缝焊一般应用在有密封性要求的接头制造上,适用材料板厚为___ mm,如汽车油箱、暖气片、罐头盒的生产。(难)
A. 0.1~0.02
B. 0.1~0.2
C. 0.1~2
D. 0.1~20
工件焊后一般都会产生变形,如果变形量超过___值,就会影响使用。( 中 )
A. 焊缝开裂
B. 焊缝过高
C. 塌陷
D. 焊瘤
A. 外观检查、无损探伤和仪器检测
B. 内观检查、无损探伤和机器检测
C. 外部检查、无损探伤和机械性能
D. 内部检查、无损探伤和机械性能
A. 无损探伤
B. 外观检查
C. 仪器检测
D. 机器检测
CO2 气体保护焊工艺具有生产率___、焊接成本低、适用范围广、低氢型焊接方法焊缝质量好等优点。( 易 )
CO2 气体保护焊设备可分为___焊和自动焊两种类型。(中)
A. 半自动
B. 全自动
C. 手动
D. 半手动
A. 气压缸
B. 叶片缸
C. 齿轮缸
D. 摆动式液压缸
A. 摆动式
B. 单向式
C. 双向式
D. 闭式
A. 消防梯
B. 登高梯
C. 金属梯
D. 消防电梯
A. 体积大
B. 体积小
C. 携带方便
D. 易于携带
A. 4
B. 2.5
C. 1.6
D. 1.3
A. 折叠平放
B. 盘卷竖放
C. 盘卷叠放
D. 盘卷平放
A. 置于太阳下晒干
B. 待风吹干
C. 竖立放置,待自然干
D. 用清水冲洗干净
A. 电流强度
B. 电流
C. 电子
D. 电压
金属导体电阻的大小与导体长度成___,与横截面积成( )。(中)
A. 反比 反比
B. 反比 正比
C. 正比 正比
D. 正比 反比
A. 合成
B. 金属
C. 非金属
D. 金属或非金属
A. 电压 电流 电子
B. 电压 电子 电阻
C. 电子 电流 电阻
D. 电压 电流 电阻
当温度不变时,流过导体的电流与这段导体两端的电压成___,与这段导体的电阻成( )。(易)
A. 正比 正比
B. 反比 正比
C. 反比 反比
D. 正比 反比
A. 电压
B. 电流
C. 电压和电流
D. 电流和电阻
A. 闭合电路
B. 串联电路C.并联电路D.混联电路
全电路欧姆定律的内容是:全电路中的电流与电源的电动势成___,与整个电路(即内电路和外电路)的总电阻成( )。(易)
A. 正比 反比
B. 反比 反比C.正比 正比D.反比 正比
A. 串联电路
B. 并联电路C.混联电路D.集成电路
A. “K”
B. “I”
C. “U”
D. “R”
电阻值越大分配电流越___,电阻值越( )分配电流越大。(易)
A. “I”
B. “Q”
C. “U”
D. “K”
“I”的单位是___,“t”的单位是( ),“Q”的单位是( )。(易)
A. 小时(h) 安(A) 安时(Ah)
B. 安(A) 小时(h) 安时(Ah)
C. 安时(Ah) 安(A) 小时(h)
D. 小时(h) 安时(Ah) 安(A)
The altimeter setting used in en-route flight should be______hpa___
A. 1019
B. 1013
C. 2992
D. 1000
Larger separations than the specified minima should be applied whenever in.___
A. turbulence
B. bad weather
C. a raining day
D. highlevel
_______is air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas___
A. Route service
B. En-route fly service
C. Area control service
D. Deviation control service
_______ is a service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required.___
A. alerting service
B. information service
C. rescue service
D. assistance service
Visibility is the ability as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in unit______.___
A. meters
B. feet
C. distance
D. odometer
SIGMET is a weather advisory issued concerning weather______to the safety of all aircraft.___
A. significant
B. changeable
C. information
D. condition
Flight level is a______of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum 1013.2hpa.___
A. standard
B. surface
C. height
D. number
Air traffic means all aircraft in flight or operating on the______of an aerodrome.___
A. highway
B. hanger
C. maneuvering area
D. terminal
The true airspeed is the airspeed of an aircraft relative to______air.___
A. turbulence
B. smooth
C. undisturbed
D. the
Air speed is the speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding______.___
A. traffic
B. airmass
C. clouds
D. wind
“Aircraft” means any machine that can derive support in the______from there actions of the air other than there actions of the air against the earth's surface.___
A. atmosphere
B. water
C. sea
D. lake
If the radar receiver detects the retarding time tR=500mS between transmitting pulse and receiving pulse,now the target is______km from the radar station.___
A. 150
B. 120
C. 100
D. 75
“Advise______”means“ Tell me what you plan to do”.___
A. wanting
B. intentions
C. ideas
D. command
