It was not ___ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.
A. before
B. at
C. after
D. until
Young ___ he is, he knows how to get along with others.
A. like
B. as
C. although
D. however
Could you show me where the___ shoes are?
A. Women
B. womens
C. woman
D. women's
He succeeded ___ out a lot of things entirely new in the world.
A. in working
B. to work
C. working
D. at working
It took me a long time to ___ the disappointment of failing the exam.
A. get over
B. get up
C. get into
D. get down
She ___ 100 pages of the book today.
A. has already read
B. already reads
C. already read
D. was already read
He has been ___ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.
A. sad
B. satisfied
C. evil
D. joyful
One cannot learn a foreign language well ___he studies hard.
A. unless
B. if
C. as
D. when
A large number of people___ present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.
A. was
B. were
C. have
D. has
When the girls saw the funny man, they couldn't ___ laughing.
A. keep from
B. keep on
C. keep away
D. keep at
We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact ___ them.
A. at
B. on
C. from
D. with
This kind of plant___a lot of water at all times.
A. assumes
B. limits
C. produces
D. requires
Look! Here ___ the famous player.
A. comes
B. come
C. had come
D. coming
Uncle Sam sent him a___ bicycle as a birthday present.
A. red sports new
B. sports new red
C. new sports red
D. new red sports
I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary___.
A. anywhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. somewhere
The plane was about to___, and yet I left my ticket behind.
A. take off
B. take on
C. take up
D. take in
John succeeded ___ what he wanted.
A. to get
B. to getting
C. in getting
D. and getting
The accident was ___ to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because
With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read ___as they could the year before.
A. as twice fast
B. as fast as twice
C. as twice as fast
D. twice as fast
Some famous singers live on the ___from their record sales.
A. salary
B. price
C. bill
D. income
_____of them thinks that is a good idea.
A. Anyone
B. No one
C. None
D. Someone
Don't be too ___about things you're not supposed to know.
A. strange
B. amusing
C. curious
D. conscious
It was in 1969 ___the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. when
B. the moment
C. which
D. that
___people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.
A. Several million
B. Many millions
C. Several millions
D. Many million
He___less time reading stories about film stars than before.
A. takes
B. spends
C. costs
D. pays
Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology___so rapidly.
A. is changing
B. has been changed
C. will have changed
D. will change
The taxi driver always reminds passengers to ___their belongings when they leave the car.
A. keep
B. catch
C. hold
D. take
Little Tom is used to getting up ___eight every morning.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. of
If the doctor had been available, the child _______.
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
If Mary___shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.
A. will go
B. goes
C. went
D. has gone
These desks and chairs ___to the children in the mountain villages next week.
A. are sent
B. will send
C. have sent
D. will be sent
Every society has its own peculiar customs and ___of acting.
A. attitudes
B. behavior
C. ways
D. means
China is ___the Great Wall.
A. on
B. famous
C. famous for
D. famous as
The dog was tearing the cloth___its teeth.
A. with
B. by
C. through
D. in
A man should not be judged always ___what he says.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. to
We will have a ___holiday after the exam.
A. two month
B. two-month
C. two month's
D. two-months
Mr Wang is going to teach you maths ___one year.
A. with
B. on
C. for
D. to
The population of the earth ___increasing fast.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. have been
Mike is ___than Jack.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. less careful
D. more carefuler
There ___a basket ball match this afternoon.
A. is going to be
B. is going to have
C. is going to is
D. is going to has
Nobody ____to smoke in the cinema.
