*What two services run on all nodes in a vCenter Server HA cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. vmware-vmon
B. vmware-vpostgres
C. vmare-rbd-watchdog
D. vmware-vcha
Which two statements are true regarding Auto Deploy in version 6.5? (Choose two.)___
A. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via PowerCLI.
B. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Client.
C. Auto
D. eploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Web Client.
What three options can improve network performance for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
C. NetFlow
Which two storage technologies are supported for MSCS? (Choose two.)___
When upgrading a VMware vSAN cluster to version 6.5, which two tasks must be completed to comply with upgrade requirements and VMware-recommended best practices? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RVC to upgrade the hosts.
B. Use the latest available ESXi version.
C. Back up all VMs.
D. Use only the “Full data migration” maintenance mode option.
What two enhancements are in VMFS6 but not in VMFS5? (Choose two.)___
A. Support for 4k native disks
B. Support for 512e disks
C. GPT storage device partitioning
D. Automatic space reclamation
Which two statements describe why a vSphere DRS cluster would report load imbalance? (Choose two.)___
A. The configured migration threshold is too high.
B. The configured migration threshold is too low.
C. DRS is configured for Partially Automated.
D. Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) is enabled.
A vSphere Administrator must ensure that vCenter Server service is running in a domain user account rather than Local System Account. To accomplish this, the user account should have which two permissions? (Choose two.)___
A. Log on as a service.
B. Act as part of the operating system.
C. Log on as a batch job.
D. Log on locally.
A virtual machine fails to power on after being deployed from a template. What two remediation steps could correct this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Increase CPU reservation
B. Decrease memory reservation
C. Increase memory reservation
D. Increase datastore capacity
E. Decrease CPU reservation
Which three directories are available under the vcsa-cli-installer folder of the vCenter Server Appliance installation media? (Choose three.)___
A. \mac
B. \ovftool
C. \migration-assistant
D. \win32
E. \lin64
What are three considerations when booting ESXihost from SAN software FCoE? (Choose three.)___
A. The VMware_FCoE_vSwitch that the installer automatically created cannot be changed.
B. Boot LUN cannot be shared with other hosts even on shared storage.
C. Multipathing is not supported at pre-boot.
D. Software FCoE boot configuration cannot be changed from within
E. SXi.
Which two choices are applicable to vSphere Availability? (Choose two.)___
A. Heartbeat Datastores
B. VM Startup/Shutdoown
C. Power Management
D. Admission Control
A user is a member of groups A and B. -VM10 and VM20 are in VM Folder. -Group A is assigned permission “Read-only” on VM Folder. What two configurations will allow the user to edit the settings for only VM10? (Choose two.)___
A. Assign group B permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
B. Assign group B permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
C. Assign group A permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
D. Assign group A permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
Which two new vSphere 6.5 features enable an Administrator to locate configuration options when creating or editing host profiles more easily than in previous versions? (Choose two.)___
A. Add the configuration option to favorites.
B. Navigate the option tree.
C. Search for the configuration option.
D. Copy the configuration option from a different profile.
What are the two valid storage controller types for VMs on ESXi 6.5? (Choose two.)___
Which two options can optimize conversion with VMware Converter? (Choose two.)___
