Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ___ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignment
C. exception
D. access
My father seemed to be in no ___ to look at my school report.
A. mood
B. emotion
C. attitude
D. feeling
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. endangered
D. threatening
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. concept
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. evaluating
C. calculating
D. computing
When he opened the door, he used too much force and ___ the key.
A. trailed
B. varied
C. wicked
D. twisted
I’m very sorry to have ___ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A. offended
B. impressive
C. bothered
D. interfered
It is sometimes difficult for young people from the countryside to ___ well to life in the big city.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordination
Our guide gave us a detailed ___of this painting but we still do not understand.
A. authority
B. interpretation
C. instruction
D. institution
If you want to ___ the wood, cut it with the grain, not against it.
A. break
B. burn
C. split
D. divide
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. conception
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. betting
C. calculating
D. computing
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. danger
D. threatening
Workers should occasionally walk around, ___ and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.
A. pull
B. lengthen
C. strain
D. stretch
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
Running a kitchen ___a great deal of discipline and speed.
A. including
B. involving
C. involves
D. composes
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. Nevertheless
C. Hence
D. Therefore
Stratford police refuse to comment ___ whether anyone has been arrested.
A. about
B. on
C. at
D. with
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ___ to the change.
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. accustom
D. adept
The company has launched a campaign of television ___ and leaflets.
A. commercials
B. commences
C. commerce
D. commercialization
The general secretary may ___ the president at official ceremonies.
A. present
B. represent
C. representative
D. stand
He ___ her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
A. dragged
B. pulled
C. stretched
D. twisted
Suppose that when I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ___ down.
A. will have been pulled
B. will have pulled
C. will be pulling
D. will be pulled
The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I ___ to it.
A. have not gone
B. did not go
C. had not gone
D. should not have gone
An investigation was made into the accident ___ fifty people were killed.
A. for that
B. where
C. when
D. in which
___ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.
A. Dissatisfying thoroughly
B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied
C. To dissatisfy thoroughly
D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied
She was so angry that she felt like ___ something at him.
A. to throw
B. to have thrown
C. throwing
D. having thrown
If you want to know the train schedule, please ___ at the booking office.
A. acquire
B. inquire
C. request
D. require
My brother’s plans are very ___; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.
A. arbitrary
B. aggressive
C. ambitious
D. abundant
Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ___.
A. capacity
B. strength
C. length
D. possibility
Water and air are ___ to human beings. We cannot live without them.
A. harbor
B. function
C. definite
D. essential
Our challenge is to ___ those voters and inspire them to join our cause.
A. motion
B. motive
C. motivate
D. motivation
Harper was a teacher by ___.
A. career
B. occupation
C. profession
D. vocation
The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and ___some medicine for me.
A. prescribed
B. floated
C. drugged
D. drifted
A. 一
B. 两
C. 三
D. 四
A. 四分之一
B. 三分之一
C. 二分之一
D. 三分之二
A. 中央军事委员会
B. 中央军事委员的政治工作机关
C. 中国人民解放军总政治部
D. 中央军事委员会总政治部
A. 信念坚定、为民务实、忠诚干净、敢于担当
B. 信念坚定、勤政务实、敢于担当、清政廉洁
C. 对党忠诚、信念坚定、敢于担当、治企有方
D. 对党忠诚、为民务实、忠诚干净、敢于担当
A. 批准成立党组
B. 本单位推荐
C. 当地党委
D. 上级党委
A. 中国工人阶级的先锋战士
B. 中国工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士
C. 中国工人阶级的先锋队
D. 中国工人阶级的先进代表
中国共产党党员永远是劳动人民的______。 ___
A. 普通一员
B. 重要一员
C. 其中一员
D. 特殊一员
中国共产党员要自觉遵守党的纪律,首先是党的______和______,模范遵守国家的法律法规,严格保守党和国家的秘密,执行党的决定,服从组织分配,积极完成党的任务。 ___
A. 组织纪律政治规矩
B. 政治纪律 政治规矩
C. 组织制度政治规矩
D. 规章制度 政治制度
发展党员,必须把______放在首位,经过党的支部,坚持个别吸收的原则。 ___
A. 道德标准
B. 政治标准
C. 行为标准
D. 法律标准
A. 半年
B. 一年
C. 两年
D. 三年
党的最高领导机关是______。 ___
A. 党的全国代表大会
B. 党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会
C. 党的全国代表大会产生的中央委员会
D. 党的地方各级代表大会和它们所产生的委员会
党的各级代表大会的代表和委员会的产生,要体现______的意志。 ___
A. 国家
B. 人民
C. 选举人
D. 群众
A. 2015年10月19日
B. 2015年12月30日
C. 2016年1月1日
D. 2016年1月30日
A. “三个必须”
B. “四个必须”
C. “五个必须”
D. “六个必须”
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
A. 自觉维护人民根本利益
B. 自觉保持人民公仆本色
C. 自觉提升思想道德境界
D. 自觉带头树立良好家风
《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》要求党员领导干部廉洁用权,______。 ___
A. 自觉维护人民根本利益
B. 自觉保持人民公仆本色
C. 自觉提升思想道德境界
D. 自觉带头树立良好家风
A. 自觉维护人民根本利益
B. 自觉保持人民公仆本色
C. 自觉提升思想道德境界
D. 自觉带头树立良好家风
A. 自觉维护人民根本利益
B. 自觉保持人民公仆本色
C. 自觉提升思想道德境界
D. 自觉带头树立良好家风
A. 领导廉洁从政规范
B. 领导干部廉洁自律规范
C. 党员领导干部廉洁自律规范
D. 领导干部廉洁从政规范
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 依法治国与以德治党相结合
B. 依规治党与以德治党相结合
C. 依规治党与以德治国相结合
D. 高标准与守底线相结合
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 系统化
B. 可操作化
C. 具体化
D. 科学化
A. 自省
B. 自觉
C. 自律
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 依法治国与以德治党相结合
B. 依规治党与以德治党相结合
C. 依规治党与以德治国相结合
D. 高标准与守底线相结合
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 根本性党内法规
B. 重要基础性党内法规
C. 党的重要法规
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 界线
B. 底线
C. 防线
D. 高线
A. 先进性和纯洁性
B. 高度集中统一
C. 风清气正
D. 政治生态绝对纯净
A. 党的十八届六中全会
B. 十八届中央纪委六次全会
C. 庆祝党成立95周年大会
D. 党的十八届五中全会
A. 党的各级代表大会代表
B. 各级领导干部
C. 各级领导机关和领导干部
D. 各级领导机关
A. 经济建设
B. 人民
C. 改革
D. 创新
A. 党的基本路线
B. 党的领导
C. 党规党纪
D. 党中央权威
A. 工作纪律
B. 政治纪律
C. 组织纪律
D. 群众纪律
A. 党内教育
B. 党内自由
C. 党内团结
D. 党内民主
党要管党、从严治党必须从______管起、严起。 ___
A. 党内政治生活
B. 党的民主生活
C. 党的组织生活
D. 党的基层工作
《关于新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则》明确规定,必须把______作为开展党内政治生活的首要任务。 ___
A. 坚定理想信念
B. 严明党的纪律
C. 加强党内民主
D. 坚持民主集中制