A. 运动的一种特殊形式
B. 绝对不动
C. 排斥运动
D. 事物处于量变状态
E. 事物在特定参考系中未发生位置变动
A. 运动是物质的固有属性
B. 物质是运动的承担者
C. 运动是物质的存在方式
D. 运动不一定是物质的运动
E. 物质不一定都在运动
A. 反映客观世界
B. 创造物质世界
C. 通过实践改造客观世界
D. 创造理论体系
E. 为自然界创造秩序
A. 批处理操作系统
B. 分时操作系统
C. 实时操作系统
D. 网络操作系统
A. 服务器
B. 路由器
C. 交换机
D. 操作系统
E. 数据库
A. 包过滤防火墙
B. 代理防火墙
C. 双穴主机防火墙
D. 病毒防火墙
E. 黑客防火墙
C. RAID0+1
A. 天波
B. 地波
C. 米波
D. 超短波
A. 按电台电源键
B. 检查各个连接线接头
C. 确认驻波比
D. 打开电源开关
A. 相对其他电台来讲,短波电台更适合长远距离通信
B. 短波电台不适合有限空间通信
C. 只要架设适合的天线短波电台可以实现地表无盲区通信
D. 短波可通信频率会随着一天的时间变化而变化
交流供电系统由___组成。 (易)(基础知识)
A. 专用变电站
B. 市电油机转换屏
C. 交流配电屏
D. 备用发电机组组成
直流供电系统由___组成。 (易)(基础知识)
A. 整流设备
B. 蓄电池组
C. 直流配电设备
D. 逆变器
交流电源系统对通信局提供的保证建筑负荷用电是指___等设备的用电。 (易)(基础知识)
A. 通信用空调设备
B. 保证照明
C. 消防电梯
D. 消防水泵
A. 普通空调
B. 普通照明
C. 消防电梯
D. 备用发电机组不保证的负荷
直流基础电源是指___组成的直流供电系统。 (中)(基础知识)
A. 整流器
B. 蓄电池
C. 监控设备
D. 直流配电设备
A. 浮充电压
B. 均衡电压
C. 终止电压
D. 充电电压
A. 放射式
B. 树干式
C. 环状式
D. 总线式
A. 高压熔断品
B. 高压断路器
C. 高压隔离开关
D. 高压负荷开关
A. 相控整流器
B. 开关整流器
C. 直流变换器
D. 逆变器
A. 蓄电池
B. 整流器
C. 逆变器
D. 静态开关
A. 结构简单
B. 工作可靠
C. 供电效率较高
D. 浮充工作状态下,输出电压较高当蓄电池单独供电时,输出电压较低
A. 110
B. 220
C. 380
D. 600
A. 从指令系统的角度分为复杂指令集计算(CISC)服务器和精简指令集计算(RISC)服务器;
B. 按服务器的物理结构分为台式服务器和机架式服务器;
C. 按服务器的用途分为通用服务器和专用服务器;
D. 按使用的操作系统不同分为Unix服务器和NT服务器(PC服务器)
A. Linux
B. NT4.0
C. SCO Unix
D. Solaris x86
D. 微软的WIN2000
A. 简单包过滤技术
B. 状态检测包过滤技术
C. 应用代理技术
D. 复合技术
E. 地址翻译技术
A. 透明模式
B. 路由模式
C. 混合模式
D. 交换模式
A. 防火墙不能防范不经过防火墙的攻击
B. 防火墙不能解决来自内部网络的攻击和安全问题
C. 防火墙不能对非法的外部访问进行过滤
D. 防火墙不能防止策略配置不当或错误配置引起的安全威胁
A. 过滤进出网络的数据
B. 管理进出网络的访问行为
C. 封堵某些禁止的行为
D. 记录通过防火墙的信息内容和活动
A. 吞吐量
B. 新建连接速率
C. 并发连接数
D. 处理时延
A. 包过滤
B. 包的透明转发
C. 阻挡外部攻击
D. 记录攻击
A. 防火墙不能抵抗最新的未设置策略的攻击漏洞
B. 防火墙的并发连接数限制容易导致拥塞或者溢出
C. 防火墙对服务器合法开放的端口的攻击大多无法阻止
D. 防火墙可以阻止内部主动发起连接的攻击
A. 支持路由协议
B. 至少支持两个网络接口
C. 协议至少要实现到网络层
D. 具有存储转发和寻径功能
A. 循环路由器
B. 慢收敛
C. 路由器重起
D. 路由不一致
A. 子网掩码
B. 源地址
C. 目的网络地址
D. 下一跳地址
A. 序列号
B. 源端口
C. 确认号
D. 目标端口
A. ospf支持基于接口的报文验证
B. ospf支持到同一目的地址的多条等值路由
C. ospf是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议
D. ospf发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级
A. 链路状态是对路由的描述
B. 链路状态是对网络拓扑结构的描述
C. 链路状态算法本身不会产生自环路由
D. ospf和igrp都使用链路状态算法
A. 静态路由
B. 直接路由
C. 缺省路由
D. 动态路由
关于rip协议,下列说法正确的有 ___。(中)(消防通信网络与业务系统管理)
A. rip协议是一种igp
B. rip协议是一种egp
C. rip协议是一种距离矢量路由协议
D. rip协议是一种链路状态路由协议
A. 如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一目标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中。
B. 路由优先级与路由权值的计算是一致的
C. 路由权的计算可能基于路径某单一特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性。
D. 动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值来判断路由的好坏,并且每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的。
You want to deploy a vApp and dynamically assign IP addresses without a DHCP server on the network. Which action would you take to accomplish this task? ___
