A. 500℃、550℃
B. 530℃、535℃
C. 525℃、550℃
A. 冷却水
B. 工艺水
C. 急冷油
D. 循环乙烷
A. 处于“自动”状态下的备用急冷油循环泵会自启动
B. 润滑油主油泵启动
C. 处于“自动”状态下的润滑油辅助油泵会自启动
D. 紧急切断该泵驱动蒸汽
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200
A. 甲烷化反应器飞温
B. 急冷油粘度上升
C. 急冷水pH值偏高
D. 碱洗系统耗碱量增大
急冷水塔 T-103釜温控制指标 ___
A. 82.6℃
B. 85℃
C. 83.5℃
D. 78℃
A. 提高反应速度
B. 防止炉管渗碳,降低裂解气中CO量
C. 保护炉管,同时提高收率
A. 45Kg/cm
B. 125Kg/cm
C. 30Kg/cm
A. 各电机全部停止运行
B. 各裂解炉引风机全部停止运行
C. 各机泵全部停止运行
D. 各裂解炉原料电磁阀关闭
A. 搭拆脚手手架
B. 机泵维修
C. 破土
D. 拆装换热器
A. 设备润滑的目的是减少设备零部件磨损,保证设备正常运行,延长设备使用寿命
B. 润滑的任务是按技术规范要求,正确选用润滑材料,定时、定点、定量对设备进行润滑
C. 设备润滑包括“三定”和油品的“五级”过滤
A. 0Pa、50Pa
B. 10Pa、50Pa
C. -10Pa、0Pa
A. 35%,5.3%
B. 34.38%,11.25%
C. 45%,5.3%
A. -90
B. -70
C. -40
D. 0
A. 查设计漏项
B. 查施工质量隐患
C. 查未完工程
D. 竣工管线试压查漏
A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 300
A. Na3PO4
B. Na2HPO4
C. NaH2PO4
D. K3PO4
A. 泄压
B. 充压
C. 使设备内部与大气连通,加快倒空速度
D. 没什么目的
A. 任何一个采样点氧含量分析合格即可
B. 至少两个采样点氧含量分析合格
C. 至少三个采样点氧含量分析合格
D. 所有采样点氧含量分析都要合格
A. 聚丙烯纤维
B. 不锈钢
C. 碳钢
D. 铝合金
A. 应选择炉管上部某点测量
B. 应选择炉管中部某点测量
C. 应选择炉管下部某点测量
D. 应选择炉管上、中、下部各一点测量
A. 寿命长
B. 操作维修方便
C. 密封性可靠
D. 适用范围广
A. 蒸煮
B. 清扫塔盘
C. 校验安全附件
D. 检查修理塔体油漆和保温
A. 裂解炉负压不断降低
B. 裂解炉烟气温度异常上升
C. 裂解炉烟囱冒白烟
D. 裂解炉烟囱冒黑烟
A. 只在短时间内有效,不能彻底解决问题
B. 增加了汽油分馏塔的气相负荷
C. 粘度降低太快,不宜控制
D. 不利于装置高负荷生产
A. 停止稀释蒸汽供应
B. 停止原料供应
C. 维持锅炉给水供应
D. 关小烟道挡板
A. 〈0.2%
B. 〈0.3%
C. 〈0.4%
D. 〈1.0%
A. 工艺水汽提塔
B. 稀释蒸汽汽包
C. 稀释蒸汽过热器后
D. 各炉稀释蒸汽总管
A. 50
B. 75
C. 100
D. 120
A. 适当加大塔顶汽油回流量
B. 适当提高减粘塔塔顶温度
C. 外接调质油
D. 适当提高侧线LFO采出量
A. 炉管耐高温性能下降
B. 炉管延展性下降
C. 炉管抗氧化性能下降
D. 炉管内原料结焦趋势增大
A. 急冷油
B. 裂解柴油
C. 裂解汽油
D. 加氢汽油或石脑油
A. 将裂解气由急冷水塔塔顶放火炬
B. 所有裂解炉停止投油
C. 停止乙烷裂解炉的运行,停止注硫
D. 维持急冷油、急冷水的循环运行
A. 定期检查维护设备
B. 对有关设备安全设施及设备安全运行的系统进行检查
C. 对机泵进行试运,检查是否完好、备用
D. 定期换油
A. 裂解炉紧急停车
B. 压缩机紧急停车
C. 分离系统紧急停车
D. 各塔维持全回流运转
A. 降低排烟温度,提高炉子热效率
B. 提高辐射段热负荷
C. 防止原料在对流段结焦 .( C )
采用丙烷作裂解原料,要得到较高的乙烯收率,应采用较( )的裂解温度,较___停留时间。
A. 一般事故
B. 死亡事故
C. 轻微事故
D. 较大事故
A. 降温,降压
B. 升温,降压
C. 降温;加压
A. 冷却裂解气
B. 回收急冷水的余热
C. 分离出裂解气中的绝大部分水
D. 分离出裂解气中的多数重烃
研究表明,当耳机话筒的位置距离嘴( )英寸且稍微偏下时,传输的声音质量最佳。(注:1英寸=2.54CM)___
A. 0.25-0.5
B. 0.75-1
C. 1.25-1.5
D. 1.75-2
“I want to divert to shanghai” is equal to______.___
A. I want to our destination Shanghai
B. I want to overfly Shanghai
C. I want to alternate to land at Shanghai
D. I want to call Shanghai control
When an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot should try to notify _______ of this fact.___
