A. 150 多个
B. 190 多个
C. 200 多个
D. 300 多个
A. 和平共处五项原则
B. 平等原则
C. 互惠原则
D. 合作原则
A. 维护世界和平、促进共同发展
B. 反对霸权主义、强权政治
C. 倡导国际政治新秩序
D. 倡导国际经济新秩序
A. 互联网的飞速发展和广泛应用
B. 计算机、数字手机的广泛普及
C. 航空、航天技术的迅猛发展
D. “中国高铁”连通世界
A. 反对霸权主义、维护世界和平
B. 维护世界和平、促进共同发展
C. 建立国际政治经济秩序
D. 真正的不结盟
A. 国际关系民主化,国家不论大小强弱,一律平等
B. 一个国家对世界所负的责任与实力成正比,大国对世界的和平发展有更多义务
C. 相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢
D. 相互包容、相互借鉴、相互信任
A. 我国的外交战略
B. 我国的经济发展水平
C. 我国的历史遗留问题
D. 我国的社会主义性质和在国际上的地位
A. 各民族国家放弃自己的主权,组建世界政府,统一管理世界各民族、各地区的事务
B. 坚持弘扬平等互信、包容互鉴、合作共赢的精神,共同维护国际公平与正义
C. 政治民主、经济互利、安全互信、文化互鉴、环保互助
D. 建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界
A. 邓小平
B. 胡锦涛
C. 习近平
D. 江泽民
A. 2012 年 10 月党的十八大会议期间
B. 2013 年 9-10 月习近平出访中亚和东南亚国家期间
C. 2014 年习近平出访欧洲期间
D. 2015 年 4 月北京举行筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行第四次谈判代表会议期间
A. 环太平洋经济带
B. 丝绸之路经济带
C. 21 世纪海上丝绸之路经济带
D. 中、哈、俄为主轴的亚欧经济带
A. 21 世纪海上丝绸之路
B. 东起中国连云港,西至大西洋马德里的亚欧高速铁路
C. 中国东汉时期建立的丝绸之路
D. 元代成吉思汗西征之路
A. 和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢
B. 平等协商、和平共促、相互借鉴、互利共赢
C. 互相利用、经济优先、文化为本、国家结盟
D. 文化搭台、经济唱戏、反霸维和、民心相通
A. “五通”即政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通
B. “五路”即和平之路、繁荣之路、开放之路、创新之路、文明之路
C. 引进来和走出动
D. “三共”即共商共建共享
A. 相互尊重
B. 公平正义
C. 合作共赢
D. 互利互惠
A. 亲诚惠容
B. 睦友助利
C. 远交近攻
D. 真实亲诚
A. 以邻为壑、远交近攻
B. 与邻为善、以邻为伴
C. 政治威慑、经济利诱、文化渗透
D. 政治结盟、经济帮助、文化融合
A. 共建共商共享
B. 政治选边、经济互助
C. 建立政治经济共同体
D. 中国主导、别国听从
A. 冷战不断、热战频应
B. 经济全球化与逆全球化同时并存
C. 和平、发展、合作共赢
D. 霸权主义、恐怖主义、贸易保护主义并存
A. 以中国为代表的爱好和平的国家
B. 以美国为代表的主要发达国家
C. 以新兴市场国家为代表的广大发展中国家
D. 全世界各国人民同心协力
A. 世界和平
B. 国家核心利益
C. 人权
D. 国际规则和秩序
A. 以文明交流超越文明隔阂
B. 以文明互鉴超越文明冲突
C. 以文明共存赶走文明优越
D. 以先进文明超越落后文明
A. 谁出力谁得利
B. 大国应该担负更多的责任
C. 国家不论大小强弱一律平等
D. 共商共建共享
A. 中国走和平发展道路的思想自信和实践自觉来源于中华文明的深厚渊源
B. 中国历史上就没有发生过战争
C. 中国历史上就没发生过侵略别国的战争
D. 为了追求和平,即使别国侵犯了中国的核心利益,中国也不会抗争
A. 党的十八大
B. 党的十八届三中全会
C. 党的十八届六中全会
D. 党的十九大
A. 不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐
B. 不能腐、不敢腐、不想腐
C. 不想腐、不敢腐、不能腐
D. 不敢腐、不想腐、不能腐
A. 为什么人
B. 执政宗旨
C. 建党宗旨
D. 权力来源
A. 思想建设
B. 政治建设
C. 组织建设
D. 制度建设
A. 政治性、时代性、原则性、战斗性
B. 思想性、政治性、时代性、原则性
C. 政治性、思想性、时代性、原则性
D. 政治性、思想性、时代性、战斗性
A. 共产主义远大理想和新时代中国特色社会主义共同理想
B. 共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想
C. 共产主义崇高理想和新时代中国特色社会主义共同理想
A. 坚持立场坚定、素质过硬,坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,坚持事业为上、公道正派
B. 坚持德才兼备、以德为先,坚持立场坚定、素质过硬,坚持事业为上、公道正派
C. 坚持德才兼备、以德为先,坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,坚持立场坚定、素质过硬
D. 坚持德才兼备、以德为先,坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,坚持事业为上、公道正派
A. 党的自我监督和舆论监督
B. 党的自我监督和群众监督
C. 党的自我监督和司法监督
D. 党的自我监督和民主监督
A. 中国共产党的领导
B. 突出政治建设
C. 坚持以人为本
D. 集中统一领导
A. “五位一体”总体布局
B. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系
C. 人民利益为根本出发点
D. 中国共产党的领导
A. 严把关口
B. 个别吸收
C. 宁缺毋滥
D. 少数服从多数
A. 为人民服务
B. 坚持四项基本原则
C. 三个代表
D. 坚持群众路线
A. 思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、文化建设和制度建设
B. 思想建设、组织建设、文化建设、反腐倡廉建设和制度建设
C. 政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风建设和纪律建设
D. 政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、反腐倡廉建设和纪律建设
A. 学习型、服务型、创新型
B. 完善型、服务型、创新型
C. 完善型、服务型、学习型
D. 学习型、完善型、创新型
2017 年新党章通过的日期是___。
A. 10 月 18 日
B. 10 月 20 日
C. 10 月 24 日
D. 10 月 27 日
We came finally ___the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I won’t make the___mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. similar
He ___lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever
I am not used to speaking ___ public.