A. Disable real-time antivirus scanners.
B. Remove the source from Active Directory.
C. Remove third-party device drivers.
D. Exclude diagnostic partitions from conversion.
E. Disable Volume Shadow Copy (VSS).
vSphere Availability considers which two factors for virtual machine restarts? (Choose two.)___
A. Host Isolation Response
B. file accessibility
C. NUMA node size
D. resource reservations
Which two virtual NICs support Wake-on-Lan to resume a virtual machine that is in standby mode? (Choose two)___
A. Flexible
B. E1000E
C. E1000
D. vmxnet 3
Which two logs should be examined to troubleshoot a Windows vCenter Server upgrade failure? (Choose two.)___
A. vminst.log
B. vim-um-msi.log
C. firstboot.log
D. pkgmgr.log
Which are two supported storage primitives for VAAI NAS? (Choose two.)___
A. Full File Clone
B. Reserve Space
C. hardware assisted locking
D. block zeroing
Which two parameters must be configured for Windows in-guest disk mirroring? (Choose two.)___
A. scsi#.returnNoConnectDuringAPD = “FALSE”
B. scsi#.terminateVMOnPDL = “TRUE”
C. scsi#.returnBusyOnNoConnectStatus = “FALSE”
D. scsi#.returnNoConnectDuringAPD = “TRUE”
Which two items are required to enable NPIV in a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. use of physical RDMs
B. physical HBA support
C. use of virtual disks
D. hardware version 11 or higher
A vSphere Administrator has VM Component Protection (VMCP) enabled, but the VM was not restarted when one of the VMFS datastores experienced an All Paths Down (APD) failure. What two scenarios would explain why the virtual machine was not restarted? (Choose two.)___
A. VM Monitoring is required in order for VMCP to failover during an APD event.
B. VMware Tools is not installed on the guest operating system for the VM.
C. Insufficient Capacity is available on the failover ESXi hosts.
D. The APD failure was corrected before the VM could be restarted.
What are two requirements in order to restore a Resource Pool Tree from a snapshot? (Choose two.)___
A. vSphere DRS must be turned on.
B. A restore can only be performed on a vSphere DRS cluster within the original vCenter Server.
C. vSphere
D. RS must be turned off.
Which three vSphere features are compatible with vSphere Replication? (Choose three.)___
A. vSphere High Availability
B. vSphere Fault Tolerance
C. vSphere Storage
What two VMware Remote Console Options can be defined in the virtual machine settings? (Choose two.)___
A. Boot Delay
B. Maximum number of sessions
C. Guest OS lock
D. Total video memory
VMware Converter can import a powered off virtual machine from which two virtual machine platforms?(Choose two.)___
A. Microsoft Hyper-V
B. Citrix Xen
C. VMware Workstation
D. Linux with KVM
Which two options allow storage space reclamation? (Choose two.)___
A. Use VMFS6 datastores.
B. Use esxcli storage vmfs unmap.
C. Use the SAN console (management tool).
D. Use the vSphere Web Client.
An administrator must reprovision 25 hosts with a new image profile that he has created. Which two methods can the administrator use to change the image profile? (Choose two.)___
A. From the vSphere Web client home page, select the Deploy Rules tab in the Auto Deploy section.
B. Run the Copy-Deploy Rule and specify the Replace Item parameter with Power CLI.
C. From the vSphere Web client home page, select the Assign Rules tab in the Auto
D. eploy section.
What are three parameters for traffic filtering or marking? (Choose three.)___
A. Protocol
B. Traffic Direction
C. DSCP value
D. virtual Port ID
The vSphere administrator must change the path selection policy (PSP) to comply with best practices. Which two interfaces can be used to change the PSP? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi shell
B. vSphere Client
C. ESXi host client
D. vSphere Web Client
In what two ways can Storage DRS load balance virtual machines? (Choose two.)___
A. anti-affinity rules
B. virtual storage controller
C. guest OS family
D. I/O latency
What two reasons can explain why a host cannot be removed from a vSphere Distributed Switch? (Choose two.)___
A. There are virtual machine network adapters connected to the switch.
B. There are blocked ports on the switch.
C. There are LACP LAGs configured on the switch.
D. There are VMkernel network adapters connected to the switch.
Which three requirements are true for the vCenter Server HA network? (Choose three.)___
A. Network latency between all nodes must be less than 10 milliseconds.
B. IP addresses for all nodes must be static.
C. HA network IP addresses for all nodes can be on different subnets.
D. IP addresses must be on the same network as the management network.
E. A default gateway must be configured.
Which two statements correctly describe Normal Lockdown Mode? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi Shell and SSH services are independent of lockdown mode.
B. In normal lockdown mode the DCUI service is stopped.
C. ESXi Shell and SSH services are dependent of lockdown mode and cannot be configured.
D. In normal lockdown mode the DCUI service is running.
The Health check feature in the vSphere Distributed Switch helps troubleshoot network connectivity. What three checks does this feature perform? (Choose three.)___
A. Network Utilization
C. Teaming and Failover
What are the three types of nodes in a vCenterServer HA cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. Master
B. Replica
C. Witness
D. Active
E. Passive
What are two consequences of turning off vSphere DRS on a cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. vMotion capability will be lost.
