A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
交接班时,交班与接班人员对各项内容检查完毕后,对方填写工作交接记录,并针对当班次发生的重点事项予以备注,双方签字后交 接完成
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 冒险精神
B. 创新精神
C. 求知精神
D. 独立精神
A. 一年
B. 至退役后一年
C. 两年
D. 至退役后两年
E. 提示:2005年颁布版本(21号文件)选B,但2016年底修订了新版(41号文件)选D
A. 独立自主
B. 真诚守信
C. 平等自愿
D. 公平公正
A. 结业证书
B. 学习证明
C. 肄业证书
D. 毕业证书
A. 开展教育
B. 社会服务
C. 科学研究
D. 培养人才
A. 爱校教育
B. 专业思想教育
C. 基本理论教育
D. 理想信念教育
A. ①②③
B. ①②④
C. ②③④
D. ①②③④
A. 热爱祖国,服务人民
B. 遵纪守法,弘扬正气
C. 明礼修身,团结友爱
D. 强健体魄,热爱生活
A. 建立组织有力、运转高效、职责分明的组织机构,形成及时、快捷、通畅的信息网络
B. 树立“管了没用也要管”、“说了不听也要说”的观念,但对于防不胜防的突发紧急事件,属于工作之外无法把握的,故不必采取相应措施;
C. 构建心理预警机制,制定紧急事件应急处理方案;
D. 健全日常工作机制,保证信息采集渠道通畅,辅导员应保持全天候信息通畅。
A. 解惑者
B. 管理者
C. 中介
D. 组织者
A. 德育
B. 智育
C. 任课
D. 管理
A. 学生的思想汇报
B. 班会通知
C. E-mAil通知
D. 电话通知
A. 管理为主,教育为辅;
B. 为学生服务理念;
C. 教育为主,管理为辅;
D. 学生自主发展
A. 核心和关键
B. 基本条件
C. 方向和灵魂
A. 群众认可度较高
B. 班委之间的和谐度较高
C. 有利于竞争
D. 保证班委质量
A. ①③④⑤
B. ①②④⑤
C. ①②③⑤
D. ①②③④⑤
A. 发展性危机
B. 现实性危机
C. 存在性危机
D. 情境性危机
A. 50
B. 55
C. 56
D. 60
A. 按照规定给予社会保险补贴和公益性岗位补贴;
B. 给予薪酬或生活补贴,同时按规定参加有关社会保险;
C. 按规定实施相应的学费补偿和国家助学贷款代偿;
D. 在研究生招录和事业单位选聘时实行笔试免试
A. 个人自愿报名;
B. 学校党团组织推荐;
C. 资格审查;
D. 笔试面试;
E. 组织考察等
A. 个体咨询是心理咨询最主要的形式,它在咨询者与求询者之间建立了一对一的关系。
B. 团体咨询多用于解决一般性的表层心理咨询问题,如恋爱问题、时间管理、人际交往问题。
C. 电话咨询能够有效降低咨询者的顾虑,具有保密性,能够深入彻底解决心理问题。
D. 书信咨询对那些不愿意或者不方便与咨询者面谈的求询者较为适用。
A. 往届毕业生;
B. 成人高等教育;
C. 民办普通高等学校;
D. 高等教育自学考试类学生
A. 优先报名应征、优先体检政审、优先审批定兵;
B. 优先选拔使用;
C. 补偿学费或代偿国家助学贷款;
D. 优先推荐上高一层次学校
A. 初中时期
B. 高中时期
C. 大学时期
D. 成年期
A. 身体健康
B. 心理健康
C. 社会适应良好
D. 人际关系良好
A. 情绪健康
B. 智力正常
C. 意志健全
D. 人格完整
A. 焦虑症
B. 疑病症
C. 恐怖症
D. 抑郁症
A. 家庭内部
B. 社会环境
C. 人际关系的处理
D. 自身的内部冲突
A. 自我实现
B. 和谐人际关系
C. 保持人格完整
D. 保持协调情绪
A. 心理健康教育
B. 进行大规模问卷调查
C. 心理咨询
D. 心理治疗
A. 勤奋
B. 刻苦
C. 学以致用
D. 学会学习
A. 远大理想
B. 自主学习能力
C. 持之以恒的毅力
D. 知识迁移能力
A. 喝酒
B. 吃大量的东西
C. 压抑负性的情绪
D. 和朋友倾诉
Which IDS/IPS state misidentifies acceptable behavior as an attack ?___
A. false negative
B. true positive NEKA G
C. true negative
D. false positive
What is the maximum num ber of methods that a single method list can contain?___
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
Which command enables authentication at the oSPFv2 routing process level?___
A. ip ospf authentication message-digest
B. area 0 authentication message-digest
C. ip ospf message-digest-key 1 mds Cisco
D. area 0 authentication ipsec spi 500 md5 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
Which type of firewall monitors a nd protects a specific system?___
A. firewall
B. application firewall
C. stateless firewall wvp
D. personal firewall
On an ASA, which maps are used to identify traffic?___
A. Route maps
B. Policy maps
C. Class maps
D. Service maps
Which type of social engineering attack targets top executives?___
A. whaling
B. vishin
C. spear phishing ng
D. baiting
What is the minimum Cisco lOS version that supports zone-based firewalls?___
A. 12.1T
B. 15.1
C. 15.0
D. 124
In which type of attack does an attacker overwrite an entry in the CAM table to divert traffic destined to a legitimate host?___
