A. 目前处于排队打印的文档文件名
B. 最近编辑过的文档文件名
C. 当前目录中所有文档文件名
D. 当前已经打开的文档文件名
A. 对汇编语言.高级语言和甚高级语言进行编译
B. 管理数据库文件
C. 控制和管理计算机系统软.硬件资源
D. 管理用各种语言编写的源程序
A. 身份证号
B. 现住址
C. 籍贯
D. 单位
A. 不能接受其它文字处理软件编辑的文本文件
B. 可以自动实现英文的自动校正功能,当出现错误时,用红线做标记
C. 允许在图文框内插入图片
D. 不能在DOS环境中使用
A. 警告处分
B. 撤职或开除
C. 刑事处理
D. 记大过
A. 可能造成传输线路资源紧张
B. 可能传播病毒
C. 可能造成涉密文件泄露
D. 可能造成系统安全
A. 民警的私人财物
B. 单警装备
C. 领导的私人财物
D. 不清楚
A. 图表、电子表格、公式计算
B. 文字输入、表格、公式
C. 公式计算、图表、表格
D. 电子表格、图表、数据库
A. 可以同时打开多个文档窗口,被打开的窗口都是活动窗口
B. 可以同时打开多个文档窗口,但其中只有一个是活动窗口
C. 可以同时打开多个文档窗口,但在屏幕上只能见到一个文档窗口
D. 只允许打开一个文档窗口,当打开第二个文档窗口时自动关闭前一个窗口
A. 信息量巨大
B. 信息完整
C. 信息全面
D. 信息分类较好
A. 用鼠标右键单击中英文切换按钮
B. 用SHIFT+空格键
C. 用CTRL+空格键
D. 用ALT+空格键
A. 系统重启
B. 系统蓝屏
C. 长时间不注册会被阻断连接
D. 没有任何影响
A. 选择菜单"工具"→"选项"→"保存"标签
B. 选择菜单"文件"→"保存"项
C. 选择菜单"工具"→"自定义"项
D. 选择菜单"文件"→"属性"项
A. 蓝色数据
B. 红色数据
C. 灰色数据
D. 黑色数据
A. 不知道如何处理
B. 关闭开关后等机器散热完成后自动停机
C. 关闭开关后马上断开电源
D. 直接断开电源
A. Internet中的一台主机只能有一个IP地址
B. 一个合法的IP地址在一个时刻只能分配给一台主机
C. IP地址与主机名是一一对应的
D. Internet中的一台主机只能有一个主机名
A. 随便使用
B. 先查毒,后使用
C. 禁止使用
D. 使用后,就杀毒
A. 任何类型的用户都可以进行添加和删除账户的操作
B. 系统至少应该有一个管理员用户
C. 只有管理员用户才可以进行添加.删除账户的操作
D. 不能删除当前正在使用的账户
A. 按CTRL+A全选页面,然后单击右键,选复制,然后粘贴到指定目录
B. 在窗口中选择文件/另存为,选择保存的目录,并选择WEB格式,保存
C. 拖动鼠标全选页面,然后单击右键,选目标另存为
D. 按CTRL+A全选页面,然后单击右键,选目标另存为
A. 受损器官系统多
B. 各器官衰竭程度重
C. 病情恶化快
D. 病死率高
A. 有效降温
B. 清除大量炎性介质,减轻 SIRS 反应程度
C. 有效清除肌红蛋白、胆红素、有害免疫物质等
D. 调节电解质、酸碱,使机体很快达到新的内环境平衡。
A. 面色潮红、皮肤灼热
B. 呼吸急促、胸闷加剧
C. 脉搏细弱,血压下降
D. 体温往往在 38℃以上
A. 心输出量下降
B. 血压低,无尿
C. 心动过速、室上速
D. 心肌细胞变性、坏死
A. 肝细胞坏死和胆汁淤积,严重者可发生急性肝衰竭
B. 肠粘膜缺血,通透性增加,水样便,血便
C. 肠道屏障功能减弱,菌群移位,感染
D. 创伤性胰腺炎,淀粉酶、脂肪酶升高。
A. 躯体创伤合并精神创伤多
B. 烧伤、多发伤、重伤害多
C. 复合伤、部位伤、隐蔽伤多
D. 直接伤并发间接损伤、远后效应多
A. 多维化
B. 全纵横
C. 全方位
D. 立体化
A. 环境因素
B. 个人因素
C. 组织因素
D. 诊疗因素
A. 掌握基本的军事理论和技术,做一个战斗员;
B. 掌握救护知识和技术,做一个战伤救护员;
C. 完成高强度的救治工作;
D. 具备自身防护、遇到紧急情况时自救互救以及心理应激干预能力
A. 肢体大出血
B. 张力性气胸
C. 气道梗阻
D. 烧伤
A. 火线救护
B. 战术区域救护
C. 战术中救护
D. 战术后送救护
A. 无法吞咽
B. 呕吐
C. 失血性休克
D. 意识水平下降
A. 四肢伤静滴头孢曲松
B. 躯干伤口服阿莫西林
C. 躯干伤静滴头孢曲松
D. 四肢伤静滴头孢唑啉;
AVPU 原则正确的是___
A. Alert—清醒
B. Verbal—对语言有反应
C. Pain—对疼痛有反应
D. Uresponsive—无反应
A. 低体温
B. 淹溺
C. 电击
D. 其他非创伤性心搏骤停
A. 肢体大出血
B. 张力性气胸
C. 气道梗阻
D. 心肌梗死
A. 部分师编卫生营
B. 部分合成旅遍卫生连
C. 部分合成营编卫生团
D. 其余部队按原体制
A. 快速检测视力
B. 使用硬质的眼罩盖住患侧眼睛(不要使用压力贴片)
C. ロ服莫西沙星片200mg
D. 不能口服时可给子静脉/肌肉注射抗生素
A. 火线救治
B. 镇痛
C. 战术后送救护
D. 战术区域救护
A. 急救
B. 紧急救治
C. 早期治疗
D. 专科治疗
A. 战伤减员
B. 战斗应急减员
C. 非战斗损伤减员
D. 阵亡
A physical Windows 2008 R2 Server is converted to a virtual machine using VMware vCenter Converter. Upon completion of the conversion and subsequent power on operation, the virtual machine fails to boot and the message below is observed in the Console of the virtual machine: <STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE>. Which two potential issues may be causing this boot failure? (Choose two.)___
