A. 保证人
B. 抵押人
C. 出质人
D. 贷款人
A. 不按合同约定支付贷款资金
B. 信用状况下降
C. 项目进度落后于资金使用进度
D. 违反合同约定,以化整为零的方式规避贷款人受托支付
A. 诚信申贷
B. 审贷分离
C. 分级审批
D. 贷放分控
A. 采取贷款人受托支付的,贷款人应审核支付申请的信息是否与合同相符
B. 按照《固定资产贷款管理暂行办法》的要求,贷款人放款前,贷款人只需与借款人签订书面借款合同、担保合同等相关合同
C. 采用借款人自主支付的,贷款人应对借款人提交的提款申请进行审核
D. 采取贷款人受托支付的,贷款人审核同意后,将贷款资金通过借款人账户支付给借款人交易对手
A. 实行贷款全流程管理
B. 建立流动资金贷款风险管理制度和有效的岗位制衡机制
C. 全面了解客户信息
D. 将贷款管理各环节的责任落实到具体部门和岗位,并建立各岗位的考核和问责机制
A. 制订不合理的贷款规模指标
B. 突击放贷
C. 对于不良贷款进行重组
D. 市场化竞争
A. 购买原材料
B. 土地收购、整理和储备
C. 投资水电站建设项目
D. 企业增资
A. 借款人大额融资
B. 资产出售以及兼并、分立
C. 破产清算
D. 更换高管层
A. 对外投资
B. 合并、分立
C. 实质性增加债务融资
D. 发生影响借款人偿债能力的重大不利事项
A. 固定资产投资
B. 股权投资
C. 国家禁止生产、经营的领域
D. 支付租金
A. 是银行业金融机构开展信贷业务、管理信贷风险的基本保障
B. 是降低贷款人与借款人之间信息不对称,减少贷款风险隐患的重要手段
C. 有助于银行业金融机构作出对决策
D. 尽职调查工作质量直接决定贷款质量和风险承担水平
A. 不按规定对贷款的合法性、安全性、流动性和效益性进行调查的。
B. 未核实抵(质)押物的真实性和变现能力,
C. 未核实保证人的经济情况和担保能力的。
D. 向审查岗提交的调查报告内容不完整、不真实,对借款人生产经营中存在的问题不在调查材料中如实反映的。
E. 帮助客户编造虚假材料套取信用社信用或故意隐瞒重大问题误导贷款审查、审批的
A. 该集体审批的贷款未经集体审批的。
B. 违反法律、法规及信贷制度规定发放贷款的。
C. 违规干预调查岗、审查岗、贷管委工作的。
D. 审批通过没有具体调查、审查主责任人信贷业务的。
E. 审批通过不符合国家产业政策、信贷政策和贷款条件的信贷业务的。
F. 发放贷款用于收回借款人所欠利息的。
A. 借款人需求
B. 借款人生产经营特点
C. 周期
D. 贷款规定
A. 现场
B. 非现场
C. 定期
D. 不定期
A. 向农信社提供完整、真实、有效的材料
B. 配合农信社进行贷款支付管理、贷后管理及相关检查
C. 进行对外投资、实质性增加债务融资,以及进行合并、分立、股权转让等重大事项前征得农信社同意
D. 农信社有权根据借款人资金回笼情况提前收回贷款
依《银行业业人员职业操守》规定,下列各项属于从业基本准则的是,( )。___
A. 诚实信用
B. 守法合规
C. 专业胜任
D. 勤勉尽职
E. 公平对待
对于银行业从业人员的行为,《银行业从业人员职业操守》规定的监督者有( )。___
A. 从业人员所在机构
B. 银行业自律组织
C. 银行业监管机构
D. 社会公众
银行业金融机构要完善员工行为管理制度,禁止员工( )。___
A. 参与融资中介活动
B. 个人理财
C. 利用工作、职务之便,为融资中介提供便利
D. 对外提供、泄露客户信息
A. 开展市场调查,确定营销目标
B. 受理客户信贷业务申请,收集有关信息资料
C. 实地调查、撰写调查报告
D. 办理核保、抵质押登记、发放贷款的具体手续
E. 实施贷后检查,维护客户关系
A. 公司业务部、个人业务部
B. 信贷管理部
C. 放款中心
D. 风险管理部门
E. 资产保全部门
A. 资料的完备性
B. 资料的真实性
C. 手续的合规性
D. 要素设置的合理性
A. 市县行社董事、监事、管理人员
B. 信贷人员及其近亲属
C. A、B 中所述人员投资或担任高级管理职务的公司、企业或其他经济组织
D. 市县行社股东
A. 本金及利息
B. 罚息、违约金、损害赔偿金
C. 保管担保财产和实现债权与担保物权的费用
D. 双方约定的其他费用
A. 本行存单、理财质押
B. 外行存单、理财质押
C. 国债质押
D. 足额承兑汇票签发、贴现
A. 从事国家明令禁止的产品或项目经营的
B. 其主要产能已纳入国家淘汰类产业目录的
C. 示按国家规定取得项目批准文件、环保批准文件、土地批准文件或期他国家规定需具备的批准文件的
D. 有逃废银行债务行为或客户主要股东、法定代表人有逃废银行债务行为的
E. 有逾期记录的
根据《河南省农村信用社对公信贷业务操作规程》规定,对于信用等级为( )的客户办理信贷业时,可以在利率和费率方面给予一定优惠待遇。___
A. 对于 A 级客户,可在利率和费率方面给予优惠
B. 对于评为 B 级的新建客户不得授信
C. 对于评为 B 级的存量客户可根据实际情况增加授信额度
D. 对于 C 级客户,不得对其授信,要制定风险处置方案,最大限度保全债权,降低损失。
根据《河南省农村信用社对公信贷业务操作规程》规定,客户授信在实施过程中出现重大不利影响的预警信号时,可以( )直至预警信号解除。___
A. 对未使用授信额度予以冻结
B. 忽视预警信号
C. 压缩已使用额度
D. 要求客户使用示使用的授信额度
根据《河南省农村信用社对公信贷业务操作规程》规定,评审会委员享有下列权利( ).___
A. 向汇报部门了解需经评审会审议的客户情况及信贷业务情况
B. 对提交评审会审议的事项发表意见
C. 对评审会审议的事项享有表决权
D. 对经评审会审议、有权审批人审批的信贷事项落实情况享有质询权
E. 对改进评审会工作提出建议
A. 负责提前将提请审议的信贷事项提交各委员
B. 提请召开会议,通知成员参加会议并核实参会资格,确认出席会议的人数是否达到规定数
C. 负责会议记录并按规定要求整理会议纪要,根据审议情况填制相关文书
D. 按规定根据有权审批人审批意见起草批复文件, 负责对评审会审议的各类信贷事项资料及有关文件归档保存
E. 协调和落实评审会交办的事项
A. 在年度考核中被评为不称职的
B. 在信贷审议中明知有风险而未提示或应发现风险而未发现的
C. 有其他重违规行为或受到记过(含)以上纪律处分的
D. 严格按照审议程序和政策制度拒绝领导介绍客户贷款需求的
A. 客户是否已按照有关法律法规规定,办妥与信贷业务有关的批准、登记、交付及其他法定手续
B. 设有担保的,担保合同或其他担保方式是否已生效
C. 客户是否发生双方约定的任一违约事项
D. 支付合同的真实性
E. 合同约定的其他提款条件是否已经满足
