A. 同文馆
B. 广方言馆
C. 译书局
D. 译书馆
A. ①②③
B. ①②④
C. ②③④
D. ①③④
出席1946年1月政治协商会议的党派,除国民党、共产党外,还有 ①民主同盟②九三学社③民主建国会④青年党___
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①②④
D. ①③④
A. ①②③
B. ①②④
C. ②③④
D. ①③④
第二次鸦片战争到八国联军侵华战争期间西方列强迫使中国政府签订的不平等条约有 ①《南京条约》②《天津条约》③《马关条约》④《北京条约》___
A. ①②③
B. ①②④
C. ①③④
D. ②③④
为了宣传变法维新,康有为著书立说,主要有 ①《新学伪经考》②《孔子改制考》③《人类公理》④《变法通义》___
A. ①②③
B. ①③④
C. ①②④
D. ②③④
A. ①②③
B. ①③④
C. ①②④
D. ②③④
A. ①②③
B. ①②④
C. ②③④
D. ①③④
A. 《关于农业合作化问题》
B. 《关于农业生产互助合作的决议(草案)》
C. 《关于发展农业生产合作社的决议》
D. 《组织起来》
A. 社会主义条件下的商品生产
B. 可以消灭了资本主义,又摘资本主义来源:考试大
C. 社会主义条件下的价值规律
D. “三个主体、三个补充”的思想
A. 正确处理人民内部矛盾
B. 加强执政党建设
C. 改进党的作风
D. 批评与自我批评
A. 1971年
B. 1972年
C. 1949年
D. 1956年
A. 《关于党的若干历史问题的决议》的通过
B. 《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》的通过
C. 《关于加快农业发展若干问题的决定》的通过
D. 《关于经济体制改革的决定》的通过
A. 经济体制改革以城市为重点全面展开
B. 经济体制改革以农村为重点全面展开
C. 经济体制改革以市场经济为取向
D. 经济体制改革全方位展开
A. 世界银行
B. 世界货币基金组织
C. 世界贸易组织
D. 联合国人权组织
A. 腐朽没落的清朝统治
B. 资本帝国主义的侵略
C. 科学技术落后来源:
D. 闭关锁国
A. 第一次鸦片战争
B. 第二次鸦片战争
C. 中日甲午战争来 源:
D. 中法战争
A. 经济技术落后
B. 社会制度腐朽
C. 帝国主义实力过于强大
D. 近代中国人民的反侵略斗争具有历史局限性
A. 《原道醒世训》
B. 《天朝田亩制度》
C. 《资政新篇》
D. 《劝世良言》
A. “中学为体,西学为用”
B. 救亡图存考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
C. “适者生存”
D. “能变则全,不变则亡”
A. 驱除鞑虏
B. 恢复中华
C. 创立民国来源:
D. 平均地权
A. 孙中山
B. 宋教仁
C. 黎元洪
D. 黄兴
A. 武昌起义爆发
B. 中华民国南京临时政府成立
C. 清帝退位
D. 皇族内阁解散
A. 陈独秀创办《青年》杂志
B. 鲁迅发表《狂人日记》
C. 李大钊发表《我的马克思主义观》
D. 蔡元培出任北京大学校长
A. 新文化运动
B. 中国共产党成立
C. 国共第一次合作
D. 五四运动
A. 辛亥革命
B. 五四运动
C. 中共一大
D. 中共二大
A. 争取民主考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
B. 农民运动
C. 武装斗争
D. 工人运动
A. 地主的利益
B. 富农的利益
C. 中农的利益
D. 贫农的利益
A. “九一八”事变
B. “七七”事变
C. 华北事变
D. “一二八”事变
A. 张自忠
B. 佟麟阁
C. 赵登禹
D. 谢晋元
A. 董必武
B. 林伯渠
C. 周恩来
D. 朱德
A. 《政府与中共代表会谈纪要》
B. 《停战协定》
C. 《对目前时局的宣言》
D. 《国内和平协定》
A. 《在晋绥干部会议上的讲话》
B. 《目前形势和我们的任务》
C. 《论人民民主专政》
D. 《新民主主义论》
A. 七届二中全会
B. 七届三中全会
C. 中共七大
D. 七届一中全
A. “消灭资本主义”
B. “经销代销”
C. “统购统销”
D. “公私兼顾、劳资两利”
“FMC”is a system in an aircraft to manage the______.___
A. met message
B. flight data
C. flight pitch
D. flight roll
“Deteriorating weather”means the weather is getting______.___
A. better
B. clear
C. good
D. worse
Azimuth means horizontal______or direction. ___
A. heading
B. direction
C. bearing
D. scale
According to characters and conditions of flights on the route,ATS route is divided into______and______route. ___
A. domestic,international
B. fixed,temporary
C. regional,national
D. civil,military
Fuel______means the quantity of fuel carried by now. ___
A. reminding
B. endurance
C. number
D. total
The opposite meaning of“speedup”is_________
A. slowdown
B. speeddown
C. speedlow
D. slowby
Pilot turns on squawk______to request a squawk number. ___
A. 3000
B. 3500
C. 4000
D. 2000
First______assistance means doctor and ambulance in an emergency condition. ___
A. emergency
B. priority
C. aid
D. help
When somebody is reported hurt on board,maybe it will need______assistance on arrival. ___
A. fire-cart
B. medical
C. police
D. wheelchair
In emergency descent procedure,the pilot should turn right______out of the route while descending. ___
A. 40°
B. 30°
C. 20器
D. 15°
A. 保持平稳,避免频繁重复指令
B. 尽量快些,才能指挥更多飞机
C. 降低语速,避免口误
D. 时快时慢,引起机组的注意
According to ICAO,a standard holding pattern should all turn to the______.___
A. right
B. west
C. left
D. east
The standard altimeter setting is______inhpa. ___
A. 1013.20062
B. 1010.10062
C. 29.92002
D. 30.10002
2500f/m rate of vertical speed is equal to______.___
A. 10m/s
B. 15m/s
C. 20m/s
D. 25m/s
A. 相对飞行穿高度时
B. 天气差时,担心自己会忘记某个正在改变高度的动态
