下列关于沙类土说法正确的三项是? ___
A. 粗砂是指粒径小于0.5mm的颗粒超过全重50%
B. 粗砂是指粒径大于0.5mm的颗粒超过全重50%
C. 中砂是指粒径大于0.25mm的颗粒超过全重50%
D. 细砂是指粒径大于0.1mm的颗粒超过全重75%
E. 细砂是指粒径小于于0.1mm的颗粒超过全重75%
下列关于黏性土描述正确的三项是? ___
A. 黏砂土的塑性指数3<≤7
B. 砂黏土的塑性指数7<≤17
C. 黏土的塑性指数≥17
D. 黏土的塑性指数<17
E. 黏砂土的塑性指数<3
关于添乘仪使用正确的四项是? ___
A. 进行添乘仪添乘作业时,需携带添乘证
B. 添乘仪需摆放在平稳牢固的位置
C. 添乘仪可以随便摆放,不用在意摆放位置及方向
D. 添乘作业时,里程上行为递增,下行为递减
E. 添乘作业时,需按照设置校准里程整数倍进校对
下列关于更换钢轨说法正确的两项是? ___
A. 当钢轨伤损达重伤标准,应及时更换
B. 当钢轨伤损达轻伤标准,应有计划地组织更换
C. 钢轨只要有伤损,就要进行更换
D. 钢轨只要没有损伤,就可以一直使用,多久都不用更换
E. 钢轨损坏不会影响列车安全
更换钢轨作业,需要的工具有? ___
A. 钻孔机
B. 起道机
C. 扳手
D. 轨距尺
E. 轨温计
更换钢轨作业中,需要的材料有? ___
A. 备用轨距块
B. 扣件
C. 胶垫
D. 垫圈
E. 螺栓
关于备轨制作的说法正确四项是? ___
A. 制作备轨前需进行确认测量
B. 用锯轨机锯轨时,应使锯片垂直钢轨
C. 锯轨前应确认钢轨摆放平整牢靠
D. 锯轨没有太大危险,不用做安全防护措施
E. 制作备轨过程中,非锯轨人员应远离锯轨机,禁止站在锯轨机对面
下列关于内燃锯轨机使用说法正确的四项是? ___
A. 使用锯轨机前应确认机器能正常运行
B. 使用锯轨机作业时,操作人员应穿戴相应的劳保用品
C. 使用锯轨机前,应检查锯片是否完整,有无裂纹破损,如有,应及时更换
D. 锯轨机本身没有太大危险,使用时不用做安全防护措施
E. 锯轨机及时长时间不适用,也需要定期进行保养
下列关于内燃钻孔机使用说法正确的四项是? ___
A. 使用钻孔机作业时,操作人员应穿戴相应的劳保用品
B. 使用钻孔机时,要时刻保证钻孔过程中有充足的水
C. 使用钻孔机时,先开水,再加油门钻孔作业
D. 使用钻孔机时,先加油门钻孔作业,再打开水阀压水
E. 使用钻孔机时,要先关油门停止作业,再关水阀
下列关于更换钢轨说法正确的四项是? ___
A. 更换钢轨前,需用钢尺认真丈量要更换的钢轨
B. 更换钢轨前,使用气温计算预留轨缝,确定新轨长度(含轨缝预留量)应与换出的钢轨缺口长度相等
C. 更换钢轨尺寸不用太精确,可以放入线路里就好
D. 更换钢轨后,需调整前后轨缝及轨距水平等
E. 更换钢轨应穿戴好个人劳保用品,防止受伤害。
关于线路备轨摆放位置的说法,正确的三项是? ___
A. 备轨放在轨枕头时,距线路上的钢轨净距不少于150㎜
B. 备轨放在轨枕头时,只要不贴紧线路钢轨就可以
C. 备轨放在道心时,距线路的钢轨净距不少于300㎜
D. 备轨放在道心时,高度不得超过线路上的钢轨面25㎜
E. 钢轨运到现场时,可按个人意愿随意摆放
关于更换接头位置夹板,说法正确的三项是? ___
A. 换入钢轨与换出钢轨类型不同时,需配备异型夹板
B. 有绝缘接头,需与供电部门联系进行配合
C. 现场更换接头,可按个人意愿更换夹板类型,只要夹紧上牢就好
D. 如需更换道岔尖轨部位夹板,需通号部门联系进行配合
E. 更换夹板作业比较容易,不用穿戴劳保用品
下列说法正确的是? ___
A. 施工负责人需携带手机、对讲机并保持畅通状态
B. 作业区域两端需设置好防护,如设立红闪灯等
C. 车站端门打开,可以进入区间,可不用向车站值班员请点,自行下站作业即可
D. 施工负责人需获得施工负责人证,方可担当施工负责人
E. 施工过程中,发现异常情况,需向生产调度、行调及有关部门汇报
下列关于控制基标应设置说法正确的是? ___
A. 直线上每120m设置1个
B. 道岔起止点需设置1个
C. 曲线起终点需设置
D. 缓圆点和圆缓点需设置
查照间隔及护背距离应在心轨轨头进行测量,在以下断面宽度测量不准确的三项是? ___
A. 10~20mm
B. 20~30mm
C. 30~40mm
D. 40~50mm
下列属于DTⅥ2-1型扣件螺栓道钉规格有哪两项? ___
A. 150mm
B. 160mm
C. 165mm
D. 170mm
以下选项中,4号线七堡停车场道床主要形式有哪三种? ___
A. 混凝土枕碎石道床
B. 钢弹簧减震道床
C. 柱式检查坑整体道床
D. 壁式检查坑整体道床
钢轨爬行量,达到以下哪些数值时需要调整? ___
A. 10mm
B. 25mm
C. 35mm
D. 40mm
以下误差值中,25m钢轨地段每千米线路轨缝总误差,允许存在的是哪两项? ___
A. ±40mm
B. ±60mm
C. ±90mm
D. ±100mm
正线曲线半径为800m,缓和曲线的正矢与计算正矢差不允许为哪三项? ___
A. 3mm
B. 4mm
C. 5mm
D. 6mm
下列数值中,直线轨道对接接头相错量,超标的两项是? ___
A. 20mm
B. 30mm
C. 50mm
