A. 抓大抓小
B. 抓早抓小
C. 抓细抓严
D. 快查快结
A. 双指
B. 拘留
C. 留置
D. 监视居住
A. 小资主义
B. 分散主义
C. 本位主义
D. 自由主义
A. 左宗棠
B. 林则徐
C. 曾国藩
D. 李鸿章
A. 2018年1月
B. 2017年8月
C. 2017年7月
D. 2018年2月
A. 心中有党、心中有民、心中有责、心中有戒
B. 心中有党、心中有民、心中有律、心中有戒
C. 心中有民、心中有责、心中有戒、心中有律
D. 心中有民、心中有责、心中有戒、心中有党
A. 新社会阶层
B. 中华民族
C. 知识分子
D. 农民阶级
A. 李大钊
B. 毛泽东
C. 陈独秀
D. 瞿秋白
A. 维护党的团结
B. 严守党的纪律
C. 关心人民群众
D. 遵守国家法律
A. 记过
B. 记大过
C. 降级
D. 严重警告
A. 集中发展
B. 动员吸收
C. 集体加入
D. 个别吸收
A. 民主制
B. 集中制
C. 民主集中制
D. 民主协商制
A. 和平共处
B. 互相支持
C. 共同协商
D. 独立自主
A. 改善民生
B. 发展经济
C. 社会保障
D. 扩大就业
A. “两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
B. “一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
C. “两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的梦想
D. “一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的梦想
A. 民主基础上的集中和广泛的民主相结合
B. 广泛的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合
C. 民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合
D. 先民主后集中相结合的制度
A. 支部大会上报
B. 支部大会讨论
C. 支部大会通过
D. 上级党组织批准
A. 党的主要领导决定
B. 党组织讨论决定
C. 党委成员讨论决定
A. 对于少数人的不同意见,应当认真考虑
B. 如对重大问题发生争执,双方人数接近,除了在紧急的情况下必须多数意见执行外,应当暂缓决定,进一步调查研究,交换意见,下次再表决
C. 按职务高低决定
D. 在特殊的情况下,也可将争论情况向上级组织报告请求裁决
A. 坦白从宽、抗拒从严 ,执纪必严、违纪必究,抓早抓小、防微杜渐
B. 惩前毖后、治病救人,执纪必严、违纪必究,抓早抓小、防微杜渐
C. 惩前毖后、治病救人,严肃批评、教育为主,抓早抓小、防微杜渐
D. 惩前毖后、治病救人,抓早抓小、防微杜渐,批评和自我批评
A. 革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化
B. 又红又专
C. 革命化、年轻化、知识化、现代化
D. 廉洁、精简、高效
A. 基础
B. 细胞
C. 核心
D. 战斗堡垒
A. 警告处分
B. 留党察看
C. 开除党籍
D. 开除公职
A. 广泛、多层、体制化
B. 广泛、多样、体制化
C. 广泛、多样、制度化
D. 广泛、多层、制度化
A. 上级党组织
B. 县级以上党组织
C. 上级党委
D. 上级党委书记
A. 意识形态工作
B. 政治形态工作
C. 思想文化工作
D. 革命政治工作
A. 同呼吸
B. 共命运
C. 手牵手
D. 心连心
A. 形式主义
B. 官僚主义
C. 享乐主义
D. 奢靡之风
E. 个人主义
A. 创造力
B. 创新力
C. 凝聚力
D. 战斗力
A. 照镜子
B. 正衣冠
C. 洗洗澡
D. 治治病
A. 坚持党对一切工作的领导,坚持以人民为中心,坚持全面深化改革
B. 坚持新发展理念,坚持人民当家作主,坚持全面依法治国
C. 坚持社会主义核心价值体系,坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,坚持人与自然和谐共生
D. 坚持总体国家安全观,坚持党对人民军队的绝对领导,坚持“一国两制”和推进祖国统一
E. 坚持推动构建人类命运共同体,坚持全面从严治党
A. 政治意识
B. 大局意识
C. 核心意识
D. 看齐意识
E. 纪律意识
A. 听党指挥
B. 骁勇善战
C. 能打胜仗
D. 作风优良
A. “一国两制”
B. “港人治港”
C. “澳人治澳”
D. 高度自治
Which command do you enter to enable authentication for OSPF on an interface?___
A. router(config-if)#ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 CIS COPASS
B. router(config-if)#ip ospf authentication message-digest
C. router(config-if)#ip ospf authentication-key CISCOPASS
D. router(config-if)#area 0 authentication message-digest
What feature defines a campus area network?___
A. It has a single geographic location
B. It lacks external connectivity.
C. It has a limited number of segments.
D. It has limited or restricted Internet access
