1.0分)___
A. 一台机油泵
B. 二台机油泵
C. 一台手摇机油泵
D. 没有机油泵,用人工领来机油倒入机油箱中
(32974)发电车的机油供给装置的作用是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 贮存机油备用
B. 贮存废机油
C. 为了“B”级保养时排机油方便
D. 为了在“B”级保养中,自动换机油
(32975)发电车机房内,烟火报警传感器不能探测到的火灾隐患因素的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 烟雾
B. 高温
C. 火焰
D. 适量一氧化碳
(32976)发电车的烟火报警器具有下列正确的功能的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 能检测到烟雾、高温、火焰气体
B. 报警时,有时间记忆
C. 可以进行手动报警
D. 一旦有少量火灾隐患时,可自动喷撒灭火剂
(32977)发电车的烟火报警器正常工作时的电源供给,正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 烟火报警器主机自带电源
B. 发电车提供的交流380V电源
C. 发电车提供的交流220V,或直流48V电源
D. 发电车提供的直流24V电源
(32978)发电车烟火报警器下列正确的工作原理图是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 火患源→烟火报警器探头→输入回路→声光报警器→输出回路→消防联动灭火设备或报警、记录广播单元
B. 烟火报警器探头→火患源→输入回路→声光报警器→输出回路→消防联动灭火设备或报警、记录广播单元
C. 火患源→烟火报警器探头→声光报警器→输入回路→输出回路→消防联动灭火设备或报警、记录广播单元
D. 火患源→烟火报警器探头→声光报警器→输入回路→输出回路→消防联动灭火设备或报警、记录广播单元
(32979)TCDS不能监控的下列因素的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 空调故障
B. 基础制动系统故障
C. 发电车燃油不足
D. 客车事故
(32980)TCDS实现远程监控报警时,下列( )不是必备的环节。(1.0分)___
A. 无线通讯装置
B. 地面数据管理专家
C. 车辆乘务员
D. 局域网
(32981)TCDS对主要行车故障进行实时监控时,下列( )不是其中的功能之一。(1.0分)___
A. 实时监测诊断
B. 记录和存储
C. 集中显示和报警
D. 进行故障消除
(32982)TCDS实时监控数据不包括的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 客车状态数据
B. 故障特征参数
C. 分析数据
D. 发电车柴油机运行数据
(32983)TCDS的主要功能中,不能通过GPRS发送的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 车辆故障和报警事件
B. 报警和故障的定时通报
C. 列车的GPS定位信息
D. 车辆乘务员当班饮酒
(32984)TCDS实时数据传输流程正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. GPRS实时数据→移动公网→铁路局网络安全传输平台→铁路局5T双机服务器→车辆段双机服务器
B. GPRS实时数据→铁路局网络安全传输平台→移动公网→铁路局5T双机服务器→车辆段双机服务器
C. GPRS实时数据→铁路局网络安全传输平台→铁路局5T双机服务器→移动公网→车辆段双机服务器
D. GPRS实时数据→移动公网→车辆段双机服务器→铁路局网络安全传输平台→铁路局5T双机服务器
(32985)在接触器的电磁机构中,下列( )不是其组件之一。(1.0分)___
A. 电磁线圈
B. 铁芯
C. 衔铁
D. 触头
(32986)在接触器的组成中,下列( )不全是其组成结构。(1.0分)___
A. 电磁机构、脱扣器、灭弧装置、辅助触头、外壳、支架
B. 电磁机构、触头、灭弧装置、辅助触头、外壳、支架
C. 电磁机构、触头、灭弧装置、复位螺钉、外壳、支架
D. 电磁机构、触头、报警装置、辅助触头、外壳、支架
(32987)自动空气断路器中,下列( )不是其组件之一。(1.0分)___
A. 触点系统
B. 电磁线圈
C. 灭弧系统
D. 脱扣机构
(32988)继电器进行工作时,下列( )不是其必须完成的工作程序。(1.0分)___
A. 感测机构把感测的电气量或非电气量传递给中间机构
B. 感测量与整定值比较
C. 发出报警信号
D. 感测量达到整定值时,中间机构执行接通或断开的动作
(32989)有关继电器结构和功能,其不正确的说法是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 继电器的感测机构能对许多种电气量或非电气量进行感测,因而其应用范围很宽
B. 继电器的感测机构可以感测许多种非电气量,但执行的动作可以是接通或断开电路
C. 继电器的感测机构感测电气量因素时,执行的动作不会是接通或断开电路
D. 继电器的感测机构感测电气量或非电气量变化时,必须进行比较后达到整定值时,中间机构才执行动作
(32990)在继电器的作用中,下列( )不是其作用之一。(1.0分)___
A. 扩大控制范围
B. 放大
C. 直接接通或断开三相电路
D. 综合信号
(32991)电测量指示仪表执行测量任务时,下列( )不是其中的功能之一。(1.0分)___
A. 测量线路把被测量转换成测量机构可以接受的过渡量
B. 过渡量与给定值进行比较
C. 测量机构把过渡量转换为指针的角度位移