A. DHCP spoofing
B. ARP spoofing
C. CAM table overflow
D. MAC spoofing
Which two attack types can be prevented with the impleme ntation of a Cisco IPS solution?___
A. DDos
B. man-in-the-middle
C. worms
D. ARP spoofing
E. VLAN hopping
choose four___
A. DHCP snooping ——————————blocks DHCP messages
B. Dynamic ARP inspection——————verifies IP-to-MAC traffic on untrusted ports
C. IP sources guard ——————————provides layer 2 interface security with ports ACLs
D. Port security————————————mitigates MAC-address spoofing at the access interface
choose four___
A. Step1————————run the system setup wizard
B. Step2————————add an authentication realm
C. Step3————————configure identity management
D. Step4————————configure directory group
What are two advanced features of the Cisco AMp solution for endpoints ___
A. contemplation
B. foresight
C. sandboxing
D. reputation
E. reflection
Which two characteristics of RADIUS are true?___
A. It encrypts only the password between user and server.
B. It uses TCP ports 1812/1813
C. It uses UDP ports 1812/1813.
D. It uses UDP port 49
E. It uses TCP port 49
What are two challenges of using a network-based IPS? ___
A. It is unable to determine whether a detected attack was successful
B. It requires additional storage and proce ssor capacity on syslog servers
C. As the network expands, it requires you to add more sensors.
D. It is unable to detect attacks across the entire network
E. It must support multiple operating systems.
What are two default be haviors of the traffic on a zone-based firewall?___
A. Traffic within the self -zone uses an im plicit deny all.
B. All traffic between zones is implicitly blocked
C. Communication is allowed between interfadAss that are members of the same zone
D. Communication is blocked between interfaces that are members of the same zone
E. The CBAC rules that are configured on router interfaces apply to zone interfaces
Which two advantages does the on-premise model for MDM deployment have over the cloud-based model?___
A. The on-premise model is easier and faster to de ploy than the cloud-based model
B. The on-premise model is more scalable than the cloud-based model
C. The on-premise model is generally less expensive than the cloud-based model
D. The on-premise model generally has less latency than the cloud- based model.
E. The on-premise model provides more control of the MDM solution than the cloud
Which two actions can an end usts take to manage a lost or stolen device in Cisco ISE? ___
A. Activate Cisco ISE End point Protection Services to quarantine the device.
B. Add the mac address of the device to a list of blacklisted devices
C. Force the device to be locked with a PIN
D. Request revocation of the digital certificate of the device.
E. Reinstate a device that the user previously marked as lost or stolen
Which two problems can arise when a proxy firewall serves as the gateway between networks?___
