A. 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性的统一
B. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性的统一
C. 事物发展的量变和质变的统一
D. 事物发展的内因和外因的统一
A. 个人利益
B. 局部利益
C. 单位利益
D. 党和人民的利益
A. 求真务实
B. 实事求是
C. 密切联系群众
D. 解放思想
社会主义初级阶段的时间跨度是指< >。___
A. 中华人民共和国成立到社会主义现代化基本实现
B. 社会主义改造基本完成到社会主义现代化基本实现
C. 中华人民共和国成立到社会主义改造基本完成
D. 社会主义改造基本完成到实现发达的社会主义
《党章》规定,党员如果没有正当理由,连续< >不参加党的组织生活,或不交纳党费,或不做党所分配的工作,就被认为是自行脱党。___
A. 3个月
B. 6个月
C. 12个月
D. 24个月
预备党员的权利,除没有< >、选举权和被选举权以外,其他权利同正式党员一样。___
A. 申诉权
B. 控告权
C. 表决权
D. 选举权
党委对党支部上报的接受预备党员的决议一般应在< >内审批。___
A. 三个月
B. 四个月
C. 五个月
D. 半年
在党组织讨论决定对党员的党纪处分或作出鉴定时< >。___
A. 本人有权参加旁听
B. 本人有权参加和进行申辩
C. 本人有权参加和进行申辩,其他党员可以为其作证和辩护
D. 本人有权参加和进行申辩,其他党员不能为其辩护的会议
留党察看最长不超过< >。___
A. 1年
B. 2年
C. 3年
D. 4年
为国有企业改革、发展、稳定提供< >,是新形势下加强和改进党的建设的首要任务。___
A. 思想保证、政治保证和组织保证
B. 制度保证、思想保证和精神保证
C. 组织保证、人力保证和行动保证
D. 组织保证、制度保证和精神保证
企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、街道社区、社会团体、社会中介组织、人民解放军连队和其他基层单位,凡是有正式党员< >以上的,都应当成立党的基层组织。___
A. 三人
B. 四人
C. 五人
D. 六人
党组织讨论决定问题时,如果对重要问题发生争论,在特殊情况下,可将争论情况向上级组织报告,请求< >。___
A. 裁决
B. 指示
C. 建议
D. 决定
A. 不履行党员义务
B. 不行使党员权利
C. 不参加党的组织生活
D. 不做党分配的工作
《党章》规定,党的纪律是党的< >必须遵守的行为规则,是维护党的团结统一、完成党的任务的保证。___
A. 基层组织
B. 所有干部
C. 各级组织和全体党员
D. 领导干部
A. 国民党第一次全国代表大会的召开
B. 黄埔军校的建立
C. 北伐战争的开始
D. 中共三大
第一次国共合作全面破裂的标志是< >。___
A. 中山舰事件
B. 整理党务案
C. "四一二"政变
D. "七一五"政变
标志我国新民主主义革命开端的历史事件是< >。___
A. 辛亥革命
B. 六三运动
C. 五四运动
D. 中国共产党的成立
五四运动的直接导火线是< >。___
A. 新文化运动
B. 二十一条
C. 俄国十月革命
D. 巴黎和会上中国外交的失败
中国红色政权能够存在和发展的根本原因是< >。___
A. 政治经济发展不平衡
B. 国民革命的影响
C. 党的领导
D. 相当力量的正式红军
王明等人的"左"倾教条主义错误,对中国革命造成了极其严重的危害,其最大的恶果是< >。___
A. 使红军在第五次反"围剿"作战中遭到失败,不得不实行长征
B. 使红军和根据地损失了90%
C. 国民党统治区党的力量几乎损失了100%
D. 导致了国民革命的失败
< >从组织上确立了党对军队的绝对领导,为建立一支无产阶级领导下的新型人民军队奠定了基础。___
A. 井冈山会师
B. 工农武装割据
C. 三湾改编
D. 遵义会议
1931年日本帝国主义制造了侵略中国的< >。___
A. 九一八事变
B. 一二八事变
C. 七七事变
D. 八一三事变
A. 平型关战役
B. 雁门关战役
C. 阳明堡战役
D. 台儿庄战役
抗日民族统一战线初步形成的标志是< >。___
A. 中国共产党致国民党书
B. 国民党发表《国共合作宣言》
C. 国民党五届三中全会的召开
