The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.
A. A. neutrality
B. B. full involvement
C. C. partial involvement
D. D. appeasement
Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.
A. A. Declaration of Independence
B. B. Constitution
C. C. Emancipation Proclamation
D. D. Bill of Rights
In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.
A. A. the First Continental Congress
B. B. the Second Continental Congress
C. C. the Boston Tea Party
D. D. the Congress of Confederation
The first shots of the American dependence were fired in .
A. A. Concord
B. B. Lexington
C. C. Philadelphia
D. D. Boston
“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of .
A. A. the settlers of Virginia
B. B. the people of Pennsylvania
C. C. the colonists in New England
D. D. the people of the 13 colonies
The Seven Years’ War occurred between the .
A. A. French and American Indians
B. B. French and Spaniards
C. C. French and British
D. D. British and American Indians
Pilgrim Fathers are a group of who came to America to avoid persecution in England.
A. A. Protestants
B. B. Puritans
C. C. Catholics
D. D. Christians
The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in .
A. A. Jamestown, Louisiana
B. B. Boston, Massachusetts
C. C. Jamestown, Virginia
D. D. Plymouth, Georgia
The characteristic of dominant American culture is .
A. A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class
B. B. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class
C. C. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-class
D. D. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class
The ImmiWar of Ingrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States, particularly from .
A. A. Europe
B. B. Asia
C. C. Africa
D. D. South America
The largest minority in the United States is the .
A. A. Pacific Islanders
B. B. Blacks
C. C. Native Americans
D. D. Asians
The native Alaskan population includes the following except the .
A. A. Indians
B. B. Eskimos
C. C. Aleuts
D. D. Blacks
is located on the U. S. –Canadian border between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
A. A. Yellowstone National Park
B. B. The Grand Canyon
C. C. Niagara Falls
D. D. The Great Salt Lake
Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located .
A. A. in the South
B. B. along the Pacific Coast
C. C. in New England
D. D. in the Midwest
The largest river in the U. S. is .
A. A. the Missouri River
B. B. the Mississippi River
C. C. the Ohio River
D. D. the Colorado River
The U. S. lies in North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its and the Pacific to its .
A. A. northern, east, west
B. B. central, east, west
C. C. southern, west, east
D. D. western, east, west
The state of is the largest in area of all the states.
A. A. Alaska
B. B. Hawaii
C. C. Texas
D. D. Florid
The United States has states on the continent.
A. A. 50
B. B. 49
C. C. 48
D. D. 35
Waiting for Godot is written by .
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. George Orwell
C. C. William Golding
D. D. D. H. Lawrence
Of the following writers, is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. James Joyce
C. C. William Golding
D. D. V. S. Naipaul
Of the following statements, is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf.
A. A. She was a central figure of the “Bloomsbury Group”.
B. B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.
C. C. She was an influential feminist.
D. D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.
Of the following books, was NOT written by Thomas Hardy.
A. A. Jude the Obscure
B. B. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
C. C. Adam Bede
D. D. The Return of the Native
is NOT included in the modernist group.
A. A. Oscar Wild
B. B. Virginia Woolf
C. C. William Butler Yeats
D. D. T. S. Eliot
Of the following statements, is NOT correct in terms of Neo-Romanticism.
A. A. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.
B. B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.
C. C. The writers believed in “Art for Art’s Sake”.
D. D. Treasure Island was a representative work.
is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century.
A. A. Robert Louis Stevenson
B. B. John Milton
C. Joseph Conrad
D. D. Thomas Hardy
Of Dickens’ novels, is considered autobiographical.
A. A. A Tale of Two Cities
B. B. David Copperfield
C. C. Oliver Twist
D. D. Great Expectations
is viewed as Romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.”
A. A. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”
B. B. Don Juan
C. C. “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
D. D. Prometheus Unbound
The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is .
A. A. poetry
B. B. drama
C. C. novel
D. D. pamphlet
The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except .
A. A. Trooping the Color
B. B. Queen’s Christmas message
C. C. Boxing Day
D. D. Christmas pantomime
Of the following, is NOT a common feature of all the British holidays.
