路缘石上的黄色虚线是( ) ___
A. 禁止临时停车
B. 禁止上下人员
C. 禁止长时停车
D. 禁止装卸货物
机动车在道路边临时停车时,( ) ___
A. 可逆向停放
B. 可并列停放
C. 不得逆向或并列停车
D. 只要出去方便,可随意停放
机动车载运危险化学品,应当经 ( )批准后,按指定的时间、路线、速度行驶,悬挂警示标志并采取必要的安全措施。 ___
A. 公安机关
B. 道路运输管理机构
C. 城市管理部门
D. 环保部门
货运机动车超过核定载质量,但没有超过核定载质量30%的,处( )罚款 ___
A. 100元以上200元以下
B. 200元以上500元以下
C. 500元以上1000元以下
D. 1000元以上
载货汽车从注册登记之日起,10年以内每年检验( ) ___
机动车载运超限物品行经铁路道口时,应当按照当地( )规定的铁路道口、时间通过。 ___
A. 交通部门
B. 公安部门
C. 运输部门
D. 铁路部门
车辆驶近人行横道时,应该( )? ___
A. 加速通过
B. 立即停车
C. 鸣喇叭示意行人让道
D. 先减速注意观察行人、非机动车动态,确认安全后再通过
路中心白色实线是( )的含义 ___
A. 禁止跨越对向车道中心线
B. 双侧可跨越同向车道分界线
C. 禁止跨越同向车行道分界线
D. 单侧可跨越同向车道分界线
驾驶机动车上路前应当检查车辆安全技术性能。 ___
车辆在通过山区道路弯道时,要做到“减速、鸣喇叭、靠右行”。 ___
驾驶人将机动车交给驾驶证被吊销的人驾驶的,交通警察依法扣留驾驶证。 ___
通过急转弯路段时,在车辆较少的情况下可以超车。 ___
在高速公路变更车道时,应提前开启转向灯,观察情况,确认安全后,驶入需要变更的车道。 ___
上路行驶的机动车未放置检验合格标志的,交通警察可依法扣留机动车。 ___
驾驶机动车在高速公路上车辆发生故障时,若车辆可以移动至应急车道内,只需开启危险报警闪光灯,警告标志可根据交通流情况选择是否放置。 ___
雾天行车听到对方鸣喇叭,也应该鸣喇叭回应,以提示对方车辆。 ___
超车时,如果无法保证与被超车辆的安全间距,应主动放弃超车。 ___
驾驶机动车超车后应立即开启右转向灯驶回原车道。 ___
驾驶装有安全气囊的汽车可以不系安全带。 ___
在高速公路上驾驶机动车不要频繁地变更车道。 ___
驾驶人吸食或注射毒品后驾驶机动车的,一经查获,其驾驶证将被注销。 ___
机动车在高速公路意外撞击护栏时,有效的保护措施是向相反方向大幅度转向。 ___
驾驶机动车驶离高速公路进入匝道时,应当加速驶离。 ___
汽车通过电气化铁路平交道口时,货物的装载的高度从地面算起不得超过5米。 ___
司机含汽车、叉车、调车、电瓶车、天车等在驾驶作业时,严禁接拨手机。 ___
在站内线路上检查,修理,整备车辆时前后两端防护距离应不少于 米。 ___
我国现行的安全生产方针:“ ,预防为主,综合治理” ___
A. 安全第一
B. 生产第一
C. 效率第一
D. 经济第一
所谓劳动安全就是不使 ,物体受到损伤或破坏或者说不必为可能受到这种伤害或破坏而担心。 ___
A. 人体受到伤害
B. 生产受到阻碍
C. 输运受到阻碍
D. 经济受到损失
在站内线路作业,躲避本线列车时,下道距离不小于 米。 ___
A. 300
B. 400
C. 500
D. 600
堆放车辆配件和设备,必须整齐,稳固,线路外侧 内不得有障碍物。 ___
高架检查平台,应设有围栏,作业应有 。 ___
A. 防跌,防风措施
B. 防火,防滑措施
C. 防滑,防跌措施
横越停有机车车辆的线路时,必须确认机车,车辆暂不移动,在距机车,车辆 以外处通过。 ___
梯子与地面的倾斜度为 左右,并要有防滑装置,使用人字梯时应挂好安全链钩。 ___
A. 45°
B. 60°
C. 75°
D. 30°
登高作业时,两人 同时站立在同一梯子上。 ___
动车组检修库内三层平台作业前,需办理 手续。 ___
A. 动车组放电
B. 接触网断电
C. 接触网供电
Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to "scorch the earth" in front of the German invaders. Farms and factories were burned, destroyed, or rendered useless. During the first ten weeks of the invasion, the Germans pushed the front eastward, and the Russians suffered more than a million casualties.
