It is sometimes difficult for young people from the countryside to ___ well to life in the big city.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordination
Our guide gave us a detailed ___of this painting but we still do not understand.
A. authority
B. interpretation
C. instruction
D. institution
If you want to ___ the wood, cut it with the grain, not against it.
A. break
B. burn
C. split
D. divide
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. conception
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. betting
C. calculating
D. computing
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. danger
D. threatening
Workers should occasionally walk around, ___ and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.
A. pull
B. lengthen
C. strain
D. stretch
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
Running a kitchen ___a great deal of discipline and speed.
A. including
B. involving
C. involves
D. composes
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. Nevertheless
C. Hence
D. Therefore
Stratford police refuse to comment ___ whether anyone has been arrested.
A. about
B. on
C. at
D. with
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ___ to the change.
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. accustom
D. adept
The company has launched a campaign of television ___ and leaflets.
A. commercials
B. commences
C. commerce
D. commercialization
The general secretary may ___ the president at official ceremonies.
A. present
B. represent
C. representative
D. stand
He ___ her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
A. dragged
B. pulled
C. stretched
D. twisted
Suppose that when I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ___ down.
A. will have been pulled
B. will have pulled
C. will be pulling
D. will be pulled
The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I ___ to it.
A. have not gone
B. did not go
C. had not gone
D. should not have gone
An investigation was made into the accident ___ fifty people were killed.
A. for that
B. where
C. when
D. in which
___ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.
A. Dissatisfying thoroughly
B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied
C. To dissatisfy thoroughly
D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied
She was so angry that she felt like ___ something at him.
A. to throw
B. to have thrown
C. throwing
D. having thrown
If you want to know the train schedule, please ___ at the booking office.
A. acquire
B. inquire
C. request
D. require
My brother’s plans are very ___; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.
A. arbitrary
B. aggressive
C. ambitious
D. abundant
Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ___.
A. capacity
B. strength
C. length
D. possibility
Water and air are ___ to human beings. We cannot live without them.
A. harbor
B. function
C. definite
D. essential
Our challenge is to ___ those voters and inspire them to join our cause.
A. motion
B. motive
C. motivate
D. motivation
Harper was a teacher by ___.
A. career
B. occupation
C. profession
D. vocation
The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and ___some medicine for me.
A. prescribed
B. floated
C. drugged
D. drifted
The list is arranged according to the ___ professions of the audience.
A. resolution
B. responsible
C. resource
D. respective
The government is trying to do something to ___ better understanding between the two countries.
A. raise
B. promote
C. heighten
D. increase
According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ___ : 77.2 years.
A. rank
B. span
C. scale
D. scope
Because of the boring ___, we need to take a vacation every year.
A. routine
B. surgery
C. rifle
D. sake
The manager spoke highly of such ___ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.
A. virtues
B. features
C. properties
D. characteristics
Throughout his life, Henry Moore ___ an interest in encouraging art in the city of Leeds.
A. contained
B. secured
C. reserved
D. maintained
The new trade agreement should ___ more rapid economic growth.
A. facilitate
B. help
C. assist
D. speed
The new plan is ___ and everybody present agrees with it.
A. appendix
B. adventurous
C. feasible
D. impractical
A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ___.
A. mark
B. feature
C. trace
D. appearance
The plant ___particularly well in slightly harsher climes.
A. succeeds
B. shows
C. flourishes
D. fosters
This company provides a very good ___service for its products.
