A. 40岁以上每年一次胸片检查,B超检查
B. 0岁以上女性每年一次乳房自我检查
C. 0岁以上每年一次直肠指检
D. 确处理各种癌前期病变
E. 年女性每年一次阴道涂片,宫颈脱落细胞学检查
对放射线低度敏感的肿瘤是 ___
A. 恶性淋巴瘤
B. 性腺肿瘤
C. 肺癌
D. 乳癌
E. 软组织
A. 瘤细胞多少不等
B. 包膜可不完整
C. 瘤细胞高度未分化
D. 可压迫和阻塞器官
E. 可有出血.坏死
A. 减慢推注速度
B. 拔针重新穿刺,并远离原来的穿刺点
C. 停用静脉注射氮芥
D. 重新配制药液
E. 稀释氮芥滴注
A. 雌激素受体
B. 酸性磷酸酶
C. 乳酸脱氢酶
D. 甲胎蛋白
E. 癌胚抗原
A. 磋商期
B. 愤怒期
C. 否认期
D. 接受期
E. 抑郁期
膀胱癌最常见和最早出现的症状是 ___
A. 膀胱刺激征
B. 尿流变细
C. 尿潴留
D. 下腹部疼痛
E. 血尿
应高度警惕胃癌的一项是 ___
A. 慢性萎缩性胃炎
B. 多年溃疡病出现腹痛规律改变伴消瘦
C. 粪隐血试验阳性
D. 胃溃疡
E. 胃息肉
原发性肝癌早期重要的表现是 ___
A. 肝区疼痛
B. 进行性肝大
C. 黄疸
D. 食欲减退
E. 体重减轻
A. 刺激性干咳
B. 持续性.高音调金属样咳
C. 间歇性咳嗽伴脓性痰
D. 夜间阵发性咳嗽
E. 间歇性低调鼾声样咳嗽
张先生,56岁。拟行Miles术,咨询结肠造瘘口的管理,下列解释哪项是错误的 ___
A. 便成形后可不用肛袋
B. 瘘口开放后取右侧卧位
C. 有3~4个肛袋交替使用
D. 时清除流出的粪便
E. 瘘口周围皮肤涂氧化锌软膏
下列可用于长春新碱解毒的是 ___
A. 硫代硫酸钠
B. 枸橼酸钠
C. 碳酸氢钠
D. 肝素钠
E. 亚硝酸钠
对放射性低度敏感的肿瘤是 ___
A. 鼻咽癌
B. 霍奇金病
C. 喉癌
D. 乳腺癌
E. 骨肉瘤
对放射性高度敏感的肿瘤是 ___
A. 鼻咽癌
B. 食管癌
C. 肺癌
D. 霍奇金病
E. 胃癌
A. B超检查
B. RI检查
C. FP测定
D. T检查
E. 血管造影术
A. 生长慢有症状
B. 生长快有转移
C. 生长慢无症状
D. 生长快有症状
E. 生长慢有疼痛
不符合良性肿瘤特征的是 ___
A. 表面光滑
B. 常伴有溃疡
C. 膨胀性生长,有完整的包膜
D. 不发生转移
E. 肿瘤可巨大
A. 胃肠道反应
B. 脱发
C. 脉管炎
D. 骨髓抑制
E. 肝肾毒性反应
下列肿瘤中属于良性肿瘤的是 ___
A. 淋巴瘤
B. 神经母细胞瘤
C. 葡萄胎
D. 白血病
E. 色素瘤
A. 细胞毒素类
B. 抗代谢类
C. 生物碱类
D. 激素类
E. 其他
A. 戒烟.戒洒
B. 控制大气污染
C. 防止日光曝晒
D. 定期普查
E. 不食烟熏食品以及质变食物
下列属于肿瘤促癌因素的是 ___
A. 大气污染
B. 不良生活习惯
C. 日光(紫外线)照射
D. 遗传因素
E. 慢性炎症
癌症是指 ___
A. 所有恶性肿瘤的统称
B. 所有肿瘤的统称
C. 癌和肉瘤
D. 间叶组织发生的恶性肿瘤的统称
E. 上皮组织发生的恶性肿瘤的统称
下列肿瘤中属于癌前病变的是 ___
A. 大肠腺瘤
B. 甲状腺瘤
C. 皮下脂肪瘤
D. 子宫平滑肌瘤
E. 乳房纤维腺瘤
为防止肿瘤放疗时损伤皮肤,护理时应 ___
A. 热敷理疗
B. 肥皂水清洗
C. 保持皮肤清洁干燥
D. 冷敷
E. 按摩
恶性肿瘤诊断的最可靠依据是 ___
A. 实验室检查
B. 病理检查
C. B超
D. X线
E. 放射性核素检查
A. 腺癌
B. 鳞癌
C. 黑色素瘤
D. 基底细胞癌
E. 恶性淋巴癌
下列不属于致癌因子的是 ___
A. 5-羟色胺
B. 亚硝胺
C. 苯胺
D. 二甲基氨基偶氮苯
E. 3,4-苯并芘
肿瘤性增生与炎性增生最根本的区别是 ___
A. 有核分裂象
B. 细胞生长活跃
C. 生长快,可压迫和阻塞器官
D. 有肿块形成
E. 细胞有异型性
与胃癌发病无关的疾病是 ___
A. 萎缩性胃炎
B. 胃平滑肌瘤
C. 胃溃疡
D. 胃息肉
E. 胃大部切除术后残余
A. 发病年龄较轻
B. 男性多于女性
C. 常为多发性肿瘤
D. 家族史阳性
E. 第一次突变发生在生殖细胞
A. 皮肤附件
B. 胸腺
C. 子宫内膜
D. 甲状旁腺
E. 软骨组织
A. 多发生于骨骺生长活跃部位
B. 出现蜂窝状骨吸收区,夹有钙化斑块
C. 骨膜下三角形新生骨
D. 多见于年轻人
E. 早期出现肺转移
A. 限于粘膜层
B. 限于固有层
C. 达到膀胱浅肌层
D. 达到膀胱深肌层
E. 侵犯膀胱外
血行转移的最主要依据是 ___
A. 恶性肿瘤侵犯动脉
B. 恶性肿瘤侵犯静脉
C. 肿瘤细胞进入血液
D. 肿瘤细胞栓塞于远隔器官
E. 在远隔器官形成同一类型肿瘤
放疗患者的皮肤护理措施不包括 ___
A. 嘱患者穿宽松柔软.吸湿性强的内衣
B. 干反应可涂0.2%薄荷淀粉
C. 湿反应可涂2%甲紫
D. 照射部位常规涂70%乙醇消毒
E. 有水疱可涂硼酸软膏
A. 跳跃式淋巴转移
B. 区域淋巴转移
C. 种植转移
D. 直接蔓延
E. 血行转移
原发性肝癌最易转移的脏器是 ___
A. 肝内
B. 胃
C. 骨
D. 脑
E. 胰腺周围.腹膜后
前列腺癌血清中增高的物质是 ___
A. 酸性磷酸酶
B. 碱性磷酸酶
C. CA153
D. 癌胚抗原
E. CA199
A. 责备患者的态度和行为
B. 对患者的表现表示理解
C. 引导患者接受病情并询问患者感受
D. 解释护理操作和操作中的感受
E. 关注患者的心理反应和行为反应
下列与癌症无关的疾病是 ___
A. 慢性肝硬化
B. 萎缩性胃炎
C. 结肠息肉病
D. 甲肝
E. EB病毒
take a toll on,in other words ,drop out,in turn ,at risk (of) ,interfere with,be accustomed to, contribute to,cut back on ,hold on to The tax only affects people with an annual income over $200,000-[ ], it will only attect the very rich.
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Studies[ ]that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional They are such a(n) [ ] family- they must have been shocked when their son dyed(染) his hair pink,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to [ ]students'ability
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to [ ] the damage,
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Unemployment has come down slightly, but this does not [ ]the fact that it is still a major problem
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Mr. Smith is not doing well; the doctor told us that several colds [ ]his health