A. Enable IP pools.
B. Configure a local DHCP server in the vApp.
C. Enable NAT on the vApp router.
D. Configure the guest OS for workgroup and WINS.
What is the optimal configuration when building a virtual machine for a single-threaded Windows application? ___
A. Deploy single-threaded applications on uniprocessor virtual machines.
B. Deploy single-threaded applications on symmetric multi-processor virtual machines.
C. Tune single-threaded applications to take advantage of symmetric multi-processor resources.
D. Tune Single-threaded applications at the hypervisor level.
An administrator has created the resource pool configuration shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, which virtual machine(s) can be successfully powered on? ___
A. VM-M1 only
B. VM-K1 only
C. VM-K1 and VM-K2 only
D. VM-K1, VM-K2, and VM-M1
Which vSphere 6 Enterprise Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An administrator has a virtual machine that requires four times the compute resources than other virtual machines on the same ESXi 6.x host. How should the administrator configure the virtual machine settings, in order to be prepared for any resource contention? ___
A. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High and the rest to Low.
B. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High.
C. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High and the rest to Normal.
D. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to Normal and the rest to Low.
Which type of Adapter does not require vmkernel networking? ___
A. Independent Hardware iSCSI Adapter
B. Dependent Hardware iSCSI Adapter
C. Software iSCSI Adapter
D. Software FCoE Adapter
During the installation of ESXi 6.0, the following error message is reported: Hardware Virtualization is not a feature of the CPU, or is not enabled in the BIOS. Which condition would generate this message? ___
A. LAHF/SAHF is not enabled in the BIOS.
B. NX/XD is not enabled in the BIOS.
C. SSE3 is not enabled in the BIOS.
D. Hyperthreading is not enabled in the BIOS.
An administrator is unable to login to vCenter Server when using the vSphere web client. The administrator successfully accessed vCenter Server using the client earlier the same day. What is the most appropriate first step the administrator should take to resolve this issue? ___
A. Verify the web browser being used has Adobe Flash plugin version 11.5 or later
B. Verify the vCenter Single Sign-On service is running on the vCenter Server
C. Verify the vSphere Web Server service is running on the vCenter Server
D. Verify the administrator has permissions configured in vCenter Server
An administrator has configured an alarm to be notified when a virtual machine meets two conditions: <high virtual CPU> <high active memory consumption> The alarm is malfunctioning and triggering when either condition is met instead of both. What can be done to correct the issue? ___
A. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied.
B. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ANY of the following conditions are satisfied.
C. Create two separate alarms, one for CPU and one for memory.
D. Delete the existing alarm and create a new event based alarm.
What must be enabled to ensure that VM Component Protection (VMCP) works in a High Availability cluster? ___
A. VMware Tools Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI)
B. Fault Tolerance
C. Atomic Test and Set (ATS)
D. All Paths Down (APD) Timeout
An administrator wants to add a web server to an existing multi-tier application consisting of three virtual machines: <A web server> <A database server An application server> The web server should be added to the application when the primary web server reaches: <70% vCPU utilization> <55% active memory> Which option will achieve this result? ___
A. Create a virtual machine alarm with an action to run a script that starts a new instance of the web server.
B. Create a host cpu and memory alarm with an action to run a script that starts a new instance of the webserver.
C. Configure HA application monitoring for the web server and set it to trigger deployment of a new instance of the web server.
D. Configure Fault Tolerance on the virtual machine and leave the secondary machine disabled until needed.
An administrator has an application that requires connection directly to PCI devices through a virtual machine. What is a limitation of this configuration? ___
A. Devices must be reserved for PCI passthrough on at least one host on which the virtual machine will run.
B. Snapshots are not supported with DirectPath I/O passthrough devices.
C. A maximum of 18 PCI vSphere
D. irectPath devices can be added to a virtual machine.
The vSphere administrator is configuring directory services for an ESXi host: What should the vSphere administrator do to configure the host to use CAM services? ___
A. Check the Use vSphere Authentication Proxy checkbox.
B. Set Select Directory Service Type to CAM services.
C. Specify CAM$ for the
D. omain.
Which statement is true regarding the licensing of vCenter Server? ___
A. The license for vCenter Server must be provided at the time of installation.
B. Changing the license assigned to vCenter Server requires a restart of the vCenter Server service.
C. Virtual machines can still be powered on if the vCenter Server license expires.
D. Licensing for a single vCenter Server installation is determined by the number of managed virtual machines.
When configuring vSphere Replication for a virtual machine, what is the lowest Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that can be selected? ___
A. 1 min
B. 5 min
C. 10 min
D. 15min
A developer needs to create a multi-tier development stack for a home lab. Which vSphere product will support the architecture required for the least software cost? ___
A. vSphere Hypervisor
B. vSphere Essentials
C. VMware Player
D. VMware Workstation
An administrator is installing Windows into a virtual machine. The DVD has been mounted on the Host and configured for the virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, when the virtual machine is booted, why would it attempt to search for a PXE server? ___
A. The CD/DVD device is not connected.
B. The ISO is in the incorrect storage location.
C. The OS minimum requirements have not been met.
D. The CD/DVD device is not set to Client Device.
What component must be installed prior to deploying a vCenter Server in vSphere 6.x? ___
A. vCenter Identity Services
B. Platform Services Controller
C. vCenter Single Sign-On
D. Client Integration Plug-In
What is a valid plug-in status for a plug-in that has been added to a vSphere client? ___
A. Disabled
B. Unknown
C. Stopped
D. Installed
Users of an application are reporting performance issues. The following performance values are observed in the vSphere Web Client: <Host CPU utilization is 90%> <Virtual Machine memory utilization is consistently greater than 90% CPU Ready values are higher than 20%> What could be the cause of the application performance issue? ___
A. The host is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
B. The host is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
C. The virtual machine is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
D. The virtual machine is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
An administrator creates an ESXi cluster using vSphere Auto Deploy. The ESXi hosts are configured to get a management IP address from a DHCP server. The administrator needs to troubleshoot the management network on one of the hosts. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to renew the DHCP lease? ___
A. Restart Management Network
B. Restore Network Settings
C. Test Management Network
D. Configure Management Network
An administrator is re-provisioning an ESXi host and moving it to another datacenter. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to revert the system configuration to the default settings? ___
A. Reset System Configuration
B. Rebuild Default System Configuration
C. Revert System Configuration
D. Renew Default System Configuration
An administrator has just completed installing an ESXi 6.x host, but doesn't know what address has been configured. Where is the ESXi host IP address configured? ___
A. RVC console
B. Direct Console User Interface
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Client
When is it possible to place a VMFS5 datastore in maintenance mode? ___
A. When it is a member of a Storage DRS cluster
B. When it is a member of Virtual SAN cluster
C. When it is a member of a multi-extent datastore
D. When it is a member of a Virtual Volume
Immediately after installing ESXi, an administrator observes that the Configure Lockdown Mode option is grayed out in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). What is the most likely explanation? ___
A. The host has not yet been added to a vCenter Server.
B. The BIOS on the host does not have NX/XD enabled.
C. The ESXi host is running in evaluation mode.
D. The host requires a reboot before this feature is available.
Immediately after installing ESXi, an administrator observes that the Configure Lockdown Mode option is grayed out in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). What is the most likely explanation? ___
A. The host has not yet been added to a vCenter Server.
B. The BIOS on the host does not have NX/XD enabled.
C. The ESXi host is running in evaluation mode.
D. The host requires a reboot before this feature is available.
Which Single Sign-On deployment mode should an administrator use for two 6.x vCenter Servers configured with linked mode? ___
A. Basic Single Sign-On with vCenter Server Heartbeat
B. Multisite Single Sign-On
C. Basic Single Sign-On
D. Single Sign-On with Linked Mode
What is required when changing a virtual machine name using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. Verify connectivity to the ESXi host where the virtual machine is running and its inventory list is accessible.