D. 指针指向相应的数值刻度
(32992)发电车康明斯柴油机配电盘上转速调整按钮可调额定转速( )转。(1.0分)___
A. ±200
B. ±150
C. ±100
D. ±50
(32993)发电车康明斯柴油机当冷却水温超过( )℃时,柴油机就会出现报警停车。(1.0分)___
A. 96
B. 100
C. 106
D. 116
(32994)发电车康明斯柴油机,下列( )不属其保护范围。(1.0分)___
A. 低油压
B. 超速
C. 短路
D. 过载
(32995)发电车康明斯柴油机启机升速后,电磁阀的供电过程正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 运行开关CD→高水温保护继电器→超速板→低油压保护继电器→停车电磁阀
B. 运行开关CD→超速板→高水温保护继电器→低油压保护继电器→停车电磁阀
C. 运行开关CD→高水温保护继电器→低油压保护继电器→超速板→停车电磁阀
D. 运行开关CD→低油压保护继电器→超速板→高水温保护继电器→停车电磁阀
(32996)发电车康明斯柴油机启机正确的操作过程是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 合上电源开关→试报警→开电锁钥匙→将“运行”开关推至A-B,C-D均接通位→接通启机开关
B. 合上电源开关→试报警→开电锁钥匙→接通启机开关→将“运行”开关推至A-B,C-D均接通位
C. 试报警→合上电源开关→开电锁钥匙→将“运行”开关推至A-B,C-D均接通位→接通启机开关
D. 合上电源开关→开电锁钥匙→将“运行”开关推至A-B,C-D均接通位→试报警→接通启机开关
(32997)发电车启动柴油机过程中,正确的操作是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 当柴油机启动困难时,可通过多次启机试验,查找故障根源
B. 柴油机启机正常后,启动锁钥匙保持在接通位
C. 启机之前,进行试报警
D. 启机时,保持“点火开关”接通3到5分钟时间
(32998)发电车报警保护电路中,属于一个报警电路的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 过流预报警、过流脱扣报警、逆功率脱扣报警、绕组高温报警、低油位报警
B. 超速报警、过流脱扣报警、逆功率脱扣报警、绕组高温报警、高水温报警
C. 过流预报警、过流脱扣报警、逆功率脱扣报警、绕组高温报警、高水温报警
D. 过流预报警、过流脱扣报警、逆功率脱扣报警、烟雾报警、高水温报警
(32999)发电车出乘前日常保养中,对蓄电池的标准要求不正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 表面清洁,无硫化、漏液
B. 配线无老化、龟裂
C. 接线端子无氧化、锈蚀、腐蚀
D. 电解液面高出隔板10~20mm
(33000)发电车柴油机进气道中的空气阻尼指示器显红色时,说明( )。(1.0分)___
A. 气缸进气阻力小
B. 气缸进气阻力大
C. 气缸进气中有水分
D. 气缸进气干净、充分
(33001)柴油机更换燃油滤清器,正确的做法是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 松开旧滤清器时,应面向滤清器口逆时针用力拧
B. 更换滤清器过程中,需打开上油箱至该机油阀
C. 将旧滤清器的密封垫取出,重复利用
D. 更换滤清器后,需将油管、滤清器内空气排干净
(33002)发电车柴油机更换机油滤清器时,操作不正确的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 将新机油滤清器加满机油
B. 在新机油滤清器垫圈表面上涂一层薄薄的机油
C. 拧紧机油滤清器时,应面向滤清器口顺时针拧
D. 清理废弃滤清器及地板机油
(33003)发电车康明斯柴油机更换水滤器时,正确的操作步骤是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 拆下水滤器→关闭水滤器座上的冷却液截止阀→安装新的水滤器→将冷却液截止阀打开→清理废弃水滤器和各处积水
B. 关闭水滤器座上的冷却液截止阀→拆下水滤器→安装新的水滤器→将冷却液截止阀打开→清理废弃水滤器和各处积水
C. 关闭水滤器座上的冷却液截止阀→拆下水滤器→将冷却液截止阀打开→安装新的水滤器→清理废弃水滤器和各处积水
D. 关闭水滤器座上的冷却液截止阀→拆下水滤器→安装新的水滤器→清理废弃水滤器和各处积水→将冷却液截止阀打开
(33004)发电车康明斯柴油机更水滤清器时,不合乎标准的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 新水滤器密封垫圈上涂一层薄薄的机油
B. 旋紧水滤器时,垫圈刚刚碰到滤清器座表面,然后再将水滤器旋紧半圈至四分之三圈
C. 关闭水滤器座上的冷却液截止阀
D. 起机检查柴油机运转良好,水滤器无渗漏
(33005)发电车康明斯柴油机更换空气滤清器正确的操作步骤是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 拆下底盖固定在滤清器壳上的蝶形螺母→拆下底盖→从中心螺栓上拉下滤芯→从滤清器壳的出口端拆下密封垫→逆序安装新的空气滤芯→复位空气阻力器
B. 拆下底盖固定在滤清器壳上的蝶形螺母→拆下底盖→从中心螺栓上拉下滤芯→从滤清器壳的出口端拆下密封垫→复位空气阻力器→逆序安装新的空气滤芯
C. 拆下底盖固定在滤清器壳上的蝶形螺母→拆下底盖→逆序安装新的空气滤芯→从中心螺栓上拉下滤芯→从滤清器壳的出口端拆下密封垫→复位空气阻力器
