A. 主动-被动型
B. 指导-合作型
C. 共同参与型
D. 双向活动
E. 以上都不是
A. 诊断推理
B. 质疑反思
C. 临床决策
D. 鉴别诊断
E. 演绎推理
A. 查看资料
B. 收集资料
C. 分析资料
D. 整理资料
E. 记录资料
A. 自我护理理论结构
B. 自我护理缺陷理论结构
C. 自护主体
D. 护理系统结构理论
E. 护理机构理论
A. 护理是人类互动的过程
B. 护患关系不受外界环境因素影响
C. 护士患者形成个体间系统,彼此相互影响
D. 沟通、自我、角色、应对都与金的达标理论有关
E. 金的达标理论认为,感知、沟通、互动是相互影响的必要因素
A. 预防保健工作
B. 宣传防病治疗知识
C. 进行临床诊断
D. 进行康复指导
E. 进行疾病的健康宣教
A. 患者角色行为缺如
B. 患者角色行为冲突
C. 患者角色行为强化
D. 患者角色行为消退
E. 患者角色行为异常
A. 爱和归属需要
B. 自尊需要
C. 自我实现需要
D. 安全需要
E. 生理需要
A. 医疗责任事故
B. 医疗意外
C. 医疗护理差错
D. 技术事故
A. 精神范畴中有意识、有能动性的部分
B. 属良心和道德的范畴
C. 由快乐原则支配
D. 是潜意识的主要来源
A. 普遍性
B. 时限性
C. 循环性
D. 发展性
A. 奥瑞姆-保健系统模式
B. 罗伊-适应模式
C. 弗洛伊德-性心理学说
D. 皮亚杰-认知发展学说
A. 《护理法典》
B. 《看护学教程》
C. 《护理札记》
D. 《护士心理》
A. 护理教育开始改变类同于医学教育的模式
B. 强调护理是一门专业
C. 护理工作只重视病不重视人
D. 护士具有诊断和处理人类对健康问题反应的能力
A. 护理副院长-护理部主任-护士长
B. 护理部主任-科护士长-护士长
C. 总护士长-科护士长-护士长
D. 护理部主任-总护士长-科护士长
A. 可影响个人的思维过程
B. 可影响自我感觉的发展
C. 可影响个人的抉择
D. 可影响别人对自己的看法
A. 以现代护理观为指导
B. 以患者为中心
C. 以护理程序为核心
D. 实施主动的计划性护理
A. 用心倾听
B. 运用沉默
C. 适当触摸
D. 保持微笑
A. 倾听其哭诉
B. 细语安慰
C. 亲切抚摸
D. 沉默陪伴
A. 健康照顾者
B. 护理计划者
C. 护理管理者
D. 健康咨询者
A. 角色行为缺如
B. 角色行为冲突
C. 角色行为强化
D. 角色行为消退
A. 护士与医生的关系
B. 护士与医技人员的关系
C. 护士与患者的关系
D. 护士与患者家属的关系
A. 生理需要
B. 安全需要
C. 爱与归属的需要
D. 尊重的需要
A. 潜在期
B. 青春期
C. 成人早期
D. 成人期
A. 心理性应激源
B. 生理性应激源
C. 社会性应激源
D. 生物性应激源
A. 安康状态
B. 心神安定状态
C. 轻度焦虑状态
D. 中度焦虑状态
A. 完全补偿系统
B. 部分补偿系统
C. 支持教育系统
D. 预防系统
A. 生理功能
B. 心理功能
C. 自我概念
D. 角色功能
A. 完全性尿失禁
B. 体液不足
C. 营养失调
D. 急性胃肠炎
A. 医嘱具有法律效应
B. 一般情况下应不折不扣地执行医嘱
C. 随意签改医嘱是违法行为
D. 机械执行医嘱造成严重后果由护士承担法律责任
A. 完全补偿系统
B. 自理缺陷补偿系统
C. 部分补偿系统
D. 支持教育系统
A. 护士的主观感觉
B. 其他医务人员
C. 患者
D. 文献资料
"舞蹈演员张小姐突遇车祸,双腿须截肢,出现大吵大闹、不配合治疗等反应 ,此种情绪属于以下何种角色适应不良的表现 :___
A. 角色冲突
B. 角色强化
C. 角色缺如
D. 角色消退
E. 角色异常
"“2000 年人人享有卫生保健”的战略目标的提出者是 : ___
A. 联合国
C. 国务院
D. 全国人大
E. 卫生部
"李先生,25岁,因患肺炎,需要静脉输液,下列哪项不属于护理操作前解释用语: ___
A. 本次操作目的
B. 病人准备工作
C. 讲解简要方法
D. 执行者的承诺
E. 谢谢病人的合作
"下列有关非语言性沟通的描述不正确的选项是: ___
A. 是无声的交流
B. 获取的信息较真实
C. 是不使用语言的交流
D. 是有意识或无意识进行的
E. 包括体语、空间效应、反应时间等形式
"小张是一位出色的足球中卫,在参加比赛时不慎胫骨骨折而入院,入院后经治疗病情稳定,但情绪低落,很少与人交往,你认为他的表现可能是由于哪一层次基本需要未被满足而导致的: ___
A. 生理的需要
B. 安全的需要
C. 爱与归属的需要
D. 尊重的需要
E. 自我实现的需要
"下列有关Roy适应模式与护理程序关系的描述,正确的是: ___
A. 一级评估是影响因素的评估
B. 二级评估是行为的评估
C. 一级评估是判断人的行为是否为适应性反应
D. 二级评估是收集患者的生理功能方面的资料
E. 通过一级评估可识别主要刺激、相关刺激和固有刺激
"下列选项中不属于行政处分的有: ___
A. 记过
B. 警告
C. 撤职
D. 开除留用
E. 拘留
The workers are busy _____ models for the exhibition.
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
It was well known that Thomas Edison _______ the electric lamp.
A. discovered
B. invented
C. found
D. developed
She wonders ____ will happen to her private life in the future.
A. that
B. it
C. this
D. what
The higher the temperature, _____ the liquid evaporates.
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ______ people drive on the left of the road.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
Sunday is the day ____ people usually don't go to work.
A. when
B. which
C. in which
D. that
____ you know, David has been well lately.
A. Which
B. As
C. What
D. When
The harder you study, _____ you will learn.
A. much
B. many
C. the more
D. much more