A. A. families getting together
B. B. friends exchanging good wishes
C. C. friends enjoying each other’s company
D. D. families traveling overseas
is Britain’s top pay television provider.
B. B. SkyTV
D. D. BSkyB
Life on Earth is a kind of program produced by the BBC and is popular among 500 million viewers worldwide.
A. A. feature
B. B. drama
C. C. documentary
D. D. soap opera
Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Three” with the exception of .
A. A. The Times
B. B. The Guardian
C. C. The Observer
D. D. The Daily Telegraph
To be admitted to the Open University, one need .
A. A. some educational qualifications
B. B. no educational qualifications
C. C. General Certificate of Education-Advanced
D. D. General National Vocational Qualifications
Of the following, is NOT a basis of admission to Britain’s universities.
A. A. result in national entrance test
B. B. A-level result
C. C. an interview
D. D. school references
Partially funded by central government grants, the British univPartially funded by central government grants, the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources except .
A. A. tuition fees
B. B. loans
C. C. donations
D. D. corporate contributions
About of British children receive primary and secondary education through the independent system.
A. A. 5%
B. B. 6%
C. C. 7%
D. D. 8%
In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the .
A. A. 1930s
B. B. 1940s
C. C. 1950s
D. D. 1960s
A. 无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的学说体系
B. 关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说
C. 马克思和恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系
D. 关于资本主义转化为社会主义以及社会主义和共产主义发展的普遍规律的学说
A. 不仅指马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和学说的体系,也包括继承者对它的发展。
B. 无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的学说体系
C. 关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说
D. 马克思和恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系
A. 不仅指马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和学说的体系,也包括继承者对它的发展。
B. 无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的学说体系
C. 关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说
D. 列宁创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系