A. 限制性条款是否完全落实
B. 客户是否归还贷款
C. 客户是否按照信贷业务合同规定的用途使用信贷资金
D. 对未按信贷业务合同规定用途使用的,应查明原因并提出处置的意见和建议
A. 客户生产经营正常,但资金回流比原计划滞后
B. 客户已经确定还款资金来源,但资金在合同约定日期前无法到位
C. 客户经营困难,无力还款,但短期内可正常支付利息的
D. 因不可抗力或意外事故,导致客户暂没有还款能力
E. 因客户集中偿贷,导致暂时出现资金困难的
A. 短期流动资金贷款(一年以内,含一年)展期期限累计不得超过原贷款期限
B. 短期流动资金贷款(一年以内,含一年)展期期限累计不得超过原贷款期限的一半
C. 中期流动资金贷款(一年以上三年以内,含三年)展期期限不得超过原贷款期限的一半
D. 固定资产贷款展期期限累计不得超过原贷款期限的一半,最长不超过三年
E. 贷款的展期期限加上原期限达到新的利率期限档次时,从展期之日起按照新的期限档次利率执行
F. 贷款展期利率可以低于原贷款利率
根据《河南省农村信用社对公信贷业务操作规程》规定,客户经理工作岗位变动时形成的书面交接材料,就由( )签名后登记存档。___
A. 交接人
B. 接手人
C. 信贷管理部负责人
D. 监督人
A. 有骗(套)取银行信用、恶意逃废银行债务行为的;
B. 担任或曾经担任骗(套)取银行信用、恶意逃废债务行为单位法定代表人、实际控制人的;
C. 有嗜赌、吸毒等不良行为的;
D. 从事国家明令禁止行业的。
A. 书面申请(线上方式申请除外);
B. 合法有效身份证明;
C. 有效收入证明或能够证明客户收入和还款能力的相关材料;
D. 贷款用途证明;
E. 担保资料;
F. 市县行社要求的其他材料。
A. 客户经理根据调查了解的情况,将相关信息录入信贷管理系统,由系统自动计算客户评级分值和初评结果;
B. 客户经理对初评结果确认后,在系统中提交信贷管理部门审查;
C. 信贷管理部门审查人员通过系统对客户资料信息进行审查。审查通过后,在系统中提交有权审批人或独立审批人审批;
D. 有权审批人或独立审批人通过系统进行审批,确定客户最终评级结果。
Which statement applies to the vSphere Replication appliance?___
A. Only one vSphere Replication appliance can be deployed per vCenter Server instance.
B. VMware Tools in the vSphere Replication appliance can be upgraded.
C. A single vSphere Replication appliance can manage a maximum of 4000 replications.
D. vSphere Replication is available only with the vSphere
E. ssentials Plus license.
Which esxcli namespace can a vSphere Administrator use to adjust the queue depth?___
A. esxcli system module parameters
B. esxcli storage core device
C. esxcli system module set
D. esxcli storage core adapter
Which statement regarding datastore clusters meets VMware’s recommended best practices?___
A. Clusters should contain only datastores presented from the same storage array.
B. Clusters should contain only datastores with equal hardware acceleration capability.
C. Clusters should contain only datastores with the same capacity.
D. Clusters should contain only datastores using the same connection method (iSCSI, FC, etc.).
What VM Monitoring setting would ensure that the maximum reset window for a virtual machine is 24 hours?___
A. Medium
B. Low
C. High
D. Normal
What is the default space threshold for vSphere Storage DRS?___
A. 80%
B. 70%
C. 90%
D. 95%
Which is the correct sequence to upgrade a vSphere infrastructure?___
A. vCenter Server>ESXi host> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
B. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
C. vCenter host> ESXi host> VM compatibility> VMware Tools
D. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VM compatibility>VMware Tools
An administrator has a large boot from SAN cluster and wants to ensure consistent configuration by using host profiles. What special considerations are required for boot from SAN hosts?___
A. Change the “Device is shared clusterwide” setting to “false” in the host profile.
B. Verify that the boot LUN is correctly identified as the boot device in the host profile.