They got there an hour _____ than the others.
A. early
B. much early
C. more early
D. earlier
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts ____ .
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ______, it takes many years for the system to recover.
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done
We worked hard and completed the task ___.
A. in the time
B. on the time
C. ahead of time
D. before time
I didn't expect you to turn _____ at the meeting yesterday.
A. up
B. to
C. out
D. over
I like the teacher _______ classes are very interesting and creative.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. what
When Lily came home at 5 p. m. yesterday, her mother ______ dinner in the kitchen.
A. cooked
B. was cooking
C. cooks
D. has cooked
I don’t know the park, but it's _____ to be quite beautiful.
A. said
B. told
C. spoken
D. talked
Mike is better than Peter ____. swimming.
The young lady coming over to us ______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A. must be
B. can be
C. would be
D. could be
Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat.
A. a large number
B. the large number
C. a large amount
D. the large amount
Neither John ______his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.
A. nor
B. or
C. but
D. and
Jane's dress is similar in design ______ her sister's.
A. like
B. with
C. to
D. as
His salary as a driver is much higher than ________.
A. a porter
B. is a porter
C. as a porter
D. that of a porter
_____ these honours he received a sum of money.
A. Except
B. But
C. Besides
D. Outside
Would you let ____ to the park with my classmate, Mum?
A. me go
B. me going
C. I go
D. I going
I have been looking forward to_____ from my parents.
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not _____ us to use his car.
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
_____ her and then try to copy what she does.
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
Will you ___ me a favor, please?
A. do
B. make
C. bring
D. give
It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
The computer system ____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A. broke down
B. broke out
C. broke up
D. broke in
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ___ in her diet
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ______ is very useful now for me.
A. it
B. which
C. that
D. what
He is not seriously ill, but only a ____ headache.
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ____ a day.
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train ____ to Birmingham?
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
You shouldn't ______ your time like that, Bob, and was cold yesterdak tonight.
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
Both the kids and their parents ____ English, I think. I know it from their accent.
A. is
B. been
C. are
D. was
You had better ___ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen