A. 1.1
B. 11
C. 0.5
D. 2.7
A. 小孔径的盲孔
B. 高精度孔
C. 孔位置精度不高的中小孔
D. 大孔径的盲孔
G02X100Z50R30 中 G 表示:___。
A. 非尺寸地址
B. 尺寸地址
C. 坐标轴地址
D. 程序号地址
A. 在 X—Y 平面圆弧
B. 在 I—-K 平面圆弧
C. 在 Y—Z 平面圆弧
D. 空间圆弧插补
粗车工件平面的 IT 值为___。
A. 1—4
B. 16
C. 11—13
D. 15
A. 只需一个指令,便可完成某项加工
B. 只能循环一次
C. 不能用其他指令代替
D. 只能循环二次
常用地址符 G 的功能是___。
A. 程序段序号
B. 准备功能
C. 主轴转速
D. 辅助功能
A. M98
B. M99
C. G98
D. G99
A. 要留有精加工余量
B. 为保证顺铣,刀具要沿内廓表面顺时针运动
C. 不用留有精加工余量
D. 为保证顺铣,刀具要沿工件表面左右滑动
常用地址符 P、X 的功能是___。
A. 程序段序号
B. 刀具功能
C. 主轴转速
D. 暂停
A. 1.87
B. 4.1
C. 4.49
D. 0.59
常用地址符 H、D 的功能是___。
A. 刀具功能
B. 偏置号
C. 进给速度
D. 主轴转速
A. 8.7
B. 10—20
C. 49
D. 8.8
常用地址符 L 的功能是___。
A. 参数
B. 子段序号
C. 重复次数
D. 辅助功能
常用地址符 G 的功能是___。
A. 快速进给功能
B. 准备功能
C. 数据归零
D. 慢速进给速度
A. 简化编程
B. 使编程复杂
C. 不用编程
D. 进行任意编程
A. 95
B. 97
C. 90—100
D. 20—80
A. G90
B. G01
C. G00
D. G91
粗车→半精车→精车工件外圆表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 11—13
B. 6—7
C. 10
D. 16
粗车→半精车→磨削工件外圆表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 15
B. 14
C. 6—7
D. 10—16
A. G9
B. G111
C. G90
D. G9339.粗车→粗磨→精磨工件外圆表面的表面粗糙度为( D )。
A. 油量不足
B. 油压过高或过低
C. 油泵有噪声
D. 压力表损坏
A. 87
B. 大于等于 20
C. 90
D. 88
A. 平动
B. 向后移动
C. 固定不动
D. 向前移动
钻→(扩)→铰工件内孔表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 机床电流
B. 机床电压
C. 空气干燥器
D. 液压油箱
N60 G01 X100 Z50 LF 中 N60 是___。
A. 程序逻辑段号
B. 功能字
C. 坐标字
D. 结束符
粗镗(扩)工件内孔表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 1—4
B. 6
C. 11—13
D. 5
A. 34.5
B. 33.2
C. 7—8
D. 2.5—5
A. 8.7
B. 2.5—5
C. 49
D. 8.8
粗镗(扩)→半精镗→精镗工件内孔表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 7—8
B. 15—17
C. 24
D. 16.5
粗车→半精车→精车工件平面的 IT 值为___。
A. 1—4
B. 16
C. 6—7
D. 15
粗镗(扩)→半精镗→精镗→浮动镗工件内孔表面的 IT 值为___。
A. 1—4
B. 16
C. 6—7
D. 15
A. 先加工底面,后加工侧面
B. 先加工侧面,后加工底面
C. 只加工侧面,不用加工底面
D. 只加工底面,不用加工侧面
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
___ is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness.
A. It
B. There
C. Here
D. This
___ a day goes by that I don’t receive dozens of junk mails in my email box.
A. None
B. Usually
C. Nearly
D. Hardly
Please trust me. Try this new method ___.
A. you feel very relaxed
B. and you feel very relaxed
C. you will feel very relaxed
D. and you will feel very relaxed
John said Mom was coming back tomorrow, not next week. If this is the ___, we’ll all have to clean the house thoroughly.
A. point
B. norm
C. question
D. case
It is far too late for you to go out and play football, ___ the fact that it’s raining.
A. no doubt
B. despite
C. given
D. not to mention
However, under no circumstances should we ___ our achievements, nor should we regard our accomplishments as unimportant.
A. present
B. perceive
C. exemplify
D. exaggerate
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there ___.
A. accurately
B. randomly
C. emotionally
D. continually
In many Middle Eastern cultures a deadline is taken as a(n) ___, and such terms should not appear in a purchase contract with businessmen from these countries.
A. target
B. favor
C. honor
D. insult
He is by no means a(n) ___ man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.
A. disgraceful
B. sophisticated
C. traditional
D. intelligent
Although the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved, the government’s emphasis has been ___ from coal to nuclear.
A. intended
B. defined
C. attached
D. switched
The psychologist doesn’t say directly, but seems to ___ that emotional maturity and self-stimulation are the key elements for success.
A. inquire
B. imply
C. refer
D. confront
The top floors of a building collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble (瓦砾), but he was ___ and could talk to rescuers.
A. reasonable
B. rational
C. innocent
D. conscious
After ___ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before.
A. extensive
B. durable
C. partial
D. extreme
As the world is becoming global, it is increasingly important that countries work together to ___ international trade.
A. soar
B. rise
C. facilitate
D. prompt
As the technology develops, it is probable that electronic books will start to ___ paper books in the near future.
A. ban
B. exchange
C. employ
D. replace
The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of ___ a senior bank official.
A. bribing
B. frustrating
C. chasing
D. eliminating
Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ___ from school.
A. forbidden
B. induced
C. expelled
D. disobeyed
A. 勇于尝试,不怕失败
B. 培养优良学风
C. 培养和提高独立生活能力
D. 培养自信心。
A. 奇思异想
B. 瞬间顿悟
C. 求真务实
D. 求新求变
A. 求实
B. 一丝不苟
C. 勤奋
D. 敢为人先
A. 胡锦涛
B. 江泽民
C. 温家宝
D. 李长春
A. 社会主义荣辱观
B. 社会主义核心价值体系
C. 科学发展观
D. 马克思主义
A. 雷锋
B. 张思德
C. 王杰
D. 白求恩
A. 学习科学理论
B. 理论联系实际
C. 知行统一
D. 多思考深理解
A. 知识渊博
B. 质量高尚
C. 德才兼备
D. 知行统一
A. 开展大学生活
B. 了解大学精神
C. 适应大学新生活
D. 开始专业学习
A. 掌握丰富知识
B. 陶冶品德情操
C. 确立人生目标
D. 培养竞争能力
A. “三个代表”重要思想
B. 中华民族传统美德
C. 科学发展观
D. 社会主义核心价值体系
A. 2002年10月7日
B. 2007年10月15日
C. 2006年3月4日
D. 2004年9月12日
A. 共产党员
B. 大学生
C. 每个公民
D. 先进分子
A. 人生观、价值观、世界观
B. 道德观
C. 法制观
D. 以上三点都是
A. 国际地位
B. 科技文化
C. 自然资源
D. 民主政治