C. The boot from SAN device must report as a local device.
D. Host profiles are incompatible with boot from SAN hosts.
When using VMware Converter to import a Windows server and improve the consistency of the destination virtual machine, which optional step can be performed immediately prior to powering down the source server?___
A. Perform a final synchronization task.
B. Remove the server from the network.
C. Uninstall production applications.
D. Remove the server from the Active Directory domain.
Restoration of the vCenter Server Appliance is accomplished using which interface?___
A. vSphere Web Client
B. vSphere Client
C. vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface
D. vCenter Server Appliance GUI Installer
When attempting to migrate a virtual machine to another host in the same cluster, the error message, “Select a valid compute resource” returns. What could cause this error?___
A. Both hosts run different versions of ESXi.
B. Both hosts are not sharing the same datastore.
C. VMware Tools is not installed.
D. Virtual machine has an ISO attached.
When will vSphere Data Protection delete the expired backup image of a Platform Service Controller?___
A. Immediately after the retention period has expired.
B. After the expired backup image is restored.
C. During the next backup window following expiry.
D. During the next maintenance window following expiry.
Group A has permission to download files in Content Library. Group B does not have permission to download files in Content Library. If a user is a member of both groups, what will be the result?___
A. The user cannot download file from Content Library.
B. The user can download file from Content Library.
C. The user cannot access Content Library.
D. The user can access Content Library.
An administrator is trying to set up Host Partial Failure Response, but the Automated option is grayed out. What can the administrator change to enable the Automated option?___
A. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Partially Automated.
B. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Fully Automated.
C. Enable vSphere HA Host Monitoring.
D. Change the vSphere DPM Automation level to Automatic.
When you attempt to open a virtual machine console from the vSphere Web Client, the console does not connect. The following error message appears:<HTTP ERROR 404> <Problem accessin/.Reason: Not Found>. Why did not connect?___
A. Port 443 is in use.
B. Port 9443 is in use.
C. Port 8443 is in use.
D. Port 22443 is in use.
What new feature was introduced to the Content Library in vSphere 6.5?___
A. Mount an ISO directly from the Content Library.
B. Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF Package in a Content Library.
C. Upload a File from a URL to a Library Item.
D. Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item.