The recommendation is advisory in nature.The decision as to whether the flight can be conducted safely rests solely with the______.___
A. controller
B. manager
C. pilot
D. passengers
“There are broken______along the entire route between niner and one one thousand feet at the present time.”___
A. radial
B. clouds
C. weather
D. way
Th evertical speed in dicator measures______of climb or descent.___
A. time
B. point
C. rate
D. distance
A magnetic compass is the______air navigation instrument.___
A. basic
B. advanced
C. computer
D. improved
In the AFTN,the flight plan filing time shall consist of a______data-time group.___
A. four-digit
B. five-digit
C. six-digit
D. eight-digit
“______”is a notice containing information concerning the establishment,condition or change in any aeronautical facility service procedure or hazard,the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.___
“______”means visibility,cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions.___
A. Weather clear
D. VisibilityOK
“______”is the height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000m covering more than half sky.___
A. roof
B. VFR Top
D. Ceiling
A. :根据进程单和现有雷达信息仍可以提供雷达管制服务
B. :向移交方了解是否是航空器的原因
C. :应当采用两种以上识别方法进行识别直至确认为止
D. :首先报告领班主任
A. Air Information Publication
B. Air traffic information Publication
C. Air traffic International Publication
D. Aeronautical Information Publication
An air show may with the consent of the______be the reason for an aerodrome being closed to all traffic for a few hours.___
A. Control tower
C. Approach Control
D. proper authorities
Who will be in charge for a flight?___
A. The first officer
B. The pilot-in-command
C. Fligh tattendant
D. Pilot
A. a ground power facility
B. an air boarding facility
C. a hydraulic facility
D. a fueling facility
The magnetic compass indicates the______in which an aircraft is flying with respect to the magnetic north pole.___
A. level
B. bearing
C. route
D. direction
VHF communication frequency is_________
A. 100MHZ~350MHZ
B. 10MHZ~136.97MHZ
C. 30MHZ~300MHZ
D. 2MHZ~29.9999MHZ
The rmalth under storm is caused by_________
A. heating imbalance of the earth’s surface
B. the effect of the weather system
C. the up lifting effect of the terrain
D. the aclinicflow of temperature
Which is not included in a Flight Plan.___
A. Aircraft identification
B. Names of the crew members
C. Type of aircraft
D. Wake turbulence category
________is the number assigned to a particular multiple pulse reply signal transmitted by a transponder.___
A. SSRsignal
B. Transponder codes
C. Transmitter’s signal
D. Radio signal
________is the ratio of true air speed to the speed of sound.___
A. Mach number
B. Speed
C. Rate
D. Air speed ratio
_______is a specified area within or over which there may exist activities constituting a potential danger to aircraft___
A. Active area
B. Danger area
C. Special area
D. Over danger area
A. Flyingpath
B. Overfly
C. Oversurfaceflight
D. Track
A. Relativepoint
B. Geographicalpoint
C. Newpoint
D. Reportingpoint
A. mediumrain
B. heavyrain
C. lightrain
D. drizzle
A. Coordinates
B. Found
C. Reference
D. Determine
A. Speed
B. Groundspeed
C. Surfacespeed
D. Airspeed
A. Direction
B. Bearing
C. Heading
D. Distance