D. 60mm
不同类型的钢轨互相联结时,不能使用的是哪三个? ___
A. 鱼尾形夹板
B. 平直夹板
C. 异形夹板
D. 双头式夹板
下列选项中,关于测量正矢的说法不正确的是哪三项? ___
A. 在钢轨踏面以下12mm处测量
B. 在钢轨踏面以下12mm内测量
C. 在钢轨踏面以下16mm处测量
D. 在钢轨踏面以下16mm内测量
下列选项中,关于测量轨距的说法不正确的是哪三项? ___
A. 在钢轨踏面以下12mm处测量
B. 在钢轨踏面以下12mm内测量
C. 在钢轨踏面以下16mm处测量
D. 在钢轨踏面以下16mm内测量
关于内燃捣固机的使用说法正确的两项是? ___
A. 内燃捣固机需要按照1:50的比例进行机油与汽油配比
B. 使用捣固机前,需确认油量正常
C. 捣固机比较耐用,不需要进行保养
D. 捣固机是机油与汽油分开使用的机具
以下温度中,无缝线路地段当轨温大于实际锁定轨温哪两项时,不允许作业? ___
A. 10℃
B. 15℃
C. 20℃
D. 30℃
以下接头错牙数值中,需要及时进行整改的是哪三项? ___
A. 1mm
B. 2mm
C. 3mm
D. 4mm
尖轨有下列伤损或病害,应及时维修或更换有哪三项? ___
A. 尖轨工作面伤损,继续发展,轮缘有爬上尖轨的可能
B. 尖轨尖端与基本轨不靠贴
C. 尖轨侧弯造成轨距不符合规定
D. 尖轨外观完好,几何尺寸正常
拆垫垫片作业时需要带的工具包括哪三项? ___
A. 轨距道尺
B. 液压起道机
C. 丁字扳手
D. 弦线
下列属于防止线路爬行的措施有那三项? ___
A. 加强轨道的中间扣件的扣压力
B. 安装轨距杆或轨撑
C. 加强接头夹板的夹紧力
D. 在线路上进行涂油
关于圆曲线的最小长度,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 不应小于10m
B. 不应小于15m
C. 不应大于10m
D. 不应大于15m
关于缓和曲线的最小长度,以下说法错误的是 ___
A. 50m
B. 40m
C. 30m
D. 20m
关于正线一般情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 400m
B. 350m
C. 300m
D. 250m
关于正线困难情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 200m
B. 250m
C. 300m
D. 350m
关于辅助线一般情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 500m
B. 400m
C. 300m
D. 200m
关于辅助线困难情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 150m
B. 200m
C. 300m
D. 350m
关于车场线一般情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 300m
B. 250m
C. 110m
D. 100m
关于车场线困难情况最小曲率半径,以下说法错误的是? ___
A. 50m
B. 80m
C. 120m
D. 150m
I will___ Mr. Walters on this point.
A. refer to
B. commit to
C. contribute to
D. defer to
What happens in the next few days is___to our success.
A. critical
B. critic
C. prior
D. valid
She won’t___that there is a problem.
A. confer
B. concern
C. acknowledge
D. contemplate
This offer is___ for travel before the end of April.
A. effective
B. ineffective
C. invalid
D. valid
___ to British universities depends on examination results.
A. Admittance
B. Entry
C. Admission
E. ntrance
The database is only ___ by authorized managers.
A. proved
B. accessible
C. approved
D. access
This traditional ___ is of indigo blue.
A. clothes
B. diversity
C. costume
D. institution
These cigarettes are a ___ of the best tobaccos.
A. blend
B. band
C. mixture
D. mess
The tennis players need total ___ during play.
A. concentration
B. section
C. depression