In the north, the Germans closed in on Leningrad. Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. As the battle of Leningrad dragged on into winter, the city's situation became desperate. As food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. By the middle of the winter of 1941-1942, nearly four thousand people starved to death every day. Close to one million people died as a result of the siege.
In the center of Russia, Hitler's goal was the capture of Moscow. Because the Germans had anticipated a quick victory, they had made no plans for winter supplies. October arrived with heavy rains. "General Mud" slowed down the movement of the Germans' lightning attack.
As Hitler's armies drew closer and closer to Moscow, an early, severe winter settled over the Soviet Union, the harshest in years. Temperatures dropped to minus 48 degrees Celsius. Heavy snows fell. The German soldiers, completely unprepared for the Russian winter, froze in their light summer uniforms. The German tanks lay buried in the heavy snowbanks. The Russian winter brought the German offensive to a halt.
By the summer of 1942, Hitler had launched two new offensives. In the south, the Germans captured Sevastopol. Hitler then pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city that stretched for 48 kilometers along the Volga River. Despite great suffering, Soviet defenders refused to give up Stalingrad.
In November 1942, the Russians launched a counterattack. With little or no shelter from the winter cold in and around Stalingrad, German troops were further weakened by a lack of food and supplies. Not until January 1943 did the Germans give up their siege. Of the three hundred thousand Germans attacking Stalingrad, only ninety thousand starving soldiers were left. The loss of the battle for Stalingrad finally turned the tide against Hitler. The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter.
During 1943 and 1944, the Soviet armies pushed the German front back toward the west. In the north, the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad with a surprise attack on January 15, 1944. Within two weeks, the heroic survivors of Leningrad saw their invaders depart. By March 1944, the Ukraine farming region was again in Soviet hands. On May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was liberated from the Germans. The Russians were now heading for Berlin.
For Hitler, the invasion of the Soviet Union had turned into a military disaster. For the Russian people, it brought unspeakable suffering. The total Soviet dead in World War II reached almost 23 million.
The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. Napoleon and Hitler both underestimated the severity of the Russian winter. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures took their toll on both invading armies. For the Russian people, the winter was an icy defender.
A. 鼠疫耶尔森菌
B. 汉坦病毒
C. 黄病毒属病毒
D. 致病性钩端螺旋体
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 4℃以下
B. 0℃以下
C. -20℃以下
D. 4℃以上
A. 采采蝇
B. 厩螫蝇
C. 锥蝽
D. 埃及伊蚊
A. 杀虫剂熏杀+常温运输
B. 等蚊虫自然死亡+常温运输
C. 冷冻处死+常温运输
D. 冷冻处死+冷冻状态运输
A. 挥网法
B. 电动吸蚊器法
C. 直接捡取法
D. 二氧化碳诱蚊灯法
A. 卸货完成后
B. 抵达后
C. 等航空公司通知
D. 发现病媒生物时
A. 乳胶手套、防护服
B. 防毒面具
C. 自给式呼吸器
D. 化学防护服
A. -80℃或以下
B. 0℃
C. 常温
D. 4℃-8℃
A. 2小时之内
B. 8小时之内
C. 12小时之内
D. 24小时之内
A. 1000 m;1h
B. 800 m、2 h
C. 400 m、4 h
D. 100 m、24 h
A. 旅行社
B. 船方
C. 代理公司
D. 海事部门
A. 鼠笼法
B. 鼠夹法
C. 目测法
D. 粉迹法
A. 20cm×20cm
B. 30cm×30cm
C. 40cm×40cm
D. 50cm×50cm
A. 容器指数
B. 刺叮指数
C. 房屋指数
D. 布雷图指数
A. 人帐诱法
B. 人工小时法
C. 小黑板法
D. 诱蚊器收集法
A. 诱蝇笼诱捕法
B. 捕蝇网网捕法
C. 直接目测法
D. 路径指数法
A. 背部有背囊
B. 尾部有尾囊
C. 口中两侧有颊囊
D. 腹部腹面有腹囊
A. 花蜱属
B. 璃眼蜱属
C. 扇头蜱属
D. 异扇头蜱属
A. 黑胸大蠊
B. 美洲大蠊
C. 德国小蠊
D. 褐斑大蠊
A. 人蚤
B. 二齿新蚤
C. 印鼠客蚤
D. 犬栉首蚤
A. 云南栉眼蚤
B. 方叶栉眼蚤
C. 同源栉眼蚤指名亚种
D. 偏远古蚤
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理
A. 除虫
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 卫生处理
A. 卫生检查
B. 消毒
C. 灭鼠
D. 除污