A. allow
B. allows
C. is allowed
D. are allowed
A. 呼吸深而慢
B. 吸气时间延长
C. 常伴高调哮鸣音
D. 呼吸频率增快.变浅
E. 常出现三凹征
A. 老年人
B. 青壮年
C. 少年
D. 新生儿
E. 婴幼儿
A. 早晨
B. 上午
C. 晚上
D. 饭前
E. 饭后
A. 青霉素
B. 大环内酯素
C. 喹诺酮类
D. 头孢菌素类
E. 氨基糖苷类
A. 患侧卧位
B. 仰卧位
C. 端坐位
D. 健侧卧位
E. 俯卧位
A. 氧气疗法
B. 辅助通气
C. 增加通气量
D. 建立通畅的气道
E. 纠正酸碱平衡失调
A. 清理呼吸道无效
B. 低效性呼吸型态
C. 睡眠型态紊乱
D. 活动无耐力
E. 焦虑
A. 营养失调
B. 恐惧
C. 知识缺乏
D. 有窒息的危险
E. 低效性呼吸型态
A. 体温高低
B. 血压变化
C. 咯血的性状
D. 患者神志
E. 有无窒息表现
A. 患侧锁骨中线第2肋间
B. 患侧腋中线第6肋间
C. 患侧锁骨中线第3肋间
D. 患侧肩胛下第7肋间
E. 患侧腋前线第6肋间
A. 支气管肺癌
B. 自发性气胸
C. 支气管扩张
D. 二尖瓣狭窄
E. 肺栓塞
A. 红细胞沉降率加快
B. 结核中毒症状
C. 痰中找到结核菌
D. 胸部X线显示阴影
E. 结核菌素试验阳性
A. 端坐呼吸,双肺底有水泡音
B. 呼气性呼吸困难,两肺有散在干.湿啰音
C. 吸气性呼吸困难,呼吸音减弱
D. 进行性加重的呼吸困难,活动后加剧
E. 呼气性呼吸困难,双肺布满哮鸣音
A. 间歇性呼吸困难
B. 永久性呼吸困难
C. 吸气性呼吸困难
D. 呼气性呼吸困难
E. 混合性呼吸困难
A. 3小时
B. 8小时
C. 12小时
D. 24小时
E. 48小时
A. 专人护理
B. 去枕平卧
C. 用热水袋
D. 保持输液通畅
E. 建立两条静脉通路
A. 白色粘痰
B. 棕褐色痰
C. 灰黑色痰
D. 铁锈色痰
E. 脓臭痰
A. 寒战.高热
B. 间断咳血
C. 咳大量脓臭痰
D. 白细胞总数及中性粒细胞增高
A. 眩晕.听力障碍
B. 末梢神经炎及肝损害
C. 胃肠道不适.尿酸血症
D. 粒细胞减少
E. 视力障碍
A. 肺性脑病
B. 窒息
C. 休克
D. 呼吸衰竭
E. 心力衰竭
A. 呼吸深快
B. 抽搐
C. 烦躁不安
D. 痰液黏稠不易咳出
E. 呼吸道通畅而呼吸表浅
A. 注射呼吸兴奋剂
B. 做环甲膜穿刺通气
C. 做气管插管
D. 给予面罩氧气吸入
E. 做人工呼吸
A. 大片肺组织的干酪样坏死
B. 炎症波及壁层胸膜
C. 肺结核病灶侵蚀血管
D. 直接侵犯了肋间神经
E. 炎症波及脏层胸膜
A. 肺源性心脏病
B. 支气管扩张
C. 支原体肺炎
D. 结核性胸膜炎
E. 肺间质瘤
A. 听神经损害
B. 视神经损害
C. 肝功能损害
D. 末梢神经炎
E. 肾功能损害
A. 重症营养不良
B. 机体反应较差
C. 需接种卡介苗
D. 患活动性结核病
E. 曾有结核菌感染
A. 急性心肌梗死
B. 慢性支气管炎急性发作
C. 自发性气胸
D. 支气管哮喘
E. 肋骨骨折
A. 取立位,呼气时尽力收腹,胸部不动
B. 吸气时手放于前胸部,抑制胸廓运动
C. 可配合训练缩唇呼气法
D. 用口吸气.用鼻呼气,要求缓慢深呼吸
E. 初学时,取半卧位,膝下垫小枕
A. 桶状胸
B. 触诊语颤增强
C. 胸部叩诊呈过清音
D. 心浊音界缩小
E. 听诊呼吸音减弱
A. 逐渐加重的呼吸困难
B. 长期反复感染而发热
C. 胸痛
D. 持续痰中带血
E. 痰量迅速增多
A. 诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)
B. 头孢类
C. 大环内酯类(红霉素)
D. 阿米卡星
E. 庆大霉素
A. 患侧卧位
B. 健侧卧位
C. 平卧位.头偏向一侧
D. 俯卧位
E. 仰卧位
A. 四环素
B. 利福平
C. 氧氟沙星(氟嗪酸)
D. 大环内酯类(红霉素)
A. 肺尖
B. 左肺上叶
C. 左肺下叶
D. 右肺上叶
E. 右肺下叶
A. 多饮水或输液
B. 祛痰.止喘
C. 吸氧
D. 选用对致病菌敏感的抗生素
E. 高热者用物理降温或给予小量退热剂
A. 鳞状上皮细胞癌
B. 小细胞未分化癌
C. 腺癌
D. 大细胞未分化癌
E. 细支气管-肺泡细胞癌
A. 呼吸衰竭
B. 心力衰竭
C. 心律失常
D. 出血
E. 休克
A. 体温降至正常后3天
B. 体温降至正常后1周
C. 体温降至正常后2周
D. 症状体征完全消失
E. X线示炎症阴影完全消失
A. 急性肺源性心脏病
B. 呼吸衰竭
C. 自发性气胸
D. 肺部急性感染
E. 慢性肺源性心脏病
A. 仰卧位
B. 俯卧位
C. 半卧位
D. 健侧卧位
E. 患侧卧位