A. 防火墙不能抵抗最新的未设置策略的攻击漏洞
B. 防火墙的并发连接数限制容易导致拥塞或者溢出
C. 防火墙对服务器合法开放的端口的攻击大多无法阻止
D. 防火墙可以阻止内部主动发起连接的攻击
A. 支持路由协议
B. 至少支持两个网络接口
C. 协议至少要实现到网络层
D. 具有存储转发和寻径功能
A. 循环路由器
B. 慢收敛
C. 路由器重起
D. 路由不一致
A. 子网掩码
B. 源地址
C. 目的网络地址
D. 下一跳地址
A. 序列号
B. 源端口
C. 确认号
D. 目标端口
A. ospf支持基于接口的报文验证
B. ospf支持到同一目的地址的多条等值路由
C. ospf是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议
D. ospf发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级
A. 链路状态是对路由的描述
B. 链路状态是对网络拓扑结构的描述
C. 链路状态算法本身不会产生自环路由
D. ospf和igrp都使用链路状态算法
A. 静态路由
B. 直接路由
C. 缺省路由
D. 动态路由
关于rip协议,下列说法正确的有 ___。(中)(消防通信网络与业务系统管理)
A. rip协议是一种igp
B. rip协议是一种egp
C. rip协议是一种距离矢量路由协议
D. rip协议是一种链路状态路由协议
A. 如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一目标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中。
B. 路由优先级与路由权值的计算是一致的
C. 路由权的计算可能基于路径某单一特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性。
D. 动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值来判断路由的好坏,并且每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的。
A. 速率适配
B. 子网协议转换
C. 七层协议转换
D. 报文分片与重组
A. 原端口号
B. 目的端口号
C. 原网络地址
D. 目的网络地址
A. 带宽占用少
B. 简单
C. 路由器能自动发现网络变化
D. 路由器能自动计算新的路由
A. 简单,易管理
B. 收敛速度快
C. 协议报文流量大
D. 需要为避免路由环路做特殊处理
OSPF 协议适用于基于IP 的___。(中)(消防通信网络与业务系统管理)
A. 大型网络
B. 中小型网络
C. 更大规模的网络
D. isp与isp之间
A. 离线式
B. 后备式
C. 在线式
D. △变换式
E. 在线互动式
A. 企业网
B. 公用网
C. 专用网
D. 调度网
E. 公安网
A. 天馈线
B. 收发信机
C. 避雷装置
D. 电源
E. 中继线
A. 机动化
B. 综合化
C. 个人化
D. 微型化及标准化
E. 大型化
A. 服务器
B. 路由器
C. 交换机
D. 操作系统
E. 数据库
A. 交、直流电流
B. 交、直流电压
C. 功率
D. 电阻
E. 灵敏度
A. 表头
B. 线路
C. 开关
D. 度盘
E. 扬声器
A. 灵敏度
B. 电源供给方式
C. 选择性
D. 输出功率
E. 调制度
A. 工作频率
B. 输出功率
C. 总效率
D. 频率稳定度
E. 灵敏度
A. 抗干扰能力强
B. 无噪声积累
C. 便于存储、处理和交换
D. 设备便于集成化
E. 便于加密处理
A. 可靠
B. 稳定
C. 大型
D. 高效率
E. 小型
A. 交流供电系统
B. 直流供电系统
C. 接地系统
D. 保护系统
E. 冷却系统
A. 主电路
B. 控制电路
C. 检测电路
D. 辅助电路
E. 保护电路
A. 方波输出
B. 正弦波输出
C. 不间断波形输出
D. 间断波形输出
E. 半波输出
A. 物理故障
B. 配置故障
C. 人为故障
D. 系统故障
A. IP承载网络
B. IP电话网关
C. IP电话网的管理设备
D. 传统电路交换网的接入部分
E. 程控交换机
A. 消防栓
B. 水源
C. 重点单位
D. 联动单位
A. 集中接警
B. 分散接警
C. 集中与分散接警
D. 后补
移动通信按工作方式分类可分为哪三种工作方式? ___ (易)(基础知识)
