A. 5~10个
B. 10-15个
C. 15~20个
D. 20~25个
E. 25~30个
A. 实验室检查
B. 腹部B超
C. 腹部X线平片
D. CT检查
E. 磁共振检查
A. 脑
B. 肝
C. 肺
D. 肾
E. 心脏
A. 健康权
B. 知情同意权
C. 姓名权
D. 医疗权
E. 隐私权
A. 雌激素
B. 孕激素
C. 黄体生成素
D. 卵泡刺激素
E. 雄激素
A. 阴道壁涂片
B. 宫颈刮片
C. 宫颈管涂片
D. 局部活组织检查
E. 宫颈诊断性锥切
A. 2~3个月
B. 4~6个月
C. 6个月至2岁
D. 3~6岁
E. 6~12岁
A. 组织缺氧
B. 代谢改变
C. 血压下降
D. 重要脏器受损
E. 微循环灌注不足
A. 过劳
B. 大量利尿
C. 使用镇静剂
D. 呼吸道感染
E. 使用支气管扩张剂
B. B超
C. X线腹部检查
D. 血常规检查
E. 血细菌培养
A. 有直接和间接压痛
B. 局部肿胀
C. 局部痛觉过敏
D. 局部皮下气肿
E. 局部瘀斑或皮下出血
A. 胚胎第2周
B. 胚胎第3周
C. 胚胎第4周
D. 胚胎第5周
E. 胚胎第6周
A. 直接损伤
B. 间接损伤
C. 肌肉牵拉
D. 积累损伤
E. 骨骼疾病
A. 急性腹泻
B. 急性膀胱炎
C. 急性乳腺炎
D. 急性上呼吸道感染
E. 急性子宫肌炎
A. 外1/3处
B. 外中1/3处
C. 内1/3处
D. 外1/2
E. 各种发生几率相通
A. 异位妊娠
B. 不孕症
C. 过度肥胖
D. 子宫内膜异位症
E. 寻找腹腔内异物
A. 遗传因素
B. 饮食原因
C. 幽门螺杆菌感染
D. 精神因素
E. 吸烟
A. 18~24℃
B. 20~24℃
C. 24~26℃
D. 16~24℃
E. 22~24℃
A. 10mmol/h
B. 20mmol/h
C. 30mmol/h
D. 40mmol/h
E. 50mmol/h
A. 饮食传播
B. 母婴传播
C. 血液传播
D. 体液传播
E. 医源性传播
A. 机体抵抗力与细菌毒力处于相持状态
B. 治疗不当
C. 人体抵抗力下降
D. 细菌毒力增大
E. 细菌变异
A. 严重的急性盆腔结缔组织炎、急性输卵管炎引起的
B. 分娩时产妇发生大出血,导致血容量急剧减少而休克引起的
C. 产时忽略了为产妇保暖,分娩时消耗大量能量,分娩后未能及时补足而体温降低引起的
D. 产后物理降温过度所引起的
E. 由外界环境温度低所引起的,常见于冬季分娩者
A. 适用于Ⅲ类环境的消毒
B. 消毒时人必须离开房间
C. 消毒完毕后人即可进入房间
D. 消毒时间为20分钟
E. 臭氧消毒与紫外线消毒有拮抗作用,不可同时使用
A. 研究医院感染的分布特点
B. 研究医院感染的影响因素
C. 探讨医院感染的发生规律
D. 制定预防及控制感染的对策
E. 控制和减少医院感染
A. 探视制度
B. 所患疾病的病因
C. 治疗原则
D. 饮食知识
E. 定期复查
A. 保持时间利用的间断性
B. 学会拒绝
C. 善于应用管理
D. 事事亲力亲为
E. 无需标准化消耗的时间
A. 对下属的影响具有强迫性
B. 影响力持久,可起到潜移默化的作用
C. 比较稳定,不随地位而变化
D. 下属信服、尊敬,激励作用大
E. 对下属态度和行为的影响起主导作用
A. 选定方案
B. 反馈
C. 评价方案
D. 制订辅助计划
E. 编制预算
A. 主观行为和客观行为
B. 主动行为和被动行为
C. 个人行为和社会行为
D. 本能行为和社会行为
E. 利他行为和利己行为
A. 目的明确
B. 经济性
C. 灵活性
D. 战略高度
E. 奖惩措施
A. 每天消毒一次
B. 每2天消毒一次
C. 每周消毒一次
D. 每周消毒二次
E. 每2周消毒一次
A. 环境感染
B. 交叉感染
C. 自身感染
D. 医源性感染
E. 不属于医院感染
A. 明确动机
B. 洞察需要
C. 满足需要
D. 满足未满足的需要
E. 分析需要
A. 你不知道糖尿病是不能吃甜食的吗?你不能再吃任何甜食了,不然你的糖尿病就不能控制了。
B. 你怎么这样不听话啊,不知道糖尿病是不能吃甜食的吗?
C. 我知道你很喜欢吃甜食,但如果你能想法控制一下对甜食的摄取,就符合糖尿病的饮食要求了。
D. 吃吧,吃吧,再吃你就没命了。
E. 知不知道自己的糖尿病多严重,还这么吃甜食,不要命了
A. 两种抗生素可溶于同一溶液中
B. 通常选用5%葡萄糖溶液滴注抗生素
C. 头孢呋辛采用连续给药的方法
D. 红霉素采取间歇给药的方法
E. 链霉素采取一日量一次性给药的方法
A. 实际工作量
B. 工作效率
C. 工作班次
D. 出勤率
E. 床位使用率
A. 老年患者
B. 婴幼儿患者
C. 昏迷患者
D. 正在使用广谱抗生素的患者
E. 重度免疫抑制状态的患者
A. 医院感染
B. 院外感染
C. 合并症
D. 难治疗性感染
E. 特殊感染
A. 不具体指明问题所在
B. 批评对事不对人
C. 允许下属表达自己的观点
D. 以平等客观的态度面对下属
E. 控制讨论
A. 倡导、赋权与管理
B. 指导、赋权与协调
C. 倡导、控制与管理
D. 指导、控制与协调
E. 倡导、赋权与协调
A. 由小组成员现场讨论确定本次讨论的主题和提纲
B. 参与小组讨论的人数不限
C. 讨论时间由小组成员的讨论兴致和讨论的进展状况而定
D. 小组成员可以随便就座
E. 讨论地点应选择小组成员感觉舒适、方便的地方
It was not ___ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.
A. before
B. at
C. after
D. until
Young ___ he is, he knows how to get along with others.
A. like
B. as
C. although
D. however
Could you show me where the___ shoes are?
A. Women
B. womens
C. woman
D. women's
He succeeded ___ out a lot of things entirely new in the world.
A. in working
B. to work
C. working
D. at working
It took me a long time to ___ the disappointment of failing the exam.
A. get over
B. get up
C. get into
D. get down
She ___ 100 pages of the book today.
A. has already read
B. already reads
C. already read
D. was already read
He has been ___ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.
A. sad
B. satisfied
C. evil
D. joyful
One cannot learn a foreign language well ___he studies hard.
A. unless
B. if
C. as
D. when
A large number of people___ present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.
A. was
B. were
C. have
D. has