D. 拆下底盖→拆下底盖固定在滤清器壳上的蝶形螺母→从中心螺栓上拉下滤芯→从滤清器壳的出口端拆下密封垫→逆序安装新的空气滤芯→复位空气阻力器
(33006)发电车康明斯柴油机更换空气滤清器,下列不合乎标准的是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 拆卸底盖和空气滤芯时应将它们直接拉出来
B. 安装新的空气滤芯时,要对准,且慢慢安装
C. 将密封垫涂加机油
D. 更换空气滤清器后,将空气阻力指示器复位至绿色
(33007)对发电车康明斯柴油机的空气滤清器,正确的说法是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 空气滤清器不能重复利用
B. 空气滤清器能过滤掉空气中的灰尘和杂质
C. 空气滤清器对空气流通的阻力要大
D. 空气滤清器要耐高温
(33008)发电车加注防冻液,正确的操作步骤是( )。(1.0分)___
A. 停机,关闭膨胀水箱至机组的总水阀,排尽膨胀水箱的水→启动一台机组,开动应急水箱的水泵或使用手摇泵将防冻液抽到膨胀水箱内→将防冻液倒入冷却塔下的应急补水箱→加注完毕启动三台机组运转30分钟,使冷却水与防冻液充分混合
B. 停机,关闭膨胀水箱至机组的总水阀,排尽膨胀水箱的水→将防冻液倒入冷却塔下的应急补水箱→加注完毕启动三台机组运转30分钟,使冷却水与防冻液充分混合→启动一台机组,开动应急水箱的水泵或使用手摇泵将防冻液抽到膨胀水箱内
C. 将防冻液倒入冷却塔下的应急补水箱→启动一台机组,开动应急水箱的水泵或使用手摇泵将防冻液抽到膨胀水箱内→停机,关闭膨胀水箱至机组的总水阀,排尽膨胀水箱的水→加注完毕启动三台机组运转30分钟,使冷却水与防冻液充分混合
D. 停机,关闭膨胀水箱至机组的总水阀,排尽膨胀水箱的水→将防冻液倒入冷却塔下的应急补水箱→启动一台机组,开动应急水箱的水泵或使用手摇泵将防冻液抽到膨胀水箱内→加注完毕启动三台机组运转30分钟,使冷却水与防冻液充分混合
(33009)当发电车的冷却水中,水的比例是70%、酒精的比例是30%时,此时冷却水的防冻剂冰点的极限温度是( )℃。(1.0分)___
A. -5
B. -10
C. -12
D. -20
What configuration option would ensure that a virtual NUMA topology is defined on VMs having more than eight virtual CPUs?___
A. cupid.coresPerSocket
B. numa.vcpu.followcorespersocket
C. numa.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode
D. numa.vcpu.min
What is the minimum disk space required to deploy vSphere Data Protection (VDP) with 8 TB configuration?___
A. 4 TB
B. 16 TB
C. 8 TB
D. 12 TB
What advanced option for vSphere HA defines a maximum number of reset attempts by VMCP for a virtual machine?___
A. das.maxterminates
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. das.maxresets
D. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
What vSphere technology enables the administrator to ensure consistent configuration at scale?___
A. PowerCLI
B. Host Profiles
C. esxcli
D. vSphere Web Client
Which port is used for vSphere HA agent-to-agent communication?___
A. 443
B. 8182
C. 22
D. 902
Which log file would assist in identifying an issue that occurred during the database export phase of a vCenter Server upgrade process?___
A. vcdb_import.out
B. export.json
C. export-upgrade-runner.log
D. vcdb_export.out
Bidirectional CHAP is support by which storage initiator?___
A. software FCoE HBA
B. Fibre Channel HBA
C. independent hardware iSCSI HBA
D. dependent hardware iSCSI HBA
What is a pool of raw storage capacity that a storage system can provide to Virtual Volumes?___
A. protocol endpoint
B. storage container
C. storage provider
D. datastore
vSphere 6.5 DRS is now Network-Aware. Based on network utilization, when will DRS balance VMs?___