A. 单工
B. 半双工
C. 双工
D. 单双工
A. 待警
B. 接处警
C. 灾情处置
D. 监控管理
A. 3G单兵图像主机箱
B. 触摸显示屏
C. 无线遥控键盘
D. 车载云台摄像机
E. 麦克风
F. 3G单兵图传主机
G. 电池
A. 3G单兵图像主机箱
B. 触摸显示屏
C. 无线遥控键盘
D. 车载云台摄像机
E. 麦克风
F. 3G单兵图传主机
G. 锅状天线
H. 电池
A. 部局
B. 总队
C. 支队
D. 大(中)队
A. 根据传输的距离进行选择。
B. 根据提供的业务端口进行选择,业务端口包括音频、视频、网络、电话、E1、控制数据等。
C. 根据可用光纤的数量进行选择。有收发异芯和收发同芯等选择。
D. 根据网管功能的要求进行选择。
E. 根据安装方式进行选择。有机架式和独立式等。
A. 传输速率不同。
B. 传输距离不同。
C. 传输方式不同
A. 基础地图服务对接。
B. 业务图层数据共享。
C. 地图服务资源访问对接。
Which two statements are true for NFS v4.1 firewall behavior? (Choose two.)___
A. It closes port 2049.
B. It sets allowed. All flag to TRUE.
C. It sets allowed. All flag to FALSE.
D. It opens port 2049.
A vSphere Administrator attempts to enable Fault Tolerance for a virtual machine but receives the following error: Secondary VM could not be powered on as there are no compatible hosts that can accommodate it. What two options could cause this error? (Choose two.)___
A. The other ESXi host(s) are in Maintenance Mode.
B. Hardware virtualization is not enabled on the other ESXi host(s).
C. The other ESXi host(s) are in Quarantine Mode.
D. Hardware MMU is enabled on the other
E. SXi host(s).
Storage capabilities be populated in what two ways? (Choose two.)___
A. The administrator can use tags to describe capabilities.
B. Default capabilities are provided by vCenter Server.
C. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VAAI.
D. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VASA.
In network troubleshooting it is important to know what upstream switch the ESXi host is connected to. Which two features does ESXi provide to help identify the upstream switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Promiscuous mode
Virtual Volumes supports which three VMware features? (Choose three.)___
A. Instant Clones
B. Distributed Resource Scheduler
C. Linked Clones
D. vMotion
E. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler
vSphere DRS helps to balance virtual machines with available resources in a vSphere cluster. What three types of resources can be taken into account for balancing? (Choose three.)___
B. physical NIC saturation of an ESXi host
C. virtual NIC saturation of a virtual machine
E. storage latency
Which three design requirements must be satisfied to enable RAID-6 objects in a VMware vSAN cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. vSAN Advanced license or higher
B. vSAN stretched cluster
C. at least six hosts contributing storage
D. deduplication and compression
E. all flash configuration
When using "Cluster resource percentage" for host failover capacity in vSphere HA Admission Control, the total resource requirements are calculated from which two values? (Choose two.)___
A. Total vCPUs assigned to each VM.
B. Average CPU usage on each VM over time.
C. Memory reservations on each VM.
D. Total memory assigned to each VM.
E. Average active memory on each VM over time.
F. CPU reservations on each VM.
Which are four attributes of the Active vCenter HA node? (Choose four)___
A. It uses the vCenter HA network to communicate with the Witness node.
B. It constantly replicates vPostgres data with the Witness node.
C. It uses a public IP address for the management interface.
D. It runs the active vCenter Server Appliance instance.
E. It uses the vCenter HA network for replication of data to the Passive node.
F. It provides a quorum to protect against split-brain situations.
Which are two vCenter Server two-factor authentication methods? (Choose two.)___
A. RSA SecurID
B. Smart Card
D. Symantec VIP
An administrator is creating VMkernel adapters on an ESXi 6.5 host and wants to create separate VMkernel adapters for every type of traffic in the default TCP/IP stack. Which three types of traffic can be explicitly enabled on a separate VMkernel adapter? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual SAN traffic
B. NFS traffic
C. vMotion traffic
D. vSphere HA traffic
E. Fault Tolerance logging traffic
When migrating a Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which two will be migrated by default? (Choose two.)___
A. Local Windows OS users and groups
B. Configuration
C. Custom ports
E. Historical and Performance data
Which three types of Content Libraries exist within vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Content Library
B. Published Content Library
C. Local Content Library
D. Shared Content Library
E. Subscribed Content Library
An administrator cannot enable multi-processor Fault Tolerance (SMP-FT) for a virtual machine. Which are two possible causes for this? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is running on a vSAN datastore.
B. The Fault Tolerance network is using a 10Gbit uplink.
C. The virtual machine has 6 vCPUs assigned.
D. The virtual machine has a 1TB VMDK attached.
E. The virtual machine has snapshots present.
Which two statements are true for Predictive DRS? (Choose two.)___
A. It balances resource utilization for virtual machines with unpredictable utilization patterns.
B. It integrates DRS with vRealize Operations Manager to balance workloads for virtual machines before resource utilization spikes occur.
C. It balances resource utilization based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night.
D. It determines the best placement and balance of virtual machines based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night in vCenter Server 6.5 Database.
