A. 50分钟
B. 1个小时
C. 30分钟
D. 40分钟
在使用空气呼吸器时,发现减压器安全阀发出“咝咝”的泄气声,可能损坏的部件为 ___。
A. 安全阀
B. 压力表
C. 减压器
D. 气瓶阀
A. 头部
B. 颈部
C. 脚部
D. 手臂
消防员防护靴的种类大致可分为 ___ 种
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 四
消防员灭火防护胶靴适用于 ___ 现场进行灭火救援作业时穿着。
A. 火灾
B. 车祸
C. 地震
D. 化学灾害
靴头分别经10.78kN静压力试验和冲击锤质量为___ kg,落下高度为300mm的冲击试验后,其间隙高度均不小于15mm。
A. 22
B. 23
C. 24
D. 25
A. 1100
B. 1200
C. 1300
D. 1400
根据材质的不同,消防员灭火防护靴分为消防员灭火防护___靴和消防员灭火防护 靴两种。
A. 胶,皮
B. 胶,布
C. 布,皮
D. 铁,皮
A. 无阻燃
B. 有阻燃
C. 有导电
D. 耐明火
消防员呼吸保护装具是消防员进行消防作业时佩戴的,用于保护 ___免受伤害的个人防护装备。
A. 呼吸系统
B. 头部
C. 面部
D. 肺部
A. 水下
B. 浓烟
C. 化学灾害
D. 高温
A. 铁制
B. 塑料
C. 铝合金
D. 塑胶
常用空气呼吸器工作压力为 ___MPa。
A. 28
B. 26
C. 27
D. 30
A. 1
B. 2
C. 9
D. 10
A. 纤维
B. 毛线
C. 棉线
D. 布条
A. 9
B. 10
C. 19
D. 20
抓绳器又称制动器,是一种用于锁紧安全绳,起到将消防员员空中定位的作用,或者用于安全绳滑动,发生坠落时___ 。
A. 自动减速
B. 手动减速
C. 自动锁紧
D. 手动锁紧
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
A. 战斗服
B. 潜水服
C. 抢险救援服
D. 防化服
69-4B型轻潜水装具是一种自携式潜水装置,配备 ___ 和咬嘴型供需式供气阀,使用方便,安全可靠。
A. 全面罩
B. 半面罩
C. 无面罩
D. 都不是
潜水头盔是为消防员进行水下作业时提供___ 保护的水下防护装具。
A. 头部
B. 面部
C. 呼吸系统
D. 胸部
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. 2~3
B. 1~2
C. 3~4
D. 4~5
长管空气呼吸器应急气瓶工作压力一般为___ MPa,保证人员有足够时间撤离。
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
空气呼吸器手动补给供氧量当呼吸器高压系统压力为20MPa~30MPa时,手动补给供氧量不小___ L/min。
A. 50
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80
A. 酒精
B. 肥皂水
C. 中性肥皂溶液
D. 碱性肥皂溶液
固态微型强光防爆电筒一次充满电后,可在 ___年内随时使用,若长期放置不用,每隔半年补充充电4小时左右为佳。
A. 半
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
手提防爆探照灯一次充满电后,可在 ___ 天之内随时使用;若长期放置不用,使用前应充电10小时。
A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60
消防灭火防护胶靴每次穿着后应用清水冲洗 ,洗净后不允许直接___ 。
A. 日晒
B. 擦干
C. 吹干
D. 烤干
消防安全绳可放入40℃以下的温水中用肥皂或中性洗涤液轻轻擦洗,再用清水漂洗干净,然后 ___ 。
A. 烘干
B. 烤干
C. 吹干
D. 晾干
A. 文字
B. 图形
C. 孔洞
D. 标识
E. 颜色
A. 警戒标志杆
B. 警戒带
C. 警示牌
D. 警报器
E. 警戒灯
A. BS30
B. BD50
C. BS22
D. BD40
A. 15秒
B. 30秒
C. 60秒
D. 120秒
A. 工程用消防泵
B. 车用消防泵
C. 船用消防泵
D. 其他用消防泵
A. 在出水过程中排除泵内及吸水管内的空气
B. 增加水泵的扬程
C. 提高水泵的效率
D. 在出水以前排除泵内及吸水管内的空气
A. 65
B. 75
C. 85
D. 95
A. 5
B. 100
C. 300
D. 500
A. 喷射泵
B. 刮片泵
C. 水环泵
D. 离心泵
A. 单层编织层消防水带
B. 双层编织层消防水带
C. 内外涂层消防水带
D. 多层编织层消防水带
A. 树脂
B. 橡胶
C. 乳胶
D. 聚氨酯(TPU)
In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year.___
A. swallow             
B. dispose  
C. consume           
D. exhaust
I'd _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.___
A. take into account     
B. account for
C. make up for              
D. make out
She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat.___
A. mild                 
B. slight    
C. light                 
D. tender
The computer revolution may well change society as _____________ as did the Industrial Revolution.___
A. certainly               
B. insignificantly
C. fundamentally     
D. comparatively
A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ___________.___
A. nuisance             
B. trouble    
C. worry                 
D. anxiety
As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _________ it.___
A. postpone           
B. refuse    
C. delay                 
D. cancel
 When a fire _________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.___
A. broke of             
B. broke out  
C. broke down       
D. broke up
 The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __________.___
A. stand up to         
B. make up for
C. come up with     
D. put up with
 The student was just about to ___________ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.___
A. arrive at             
B. submit to  
C. work out             
D. give up
 When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _________.___
A. reach                 
B. hand    
C. hold                   
D. place
 The _________ of blood always makes him feel sick.___
A. sight                   
B. view   
C. look                   
D. form
 In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __________ spring.___
A. later                   
B. last   
C. latter                 
D. late
 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _________ sickness.___
A. normal               
B. regular  
C. average             
D. ordinary
 Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended           
B. amounted  
C. added               
D. turned
 A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise                 
B. rise   
C. raise                 
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of               
B. to        
C. with           
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on      
B. count in      
C. count up      
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from             
B. in         
C. before          
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful         
B. beneficial   
C. valid             
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when             
B. since       
C. before           
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking       
B. filling     
C. pouring         
D. hurrying
There are other problems which I don't propose to ____________ at the moment.___
A. go into        
B. go around     
C. go for         
D. go up
It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.___
A. extensive      
B. expansive     
C. intensive       
D. expensive
I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ______ promise to help you.___
A. exact             
B. defined     
C. definite         
D. sure
The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________ because of the bad weather.___
A. set off             
B. broken off      
C. worn off         
D. called off
It has been revealed that some government leaders _______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.___
A. employ       
B. take     
C. abuse         
D. overlook
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.___
A. intention     
B. attempt  
C. purpose     
D. desire
The store had to _______ a number of clerks because sales were down.___
A. lay out          
B. lay off      
C. lay aside       
D. lay down
All the students in this class passed the English exam ________ the exception of Li Ming.___
A. on                   
B. in      
C. for                 
D. with
Writing is a slow process, requiring _______ thought, time, and effort.___
A. significant     
B. considerable    
C. enormous     
D. numerous
Lightning is a ______ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.___
A. rush                 
B. rainbow   
C. rack                 
D. ribbon
I caught a ________ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.___
A. vision             
B. glimpse   
C. look               
D. scene
Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _________.___
A. gaps               
B. rate       
C. length             
D. intervals
Physics is ________ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.___
A. alike               
B. equivalent  
C. likely               
D. uniform
The new appointment of our president _______ from the very beginning of next semester.___
A. takes effect   
B. takes part  
C. takes place     
D. takes turns