D. 西安事变和平解决
标志着中国由国内战争走向抗日民族解放战争的转折点的事件是< >。___
A. 三大主力红军会师
B. 西安事变的和平解决
C. 第二次国共合作的建立
D. 重庆谈判
1937年7月7日,< >事变爆发,全国抗日战争由此开始。___
A. 九·一八
B. 华北
C. 卢沟桥
D. 八·一三
A. 工人阶段同大资产阶级的矛盾
B. 农民阶级同地主阶段的矛盾
C. 中华民族同美帝国主义的矛盾
D. 中国人民同国民党反动派的矛盾
中国军队在抗战中取得的第一次大捷是< >。___
A. 台儿庄战役
B. 松沪会战
C. 平型关大捷
D. 百团大战
“三会一课”制度的内容是< >。___
A. 支部党员大会,党支部委员会,党小组会,党课
B. 支部党员大会,全体人员会,领导班子会,党课
C. 民主生活会,党支部委员会,党小组会,党课
D. 支部党员大会,党支部委员会,组织生活会,党课
“两聚一高”具体是指< >,高水平全面建成小康社会。___
A. 聚力发展、聚焦富民
B. 聚力创新、聚焦增收
C. 聚力创新、聚焦富民
D. 聚力发展、聚焦增收
实行党风廉政建设责任制,要坚持党委统一领导,< >,纪委组织协调,部门各负其责,依靠群众的支持和参与。___
A. 党政齐抓共管
B. 依纪依法办案
C. 政府主要负责
D. 专门机关监督
《关于实行党风廉政建设责任制的规定》中明确,党风廉政建设要与经济建设、< >、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设和业务工作紧密结合,一起部署,一起落实,一起检查,一起考核。___
A. 政治建设
B. 组织建设
C. 制度建设
D. 作风建设
党委(党组)应当将贯彻落实党风廉政建设责任制的情况,< >专题报告上一级党委(党组)和纪委。___
A. 每年
B. 每隔一年
C. 每季
D. 半年
中国共产党广东电网有限责任公司肇庆供电局第一次代表大会于< >召开,会议选举了< >名党委委员,< >名纪委委员。___
A. 5月14日,7,5
B. 5月12日,7,5
C. 5月14日,5,7
D. 5月12日,5,7
实事求是被确立为中国共产党的思想路线是在< >。___
A. 遵义会议
B. 延安整风时期
C. 党的十一届三中全会
D. 党的十一届四中全会
开辟新时期道路,开创建设中国特色社会主义新理论的宣言书是邓小平< >的讲话。___
A. 《完整准确地理论毛泽东思想》
B. 《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》
C. 《坚持四项基本原则》
四项基本原则是我们的< >。___
A. 立国之本
B. 立党之本
C. 执政之基
脱贫攻坚战取得决定性进展,< >贫困人口稳定脱贫,贫困发生率从百分之十点二下降到百分之四以下。___
A. 六千多万
B. 七千多万
C. 八千多万
D. 九千多万
< >是指导党和人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确理论。___
A. 中国特色社会主义道路
B. 中国特色社会主义理论体系
C. 中国特色社会主义制度
D. 中国特色社会主义文化
中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是< >,是中国特色社会主义的领导核心,代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。___
A. 中国各族人民的先锋队
B. 中国人民和中华民族的先锋队
C. 中国社会各阶层的先锋队
关于党费交纳的规定是< >。___
A. 所有党员都必须按规定交纳党费
B. 没有经济收入或交纳党费有困难的党员,有本人提出申请,经报上一级党委批准同意,可以少交或免交
C. 党费既不能多交,也不能不交
An administrator attempts to enable Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) on a cluster. The operation results in a compatibility error, as shown in the exhibit. What is the likely cause of this error? ___