Which two situations could cause a virtual machine to appear with (orphaned) appended to its name? (Choose two.)___
A. if a host failover is unsuccessful
B. if a virtual machine was removed from vCenter Server's inventory
C. if a virtual machine was deployed from template, and the template has been deleted
D. if a virtual machine is unregistered directly on the host
Which three requirements are needed to apply RAID 5 or RAID 6 erasure coding on a vSAN 6.2 or 6.5 object? (Choose three.)___
A. on Disk Format 3.0
B. Hybrid vSAN
C. All Flash vSAN
D. vSAN Advanced License
E. Stretched Cluster Configurations
An administrator sees the following error in the log files: Which two events could be the source of the error message? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server failure
B. VXLAN failure
C. Disk array failure
D. Network failure
E. ESXi host failure
An administrator is attempting to access an ESXi host via the DCUI but is unable to do so. Which could be two possible causes? (Choose two.)___
A. The host in Qhas no out-of-band management capability (i.e. iLO/iDRAC).
B. The SSH service is disabled on the host.
C. Strict lockdown mode is enabled on the host.
D. Normal lockdown mode is enabled and the administrator is a member of the
E. xception User list.
Which two permissions are required to migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion? (Choose two.)___
A. Network > Move Network
B. Virtual Machine > Inventory > Move
C. Resource > Migrate powered on virtual machine
D. Datastore > Allocate Space
Which are three supported storage requirements for vCenter Server HA? (Choose three.)___
Which are the two network requirements for a VMware vSAN 6.5 cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Multicast must be enabled on the physical switches and routers that handle vSAN traffic.
B. vSAN requires IPv6 only.
C. All hosts must have a dedicated 40GbE NIC.
D. The vSAN network supported IPv4 or IPv6.
E. vSAN requires IPv4 only.
Which three prerequisites must be in place prior to enabling secure boot for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. VirtualMachine.Config.Settings privileges
B. an encrypted USB drive
C. Virtual Hardware version 13 or later
D. Virtual Hardware version 12 or later
E. EFI firmware
A user is given the "Virtual machine user (sample)" role in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which three permissions would the user be able to perform? (Choose three.)___
A. Reset a virtual machine.
B. Power on a virtual machine.
C. Move a host into a cluster.
D. Configure CD media.
E. Migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion.
Which three are supported upgrade processes for ESXi host? (Choose three.)___
A. using vSphere Auto Deploy
B. using a TFTP server
C. using Update Manager
D. using an
E. SXCLI command
When enabling Storage DRS on a datastore cluster, which three components are enabled as a result? (Choose three.)___
A. Space load balancing among datastore within the datastore cluster.
B. Initial placement for virtual disks based on space and I/O workload.
C. I/O load balancing among datastores within the datastore cluster.
D. Queue Depth alerting on disks within the datastore cluster.
E. Data de-duplication within the datastore cluster.
What are two features introduced in Network I/O Control version 3? (Choose two.)___
A. Bandwidth reservation per traffic type
B. Network resource pools
C. CoS tagging
D. Bandwidth guarantee to virtual machines
Which two correct virtual machine advanced configuration parameters will accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. isolation.device.edit.disable = “FALSE”
B. isolation.device.edit.disable = “TRUE”
C. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “FALSE”
D. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “TRUE”
Which three statements are correct regarding booting an ESXi Host from Fibre Channel SAN? (Choose three.)___
A. Direct connect topology is supported.
B. Each host must have its own boot LUN.
C. ESXi hosts do not require local storage.
D. Multipathing to a boot LUN on an active-passive array is supported.
E. Hosts can share one common boot LUN.
Which two tasks should a vSphere administrator perform if the vmkernel log reports VMFS metadata errors? (Choose two.)___
A. contact VMware technical support
B. reformat the datastore
C. check the device with VOMA
D. ignore the messages
Which two statements are true for a vCenterServer user account that is used for vSphere Data Protection (VDP)? (Choose two.)___
A. The user account must be assigned with Administrator role.
B. The password for the user account cannot contain spaces.
C. The user account should be created in the Single Sign-On domain
D. The user account cannot inherit required permissions from a group role.
Which three storage protocols are supported by Virtual Volumes? (Choose three.)___
D. NFS v3
E. NFS v4
A vSphere administrator observes a CPU spike on one of the web servers (view the Exhibit.) Which two statements can describe the cause of this activity? (Choose two.)___
A. The network packet size is too large.
B. VMware Tools is not installed.
C. Disk latency is present on the datastore.
D. The network packet size is too small.
Which three operations can cause VMFS metadata updates? (Choose three.)___
A. Restarting a VM using the guest OS.
B. Launching a VM console.
C. Migrating a VM with vMotion.
D. Powering a VM on or off.
E. Expanding a VMFS datastore.
*What two services run on all nodes in a vCenter Server HA cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. vmware-vmon
B. vmware-vpostgres
C. vmare-rbd-watchdog
D. vmware-vcha
Which two statements are true regarding Auto Deploy in version 6.5? (Choose two.)___
A. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via PowerCLI.
B. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Client.
C. Auto
D. eploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Web Client.
What three options can improve network performance for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
C. NetFlow
Which two storage technologies are supported for MSCS? (Choose two.)___
When upgrading a VMware vSAN cluster to version 6.5, which two tasks must be completed to comply with upgrade requirements and VMware-recommended best practices? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RVC to upgrade the hosts.
B. Use the latest available ESXi version.
C. Back up all VMs.
D. Use only the “Full data migration” maintenance mode option.
What two enhancements are in VMFS6 but not in VMFS5? (Choose two.)___
A. Support for 4k native disks
B. Support for 512e disks
C. GPT storage device partitioning
D. Automatic space reclamation