A. DRS will balance VMs when a network resource pool is configured for VMs.
B. DRS will balance VMs when Network I/O Control is enabled.
C. DRS will place VMs on initial boot for hosts that have network utilization lower that the threshold.
D. DRS will vMotion VMs when network utilization is higher than the threshold on a particular host.
A scripted upgrade of ESXi fails due to an incorrect parameter in the upgrade script. What file must the administrator modify to correct the problem?___
A. vmreconfig.pl
B. hostinfo.pl
C. ks.cfg
D. boot.cfg
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machine VM2. If a user is a member of group A and B, what action can the user perform?___
A. Suspend VM2.
B. Power off VM1.
C. Power on and power off VM1.
D. Power on and power off VM2.
The networking team has requested to have a dedicated network for iSCSI traffic. This task has been assigned to the vSphere Administrator. What is the VMware-recommended way to accomplish this?___
A. Configure Static Routes on each ESXi Server.
B. Configure the right subnet.
C. Create a custom IP Stack.
D. Define a dedicated gateway for the iSCSI vmkernel.
To prevent possible failures or issues during a vSphere upgrade, which component should be upgraded first?___
A. ESXi Hosts
B. virtual machines
C. datastores
D. vCenter Server
What is the command for updating an ESXi host?___
A. esxcli software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
B. esxupdate software update –d”/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
C. esxcli software update –d “/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
D. esxupdate software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
A vSphere Administrator would like to identify which physical NUMA node their virtual machine is currently residing on. What esxtop metric would provide this information?___
A. GST_ND[x]
B. OVD_ND[x]
How can a vSphere administrator ensure that two virtual machines never run on the same datastore in a datastore cluster, while permitting the VMs to be load-balanced?___
A. Use an Intra-VM Anti-Affinity Rule.
B. Configure a storage DRS VM override.
C. Disable storage
D. RS for the VMs.
What is the VMware-recommended way to move a physical adapter out of Network I/O Control’s scope?___
A. Set the teaming policy to “Route Based on Physical NIC Load.”
B. Add the vmnic to the Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit parameter in Advanced System Settings.
C. Add the vmnic to the Net.IOControlPnicOptOut parameter in Advanced System Settings.
D. Move the vmnic to a different vmUplink port on the Distributed Switch.
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. If a user is a member of Groups A and B, what will be the user’s effective permission on VM1 and VM2?___
A. Power on
B. Power off.
C. Power on and Power off.
D. Reset.
Group 1 is granted console interaction on a VM folder. User 1 is granted no console interaction on the same VM folder. What will be the outcome if User 1 tries to access the console of a virtual machine?___
A. User 1 will not be able to access the virtual machines in the VM folder.
B. User 1 will not have access to the virtual machine console.
C. User 1 will have access to the virtual machine console.
D. User 1 will have console access only via the vSphere Web Client.
Which statement is true regarding the use of VMFS3 datastores with vSphere 6.5?___
A. VMFS3 datastores can be used but not created.
B. VMFS3 datastores can be neither used nor created.
C. VMFS3 datastores will be present but unmounted.
D. VMFS3 datastores can be created and used.
In the Exhibit, each VM has a 1GHz non-expandable reservation. If all VMs are powered on in sequence, what would be the outcome?___
A. VM4 cannot be powered on.
B. VM5 cannot be powered on.
C. VM6 cannot be powered on.
D. VM3 cannot be powered on.
vSphere 6.5 introduced MAClearning capabilities for VMware’s virtual switches. What three benefits will it provide? (Choose three.)___