How can an administrator exclude Encryption rights from a support engineer?___
A. Clone the role Virtual machine power user, remove Cryptographic operations privileges.
B. Clone the role Administrator and assign to the support engineer.
C. Clone the role Virtual machine power user and assign to the support engineer.
D. Clone the role No cryptography administrator and select privileges only for the support engineer.
The administrator must back up a vCenter HA deployment. Which component must be backed up?___
A. Passive node
B. Witness node
C. External database
D. Active node
What is the supported protocol to perform remote L3 traffic monitoring in vSphere 6.5?___
What are the minimum hardware requirements for a Windows vCenter Server with embedded PSC that manages a “Small” environment?___
A. 2vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
B. 4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
C. 2 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
D. 4 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
Which port is used for communication between ESXi and vSphere Data protection?___
A. 80
B. 443
C. 902
D. 22
What can prevent Storage DRS from functioning on a datastore?___
A. The datastore is configured for Virtual Machine Swapfile location.
B. The datastore is shared across multiple datacenters.
C. The datastore is connected to a host that is running Storage I/O Control.
D. Storage DRS advanced option IgnoreAffinityRulesForMaintenance is set to 1.
When troubleshooting VMware vCenter Server issues, when logging level provides maximum detail?___
A. Verbose
B. Trivia
C. Info
D. Error
What new feature is introduced in NFS 4.1 on ESXi 6.5?___
A. IPv6
B. KRB5i
D. Storage DRS
What configuration option would ensure that a virtual NUMA topology is defined on VMs having more than eight virtual CPUs?___
A. cupid.coresPerSocket
B. numa.vcpu.followcorespersocket
C. numa.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode
D. numa.vcpu.min
What is the minimum disk space required to deploy vSphere Data Protection (VDP) with 8 TB configuration?___
A. 4 TB
B. 16 TB
C. 8 TB
D. 12 TB
What advanced option for vSphere HA defines a maximum number of reset attempts by VMCP for a virtual machine?___
A. das.maxterminates
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. das.maxresets
D. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
What vSphere technology enables the administrator to ensure consistent configuration at scale?___
A. PowerCLI
B. Host Profiles
C. esxcli
D. vSphere Web Client
Which port is used for vSphere HA agent-to-agent communication?___
A. 443
B. 8182
C. 22
D. 902
Which log file would assist in identifying an issue that occurred during the database export phase of a vCenter Server upgrade process?___
A. vcdb_import.out
B. export.json
C. export-upgrade-runner.log
D. vcdb_export.out
Bidirectional CHAP is support by which storage initiator?___
A. software FCoE HBA
B. Fibre Channel HBA
C. independent hardware iSCSI HBA
D. dependent hardware iSCSI HBA
What is a pool of raw storage capacity that a storage system can provide to Virtual Volumes?___
A. protocol endpoint
B. storage container
C. storage provider
D. datastore
vSphere 6.5 DRS is now Network-Aware. Based on network utilization, when will DRS balance VMs?___
A. DRS will balance VMs when a network resource pool is configured for VMs.
B. DRS will balance VMs when Network I/O Control is enabled.
C. DRS will place VMs on initial boot for hosts that have network utilization lower that the threshold.
D. DRS will vMotion VMs when network utilization is higher than the threshold on a particular host.
A scripted upgrade of ESXi fails due to an incorrect parameter in the upgrade script. What file must the administrator modify to correct the problem?___
A. vmreconfig.pl
B. hostinfo.pl
C. ks.cfg
D. boot.cfg
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machine VM2. If a user is a member of group A and B, what action can the user perform?___
A. Suspend VM2.
B. Power off VM1.
C. Power on and power off VM1.
D. Power on and power off VM2.
The networking team has requested to have a dedicated network for iSCSI traffic. This task has been assigned to the vSphere Administrator. What is the VMware-recommended way to accomplish this?___
A. Configure Static Routes on each ESXi Server.
B. Configure the right subnet.
C. Create a custom IP Stack.
D. Define a dedicated gateway for the iSCSI vmkernel.
To prevent possible failures or issues during a vSphere upgrade, which component should be upgraded first?___
A. ESXi Hosts
B. virtual machines
C. datastores
D. vCenter Server
What is the command for updating an ESXi host?___
A. esxcli software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
B. esxupdate software update –d”/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
C. esxcli software update –d “/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
D. esxupdate software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
A vSphere Administrator would like to identify which physical NUMA node their virtual machine is currently residing on. What esxtop metric would provide this information?___
A. GST_ND[x]
B. OVD_ND[x]
How can a vSphere administrator ensure that two virtual machines never run on the same datastore in a datastore cluster, while permitting the VMs to be load-balanced?___
A. Use an Intra-VM Anti-Affinity Rule.
B. Configure a storage DRS VM override.
C. Disable storage
D. RS for the VMs.
What is the VMware-recommended way to move a physical adapter out of Network I/O Control’s scope?___
A. Set the teaming policy to “Route Based on Physical NIC Load.”
B. Add the vmnic to the Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit parameter in Advanced System Settings.
C. Add the vmnic to the Net.IOControlPnicOptOut parameter in Advanced System Settings.
D. Move the vmnic to a different vmUplink port on the Distributed Switch.