A. 一类设备异动
B. 二类设备异动
C. 三类设备异动
D. 四类设备异动
A. 一类设备异动
B. 二类设备异动
C. 三类设备异动
D. 四类设备异动
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 30
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 30
A. 设备异动竣工申请单
B. 缺陷工单
C. 设备异动申请单
D. 工作票
"96.公司定向采购及合同续签的决策权限为单项采购估算额( )万元以下,其余采购方式的决策权限为单项采购估算额 50 万元以下。___
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
"97.公司定向采购及合同续签的决策权限为单项采购估算额30万元以下,其余采购方式的决策权限为单项采购估算额( ) 万元以下。___
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
"98.年度物资需求计划是制定年度采购方案策略,确定年度采购决策模式的主要依据,一般应在( )前通过 OA 向物资采购部提交当年物资需求计划。___
A. 1月1日
B. 1月25日
C. 1月31日
D. 2月1日
A. 某大修项目中价值6万元的国产球阀
B. 某科技项目中价值100元的进口卡套接头
C. 消缺物资价值1万元的设备板卡
D. 某固定资产采购中价值2万余元的国产红外探测器。
"100.对于单项采购估算额( )万元以上的物资(不包括福利及劳保开支的物资)需提交技术规范书(技术要求有明确图号或型号的设备配件或标准件除外)___
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
"102.紧急物资需求比率各部门原则上不能超过( )%。___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. 董事长
B. 总经理
C. 分管领导
D. 部门主任
A. 董事长
B. 总经理
C. 分管领导
D. 部门主任
"105.部门在京东企业购平台单当月同类物资采购不得超过( )次。___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. 合同承办部门
B. 计划发展部
C. 技术质量部
D. 纪检审计室
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10
"108.所有经招标的项目,合同的起草及合同谈判必须以招标文件中的合同文本为基础,结合投标文件及有效的补充文件(信函和澄清等)与中标人进行谈判和澄清,不得违反原则性条款,重大变更需( )由同意后方可调整___
A. 采购委员会
B. 采购工作小组会
C. 总经理办公会
D. 公司党委会
A. 0.05
B. 0.1
C. 0.12
D. 0.15
"110.( )负责联系单的费用差别及初步估算。___
A. 纪检审计室
B. 计划发展部
C. 技术质量部
D. 合同承办部门
"111.事故(事件)发生部门应在事发后( )小时之内,填写相应事故(事件)即报表报告事故简况至安全监察部___
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 48
"112.事故(事件)调查(分析)报告经批复同意后,事故调查工作即告结束。调查结束后( )个工作日内,调查组织部门应将事故(事件)调查(分析)报告录入浙能集团安健环和技术管理平台。___
A. 7
B. 10
C. 14
D. 30
"113.公司设立百日安全记录,安全记录为连续无事故的累计天数,安全记录达到( ) 天为一个“百日安全周期”___
A. 50
B. 100
C. 200
D. 365
"114.当发生异常事故(事件)时,当事人或所属班组班组长应( )向所属部门负责人、调度中心汇___
A. 立即
B. 一小时内
C. 十二小时内
D. 二十四小时内
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 60
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 48
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
"118.按公司《生产安全事故事件报告和调查处理规定》,站场安全阀、ESD 放空阀异常放空()定性为异常。___
A. 100标方以上500标方以下
B. 100标方以上1000标方以下
C. 500 标方以下
D. 1000方以下
A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 24
A. 安全监察部
B. 技术质量部
C. 调度运行中心
D. 技术质量部和安全监察部
"121.在固定总价合同模式下,承包人承担的风险是( )___
A. 全部价格的风险,不包括工作量的风险
B. 全部工作量的风险,不包括价格的风险
C. 工程变更的风险,不包括工程量和价格的风险
D. 全部工作量和价格的风险
"122.根据《标准施工招标文件》,对承包人提出索赔的处理程序,正确的是( )___
A. 监理人收到承包人递交的索赔通知书后,发现资料缺失,应及时现场取证
B. 监理人答复承包人处理结果的期限是收到索赔通知书后28天内
C. 发包人在承包人接受竣工付款证书后不再接受任何索赔通知书
D. 发包人应在作出索赔处理结果答复后28天内完成赔付
"123.在工程实施过程中发生索赔事件后,承包人首先应做的工作是在合同规定时间内( )___
A. 向发包人发出书面索赔意向通知
B. 向工程项目建设行政主管部门报告
C. 向造价工程师提交正式索赔报告
D. 收集完善索赔证据
A. 未按规定编制应急预案
B. 未按规定组织应急预案演练
C. 未按规定公布应急预案
D. 未按规定进行应急预案备案
A. 自然灾害事故
B. 指导责任事故
C. 一般责任事故
D. 操作责任事故
"126.下列建筑施工企业为从事危险作业的职工办理的保险中,属于非强制性保险的是( )___
A. 工伤保险
B. 基本医疗保险
C. 意外伤害保险
D. 失业保险
A. 时间特别紧迫的抢险、救灾工程项目
B. 采用的技术成熟,但工程量暂不确定的工程项目
C. 工程结构和技术简单的工程项目
D. 工程设计详细、工程任务和范围明确的工程项目
"128.关于分部分项工程量清单项目与定额子目关系的说法,正确的是( )___
A. 清单项目与定额子目之间是一一对应的
B. 一个定额子目不能对应多个清单项目
C. 清单项目与定额子目的工程量计算规则是一致的
D. 清单项目组价时,可能需要组合几个定额子目
"129.根据《标准施工招标文件》,关于暂停施工的说法,正确的是( )___
A. 发包人原因造成暂停施工,承包人可不负责暂停施工期间工程的保护
B. 因发包人原因发生暂停施工的紧急情况时,承包人可以先暂停施工,并及时向监理人提出暂停施工的书面请求
C. 施工中出现意外情况需要暂停施工的,所有责任由发包人承担
D. 由于发包人原因引起的暂停施工,承包人有权要求延长工期和(或)增加费用,但不得要求补偿利润
"130.根据《标准施工招标文件》,关于施工合同变更权和变更程序的说法,正确的是( )___
A. 发包人可以直接向承包人发出变更意向书
B. 承包人根据合同约定,可以向监理人提出书面变更建议
C. 承包人书面报告发包人后,可根据实际情况对工程进行变更
D. 监理人应在收到承包人书面建议后30天内做出变更指示
"131.根据《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》,工程变更引起施工方案改变并使措施项目发生变化时,承包人提出调整措施项目费的,首先应采取的做法是( )。___
A. 提出措施项目变化后增加费用的估算
B. 在该措施项目施工结束后提交增加费用的证据
C. 加快施工尽快完成措施项目
D. 将拟实施的方案提交发包人确认并说明变化情况。
 John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ________ the curiosity and creativity of children.