D. energy
He ___ that he was innocent.
A. announced
B. declared
C. disclosed
D. admitted
Columbus discovered America but did not ___ the new continent.
A. seek
B. investigate
C. search
D. explore
The trees ___their foliage every year.
A. repeat
B. grow
C. refresh
D. renew
Make a list of the various ___.
A. options
B. choice
C. optional
D. samples
I am well aware that this is a ___ job.
A. rough
B. tough
C. wealthy
D. rogue
I found their kindness quite ___.
A. strong
B. overweening
C. keen
D. overwhelming
The captain wasn’t ___ on having him in the team.
A. eager
B. keen
C. overwhelmed
D. anxious
He was ___at the prospect of seeing them again.
A. thrilling
B. blessed
C. thrilled
D. emotional
They ___ against travelling at night in such a dangerous country.
A. consul
B. advocate
C. counsel
D. recommend
It is absolutely vital that food supplied should be ___.
A. sustained
B. enhanced
C. exhausted
D. maintained
He must have had an accident, or he ___ then.
A. would have been here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would be here
It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline (截止日期).
A. must be sent
B. would be sent
C. be sent
D. were sent
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
The road now ___two kilometers beyond the river.
A. develops
B. extends
C. expands
D. widens
It was claimed that the level of alcohol in the man’s blood was ___ to cause an accident.
A. sufficient
B. adequate
C. enough
D. accurate
Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ___.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. problem
His retail business in the city___ rapidly between the wars.
A. enlarged
B. extended
C. widened
D. expanded
Many frogs ___ the sound of their voice using special sacs(囊) in their throat.
A. amplify
B. widen
C. expand
D. enlarge
Some old people don’t like pop songs because they cannot ___ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always ___ me of my university days in London.
A. recollects
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. invokes
The article suggests that when a person is under unusual ___ he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.
A. weight
B. stress
C. press
D. nerve
You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed