15..列宁认为,一方面帝国主义必然导致___ ,另一方面,帝国主义战争可以造成无产阶级___的主客观条件。
16.毛泽东思想是 ___ 普及,又是中国革命战争和_ ___ 实际相结合的产物。
17.坚持 ___ 一致,军民一致, ___ 敌军的三大原则。
20.要按照“三步走”的 ___ ,实现以 ___ 为核心的军队现代化建设目标。
21.坚持把思想 ___ 建设作为军队最 ___ 的建设。
22.胡锦涛指出:“人民解放军的优良革命传统,集中起来就是 ___ 、服务人民、 ___ 。”
23.《孙子兵法》被誉为古今中外现存古书中最有价值、最有影响的古代第一兵书。其作者____ , ___ 末期齐国人
25. ___ 是当今世界的时代主题, ___成为主要战争形态。
26.国际战略格局演变的终极原因在于 ___ ,世界经济发展不平衡正在改变世界战
27.20世纪80年代末、90年代初,随着东欧剧变和苏联解体,持续近半个世纪的冷战格局被打破。 “___ ” 是当前乃至今后相当长时期内世界主要战略力量对比的总体态势和总体特征。
28.进入新世纪我国周边外交政策和目标的重要内容是“___ 、___ 、___ ”。
30.决定不同时期各国战略的内容和特点主要包括三个方面:___、___ 、___ 。
33.新安全观的核心是___、___、 ___ 和 ___ 。
34.人类战争在经过 ___ 、___、___ 、___几个阶段后,正在进入信息化战争阶段。
35.六维空间是指___、___ 、___ 、___ 、___ 、___。
36. 中国人民解放军六个兵种分别是___、___、___、___、___、___。
38.世界新军事变革不断深化,打赢 ___ 战争成为各国关注的焦点
40.制导技术按照不同控制导引方式可概括为 ___ 、 ___ 、 ___ 、 ___ 和___等五种方式。
41.凭借着___与 ___ 提供的“千里眼”、“顺风耳”,军事指挥员可以迅速、准确、全面地掌握敌方的情况,识别、跟踪和预测敌方未来的行动,从而为克敌制胜创造有利条件。
43.1957年10月4日,苏联把世界上第一颗 ___ 送入地球近地轨道.
46.天基武器系统主要指攻击对方航天器用的卫星和卫星平台,包括 ___ 、 ___和___ 等。
48.新概念武器主要有 ___ 、___、 ___ 、 ___ 、___ 等。
49.核武器具有____、冲击波、____ ___、核电磁脉冲和放射性沾染等五种杀伤破坏因素。
What is an example of social engineering?___
A. gaining access to a computer by observing the user login credentials
B. gaining access to a build through an unguarded entrance
C. gaining access to a server by using a USB stick
D. gaining access to a server room by posing as local IT
Which type of Layer 2 attack enables the attacker to intercept traffic that is intended for one specific recipient?___
A. BPDU attack
B. DHCP starvation I LAB
C. MAC address spoofing
D. CAM table overflow
Which about nested policy maps in a zone-based firewall is true ?___
A. They are limited to two leve ls in a hierarchical policy
B. Parent policies are previously defined policies that are defined by using the service policy command
C. A child policy is a new policy that uses a pre-existing policy.
D. A child policy is a new that uses a pre-existing policy
In which configuration do you configure the ip ospf authentication key 1 command?___
A. routing process
B. interface
C. privileged
D. global
You shouldn’t ___ – let your children make their own decisions.
A. interact
B. abuse
C. startle
D. interfere
This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up, you ___ many difficulties.
A. like to encounter
B. like encountering
C. are likely to encounter
D. are like to encounter
The ability to live for a long time without water is characteristic ___ the camel.
A. of
B. for
C. about
D. in
Rising sales is a good ___ that this product is well received in the market.
A. response
B. convention
C. indication
D. Influence
When tourists travel abroad, they are sometimes ___ by the local people because the tourists don’t know the real value of products.
A. turned in
B. given chase
C. wrapped up
D. ripped off
The professor’s lecture ___ the capacity of his young audience. They all looked puzzled at him.
A. pointed out
B. went beyond
C. contributed to
D. kept off
We must ___ on the amount of time we use on this project.
A. cut both ways
B. cut in line
C. cut off
D. cut down
We have to be very patient with this experiment. It will take time for some effects to ___ clearly.
A. build up
B. break up
C. clear up
D. show up
Perhaps there is a(n) ___ of truth in both theories, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.
A. lump
B. substance
C. section
D. element
Be careful when you get along with her because she is known for her short ___.
A. temper
B. emotion
C. mood
D. feeling
It seems that wearing less formal clothing to school and work is becoming a(n) ___.
A. trend
B. campaign
C. goal
D. occurrence
You cannot correct children’s bad behavior simply with a (n) ___ or two on the hand or face.
A. slap
B. smash
C. slam
D. strike
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
___ is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness.
A. It
B. There
C. Here
D. This
___ a day goes by that I don’t receive dozens of junk mails in my email box.
A. None
B. Usually
C. Nearly
D. Hardly
Please trust me. Try this new method ___.
A. you feel very relaxed
B. and you feel very relaxed
C. you will feel very relaxed
D. and you will feel very relaxed
John said Mom was coming back tomorrow, not next week. If this is the ___, we’ll all have to clean the house thoroughly.
A. point
B. norm
C. question
D. case
It is far too late for you to go out and play football, ___ the fact that it’s raining.
A. no doubt
B. despite
C. given
D. not to mention
However, under no circumstances should we ___ our achievements, nor should we regard our accomplishments as unimportant.
A. present
B. perceive
C. exemplify
D. exaggerate
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there ___.
A. accurately
B. randomly
C. emotionally
D. continually
In many Middle Eastern cultures a deadline is taken as a(n) ___, and such terms should not appear in a purchase contract with businessmen from these countries.
A. target
B. favor
C. honor
D. insult
He is by no means a(n) ___ man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.
A. disgraceful
B. sophisticated
C. traditional
D. intelligent
Although the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved, the government’s emphasis has been ___ from coal to nuclear.
A. intended
B. defined
C. attached
D. switched
The psychologist doesn’t say directly, but seems to ___ that emotional maturity and self-stimulation are the key elements for success.
A. inquire
B. imply
C. refer
D. confront
The top floors of a building collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble (瓦砾), but he was ___ and could talk to rescuers.
A. reasonable
B. rational
C. innocent
D. conscious
After ___ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before.
A. extensive
B. durable
C. partial
D. extreme
As the world is becoming global, it is increasingly important that countries work together to ___ international trade.
A. soar
B. rise
C. facilitate
D. prompt
As the technology develops, it is probable that electronic books will start to ___ paper books in the near future.
A. ban
B. exchange
C. employ
D. replace
The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of ___ a senior bank official.
A. bribing
B. frustrating
C. chasing
D. eliminating
Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ___ from school.
A. forbidden
B. induced
C. expelled
D. disobeyed
A. 勇于尝试,不怕失败
B. 培养优良学风
C. 培养和提高独立生活能力
D. 培养自信心。
A. 奇思异想
B. 瞬间顿悟
C. 求真务实
D. 求新求变
A. 求实
B. 一丝不苟
C. 勤奋
D. 敢为人先
A. 胡锦涛
B. 江泽民
C. 温家宝
D. 李长春
A. 社会主义荣辱观
B. 社会主义核心价值体系
C. 科学发展观
D. 马克思主义