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ___to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ___ a long time to get over.
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ___ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
— Five days ___ too long for me to wait.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ___ friends there.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I fell and hurt myself while I ___ basketball yesterday.
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Tom ___ more than twenty pounds on the novel.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. took
Don't forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were___ wounded in the air crash.
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
The top of the Great Wall is ___ for five horses to go side by side.
A. wide
B. so wide
C. wide enough
D. enough wide
We’ve missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ___but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. choice
C. possibility
D. selection
Nancy is considered to be ____ the other students in her class.
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
It's _____ that he was wrong.
A. clearly
B. clarity
C. clear
D. clearing
There ____ a book and some magazines on the desk.
A. is
B. be
C. have
D. has
She is not only my classmate _____ also my good friend.
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. too
He asked the waiter ___ the bill.
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. after
_____ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
A. Since
B. While
C. For
D. Before
I would like to do the job ___ you don't force me to study.
A. in case
B. although
C. though
D. as long as
The reason I did not go abroad was ___ a job in my home town.
A. because
B. due to
C. that I got
D. because of getting
_____ she survived the accident is miracle.
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see ____ the road on his way home.
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
His mother _______ alone since his father died.
A. lived
B. lives
C. has lived
D. is living
The workers are busy _____ models for the exhibition.
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
It was well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.
A. discovered
B. invented
C. found
D. developed
She wonders ____ will happen to her private life in the future.
A. that
B. it
C. this
D. what
The higher the temperature, _____ the liquid evaporates.
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ______ people drive on the left of the road.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
Sunday is the day ____ people usually don't go to work.
A. when
B. which
C. in which
D. that
____ you know, David has been well lately.
A. Which
B. As
C. What
D. When
The harder you study, _____ you will learn.
A. much
B. many
C. the more
D. much more
They got there an hour _____ than the others.
A. early
B. much early
C. more early
D. earlier
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts ____ .
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ______, it takes many years for the system to recover.
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done
We worked hard and completed the task ___.
A. in the time
B. on the time
C. ahead of time
D. before time
I didn't expect you to turn _____ at the meeting yesterday.
A. up
B. to
C. out
D. over