Which type of attack most commonly involves a direct attack on a network?___
A. :phishing
B. Trojan horse
C. denial of service
D. social engineering
What information does the key length provide in an encryption algorithm?___
A. the cipher block size
B. the hash bloc k size
C. the number of permutations
D. the packet size
How do you verify TaCACS+ connectivity to a device?___
A. You successfully log in to the device by using the local credentials
B. You connect via console port and receive the login prompt.
C. You connect to the device using SSH and receive the login prompt.
D. You successfully log in to the device by using ACS credentials
Which term best describes the concept of preventing the modification of data in transit and in storage?___
A. availability
B. confidentially
C. fidelity
D. integrity
Which loS command is used to define the authentication key for ntp?___
A. switch(config )#ntp authentication-key 1 mds Clcs
B. switch(config )#ntp authenticate
C. switch(config)#ntp trusted-key 1
D. switch(config)#ntp source
What is true about the cisco lOS Resilient Configuration feature ?___
A. The feature can be disabled through a remote session
B. There is additional space required to secure the primary cisco lOS image file.
C. The feature automatically detects image or configuration version mismatch.
D. Remote storage is used for securing files
When is the default deny all policy an exception in zone-based firewalls?___
A. when traffic terminates on the router via the self zone
B. when traffic traverses two interfaces in different zones
C. when traffic traverses two interfaces in the same zone
D. when traffic sources from the router via the self zone
.If an access port is assigned as an isolated port in a PVLAN, which network ports can it communicate with?___
A. promiscuous ports in the same PLVAN
B. isolated ports in the same PVLAN
C. all ports in the same PAVLAN at ILAR
D. all ports in the adjacent PVLAN
Which IPSEC mode is used to encypt traffic directly between a client and a server VPN endpoint?___
A. quick mode
B. transport mode
C. aggressive mode
D. tunnel mode
Which command do you enter to verify that a vpn connection is established between two endpoints and that the connection is passing traffic? ___
A. Firewall#sh crypto session
B. Firewall#debug crypto isakmp
C. Firewall#tsh crypto ipsec sa
D. Firewall#sh crypto isakmp sa
which type of Pvlan port allows communication from all port types?___
A. isolated
B. in -line
C. community
D. promiscuous
Which command do you enter to configure your firewall to conceal internal addresses?___