A. maintenance
B. merit B. philosophy D. pigeon
A. 本质
B. 重点
C. 根源
D. 关键
A. 空气流通
B. 干燥寒冷
C. 炎热而潮湿
A. 8月10日
B. 9月8日
C. 9月20日
______年,“五人委员会”首次在日内瓦召开首次会议,它的正式名称是________,1875年改名为___________。 ___
A. 1863,战场救护国际委员会,国际红十字委员会
B. 1863,伤病救护国际委员会,红十字国际委员会
C. 1864,战场救护国际委员会,红十字国际委员会
___年在日内瓦召开的国际会议上,通过了10项决议,其中包括采用_______和______作为标志。 ___
A. 1863,白底红新月,保护性
B. 1864,白底红十字,标明性
C. 1863,白底红十字,保护性
亨利·杜南1901年获首次颁发的__________,奖励他为红十字运动做出的巨大贡献。 ___
A. 诺贝尔和平奖
B. 人类进步奖
C. 发展和平奖
南丁格尔是现代医务护理创始人,她的生日________被定为国际护士节;她被称为红十字运动的先驱,红十字国际委员会设立南丁格尔奖章,以表彰各国在护理工作中有突出贡献的护士。 ___
A. 5月12日
B. 3月12日
C. 5月8日
红十字运动由________________________三个部分组成。 ___
A. 国际委员会、国际联合会、各国红会
B. 国际大会、代表会议、常设委员会
C. 国际委员会、中央寻人局、各国红会
红十字运动____年被正式称为国际红十字与红新月运动。 ___
A. 1864
B. 1901
C. 1986
红十字运动的最高审议机构是__________。 ___
A. 红十字与红新月国际大会
B. 国际红十字与红新月运动代表会议
C. 红十字与红新月常设委员会
为确保___,红十字国际委员会委员全部由瑞士籍人士担任。 ___
A. 中立
B. 人道
C. 统一
_____年,红十字国际委员会在联合国获得观察员身份。 ___
A. 1945
B. 1965
C. 1989
红十字协会创立于_____年,_______年改为______________。 ___
A. 1863,1991红十字国际委员会
B. 1919,1991红十字会与红新月会国际联合会
C. 1919,1991伤兵救护委员会
_____年,国际联合会在联合国获得观察员身份。 ___
A. 1945
B. 1995
C. 1999
成立国家红十字会或红新月会应具备______条件。 ___
A. 九项
B. 十项
C. 七项
红十字与红新月常设委员会(简称常设委员会)由____名委员组成,其中____名为国家红会的代表。 ___
A. 9,5
B. 9,4
C. 8,2
红十字标志具有______________,二者______混淆使用。 ___
A. 保护作用和标明作用,可以
B. 保护作用和装饰作用,不得
C. 保护作用和标明作用,不得
中国红十字会是中华人民共和国_______的红十字组织。 ___
A. 会员最多
B. 惟一
C. 统一
1904年3月10日,成立“______________”。 ___
A. 中国红十字会
B. 万国红十字会上海支会
C. 中华民国红十字会
海峡两岸红十字组织于______年在_____就双方参与见证其主管部门执行海上遣返,达成协议,即《金门协议》。 ___
A. 1990 金门
B. 1990 福州
C. 1991 金门
A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
各级红十字会会员代表大会闭会期间,由__________执行会员代表大会的决议。 ___
A. 理事会
B. 常务理事会
C. 执行委员会
红十字会的第七项职责是依照_________的有关规定开展工作。 ___
A. 红十字与红新月运动章程
B. 中国红十字会章程
C. 日内瓦公约及其附加议定书
搬运昏迷或有窒息危险的伤员时: ___
A. 应采用侧卧式
B. 应采用仰卧式
C. 应采用侧俯卧式
心脏停止的伤员应: ___
A. 人工呼吸
B. 胸外心脏按压
C. 人工呼吸并胸外心脏按压
烧伤创面的处理: ___
A. 涂油
B. 不能随便用药,不能涂油,不能弄破水泡
C. 弄破水泡
对无骨端外露骨折或严重软组织伤的肢体用夹板或木棍、树枝等固定时应: ___
A. 超过伤口上、下关节
B. 超过伤口上关节
C. 超过伤口下关节
关于河豚鱼中毒,哪项不是其治疗方法: ___
A. 催吐、洗胃、导泻
B. 1%盐酸士的宁肌注或皮下注射
C. 呼吸麻痹时可实施机械通气
D. 碳酸氢钠静滴。
A. 木柱
B. 檩子
C. 木圈梁
D. 地基
作业人员在高空作业时,必须正确使用_____或设置安全网、护栏等安全防护设施。 ___
A. 工具箱
B. 安全带
C. 安全绳。
安全色分类及其含义:红色:禁止标志 蓝色:_____ 黄色:警示标志 绿色:提示标志 ___
A. 指示标志
B. 行为标志
C. 指令标志
A. 大脑
B. 心脏
C. 肺部
慢性酒精中毒常见合并症不包括: ___
A. 慢性胃炎
B. 酒精性肝硬化
C. 周围神经炎
D. 精神分裂症
百草枯中毒的主要致死原因为: ___
A. 进行性肺纤维化;
B. 急性肾功能衰竭;
C. 中毒性肝损害;
D. 中毒性心肌炎。
A. 切好的蔬菜
B. 冰水
C. 凉水
A. 定专人、定时间、定整改措施
B. 定时间、定地点、定专人
C. 定人、定岗、定编制
A. 爆炸浓度上限
B. 爆炸浓度下限
C. 爆炸温度下限
A. 病人仰卧,用仰头举颏法打开气道。
B. 病人仰卧,双肩抬高,用仰头抬颈法打开气道。
C. 病人仰卧,松解衣领,清除口中异物,然后用仰头举颏法打开气道。
A. 2—3cm
B. 4—5cm
C. 5—6cm
A. 2:10
B. 1:5
C. 2:30