A. It can prevent content caching
B. It can limit application support
C. It is unable to prevent direct connections to other networks
D. It can cause reduced throughput.
E. It is unable to provide antivirus protection
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two methods are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Use sCep
B. Install from SFTP server
C. Install from a file
D. Use Https
Which two are considered basic security principles?___
A. Accountability
B. Redundancy
C. High Availabilit
D. Integrity
E. Confidentiality
Which two roles of the Cisco WSA are true?___
B. firewall
C. antispam
D. web proxy
E. URL filter
Which next-generation encryption algorithm supports four variants?___
A. SHA-2
B. SHA-1
C. MD5
What aims to remove the abil ity to deny an action?___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Integrity
D. Deniability
Which statements about the native VLAN is true ?___
A. It is susceptible to VLAN hopping attacks.
B. It is the Cisco recommended VLAN for switch-management traffic
C. It is most secure when it is a ssigned to vLAn 1.
D. It is the cisco-recomme nded vlan for user traffic
There are two versions of IKE:IKEv1 and IKEv2. Both IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols operate in phases IKEv1 operates in two phases. IKEv2 operates in how many phases?___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
What does the dh group refer to?___
A. length of key for hashing C
B. length of key for encryption
C. tunnel lifetime key
D. length of key for key exchange
E. length of key for authentication
Which path do you follow to enable aaa through the SDM ?___
A. Configure Tasks > AAA
B. Configure > Addition Authentication > AAA
C. Configure > AAA
D. Configure > Additional Tasks > AAA
E. Configure Authentication > AAA
which technology cloud be used on top of an MPLS VPN to add confidentiality ?___
A. IPsec
Which term is most closely aligned with the basic purpose of a SIEM solution? ___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Causality
D. Repudiation
You have just deployed SNMPv3 in your environment, Your manager asks you to make sure that our SNMP agents can only talk to the SNMP Manager. What would you configure on your SNMI agents to satisfy this request?___
A. A SNMP View containing the SNMP managers
B. Routing Filter with the SNMP managers in it applied outbound
C. A standard ACL containing the SNMP managers applied to the SNMP configuration
D. A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers
Which feature prevents loops by moving a nontrunking port into an errdisable state when a BPDU is received on that port?___
A. BPDU filte
B. DHCP snooping
C. BPDU guard
D. Port Fast
Which command enables port security to use sticky MAC addresses on a switch?___
A. switchport port-security violation restrict
B. switchport port-security mac-address sticky
C. switchport port-security violation protect
D. switchport port-security
When you edit an IPS subsignature, what is the effect on the parent signature and the family of subsignatures?___
A. The change applies to the parent signature and the entire family of subsignatures
B. The change applies to the parent signature and the subsignature that you edit
C. The change applies only to subsignatures that are numbered sequentially after the subsignature that you edit
D. Other signatures are unaffected, the change applies only to the subsignature that you dit
Which type of mechanism does Cisco FirePOWER de ploy to protect ag detected moving across other networks?___
A. antivirus scanning
B. policy-based
C. reputation-based
D. signature-based
What action must you take on the ise to blacklist a wired device?___
A. Locate the switch through which the device is connected and push an a cl restricting all access by the device
B. Issue a CoA request for the de vice's mac address to each access switch in the network
C. Revoke the device's certificate so it is unable to authenticate to the network
D. Add the device's MAc address to a list of black listed devices
Which type of firewall can perform deep packet inspection?___
A. packet-filtering firewall
B. stateless firewall
C. application firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the main purpose of Control Plane Policing?___
A. to prevent exhaustion of route-proce ssor resources
B. to organize the egress packet queues
C. to define traffic classes
D. to maintain the policy map
Which attack can be prevented by OSPF authentication?___
A. smurf attack
B. IP spoofing attack
C. denial of service attack
D. buffer overflow attack
What is the best definition of hairpinning?___
A. ingress traffic that traverses the outbound interface on a device
B. traffic that enters one interface on a device and that exits through another interface
C. traffic that enters and exits a device through the same interface
D. traffic that tunnels through a device interface
Which SNMPv3 security level provides authentication using HMAC with MD5, but does not use encryption?___
A. authPriv
B. authNo Priv
C. noAuthNoPriv
D. NoauthPriv