A. The CPUs in the ESXi host are not AMD CPUs.
B. The CPUs in the ESXi host do not support hardware virtualization capabilities.
C. The XD/NX CPU features have not been enabled in the BIOS of the server.
D. There is no shared storage between the hosts in the cluster.
What condition would prevent an administrator from creating a new VMFS3 datastore on an ESXi 6.x host using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be created on an ESXi 6.x host.
B. The VMFS3 kernel module is not loaded.
C. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be mounted on an ESXi 6.x host.
D. VMFS3 datastores are not compatible with virtual machines created on an
E. SXi 6.x host.
During a new vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, where does the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value get modified? ___
A. Uplink Settings
B. Switch Settings
C. Portgroup Settings
D. NIC Teaming Settings
A small company wants to use VMware products for its production systems. The system administrator needs to recommend a solution that will deliver High Availability to the company's production applications. What is minimum vSphere offering that will support this requirement? ___
A. vSphere Essentials
B. vSphere Essentials Plus
C. vSphere Hypervisor
D. vSphere Standard
Which scenario shows a reason for VMware Tools failing to install? ___
A. Virtual machine has a CD-ROM configured.
B. Guest OS Antivirus is blocking the VMware Tools installation.
C. Guest OS has 64-bit ldd (list dynamic dependencies) utility installed.
D. Virtual machine is powered on.
An administrator is configuring an ESXi 6.x host to use multiple NICs to resolve a management network redundancy error. After configuring a second NIC, the server is not able to communicate when the primary connection is taken down. The administrator analyzes the Exhibit shown here. Based on the exhibit, what is the likely cause of the issue? ___
A. vmnic4 is not attached to a vSwitch.
B. vmnic2 is not connected to a physical switch.
C. E1000 is the incorrect NIC
D. river for this card.
What information is required as part of an interactive ESXi 6.x installation? ___
A. Keyboard layout
B. IP Address
C. Root password
D. DNS information
What is the default load balancing policy for a newly created VMkernel port on a vSphere Distributed Switch? ___
A. Route based on orginating virtual port ID
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on source mac address
D. Route based on physical NIC load
An administrator deploys vCenter Server using the embedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller. What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? ___
A. Deploy a fresh instance of vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller.
B. Perform a fresh install of an external Platform Services Controller.
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller.
Why are some virtual machines orphaned after rebooting a High Availability (HA) enabled host? ___
A. The Orphaned virtual machines have HA restart disabled.
B. The Orphaned virtual machines moved recently and the change did not persist.
C. The host is attached to failed storage.
D. The host just came out of maintenance mode.
Which vSphere 6 Standard Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An application running in a virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. When utilizing performance monitoring utilities, it is noted that the CPU Utilization of the application is at 100%. Which two scenarios are probable causes of the CPU contention for the application? (Choose two.)___
A. There is a network I/O constraint.
B. There is a storage I/O constraint.
C. There is insufficient disk space assigned to the virtual machine.
D. The application is not virtualization aware.
A Fault Tolerance (FT) virtual machine with four vCPUs is experiencing high latency when performing ICMP and Application tests. What are three potential causes that may be attributing to this latency? (Choose three.)___
A. The FT network has insufficient bandwidth and is running on a 1GB Link.
B. The FT network is on a particularly high latency link.
C. The FT network has been configured with Network I/O Control.
D. The FT virtual machine is running an e1000 network adapter.
E. The
F. T virtual machine is running on poor performing network-based storage.
A virtual machine is experiencing performance issues. The following performance metrics are observed: <CPU usage value for the virtual machine is above 90%> < CPU ready value for the virtual machine is above 20%> Which two activities will likely resolve the performance issues? (Choose two.)___