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and honestly and try to reach a(n) [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away After 10 years of full-time training, she has,finally [ ] as a professional dancer.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away [ ], what is the point in taking part in the competitive event if the result is only to prove how incompetent you are?,
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away Redecorating the house is a challenging task. It's necessary to [ ] the wallpaper first.
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away A lot of what we [ ] is made from raw materials which are not renewable
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to [ ] their house before the baby was born
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away Jennifer couldn't [ ] her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away We want to give all children a world [ ] violence
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile Fortunately, the accident didn't [ ] many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile She[ ] her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile They kept on trying their best to develop their business, but in such [ ]market competition, they had no Idea if success would come along one day
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators [ ] taking up a musical instrument at a young age
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any [ ]
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,[ ] to questions in class,or talk with other children
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; [ ] to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile The duties to provide services for children in need are not [ ] to the local social services department
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile We pray that all nations be [ ] and that all people around the world live in peace
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional It was reported the president had [ ]to fight If war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional I had to [ ] one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Darwin's theory of evolution remains[ ] partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile He suggested a small but [ ] improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in She held her hand above her eyes to [ ]them [ ] the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in The boy studied the signs for over an hour,but still could not [ ]them, so he turned to his teacher for help
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in They [ ] the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in We will continue to care for those [ ] and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Many people [ ]careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can [ ]
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Finally, I would like to [ ]by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in He is a person that you always [ ]when you need help.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms [ ] families with small children
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Betty loves reading.[ ],“Reading is the most wonderful thing in the world.”