A. An incorrect SCSI controller was selected during conversion.
B. Incompatible software drivers were migrated into the virtual machine from the source machine.
C. The vmdk file backing the virtual machine was thick provisioned.
D. A snapshot was taken immediately after the conversion completed.
An administrator is configuring the Failover Order option on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options should be used with IP-hash load balancing? (Choose two.)___
A. Active Uplinks
B. Standby Uplinks
C. Unused Uplinks
D. Override Failover Order
An administrator is configuring the Maximum Transmission Unit value on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options are typical values for ESXi networking? (Choose two.)___
A. 1492
B. 1500
C. 9000
D. 9089
Which two configurable options apply to both virtual machine CPU and memory allocation? (Choose two.)___
A. Reservation
B. Shares
C. Resource Pool
D. Reserve All
When attempting to power on a Virtual Machine you observe the following error: <Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/volume/vm/vm-000002.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.> Which three actions will be the best solutions to address this problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Verify that the virtual machine's disk files are present.
B. Investigate the host and virtual machine log files.
C. Verify the vmdk descriptor files and if required, recreate them.
D. Delete the disk file preventing the power on operation.
E. Migrate or register the virtual machine to a different host.
An administrator has been tasked with enabling High Availability ___ on a cluster in a vSphere 6.x environment with default settings. The cluster configures properly and there are no errors. The next day when powering on a virtual machine, an error is presented: <Not Enough Failover Resources>. Which three scenarios are likely causes of this error message? (Choose three.)(CDE)
A. The default VM Monitoring Sensitivity is set too high.
B. There are not enough datastore heartbeat datastores configured by default.
C. The default slot size in the cluster is set too high.
D. There are virtual machines with large CPU reservations.
E. A host is in maintenance mode for a replacement of a failed Hard Drive.
vMotion can be performed between which three physical boundaries? (Choose three.)___
A. Between two vCenter Server Systems
B. Between two vSphere Distributed Virtual Switches
C. Between two vCenter Server Datacenter objects
D. Between two VMware NSX Layer 4 segments
E. Between two NFS datastores
An administrator configures vSphere Replication for a virtual machine and enables multiple point in time (PIT) instances under the recovery settings in the Configure Replication wizard. Which two statements are correct for vSphere Replication with multiple point in time instances enabled? (Choose two.)___
A. vSphere Replication retains a number of snapshot instances of the virtual machine on the target site based on the retention policy that you specify.
B. vSphere Replication uses the virtual machine's snapshot instances to define the target site Point in Time instance based on the retention policy that you specify.
C. vSphere Replication does not support virtual machines with snapshots.
D. vSphere Replication supports virtual machines with snapshots.
An administrator is virtualizing a physical application server and adding it to an existing multi-tiered vApp. The application license is currently tied to the physical NIC's MAC address, so the administrator needs to ensure the license will function properly in the virtual machine. Which two actions can the administrator take to satisfy this task? (Choose two.)___
A. Set the MAC address for the vNIC in the guest operating system.
B. Install the physical server's NIC into the ESXi host.
C. Configure the MAC address for the vNIC using the vSphere Web Client.
D. Assign the physical server NIC's MAC address in the vSphere Distributed Switch.
Which two Fibre Channel zoning options are supported with vSphere 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Single-Initiator
B. Single-Initiator-Single-Target
C. Multiple-Initiators-Single-Target
D. Multiple-Initiators-Multiple-Targets
An administrator is attempting to remove an ESXi 6.x host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS). When the administrator attempts to remove the host, the following error is observed: <The resource '16' is still in use.> What three steps are needed to successfully remove the host from the switch? (Choose three.)___
A. Select Manage Ports on the vDS for the host.
B. Locate all ports currently in use on the vDS for the host.
C. Migrate or delete any vmkernel or virtual machine adapters associated with the switch.
D. Remove all network cards from the switch before trying to remove the host.
E. Create a standard switch for everything to be automatically be migrated to.
Which two Virtual SAN related actions might start resynchronization of virtual machine objects? (Choose two.)___
A. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to increase the number of replicas.
B. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to reduce the number of replicas.
C. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to increase the number of disk stripes.
D. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to reduce the number of disk stripes.
An administrator is troubleshooting basic network connectivity issues. Which two scenarios are potential issues that this administrator might face? (Choose two.)___
A. The vSwitch is not attached to the correct physical network.
B. The portgroup is not configured to use correct VLAN.
C. Traffic shaping is configured incorrectly.
D. Jumbo frames is configured incorrectly.
Which three items should be validated prior to installing ESXi 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Storage has been disconnected.
B. Installation media is available.
C. Server hardware clock is set to UTC.
D. Storage has been partitioned with a VMFS volume.
E. Network cards have been setup to use Jumbo
F. rames.
An administrator is performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x. Which three options are available for installation? (Choose three.)___
D. Scripted
E. Auto Deploy
After installation of a host in your test environment, you need to move it to production. The only major change that needs to be made is that the hostname of the server needs to change. What are two ways that an administrator can change the host name without editing configuration files on the host directly? (Choose two.)___
A. Login to the Direct Console User Interface and change it from here.
B. Edit the Default TCP/IP Configuration from the vSphere Web Client.
C. Use the Ruby vSphere Client to send a script to the ESXi host that updates the hostname.
D. Update the information in DNS and the
E. SXi host will automatically update with these changes.
An administrator has unsuccessfully attempted several times to install an Operating System inside a virtual machine. The administrator finds that the installation fails at random intervals. Which two actions can be taken to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify the md5sum and if invalid, download the installation files again.
B. Attempt the installation an additional time.
C. Attempt to use a different installation media or installation method.
D. Create a new virtual machine and attempt the installation with the existing media.
VMware tools is failing to install on a Microsoft Windows virtual machine. What are two possible situations that would prevent the installation? (Choose two.)___
A. The VMware tools installation media is corrupt.
B. The incorrect Operating System was selected in the virtual machine options.
C. The software prerequisites have not been installed.
D. The prerequisite services have not been started.
As part of a multisite Single Sign-On (SSO) deployment what two steps are required to ensure that a change to one Single Sign-On instance is propagated to the other instances? (Choose two.)___
A. Schedule a Replication Task on the primary instance
B. Select the first instance during the installation of subsequent instances
C. During the installation of each instance choose Linked-Mode
D. Enable Synchronize to Active Directory on each instance
You need to add an object to an existing vApp using the vSphere Web Client. How is this accomplished?___
A. Create an Object Inside the vApp.
B. Add an Object to a vApp.
C. Add an Object to the
D. atastore the vApp is located in.
Which three steps must be taken to use vSphere Update Manager 6.x to upgrade an ESXi 5.5 host to vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Download an ESXi Image.
B. Configure the vSphere Update Manager Download Service.
C. Create a baseline and attach it to the ESXi Host.
D. Scan the vCenter Content Library for the
E. SXi Image.
Which two options would allow a database administrator, with no access to the vSphere infrastructure, to connect to a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Use the Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC).
B. Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect.
C. Ask the vSphere administrator to grant permission to access the console through vCenter Server.
D. Ask the vSphere administrator to grant permission to access with the Horizon View Direct Connect Client.
Which three are architecture components of vRealize Operations? (Choose three.)___
A. Identity Server
B. Administrative Server
C. Analytics Server
D. Database Server
E. Connection Broker
A. 手动阀手动阀
B. 撒旦
C. 反对法
D. 第三方
A. 是否
B. 阿斯顿
C. 撒旦
D. 感到反感
A. 撒的
B. 热个股分化
C. 返回
D. 而我认为
A. dfdfgd
B. 梵蒂冈梵蒂冈
C. 广泛大概
D. 热
A. 运动的一种特殊形式
B. 绝对不动
C. 排斥运动
D. 事物处于量变状态
E. 事物在特定参考系中未发生位置变动
A. 运动是物质的固有属性
B. 物质是运动的承担者
C. 运动是物质的存在方式
D. 运动不一定是物质的运动
E. 物质不一定都在运动
A. 劳动是社会产生和存在的决定性因素
B. 在社会中不存在精神的现象和活动
C. 物质资料的产生是社会历史的前提
D. 全部社会生活在本质上是实践的
E. 社会生活中不存在物质关系以外的其他关系
A. 反映客观世界
B. 创造物质世界
C. 通过实践改造客观世界
D. 创造理论体系
E. 为自然界创造秩序
A. 手动阀手动阀
B. 撒旦
C. 反对法
D. 第三方
A. 是否
B. 阿斯顿
C. 撒旦
D. 感到反感
A. 撒的
B. 热个股分化
C. 返回
D. 而我认为
A. dfdfgd
B. 梵蒂冈梵蒂冈
C. 广泛大概
D. 热