When the girls saw the funny man, they couldn't ___ laughing.
A. keep from
B. keep on
C. keep away
D. keep at
We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact ___ them.
A. at
B. on
C. from
D. with
This kind of plant___a lot of water at all times.
A. assumes
B. limits
C. produces
D. requires
Look! Here ___ the famous player.
A. comes
B. come
C. had come
D. coming
Uncle Sam sent him a___ bicycle as a birthday present.
A. red sports new
B. sports new red
C. new sports red
D. new red sports
I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary___.
A. anywhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. somewhere
The plane was about to___, and yet I left my ticket behind.
A. take off
B. take on
C. take up
D. take in
John succeeded ___ what he wanted.
A. to get
B. to getting
C. in getting
D. and getting
The accident was ___ to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because
With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read ___as they could the year before.
A. as twice fast
B. as fast as twice
C. as twice as fast
D. twice as fast
Some famous singers live on the ___from their record sales.
A. salary
B. price
C. bill
D. income
_____of them thinks that is a good idea.
A. Anyone
B. No one
C. None
D. Someone
Don't be too ___about things you're not supposed to know.
A. strange
B. amusing
C. curious
D. conscious
It was in 1969 ___the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. when
B. the moment
C. which
D. that
___people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.
A. Several million
B. Many millions
C. Several millions
D. Many million
He___less time reading stories about film stars than before.
A. takes
B. spends
C. costs
D. pays
Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology___so rapidly.
A. is changing
B. has been changed
C. will have changed
D. will change
The taxi driver always reminds passengers to ___their belongings when they leave the car.
A. keep
B. catch
C. hold
D. take
Little Tom is used to getting up ___eight every morning.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. of
If the doctor had been available, the child _______.
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
If Mary___shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.
A. will go
B. goes
C. went
D. has gone
These desks and chairs ___to the children in the mountain villages next week.
A. are sent
B. will send
C. have sent
D. will be sent
Every society has its own peculiar customs and ___of acting.
A. attitudes
B. behavior
C. ways
D. means
China is ___the Great Wall.
A. on
B. famous
C. famous for
D. famous as
The dog was tearing the cloth___its teeth.
A. with
B. by
C. through
D. in
A man should not be judged always ___what he says.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. to
We will have a ___holiday after the exam.
A. two month
B. two-month
C. two month's
D. two-months
Mr Wang is going to teach you maths ___one year.
A. with
B. on
C. for
D. to
The population of the earth ___increasing fast.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. have been
Mike is ___than Jack.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. less careful
D. more carefuler
There ___a basket ball match this afternoon.
A. is going to be
B. is going to have
C. is going to is
D. is going to has