A. Set a CPU reservation for the virtual machine.
B. Increase the CPU limit on the virtual machine.
C. Decrease CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
D. Increase CPU shares equally for all virtual machines on the host.
An administrator is upgrading a vSphere Distributed Switch. The existing switch is version 6.0 and the administrator wants to upgrade to the latest version possible. The environment contains several ESXi 6.1 hosts. Which two options are available to ensure that the upgraded switch will be compatible with these hosts? (Choose two.)___
A. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 6.0
B. Upgrade the ESXi 5.5 hosts to version 6.0, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
C. Upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.1
D. Upgrade the
E. SXi host switches to 5.5, then upgrade the vSphere Distributed Switch to 5.5
An administrator attempts to create a Thick Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) on an NFS datastore; but it fails. Which two reasons would explain the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Datastore is on an NFS 3 storage server that does not support Hardware Acceleration
B. Datastore is on an NFS 4.1 storage server
C. Only VMFS datastores support "Thick Provisioned" VMDK
D. The NFS datastore was not created on a "Thick Provisioned" device
Which two NFS Protocol versions does vSphere 6 support? (Choose two.)___
A. Version 3
B. Version 3.1
C. Version 4
D. Version 4.1
Which three operations occur during a cold migration of a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. The virtual machine disks are moved if the datastore is being changed.
B. The virtual machine is registered with the destination server.
C. The source virtual machine is removed from the old hosts.
D. The virtual machine hardware is upgraded.
E. The virtual machine files are quiesced prior to the migration.
A 4 GB Memory virtual machine is experiencing extended memory issues, as shown in the Exhibit. What potential issues could be attributed to this memory pressure?___
A. A limit is imposed on the virtual memory of this virtual machine.
B. The Balloon driver has been uninstalled.
C. A limit has been imposed on the Virtual CPU of the virtual machine.
D. Storage IO control has been enabled for the virtual machine causing the swapped memory.
You are creating a virtual machine in the Web Client using the New Virtual Machine wizard. Which two steps are required? (Choose two.)___
A. Select a valid name.
B. Select a cluster for the compute resource.
C. Select a network adapter.
D. Select the virtual machine compatibility.
An administrator has been given requirements to configure vMotion for a new virtual machine. The configuration should: <Provide Network Redundancy Use VLAN 550> <Be secured against anyone trying to spoof communication The vSwitch1 configuration is shown in the Exhibit.> Which three changes should be made to meet the stated requirements? (Choose three.)___
A. The VLAN ID must be set appropriately.
B. The default values for MAC Address Changes and Forged Transmits must be altered.
C. The teaming and failover adapters must be set appropriately.
D. The Traffic Shaping configuration must be altered.
E. The Load Balancing Policy must be set appropriately.
Which three traffic types are available services options when configuring a vmkernel port? (Choose three.)___
A. Provisioning Traffic
B. Virtual Volumes Traffic
C. vSphere Replication NFC Traffic
D. Virtual SAN Traffic
E. FCoE Traffic
An administrator logs into the vSphere Web Client, but is unable to see any hosts and clusters. Which two options could fix the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that the client web browser and vCenter Server are in the same broadcast domain.
B. Verify that the vCenter Server system is registered with the same Platform Services Controller as the vSphere Web Client.
C. Log in to the vCenter Server as a user within the Active
D. irectory domain.
Which three VLAN Tagging modes are available in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. External Switch Tagging
B. Private VLAN Tagging
C. Virtual Switch Tagging
D. VXLAN Tagging
E. Virtual Guest Tagging
Which two statements are true about VMFS5 datastores on ESXi 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual Disk (VMDK) size can be larger than 2TB.
B. Datastore extent size can be larger than 2TB.
C. Only Physical Mode Raw
D. evice Map (Passthrough-RDM) can be larger than 2TB.
Which two statements are correct when turning off a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is maintained.
B. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is removed.