A. the appropriate ATC units
B. company
C. the passengers on board
D. air attendants
When pilot say“Did you pick it upon your screen?”,that means______.___
A. did you pick up your screen?
B. did you see it on your screen?
C. did your screen pick me up?
D. did you change your radar?
ATC clearance does not contain______.___
A. clearance limit
B. altitude data
C. route of flight
D. flight direction
When pilot sets an altimeter setting to a QNH,that will indicate_________
A. flight level
B. altitude
C. height
D. safety level
When pilots set a pressure of 29.92 in mercury to indicate_________
A. altitude
B. height
C. flight level
D. safety level
管制员还应当对管制指令当中的不同内容进行适当的排序,相对重要的内容应当排列在管制指令的 ( )位置___
A. 前面
B. 中间
C. 尾部
D. 以上都可以
When Beijing time is 0801,Zulu time should be______.___
A. 2001
B. 1
C. 601
D. 1601
Emergency frequency is______.___
A. 121.5MHZ
B. 120.5MHZ
C. 121MHZ
D. 119.0MHZ
“PAN” is the international RTF______signal___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
“MAYDAY” is the international RTF______signal.___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
According to ICAO definition, a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but which does not require immediate assistance is _______ .___
A. urgency
B. dangerous
C. emergency
D. distress
Which SSR Code is not right?___
A. 7020
B. 8025
C. 6060
D. 4021
______is the accepted standard for worldwide time signal broadcast used for aviation.___
_____means the level is measured in 1013.2 pha___
A. Level
B. Height
C. Altitude
D. Flight level
An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency should be given______over other aircraft.___
A. way
B. flight plan
C. instruction
D. priority
A. PTT发射键还没有完全按下时就开始发指令
B. 指令还没有结束就松开PTT发射键
C. 按PTT发射键与发话同时进行,松开PTT发射键与发话同时进行
D. 先按下话筒PTT发射键,然后再开始对空发话,发话完毕后再松开话筒PTT发射键
SSR code is a______digital number.___
A. two
B. six
C. one
D. four
Traffic information should include_________
A. direction of aircraft concerned
B. weather
C. speed of aircraft
D. heading of aircraft
根据区管中心业务通告,管制员通知机组转换频率的管制指令应当与其他管制指令( )。___
20NM is equal to.___
A. 40km
B. 38km
C. 37km
D. 41km
The altimeter setting used in en-route flight should be______hpa___
A. 1019
B. 1013
C. 2992
D. 1000
Larger separations than the specified minima should be applied whenever in.___
A. turbulence
B. bad weather
C. a raining day
D. highlevel
_______is air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas___
A. Route service
B. En-route fly service
C. Area control service
D. Deviation control service
_______ is a service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required.___
A. alerting service
B. information service
C. rescue service
D. assistance service
Visibility is the ability as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in unit______.___
A. meters
B. feet
C. distance
D. odometer
SIGMET is a weather advisory issued concerning weather______to the safety of all aircraft.___
A. significant
B. changeable
C. information
D. condition
Flight level is a______of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum 1013.2hpa.___
A. standard
B. surface
C. height
D. number
Air traffic means all aircraft in flight or operating on the______of an aerodrome.___
A. highway
B. hanger
C. maneuvering area
D. terminal
The true airspeed is the airspeed of an aircraft relative to______air.___
A. turbulence
B. smooth
C. undisturbed
D. the
Air speed is the speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding______.___
A. traffic
B. airmass
C. clouds
D. wind
“Aircraft” means any machine that can derive support in the______from there actions of the air other than there actions of the air against the earth's surface.___
A. atmosphere
B. water
C. sea
D. lake
If the radar receiver detects the retarding time tR=500mS between transmitting pulse and receiving pulse,now the target is______km from the radar station.___
A. 150
B. 120
C. 100
D. 75
“Advise______”means“ Tell me what you plan to do”.___
A. wanting
B. intentions
C. ideas
D. command
The recommendation is advisory in nature.The decision as to whether the flight can be conducted safely rests solely with the______.___
A. controller
B. manager
C. pilot
D. passengers
“There are broken______along the entire route between niner and one one thousand feet at the present time.”___
A. radial
B. clouds
C. weather
D. way
Th evertical speed in dicator measures______of climb or descent.___
A. time
B. point
C. rate
D. distance
A magnetic compass is the______air navigation instrument.___
A. basic
B. advanced
C. computer
D. improved
In the AFTN,the flight plan filing time shall consist of a______data-time group.___
A. four-digit
B. five-digit
C. six-digit
D. eight-digit