A. Reduced memory consumption.
B. Reduced consumption of extra CPU cycles.
C. Increased network throughput.
D. Prevent packet flooding inside the vSwitch.
What is the default pathing policy for most active-active arrays?___
A. Fixed
B. Most Recently Used
C. Dynamic
D. isk Morroring
Which command will show the iSCSI sessions on a ESXi 6.5 host?___
A. esxcli storage iscsi session get
B. esxcli iscsi session get
C. esxcli storage iscsi session
D. esxcli iscsi session list
Which of the following is not a parameter for traffic filtering or marking?___
A. virtual port ID
B. Protocol
C. Traffic Direction
D. DSCP value
E. Traffic redirection
A vSphere administrator wants to enable a virtual machine with Secure Boot, but in VM setting, Secure Boot option was not found under Boot Options. What could be the cause?___
A. The virtual hardware is not compatible.
B. The virtual machine has missing drivers.
C. The virtual machine OS does not support secure boot.
D. VMware Tools is not upgraded.
A virtual machine is connected on a distributed port group where the average bandwidth configured in the traffic shaping policy is 100 Mbps. The VM network adapter is configured with a reservation of 200 Mbps. What is the VM’s effective bandwidth?___
A. 200 Mbps
B. 100 Mbps
C. 150 Mbps
D. 400 Mbps
What are two reasons why a datastore in a Storage DRS cluster cannot enter maintenance mode?(Choose two.)___
A. Storage latency is too high to allow Storage DRS initiate Storage vMotion.
B. Storage DRS is configured for a VMFS3 datastore.
C. Storage
D. RS is disabled on the virtual disk.
What two methods are used to configure VMware vSphere Storage I/O Control shares and limits? (Choose two.)___
A. Assign shares and limits to VM virtual disks.
B. Assign shares and limits to datastores.
C. Assign shares and limits to Storage (DRS) clusters.
D. Assign shares and limits using VM storage policies.
ESXi 6.5 introduces VMFS6, which supports both 512e and 512n devices. What three configurations are supported when using these devices? (Choose three.) ___
A. Hosts with both 512e and 512n devices.
B. Storage vMotion between both 512e and 512n devices.
C. Datastore Extents spanned between both 512e and 512n devices.
D. Storage DRS clusters containing only both 512e and 512n devices.
A vSphere Administrator observes that the Primary VM configured with Fault Tolerance is executing slowly. After further investigation, it is determined that the Secondary VM is on an overcommitted ESXi host. What two methods will correct the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Use Storage vMotion to migrate the Secondary VM to another datastore.
B. Use vMotion to migrate the Secondary VM to a different ESXi host.
C. Configure a CPU limit on the Primary VM which will also apply to the Secondary VM.
D. Turn off and turn on FT in order to recreate the Secondary VM on a different datastore.
Which two features require the use of Host Profiles? (Choose two.)___
A. Host Customizations
B. shared storage
C. Auto
D. eploy
What three processes on the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) does“vmware-watchdog monitor? (Choose three.) ___
A. vmware-eam
B. vmcad
C. vmware-vpostgres
D. vpxd
E. vsan-health
What three processes on the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) does“vmware-watchdog monitor? (Choose three.) ___
A. vmware-eam
B. vmcad
C. vmware-vpostgres
D. vpxd
E. vsan-health
Which two statements correctly describe VM-Host affinity rules? (Choose two.) ___
A. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere DRS cluster, the rules are applied equally.
B. After creating a VM-Host affinity rule, its ability to function in relation to other rules is predetermined.
C. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere
D. RS cluster, the rules will be ranked.
An administrator wants to enable proactive HA by moving virtual machines automatically if a hardware alert is triggered. What are the three required settings? (Choose three.)___
A. Set vSphere DRS Automation to Partially Automated.
B. Turn on Proactive HA.
C. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Manual.
D. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Automated.
E. Turn on vSphere HA and vSphere DRS.
If vCenter Server 5.5 installation has one or more services deployed remotely, which three services are relocated to vCenter Server 6.5 on upgrade? (Choose three.)___
A. vCenter Inventory Services
B. vSphere Authentication Proxy
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere
E. SXi Dump Collector
What two debugging levels can a virtual machine be configured to? (Choose two.)___
A. Verbose
B. Debugging
C. Statistics
D. Trivia
What are three benefits of using a few large-capacity LUNs instead of many small-capacity LUNs? (Choose three.) ___
A. Better performance because there is less contention for a single volume.
B. More flexibility for resizing virtual disks.
C. Less wasted storage space.
D. More flexibility to create virtual machines without adding new LUNs.
E. Fewer VMFS datastores to manage.
Which two configurable options are available in Boot Options for a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Tools Upgrades
B. Encryption
C. Firmware
D. Force BIOS setup