C. The affinity settings of the
D. RS cluster are removed and not maintained when DRS is re-enabled.
An administrator is creating a new Virtual SAN cluster on a Layer 2 network. There is an existing Virtual SAN cluster on the same Layer 2 network. Which two actions would allow the new Virtual SAN cluster to coexist with the older cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Change the default Multicast Address on the new Virtual SAN cluster.
B. Change the default Unicast Address on the new Virtual SAN Cluster.
C. Create a separate VLAN for each cluster.
D. Create an ARP Alias for the Virtual SAN VMkernel Network Adapter.
A vCenter Operations Manager 5.7 environment is upgraded to vRealize Operations. After the upgrade, the analytics services fail to start. Which three steps must be taken to resolve the problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Take the vRealize Operations cluster offline.
B. Delete the activity persistence files.
C. Bring the cluster back online.
D. Remove any unresponsive nodes.
E. Stop the CaSA service.
An organization has an ESXi 6.x host that contains two resource pools. The host is being relocated to a DRS cluster. What two actions can be taken to integrate the host into the cluster, and what would happen to the existing ESXi resource pool hierarchy as a result? (Choose two.)___
A. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
B. Create a resource pool for the ESXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
C. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
D. Create a resource pool for the
E. SXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
Which two parameters are required when adding an iSCSI target to an iSCSI Software Adapter using Dynamic Discovery? (Choose two.)___
A. The iSCSI device's IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
B. The Port Number
C. The iSCSI device's iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
D. The Default Gateway IP Address
Which two SMTP Notification Event Details are specific to alarms triggered by events? (Choose two.)___
A. User Name
B. Summary
C. Old Status
D. Target
Which two High Availability ___ Cluster admission control policies can help avoid resource fragmentation? (Choose two.)(AC)
A. Define failover capacity by static number of hosts
B. Define failover capacity by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources
C. Use dedicated failover hosts
D. Use Virtual Machine Monitoring
An attempt to enable vSphere Fault Tolerance for a powered-on virtual machine fails. Which two scenarios would result in this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine has three vCPUs configured.
B. The host on which the virtual machine is running has insufficient memory resources.
C. The virtual machine has insufficient resources to accommodate full reservation plus the overhead memory.
D. VMware High Availability is enabled on the cluster of which this host is a member.
A vApp template recently added to a Content Library is not displayed. Which two actions could correct this problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Manually synchronize the library
B. Select the Download all library content immediately option
C. Select the Sync subscribed library option
D. Manually download the vApp template
What are three valid disk configurations for the vSphere Data Protection 6.x Appliance? (Choose three.)___
A. 500GB
B. 1TB
C. 1.5TB
D. 2TB
E. 4TB
Which three connection types are available when configuring a vSwitch in the vSphere Web Client? (Choose three.)___
A. VMkernel Network Adapter
B. Physical Network Adapter
C. Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch
D. vMotion Network Adapter
E. vSAN Network Adapter
Which three features can be enabled for a new host cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling
B. High Availability
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Distributed Resource Scheduling
E. Virtual SAN
An administrator receives a report that no real time statistics are available for a virtual machine in the vCenter Server inventory. Which two statements indicate likely causes of the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is powered off.
B. The host containing the virtual machine is disconnected from vCenter Server.
C. There is insufficient real time data to display the information.
D. The vCenter Server service is not running.
Your manager has given you a bash script that retrieves data for ESXi 6.x host configurations. This data needs to be collected right after the installation of a host and must be run directly on the host. Which two actions can be used to run this script on an ESXi host? (Choose two.)___
A. Connect to the host with Ruby vSphere Console and run the script from there.
B. Enable SSH access from the Direct Console User Interface.
C. Enable the ESXi Shell from the
D. irect Console User Interface.
Which two are true about the Risk badge in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. The Risk badge indicates potential future problems that may degrade the performance of the system.
B. Risks may require attention in the near future.
C. The Risk badge indicates problems that are degrading performance of the system.
D. Risks require attention now to correct system performance problems.