A. no ip directed-broadcast
B. no ip logging facility
C. no proxy-arp
D. no ip inspect audit-trial
E. no ip inspect
F. route
Which feature defines a campus area network? ___
A. It has a limited number of segments.
B. It has limited or restricted Internet access
C. It lacks ex1ternal connectivity.
D. It has a single geographic location
What technology can you use to provide data confidentiality data integrity and data origin authentication on your network?___
A. IPSec
B. Certificate Authority
D. Data
E. ncryption Standards
which standard is a hybrid protocol that uses oakley and skerne ke y exchanges is an ISAKMP framework?___
What is the actual los privilege level of User Exec mode?___
What is the effect of the asa command crypto isakmp nat-traversal?___
A. It opens port 500 only on the out side interface
B. It opens port 500 only on the inside interface
C. It opens port 4500 on all interfaces that are IPSec enabled
D. It opens port 4500 only on the out side interfac
Which Fire POWER preproce ssor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?___
A. Inline normalization
B. IP Defragmentation
C. Ports can
D. etection
Which NAT type allows objects or groups to reference an IP address ?___
A. identity NAt
B. static NAT
C. dynamic
D. dynamic NAT
Which Auto NAT policies are processed first?___
A. Dynamic NAT with longest prefix
B. Dynamic NAT with shortest prefix
C. static NAT with longest prefix
D. static NAT with shortest prefix
Which feature allows a dynamic Pat pool to se lect the next address in the pat pool instead of the next port of an existing address?___
A. next IP
B. round robin
C. dynamic rotation
D. NAT address rotation
Which IPS detection method can you use to detect attacks that are based on the attackers IP address?___
A. anomally-based
B. policy-based
C. signature-based
D. reputation-based
Which type of encryption technology has the broadest platform support?___
A. software
B. middleware
C. file-level
D. hardware
Which type of address translation supports the initiation of comm unications bidirectionally ?___
A. multi-session PAT
B. dynamic NAT
C. dynamic PAT
D. static NAT
Which label is given to a person who uses existing computer scripts to hack into computers while lacking the expertise to write the own?___
A. script kiddy
B. white hat hacker
C. hacktivist
D. phreaker
What is the primary purpose of a defined rule in an IPS?___
A. to configure an event action that takes place when a signature is triggered
B. to define a set of actions that occur when a specific user logs in to the system
C. to configure an event action that is pre-defined by the system administrator
D. to detect internal attacks
Which option is the default valuce for the Diffie- Hell man group when configuring a site-to-site VPn on an asa device ?___
A. Group 1
B. Group 2
C. Group 5
D. Group 7
Which feature filters CoPP packets?___
A. access control lists
B. class maps
C. policy maps
D. route maps
Which command is used in global configuration mode to enable AAA?___
A. configure-model aaa
B. configure aaa-modelA
C. aaa new-model
D. aaa
Which statement about the given configuration is true?___
A. The single-connection command causes the device to establish one connection for all TACACS
B. The single-connection command causes the device to process one TacAcs request and then move to the next server
C. The timeout com mand causes the device to move to the next server after 20 seconds of TACACS inactive
What are two well-known security terms?___
A. phishing//网络钓鱼
B. ransomware //勒索软件
C. BPDU guard
E. hair-pinning
Which two commands must you enter to securely archive the primary bootset of a device___
A. router(config )#secure boot-config
B. router(config)#auto secure
C. router(config)#secure boot-image
D. router(config)#service passw ord-encryption
Which two functions can SIEM provide ?___
A. correlation between logs and events from multiple systems
B. event aggregation that allows for reduced log storage requirements
C. proactive malware analysis to block malicious traffic
D. dual-factor authentication
E. centralized firewall management
Which two features of Cisco Web Reputation tracking can mitigate web-based threats?___
A. buffer overflow filterin dhsuowip
B. Bayesian filters
C. web reputation filters
D. outbreak filtering
E. exploit filtering
What are two challenges when deploying host- level IPS? ___
A. The deployment must support multiple operating systems.
B. It is unable to provide a complete networ k picture of an attack.
C. It is unable to determine the outcome of e very attack that it detects
D. It does not provide protection for offsite computers
E. It is unable to detect fragmentation attacks
Which technology can be used to rate data fidelity and to provide an authenticated hash for data?___
A. file reputation
B. file analysis
C. signature updates
D. network blocking
Which two statements about host-based iPS solutions are true?___
A. It uses only signature-based polices
B. It can be deployed at the perimeter.
C. It can be have more restrictive policies than network-based IPS
D. it works with deployed firewall
E. It can generate alerts based on be havior at the de sto
When two events would cause the state table of a stateful firewall to be updated? ___
A. when a packet is evaluated against the outbound access list and is denied
B. when a con nection is created
C. when rate-limiting is applied
D. when a connection s timer has expired within the state table.
E. when an outbound packet is forwarded to the outbound interface