B. Resource pools will be lost.
C. vApps will be lost.
D. Affinity rules will be lost.
Which two protocols can be used to back up vCenter Server Appliance Instance? (Choose two.)___
What are two requirements to enable EVC in a vSphere DRS cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. CPU must be in the same family and of the same speed.
B. CPUs must be from the same vendor.
C. EVC must use the lowest possible baseline supported by the hardware.
D. No VMs may be running in the cluster.
In Advanced settings on a vSphere host, Security.Password Quality Control set as retry=3 min=disabled, disabled, disabled, 7, 7 . Which two passwords are valid? (Choose two.)___
A. xQaT3#A
B. P@ssw0rd
C. xQaTEh2
D. Xqat3h!
E. xQaTEhb!
中国民族资产阶级登上政治舞台的第一次表演是( )___
A. 戊戌维新运动
B. 洋务运动
C. 辛亥革命
D. 太平天国运动
中国第一个全国性资产阶级革命政党成立于( )___
近代中国第一个资产阶级革命政党是( )___
A. 中国同盟会
B. 中华革命党
C. 兴中会
D. 光复会
三民主义中民权主义的内容是 ( )___
A. 驱除鞑虏
B. 恢复中华
C. 创立民国
D. 平均地权
资产阶级革命派和改良派论战的焦点是 ( )___
A. 要不要以革命手段推翻清政府
B. 要不要推翻帝制,实行共和
C. 要不要反对外国帝国主义列强的侵略
D. 要不要社会革命
在辛亥革命爆发前,孙中山领导中国同盟会发动的武装起义中影响最大的是 ( )___
A. 黄花岗起义
B. 惠州起义
C. 萍浏醴起义
D. 镇南关起义
中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是 ( )___
A. 《钦定宪法大纲》
B. 《中华民国临时约法》
C. 《中华民国约法》
D. 《训政纲领》
使孙中山对军阀势力有了比较深刻的认识并得出"南与北如一丘之貉"的结论是因为 ( )___
A. 二次革命的失败
B. 护国战争的失败
C. 反张勋复辟的失败
D. 护法运动的失败
资产阶级革命派的骨干力量是 ( ) ___
A. 地主阶级
B. 资产阶级知识分子
C. 官僚阶级
D. 工农阶级
内容是“创立民国”,即推翻封建君主专制制度,建立资产阶级民主共和国,被称为 ( )___
A. 民族革命
B. 政治革命
C. 社会革命
D. 文化革命
鲁迅先生在《一件小事》中写到:“这是民国六年的冬天。”“民国六年”是指( )___
A. 1915年
B. 1916年
C. 1917年
D. 1918年
1915年,( )在云南率先举起反袁护国的旗帜,发动护国战争。___
A. 黄兴
B. 段祺瑞
C. 蔡锷
D. 孙中山
同盟会以( )为机关报,并确定了革命纲领。___
A. 《申报》
B. 《新民丛报》
C. 《国闻报》
D. 《民报》
民生主义即社会革命,指的是( ),也就是核定全国土地的地价,其现有之地价,仍属原主;革命后的增价,则归国家,为国民共享。___
A. 驱除鞑虏
B. 恢复中华
C. 创立民国
D. 平均地权
1912年8月,宋教仁在征得孙中山、黄兴的同意后,以同盟会为基础联合其他几个政党,组成( )___
A. 国民党
B. 中华革命党
C. 共和党
D. 统一党
1919~1949新中国成立以前,中国社会的性质是:( )___
A. 封建社会
B. 半殖民地半封建社会
C. 社会主义社会
D. 资本主义社会
新文化运动兴起的标志是( )___
A. 蔡元培就任北大校长