A. seek          
B. stimulate    
C. shape       
D. secure
 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A.  by that        
B. at that      
C. on that        
D. in that
 However, at times this balance in nature is ________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A. troubled       
B. disturbed  
C. confused      
D. puzzled
 The patient’s health failed to such an  extent that he was put into _____ care.
A. tense           
B. rigid     
C.  intensive      
D.  tight
 Does everyone on earth have an equal right _________ an equal share of its resources?
A.  by                 
B. at         
C. to                 
D. over
 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe __________ Europe into a great war.
A. inserted        
B. imposed   
C. pitched         
D. plunged
 We had to ___________ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. go in for        
B. hold on to    
C. put up with     
D. keep pace with
A person's calorie requirements vary ______ his life.___
A. across        
B. throughout  
C. over            
D. within
Generous public funding of basic science would ________considerable benefits for the country's health, wealth and security.___
A. lead to        
B. result from  
C. lie in            
D. settle down
In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ___________ with the rapid changes of society___
A. step              
B. progress    
C. pace            
D. touch
The speech which he made __________ the project has bothered me greatly.___
A. regarded      
B. concerned  
C. regarding      
D. concerning
Harry was _______ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.___
A. stung              
B. stuck    
C. bitten            
D. scratched
The thief tried to open the locked door but _________.___
A. in no way          
B. in vain  
C. without effect    
D. at a loss
Remember that customers don't ________ about prices in that city.___
A. debate            
B. consult  
C. dispute            
D. bargain
I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter. Don't _________ anything.___
A. lack                
B. withdraw
C. omit                
D. leak
The tomato juice left brown __________ on the front of my jacket.___
A. spot                
B. point    
C. track                
D. trace
The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans.___
A. of                    
B. on      
C. to                    
D. against
I'm very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.___
A. interfered         
B. offended 
C. impressed         
D. bothered
 The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.___
A. altered             
B. ranged   
C. separated         
D. differed
Their son doesn't know what to ________ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.___
A. take in             
B. take up   
C. take over         
D. take after
Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _________.___
A. blank             
B. hollow   
C. vacant           
D. bare
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A. with regard to      
B. as to     
C. in relation to       
D. owing to
Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam.
A. with             
B. for     
C. toward         
D. on
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A. peculiarly        
B. indifferently 
C. vigorously       
D. inevitably
 When people become unemployed, it is _______ which is often worse than lack of wages.___
A. laziness         
B. poverty   
C. idleness       
D. inability
In previous times, then fresh meat was in short __________, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.
A. store               
B. provision   
C. reserve           
D. supply
Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _________.___
A. appreciated     
B. approved  
C. appealed         
D. applied
It is our ___________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.___
A. consistent         
B. continuous  
C. considerate      
D. continual
He is __________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.___
A. optimistic         
B. optional    
C. outstanding       
D. obvious
The director was critical _______________ the way we were doing the work.___
A. at             
B. in      
C. of             
D. with
In a sudden _____________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.___
A. attack       
B. burst    
C. split           
D. blast
In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year.___
A. swallow             
B. dispose  
C. consume           
D. exhaust
I'd _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.___
A. take into account     
B. account for
C. make up for              
D. make out
She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat.___
A. mild                 
B. slight    
C. light                 
D. tender
The computer revolution may well change society as _____________ as did the Industrial Revolution.___
A. certainly               
B. insignificantly
C. fundamentally     
D. comparatively
A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ___________.___
A. nuisance             
B. trouble    
C. worry                 
D. anxiety
As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _________ it.___
A. postpone           
B. refuse    
C. delay                 
D. cancel
 When a fire _________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.___
A. broke of             
B. broke out  
C. broke down       
D. broke up
 The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __________.___
A. stand up to         
B. make up for
C. come up with     
D. put up with
 The student was just about to ___________ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.___
A. arrive at             
B. submit to  
C. work out             
D. give up