C. 飞机多时,为了节省精力
D. 在紧急情况下,用于冲突解脱时
Standard rate for a turning is______degrees per second. ___
What is the best course of action for a pilot to follow when thunderstorms are observed along the route of flight? ___
A. Fly below the thunderstorms
B. Climb over the thunderstorms
C. Disregard the thunderstorms
D. Take any action to avoid all thunderstorms
The subdivision of frequencies is______MHZ. ___
A. 0.025
B. 0.035
C. 0.02
D. 0.015
Aeronautical chart is divided into two categories,______. ___
A. Aeronautical map and special type of aeronautical chart
B. En-route chart and approach chart
C. Area chart and standard instrument arrival and departure chart
D. Aerodrome chart and area chart
Aircraft are required to comply with ATC instructions within______.___
A. advisory airspace
B. domestic airspace
C. controlled airspace
D. international airspace
Amendments to the initial clearance will be issued at anytime an air traffic controller deems such action necessary to______.___
A. avoid possible confliction between aircraft
B. correct the previously issued clearance
C. cancel the flight plan
D. expedite the traffic
研究表明,当耳机话筒的位置距离嘴( )英寸且稍微偏下时,传输的声音质量最佳。(注:1英寸=2.54CM)___
A. 0.25-0.5
B. 0.75-1
C. 1.25-1.5
D. 1.75-2
“I want to divert to shanghai” is equal to______.___
A. I want to our destination Shanghai
B. I want to overfly Shanghai
C. I want to alternate to land at Shanghai
D. I want to call Shanghai control
When an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot should try to notify _______ of this fact.___
A. the appropriate ATC units
B. company
C. the passengers on board
D. air attendants
When pilot say“Did you pick it upon your screen?”,that means______.___
A. did you pick up your screen?
B. did you see it on your screen?
C. did your screen pick me up?
D. did you change your radar?
ATC clearance does not contain______.___
A. clearance limit
B. altitude data
C. route of flight
D. flight direction
When pilot sets an altimeter setting to a QNH,that will indicate_________
A. flight level
B. altitude
C. height
D. safety level
When pilots set a pressure of 29.92 in mercury to indicate_________
A. altitude
B. height
C. flight level
D. safety level
管制员还应当对管制指令当中的不同内容进行适当的排序,相对重要的内容应当排列在管制指令的 ( )位置___
A. 前面
B. 中间
C. 尾部
D. 以上都可以
When Beijing time is 0801,Zulu time should be______.___
A. 2001
B. 1
C. 601
D. 1601
Emergency frequency is______.___
A. 121.5MHZ
B. 120.5MHZ
C. 121MHZ
D. 119.0MHZ
“PAN” is the international RTF______signal___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
“MAYDAY” is the international RTF______signal.___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
According to ICAO definition, a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but which does not require immediate assistance is _______ .___
A. urgency
B. dangerous
C. emergency
D. distress
Which SSR Code is not right?___
A. 7020
B. 8025
C. 6060
D. 4021
______is the accepted standard for worldwide time signal broadcast used for aviation.___
_____means the level is measured in 1013.2 pha___
A. Level
B. Height
C. Altitude
D. Flight level
An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency should be given______over other aircraft.___
A. way
B. flight plan
C. instruction
D. priority
A. PTT发射键还没有完全按下时就开始发指令
B. 指令还没有结束就松开PTT发射键
C. 按PTT发射键与发话同时进行,松开PTT发射键与发话同时进行
D. 先按下话筒PTT发射键,然后再开始对空发话,发话完毕后再松开话筒PTT发射键
SSR code is a______digital number.___
A. two
B. six
C. one
D. four