A. 出生1小时内体重不足1000g
B. 出生1小时内体重不足1250g
C. 出生1小时内体重不足1500g
D. 出生1小时内体重不足2000g
E. 出生1小时内体重不足2500g
A. 宫颈
B. 卵巢
C. 输卵管
D. 腹腔
E. 以上都不是
A. 阴道口
B. 大阴唇
C. 小阴唇
D. 阴唇韧带
E. 输卵管
A. 缺氧
B. 外伤
C. 核黄疸
D. 羊水栓塞
E. 胎儿期感染
A. 子宫黏膜下肌瘤
B. 输卵管因素
C. 外阴、阴道炎症
D. 宫颈细长,宫颈炎
E. 子宫内膜异位症
A. X线钡餐造影检查
B. 选择性动脉造影
C. 内镜检查
D. 化验检查
E. 吞线试验
A. 逆行性遗忘
B. 病理性赘述
C. 记忆错误
D. 近事遗忘
E. 远事遗忘
A. 正常
B. 炎症
C. 可疑癌
D. 高度可疑癌
E. 癌
A. 平卧位
B. 头高脚低位
C. 头低脚高位
D. 侧卧位
E. 坐位,两腿下垂
A. 血液传播
B. 呼吸道传播
C. 接触传播
D. 母婴传播
E. 消化道传播
A. 骨软骨瘤
B. 骨肉瘤
C. 骨髓瘤
D. Ewing瘤
E. 骨巨细胞瘤
A. 年龄愈小,体液占体重的百分比愈高
B. 年龄愈小,细胞内液量相对为多
C. 年龄愈小,每日水的交换量相对为少
D. 血清钠含量高于成人
E. 需水量同于成人
A. 肺有双重血流供应,即肺循环和支气管循环
B. 肺循环是一个高压、高阻力循环系统
C. 各级支气管和肺的营养主要由支气管循环供应
D. 肺气体交换功能主要由肺循环执行
E. 肺动脉携带静脉血,肺静脉输送动脉血
A. 发病原因
B. 首发症状
C. 贫血程度的不同
D. 出血症状的不同
E. 白血病细胞的成熟程度
A. 肩关节脱位
B. 肘关节脱位
C. Colles骨折
D. 肱骨髁上骨折
E. 锁骨骨折
A. 乳腺感染
B. 上呼吸道感染
C. 泌尿系统感染
D. 手术切口感染
E. 产褥感染
A. 由上到下的顺序
B. 由近到远的顺序
C. 由粗到细的顺序
D. 由低级到高级的顺序
E. 由简单到复杂的顺序
A. 阑尾尖端指向脐周或上腹部
B. 胃肠功能紊乱
C. 内脏神经反射
D. 体神经反射
E. 阑尾位置
A. 神经系统
B. 生殖系统
C. 脂肪组织
D. 淋巴系统
E. 肌肉组织
A. 补给钾盐过少
B. 补给钠盐过多
C. 补给电解质先后次序不当
D. 单纯输入5%的葡萄糖液过多
E. 补液中加入电解质浓度过高
A. 宫内节育器
B. 口服短效避孕药
C. 注射长效避孕针
D. 口服长效避孕药
E. 避孕套
A. 新生儿期
B. 幼年期
C. 青春期
D. 生育期
E. 围绝经期
A. 与复万短效避孕药的服用方法一样
B. 服药一次可以避孕1个月
C. 宜在午饭后2小时服药
D. 也可以在夜班饭后2小时服药
E. 服药后24小时可出现类早孕反应
A. 圆韧带松弛
B. 阔韧带变厚
C. 骨盆漏斗韧带松弛
D. 宫颈横韧带松弛
E. 盆底肌肉松弛
A. 子宫收缩力
B. 腹肌收缩力
C. 膈肌收缩力
D. 坐骨海绵体肌收缩力
E. 肛提肌收缩力
A. 嘱产妇多活动,少进食流质,以免增加排尿次数而刺激尿道
B. 遵医嘱给予产妇敏感有效的抗生素,以控制感染
C. 禁止给予抗痉挛、止痛药,以免掩盖症状,延误治疗
D. 产褥期的正常反应,应继续观察病情
E. 如患者排尿困难,应立即留置导尿管
A. 血常规
B. 血沉
C. 抗核抗体
D. 血清球蛋白
E. 血清白蛋白
A. 典型脓血便
B. 明显里急后重
C. 大便镜检发现大量脓细胞、巨噬细胞
D. 大便培养阳性
E. 免疫学检查阳性
A. 溶血性链球菌
B. 大肠埃希菌
C. 肺炎链球菌
D. 变形杆菌
E. 厌氧类杆菌
A. 吸入麻醉
B. 硬膜外阻滞麻醉
C. 蛛网膜下腔阻滞麻醉
D. 静脉麻醉
E. 吸入麻醉
A. 低血磷使神经肌肉兴奋性增高
B. 组织细胞释放磷,血磷高使血钙离子下降
C. 血糖降低使能量代谢异常
D. 高热使脑细胞代谢异常
E. 代谢性酸中毒时血钙离子降低
A. 平滑绒毛膜、包蜕膜、羊膜
B. 平滑绒毛膜、底蜕膜、真蜕膜
C. 叶状绒毛膜、包蜕膜、真蜕膜
D. 叶状绒毛膜、底蜕膜、羊膜
E. 叶状绒毛膜、底蜕膜、真蜕膜
A. 钾离子摄入减少
B. 醛固酮分泌减少
C. 钾离子进入细胞内减少
D. 肾排钾减少
E. 代谢性酸中毒
A. 先腹痛,后发热、呕吐
B. 排便后腹痛可好转
C. 有停经和阴道流血史
D. 常伴腹泻、心悸等症状
E. 腹部压痛不明显
A. 放置宫内节育器
B. 按期口服短效避孕药
C. 使用避孕套
D. 注射避孕针
E. _安全期避孕
A. 代谢性酸中毒
B. 代谢性碱中毒
C. 低钾血症
D. 低钙血症
E. 低镁血症
A. 疑有异位妊娠患者
B. 疑有盆腔积液者
C. 疑有盆腔积脓者
D. 原因不明的腹痛患者
E. 腹水原因待查者
A. 恶心
B. 呕吐
C. 食欲减退
D. 喜食酸物
E. 失眠
A. 血容量严重不足
B. 心功能不全
C. 容量血管过度收缩
D. 容量血管过度扩张
E. 心功能恢复
A. 圆韧带
B. 主韧带
C. 子宫骶骨韧带
D. 骨盆漏斗韧带
E. 阔韧带