B. Verify in which datastore the virtual machine resides and that you have access and its inventory list is accessible.
C. Verify that virtual machine files are stored in the same datastore and can be accessed in the datastore browser list.
D. Verify the virtual machine is not running in Fault Tolerant mode and that it is not in a Distributed Resource Scheduler cluster.
An administrator deploys vRealize Operations into a vSphere 6.x environment. After the deployment, the administrator notices that badges are not appearing. What is a likely cause of this behavior? ___
A. Badges do not appear until you register vRealize Operations with vCenter Server.
B. Badges do not appear until you register a vCenter Server in vRealize Operations.
C. The vRealize Operations appliance needs to be redeployed.
D. The vCenter Server appliance needs to be redeployed.
How are ports scaled on vSphere Standard Switches (vSS)? ___
A. Ports on a vSS can be dynamically scaled up and down.
B. Ports on a vSS can only be statically scaled up or down.
C. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled down.
D. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled up.
A High Availability (HA) cluster is configured to respond to a given number of host failures. The cluster contains virtual machines configured with these settings: VM1 has a 1GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM2 has a 2GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM3 has no CPU reservation and no Memory reservation . Given this information, what is the correct slot size for the cluster? ___
A. The CPU Reservation should be set to 32MHz and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB plus memory overhead.
B. The CPU reservation should be set to 1 GHz and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus memory overhead.
C. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
D. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB, plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
An administrator is planning a vSphere infrastructure with the following specific networking requirements: <The ability to shape inbound (RX) traffic> <Support for Private VLANs (PVLANs)> <Support for LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)>. What is the minimum vSphere Edition that will support these requirements? ___
A. vSphere Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
When you add an ESXi 6.x host to a new Cluster, which vSphere object owns the CPU and Memory resources of the hosts? ___
A. vCenter Server
B. Datacenter
C. Cluster
D. Host
A user is trying to retrieve objects from a SharePoint server and finds the request is taking an excessive amount of time. An administrator tries to isolate the issue and notes the following: Application performance is poor when compared to virtual machines on other hosts. Performance improves when the virtual machine is moved to another host. The virtual machine encounters higher than expected CPU %Ready times. What conclusion can be reached regarding the performance issues for this virtual machine? ___
A. Host Power Management is directly impacting virtual machine performance.
B. The virtual machine has a large number of snapshots.
C. The Path Selection Policy for the storage device is set differently on the affected host.
D. Network I/O control is configured for the portgroup.
A virtual machine template is accidently removed from the vCenter Server Inventory. Which method would be used to recover the template back into the environment?___
A. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmtx file to inventory.
B. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmx file to inventory.
C. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:GuestFileManager object.
D. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:VirtualDiskManager object.
A vSphere administrator needs to backup a virtual machine that has a Microsoft SQL Server Database installed. Which solution allows for an application quiesce to occur during backup?___
A. VMware vCenter Converter
B. VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
C. VMware vSphere Replication
D. VMware vSphere Data Protection Advanced
An administrator is migrating a virtual machine from a Test cluster to a Production cluster. The two environments do not have any shared storage. What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? ___
A. Perform a Storage vMotion.
B. Perform a regular vMotion.
C. Perform a Virtual to Virtual migration.
D. Perform a backup and restore using VMware Data Protection.
An administrator must determine an appropriate backup solution, given these conditions: 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named Finance. 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named QA. Which solution allows an administrator the ability to backup 100 virtual machines? ___
A. Use Snapshot Manager on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
B. Use the VMware Consolidated Backup (vcb) tool on the ESXi Host to backup the virtual machines.
C. Use the VMware Data Recovery (VDR) Appliance on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
D. Use the VMware Data Protection (VDP) Appliance on one of the
E. SXi Hosts to backup the virtual machines.
What is a benefit of using Enhanced vMotion Compatibility for an environment? ___
A. EVC masks CPU features to allow compatibility between hosts that are dissimilar.
B. EVC allows for cross platform vMotion to occur.
C. EVC enables Long
D. istance vMotion.
How many Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) can be configured on a vSphere 6.x Distributed Switch? ___
A. 64
B. 96
C. 128
D. 256