A. 应用层
B. 网络层
C. 表示层
D. 会话层
A. 双绞线
B. 同轴电缆
C. 光纤
D. 无线介质
A. 办公楼内的信息点较多,使用3台交换机采用级联方式扩充端口
B. 两栋办公楼距离较远,使用了百兆光纤电缆
C. 网络用户数量超过10000人
D. 本项目采用了星型网络拓扑结构
A. 802.11n是IEEE制定的一个无线局域网标准协议
B. 无线网络与有限网络的用途类似,最大的不同在于传输媒介的不同
C. 无线网络技术中不包括为近距离无线连接进行优化的红外线技术
D. 现在主流应用的是第四代无线通信技术
A. 国务院电信主管部门
B. 工业和信息化部主管部门
C. 公安部门
D. 国家网信部门
A. 数据采集
B. 数据管理
C. 数据存储
D. 数据分析与挖掘
A. 私有云
B. 公有云
C. 混合云
D. 社区云
A. 物联网即“物物相联之网”
B. 物联网是一种物理上独立存在的完整网络
C. 物联网的“网”应和通讯介质、通信拓扑结构无关
D. 物联网从架构上可以分为感知层、网络层和应用层
A. Android
B. unix
D. Windowsphone
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①②④
D. ①③④
A. 项目临时性是指每一个项目都有一个明确的开始时间和结束时间
B. 渐进明细是指项目的成果性目标是逐步完成的
C. 项目的目标不存在优先级,项目目标具有层次性
D. 项目整体管理属于项目管理核心知识域
A. 项目型组织
B. 职能型组织
C. 弱矩阵型组织
D. 强矩阵型组织
A. 瀑布模型
B. V模型
C. 螺旋模型
D. 原型化模型
A. 所有项目都必须经历5个过程组
B. 每个单独的过程都明确了如何使用输入来产生项目过程组的输出
C. 制定项目管理计划所需要的过程都属于计划过程组
D. 控制变更,推荐纠正措施属于执行过程组
A. 项目建议书一般由项目承建单位编写,提交项目建设单位审批
B. 项目建议书是选择项目的依据,也是可行性研究的依据
C. 项目建议书包括项目建设的必要性、业务分析、总体建设方案、实施进度、效益与风险分析等内容
D. 某些情况下,项目建议书的编写、申报和审批工作可与项目可行性分析阶段的工作合并
A. 技术可行性
B. 财务可行性
C. 组织可行性
D. 流程可行性
A. 机会可行性研究的目的是激发投资者的兴趣,寻找投资机会
B. 在项目立项阶段,即使是小型项目,详细可行性研究也是必须的
C. 详细可行性研究是一项费时、费力且需一定资金支持的工作
D. 项目可行性研究报告一般委托具有相关专业资质的工程咨询机构编制
A. 资格预审文件或招标文件的发售期不得少于15日
B. 投标保证金不得超过招标项目估算价的5%
C. 评标委员会的人员数量不得少于5人
D. 书面合同具备法律效力,中标通知书不具有法律效力
A. 通过内部立项方式为项目分配资源
B. 通过内部立项方式确定合理的项目绩效目标
C. 通过内部立项方式提升项目实施效率
D. 通过内部立项方式降低成本
A. 通过与项目干系人主动、全面的沟通,来了解他们对项目的需求
B. 在相互竞争的众多干系人之间寻找平衡点
C. 通过认真、细致的协调,来达到各种需求间的整合与平衡
D. 将不同厂商的产品、技术进行整合
A. ①②③⑥
B. ①②③④
C. ①③④⑤
D. ①④⑤⑥
A. 干系人登记册
B. 为项目选择的生命周期模型
C. 如何监督和控制变更
D. 所使用的项目管理过程
A. 纠正措施
B. 预防措施
C. 缺陷补救
D. 功能完善
A. 实施整体变更控制过程的目的是为了降低项目风险
B. 实施整体变更控制过程贯穿项目始终,并且应用于项目的各个阶段
C. 变更控制委员会对整体变更控制过程负最终责任
D. 会议是实施整体变更控制的工具与技术之一
A. 项目的任何干系人都可以提出变更请求
B. 所有的变更请求都必须以书面形式记录
C. 所有的变更请求都必须交由变更控制委员会审批
D. 客户也可以作为变更控制委员会成员
A. WBS是制定进度计划,成本计划的基础
B. 项目的全部工作都必须包含在WBS中
C. WBS的编制需要主要项目干系人的参与
D. WBS应采用自下而上的方式,逐层确定
A. 一致同意原则
B. 大多数原则
C. 相对多数原则
D. 独裁原则
A. 从客户满意度的角度考虑,应尽量满足用户的新需求
B. 如果需要超出预先约定的范围,应拒绝用户的新需求
C. 应根据经验判断用户的新需求是否会对项目的成本、质量、工期造成影响,如果影响可控,应满足用户的需求
D. 应启动变更控制管理流程,对用户的新需求进行评估
A. 项目范围说明书
C. 活动清单
D. 项目章程
A. 活动H开始时,开始活动I
B. 活动H完成10天后,开始活动I
C. 活动H结束时,开始活动I
D. 活动H开始10天后,开始活动
A. 关键链法
B. 关键路径法
C. 进度网络分析
D. 建模技术
A. 项目的关键路径可能有一条或多条
B. 随着项目的开展,关键路径法可能也随着不断变化
C. 资源平衡技术往往会导致关键路径延长
D. 资源平滑技术往往会改变项目关键路径,导致项目进度延迟
A. 固定成本
B. 直接成本
C. 间接成本
D. 沉没成本
A. 专家判断
B. 类比估算
C. 参数估算
D. 三点估算
A. 可使用多种形式描述项目的角色和职责
B. 每个工作包可分配多人负责,做好工作备份
C. 职责分配矩阵是反映团队成员与其承担工作之间联系的最直观的方法
D. 描述职责时,需要让每一位项目成员都非常清楚自己的角色和职责
A. 问题清单
B. 冲突管理
C. 风险管理
D. 观察和交流
A. 业务数据分析
B. 项目例会
C. 信息管理系统
D. 专家判断
A. 随时告知
B. 令其满意
C. 花较少的精力
D. 争取支持
A. 工科合同
B. 成本补偿合同
C. 分包合同
D. 总价合同
A. 合同签订管理
B. 合同履行管理
C. 合同变更管理
D. 合同档案管理
A. 固定总价合同
B. 成本补偿合同
C. 工科合同
D. 总价加经济价格调整合同
Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes __________.___
A. without realizing criticism may destroy their self-confidence
B. in order to make them remember life's lessons
C. believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development
D. so as to put more pressure on them
According to the passage parents and coaches should __________.___
A. help children to win every game
B. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports
C. train children to cope with stress
D. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports
The author's purpose in writing the passage is _________.___
A. to persuade young children not to worry about criticism
B. to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children
C. to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement
D. to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout
As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution _______.___
A. cause widespread damage in the countryside
B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States
C. had damaged effect on health
D. existed merely in urban and industries areas
As to the greenhouse effect, the author ________.___
A. share the same view with the scientist
B. is uncertain of its occurrence
C. rejects it as being ungrounded
D. thinks that it will destroy the world soon
The underlined word "offset" in the second paragraph could be replaced by _________.___
A. slip into
B. make up for
C. set up
D. catch up with
It can be concluded that ____________.___
A. raising the world's temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth
B. lowering the world's temperature merely a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster
C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade
D. the world's temperature will remain constant in the years to come
This passage is primarily about __________.___
A. the greenhouse effect
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. the potential effect of air pollution
D. the likelihood of a new ice age
What is the major function of paragraph 1?___
A. To arouse the reader's concern.
B. To introduce the theme of the whole passage.
C. To summarize the whole passage.
D. To state the primary uses of TV.
Television, as a source of entertainment, is ________.___
A. not very convenient
B. very expensive
C. quite dangerous
D. relatively cheap
Why are some people against TV?___
A. Because TV programs are not interesting.
B. Because TV viewers are totally passive.
C. Because TV prices are very high.
D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that _________.___
A. it keeps us informed
B. it is very cheap
C. it enables us to have a rest
D. it controls our lives
According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on ___________.___
A. its quality
B. people's attitude towards it
C. how we use it
D. when we use it
What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?___
A. A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.
B. Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.
C. Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.
D. Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.
The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _____________.___
A. be turned into raw materials
B. be separated from other rubbish
C. have a second-life value
D. end up somewhere underground
The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is ______________.___
A. how to reduce their recycling costs
B. to sell them at a profitable price
C. how to turn them into useful things
D. to lower the prices for used materials
Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because ______________.___
A. recycling causes little pollution
B. other methods are more expensive
C. recycling has great appeal for the jobless
D. local governments find it easy to manage
It can be concluded from the passage that ____________.___
A. recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentally
B. local governments in the U.S. can expect big profits from recycling
C. rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materials
D. landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal
The author chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university because he ________.___
A. intended to be a sensible student with noble ideals
B. wanted to be an example of practicality and rationality
C. intended to be a combination of engineer and humanist
D. wanted to coordinate engineering with liberal-arts courses in college
According to the author, by interacting with people who study liberal arts, engineering students can __________.___
A. broaden their horizons
B. receive guidance in their careers
C. become noble idealists
D. balance engineering and the liberal arts
In the eyes of the author, a successful engineering student is expected ______________.___
A. to be imaginative with a value system to guide him
B. to be a technical genius with a wide vision
C. to have an excellent academic record
D. to be wise and mature
The author's experience shows that he was ________.___
A. creative
B. ambitious
C. irrational
D. unrealistic
The underlined word "they" in "... together they threaten to confuse." (Para.5) refers to ____________.___
A. practicality and rationality
B. engineering and the liberal arts
C. reality and noble ideals
D. flexibility and a value system
It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas' house __________.___
A. failed to meet energy conservation standards
B. was designed and constructed in a scientific way
C. is well worth the money spent on its construction
D. is almost faultless from the point of energy conservation
What made the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dream?___
A. Lack of fresh air.
B. Gas leakage in the kitchen.
C. The newly painted walls.
D. Poor quality of building materials.
The underlined word "accentuate" (Para. 3) most probably means "________".___
A. worsen
B. accelerate
C. relieve
D. improve
Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?___
A. Because environmental protection was given top priority.
B. Because indoor cleanness was not emphasized.
C. Because they were technically unavoidable.
D. Because energy used to be inexpensive.
This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled "_________".___
A. Energy Conservation
B. Air Pollution Indoors
C. House Building Crisis
D. Traps in Building Construction
We need to plan ahead in order to ___________.___
A. keep a record of all the events
B. better organize our activities
C. store everything in our head
D. pile up little tasks neatly
Strategic times are best for us to ___________.___
A. save energy
B. check e-mails
C. study efficiently
D. organize activities
Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments?___
A. Remembering our urgent tasks.
B. Any activities we're eager to do.
C. Taking a break in the afternoon.
D. The promise to study efficiently.
What can help us to keep refreshed throughout the day?___
A. Doing some physical exercise.
B. Taking a short nap in the afternoon.
C. Rushing through some assignments.
D. Playing a game of chess with a friend.
Which of the following could be the best title for this article?___
A. Study Habits and Time Management
B. Business Management and Leadership
C. University Education and Campus Life
D. Life Goals and Academic Development
It is implied in the text that it is hard to ________.___
A. carry life learning though
B. tell the nature of life learning
C. learn without going to school
D. find a specially trained teacher
According to the author, the schooling framework often ________.___
A. produces slow students with poor memories
B. ignores some parts of the official curriculum
C. fails to provide enough knowledge about life
D. gives little care to the quality of teaching materials
Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are _________.___
A. clear about why to learn
B. careful to make a time table
C. able to respect other people
D. cautious about any mistakes
According to the author, life learning ________.___
A. could prevent one from running risks
B. could be a road full of trials and errors
C. makes a kid independent of his parents
D. teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned
Through life learning, children ________.___
A. will grow without the assistance from parents
B. will learn to communicate with the real world
C. will be driven to learn necessary life knowledge
D. will be isolated from the negative side of society
A good title for this passage is __________.___
A. Sleep
B. Good Health
C. Dreams
D. Work and Rest
The word drowsy in the last paragraph means __________.___
A. sick
B. stand up
C. asleep
D. a little sleepy