A. 当班班长
B. 交班班长
C. 当班收费员
D. 交班收费员
A. 1号早班
B. 30号晚班
C. 15号早班
D. 15号晚班
A. 四分之三
B. 三分之二
C. 二分之一
D. 三分之一
A. 20
B. 30
C. 15
D. 25
A. 5元
B. 10元
C. 15元
D. 50元
A. 纸券车
B. 卡不可读
C. 免费放行
D. 无卡
A. Alt+V
B. Alt+C
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+P
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. 2月1日
B. 3月1日
C. 4月1日
D. 5月1日
A. 班长打开收费所缴款室门,班长和收费员集体进入,并锁好缴款室门。
B. 班长和收费员完成投包工作后,班长检查箱包内是否遗留其他现金。
C. 班长核对回收的凭证、异常卡等无误后,将服务证、上岗证、反光背心、箱包等物品放置于箱包柜。
D. 出口收费员必须在监控范围内清点通行费与备用金,并填写缴款单与收费日报表等报表
A. 按可能行驶的最远距离收取通行费,并赔偿通行卡工本费70元
B. 赔偿通行卡工本费70元,免费放行
C. 免费放行
D. 核实该卡入口信息,确认后手工输入入口站名,读公务卡核对无误后免费放行。
A. 对路径完全识别的车辆,即路径完整或路径有漏标、误标但能确定唯一路径车辆,按实际行驶路径收费
B. 对路径信息不全车辆,系统提示多条可能行驶路径,由收费员核实后选择收费,班长旁证
C. 对无路径信息(卡不可读、无卡无票、最远距离等)即按最短距离收费
D. 全部都对
A. 995
B. 996
C. 998
D. 1000
公路法种所称公路,包括公路桥梁、___ 和公路渡口。
A. 涵洞
B. 边坡
C. 公路隧道
D. 互通立交
A. 交通主管部门
B. 交警
C. 派出所
D. 当地政府
A. 合理规划
B. 可持续发展
C. 合理布局
D. 发展改革
A. 北仑港
B. 舟山港
C. 温州港
D. 宁波港
A. 上海
B. 北京
C. 广州
D. 天津
A. 收费员的报表与该收费员在收费系统记录的收费数据里的差额
B. 银行实际收到的钱与该收费员解款单的差额
C. 银行实际收到的钱与该收费员在收费系统里记录的收费额的差额
D. 收费员实际收到的钱与该收费员解款单的差额
A. 无卡无票
B. 卡不可读
C. 卡损坏
D. 卡丢失
A. 所有车辆按5吨收费
B. 所有车辆按1类小车收费
C. 所有车辆按5元收费
D. 免费放行
A. 盗窃罪
B. 危害公共安全罪
C. 破坏交通设施罪
D. 扰乱社会秩序罪
A. 100米
B. 200米
C. 300米
D. 400米
A. 轴型
B. 总重
C. 轴重
D. 车型
A. 用笔在票面上添加金额,再给驾驶员
B. 重新按无卡处理,前一张作销票处理
C. 重新按卡不可读操作,前一张作空票
D. 重打票键,前一张作空票处理
A. 7
B. 3
C. 30
D. 15
A. 免费通行证
B. 跨区域作业证
C. 行驶证
D. 设备运输单
A. 空票、销票需要班长旁站
B. 制式警车可免费通行
C. 误判车型后,在收费界面,可按“更改车型”键直接更改车型
D. 公务卡必须与通行卡同时使用
A. 每个收费岗亭内外都配置简易灭火器;
B. 每个出口收费岗亭内配置小型保险箱;
C. 每条车道安全岛前方摆放防撞桶,防撞桶内装三分之二沙土;
D. 每个岗亭内配置应急照明灯;
A. 超时有理由误按无理由操作造成销票
B. 打印机故障造成销票
C. CPU车信息不符造成销票
D. 路径不符,造成销票
A. 收费员 管理人员
B. 收费员 班长
C. 班长 管理人员
D. 副班长 班长
A. 所长
B. 卡票
C. 所值班管理人员
D. 班长
以下不属于清账销票的是 ___
A. 一车多卡销票
B. 物品质押销票
C. 路径选择错误销票
D. 出口误操作造成销票
A. 车型类别误判销票
B. 计重数据不符销票
C. 公务车(CPU卡)销票
D. 免费车销票
A. 班长和值班人员
B. 值班人员和当事收费员
C. 当事收费员与缴款人员
D. 班长与缴款人员
A. R表示所有的集装箱
B. J表示集装箱所配置的挂装设备
C. L表示集装箱拖挂车和地盘挂车
D. 箱号是由2位阿拉伯数字组成
A. 现场保证自助发卡机及车牌识别仪表面清洁卫生
B. 注意避免让水渍进入发卡区域和卡机喇叭区域
C. 装卸通行卡时应防止碰撞摔打恶意破坏等行为违规行为
D. 对发卡机部件故意造成损坏的人可以不赔偿
A. 一卡一票一车
B. 谁使用谁保管
C. 谁领用谁负责
D. 一人保管一人使用
A. 特情处理
B. 纸卷
C. 卡不可读
D. 卡坏
A. 运载树木的车辆(树木超出车尾3米,尾部挂有提醒标志)
B. 车厢为双排的商品车运输车辆
C. 车货总重为43吨的五轴货车
D. 货物高度超过4.2米的货车
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away A lot of what we [ ] is made from raw materials which are not renewable
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to [ ] their house before the baby was born
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away Jennifer couldn't [ ] her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back, free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away We want to give all children a world [ ] violence
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile Fortunately, the accident didn't [ ] many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile She[ ] her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile They kept on trying their best to develop their business, but in such [ ]market competition, they had no Idea if success would come along one day
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators [ ] taking up a musical instrument at a young age
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any [ ]
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,[ ] to questions in class,or talk with other children
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; [ ] to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile The duties to provide services for children in need are not [ ] to the local social services department
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile We pray that all nations be [ ] and that all people around the world live in peace
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional It was reported the president had [ ]to fight If war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional I had to [ ] one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional Darwin's theory of evolution remains[ ] partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile He suggested a small but [ ] improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in She held her hand above her eyes to [ ]them [ ] the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in The boy studied the signs for over an hour,but still could not [ ]them, so he turned to his teacher for help
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in They [ ] the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in We will continue to care for those [ ] and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Many people [ ]careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can [ ]
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Finally, I would like to [ ]by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in He is a person that you always [ ]when you need help.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms [ ] families with small children
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need, be/ get caught up in Betty loves reading.[ ],“Reading is the most wonderful thing in the world.”
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Every one of you has made a contribution and I [ ] knowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in They all tried to talk [ ], but I couldn't hear anything they said
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Yellow flowers in the field always [ ] me [ ] my childhood in the countryside
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should [ ]winning the game
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Research on genes will [ ] exciting new medical treatments.,
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, My family [ ] on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, Many subway riders read books or listent music in order to [ ] their time on the way to work
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in, In order to [ ]physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly and for at least half an hour each time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical Mary was a careful speaker, every word seemed to have been [ ] before it was allowed to escape through her lips
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly [ ] their return
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical Thanks to the [ ] of air transport,everyone is free to go anywhere at any time