B. 鲁迅发表《狂人日记》
C. 陈独秀在上海创办《青年》杂志
D. 陈独秀成为北大文科学长
中国共产党的最早组织是在中国工人阶级最密集的中心城市( )成立的___
中国共产党领导下的第一个农民协会位于( )___
A. 浙江萧山
B. 广东海丰
C. 湖南韶山
D. 江西井冈山
以第一次国共合作为基础的革命统一战线正式形成的标志是( )___
A. 《孙文越飞宣言》的发表
B. 国民党一大的成功召开
C. 中国共产党三大的召开
D. 中共中央杭州西湖特别会议的召开
成为国共合作的政治基础和革命统一战线的共同纲领是( )___
A. 列宁主义
B. 中国共产党的最低纲领
C. 新三民主义
D. 《孙文越飞宣言》
在中国大地上率先举起马克思主义旗帜的是历史人物是( )___
A. 陈独秀
B. 李大钊
C. 杨匏安
D. 蔡和森
1925年5月,以( )为起点,国共两党掀起了全国范围的大革命浪潮。___
A. 国民党一大
B. 成立黄埔军校
C. 广州国民政府成立
D. 五卅运动
下列历史人物不属于中国一大代表的是( )___
A. 毛泽东
B. 张国焘
C. 周恩来
D. 董必武
五四运动后比较全面系统介绍马克思的学说的文章是李大钊所写的( )___
A. 《法俄革命之比较观》
B. 《庶民的胜利》
C. 《Bolshevism的胜利》
D. 《我的马克思主义观》
《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本的译者是( )___
A. 李大钊
B. 陈独秀
C. 李达
D. 陈望道
1919年五四运动爆发的直接导火线是( )___
A. 北洋政府与日本签订“二十一条”
B. 华盛顿会议上中国外交的失败
C. 俄国十月革命的胜利
D. 巴黎和会上中国外交的失败
共产党早期组织领导的第一个产业工会是( )___
A. 中华总工会
B. 上海机器工会
C. 上海工人俱乐部
D. 北京长辛店工人俱乐部
中共八七会议确定的总方针是( )___
A. 反对右倾投降主义
B. 走农村包围城市的革命道路
C. 创建井冈山革命根据地
D. 土地革命和武装反抗国民党反动派
中国共产党独立领导革命战争,创建人民军队和武装夺取政权的开端是党领导了( )___
A. 南昌起义
B. 秋收起义
C. 广州起义
D. 五卅运动
毛泽东提出“以后要非常注意军事,须知政权是由枪杆子中取得的”的重要论断是在( )___
A. 北京特别会议
B. 八七会议
C. 遵义会议
D. 古田会议
1927年9月9日,毛泽东领导的著名起义是( )___
A. 湘赣边界秋收起义
B. 赣南秋收起义
C. 湘南秋收起义
D. 广州起义
毛泽东提出“工农武装割据”思想的著作是( )___
A. 《战争和战略问题》
B. 《星星之火,可以燎原》
C. 《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?》
D. 《反对本本主义》
1930年5月,毛泽东写了( )一文,阐明了坚持辩证唯物主义的实事求事,坚持理论与实际相结合的原则的极端重要性,为中国共产党正确解决中国式的武装夺取政权的道路问题奠定了思想基础。___
A. 《中国革命战争的战略》
B. 《中国革命和中国共产党》
C. 《反对本本主义》
D. 《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?》
新民主主义革命时期,中国的武装斗争的实质是( )___
A. 无产阶级领导下的农民战争
B. 无产阶级领导下的工人罢工
C. 无产阶级领导下的学生运动
D. 无产阶级领导下的商人罢市
中国共产党在土地革命时期对待富农的正确政策是( )___
A. 限制富农
B. 打击富农
C. 中立富农
D. 保护富农
1935年1月,( )的召开,挽救了中国共产党,中国工农红军和中国革命,成为中国共产党历史上一个生死攸关的转折点。___
A. 八七会议
B. 党的六大
C. 遵义会议
D. 瓦窑堡会议
1931年11月,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府在江西瑞金成立,( )当选为主席。___
A. 周恩来
B. 毛泽东
C. 朱德
D. 刘少奇
1936年10月,中国工农红军第一、二、四方面军胜利会师于( )___
A. 陕北保安地区
B. 陕北洛川地区
C. 陕北瓦窑堡地区
D. 甘肃会宁、静宁地区