A. 与团队一起开会,以确定造成这些问题的原因,并将其升级上报给指导委员会
B. 与关键相关方开会,以确定是否应该终止项目
C. 用新资源替换离职的团队成员来完成约定的范围
D. 减少项目范围,让剩下的团队成员有能力完成项目
A. 请设计师将每周报告设计得更生动有趣
B. 停止编写和发送每周项目报告,因为发起人没有阅读
C. 与发起人讨论沟通偏好
D. 将每周报告打印出来并放在发起人的桌子上
A. 联系发起人并审查项目范围、需求文件和项目管理计划
B. 接受该主张,然后更新范围、需求文件和工作分解结构(WBS)
C. 审查采购管理计划,查阅公司报告和合同
D. 与该咨询公司开会,协商需要完成的额外工作,并提出变更请求
A. 项目章程
B. 相关方参与计划
C. 问题曰志
D. 项目管理计划
A. 拒绝所有超出范围的变更请求
B. 管理关键相关方的期望
C. 将该信息升级上报给发起人
D. 包含严格和正式的过程批准变更
A. 根据以前的项目估算资源活动
B. 使用滚动式规划执行项目
C. 在风险管理计划中包含资源培训需求
D. 根据货币估算定义资源类型
A. 更新项目管理计划和风险登记册
B. 分析项目范围
C. 请求项目发起人就风险提出具体意见
D. 审查项目章程中记录的高层级风险、假设条件和制约因素
A. 提交重订成本基准的变更要求
B. 请求额外的资源
C. 对项目进度赶工
D. 使用管理储备
A. 质量成本(COQ)
B. 实验设计(DOE)
C. 成本效益分析
D. 质量标杆对照
A. 修订沟通管理计划
B. 更新相关方登记册
C. 评估对风险的影响
D. 审查项目人员分配
A. 召开项目启动大会
B. 开展一次团队建设活动
C. 实施认可与奖励计划
D. 审查项目章程
A. 修订项目章程,包含该请求
B. 收集数据并提出正式的变更请求
C. 拒绝该请求,因为其将影响项目交付
D. 请求额外的资源来实施该请求
A. 推式沟通
B. 合作和伙伴关系
C. 参与
D. 咨询
A. 重新分配来自另一个项目不必要的资源
B. 为延迟的任务增加资源,并再次执行资源平衡
C. 提出一项变更请求,以减少范围
D. 计算关键路径以确定对项目的影响,并重新分配资源
A. 项目记录
B. 经验教训
C. 相关方通知
D. 项目演示
A. 责任分配矩阵(RAM)
B. 项目管理计划
C. 遣散计划
D. 项目资源管理计划
A. 审查建议邀请书(RFP)
B. 与该供应商谈判
C. 应用工作说明书(SOW)中包含的处罚
D. 启动升级上报工程
A. 技术绩效测量
B. 储备分析
C. 风险分析
D. 偏差和趋势分析
A. 要求项目发起人增加预算并延长进度计划
B. 获得项目发起人的批准,重新组织团队
C. 减少项目范围以满足原始预算和进度计划
D. 识别改进领域和加强监督
A. 新的市场法规很快的获得批准,这可能需要修订项目范围
B. 在项目初始阶段识别到设计缺陷
C. —名主题专家(SME)离开项目,加入竞争对手的公司
D. 应急储备已被批准的变更请求耗尽
A. 计划使用相同的项目资源
B. 准备项目管理计划
C. 定义需求,并最终确定范围
D. 参考经验教训文件
A. 专家判断
B. 德尔斐技术
C. 核对单分析
D. 石川图
A. 更新风险登记册
B. 审查沟通管理计划
C. 查阅相关方登记册
D. 与项目发起人开会,讨论下一步工作
A. 质量管理计划
B. 风险管理计划
C. 范围管理计划
D. 沟通管理计划
A. 按照项目要求制定项目管理计划
B. 请求额外的资源
C. 与主题专家(SMEs)和发起人会面,以设定可实现的期望
D. 通知项目发起人不能满足时间表
A. 将该主任添加到相关方登记册中
B. 要求项目发起人报告与该主任之间的互动
C. 继续执行项目
D. 停止工作,直到该主任的担心得到解决为止
A. 需要人力资源部门替换该技术专家
B. 尝试了解该技术专家态度的原因,然后根据收集的信息采取进一步的行动
C. 向该技术专家发出书面警告,指明不当行为是不可容忍的
D. 向该技术专家分配避免与其他团队成员互动的任务
A. 仅批准符合预算并与商业需求一致的请求
B. 将请求提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
C. 与项目发起人开会,根据项目范围為明书评审请求
D. 拒绝请求,并通知项目相关方
A. 参数估算
B. 类比估算
C. 质量成本(COQ)
D. 三点估算法
A. 进行匿名电子调查
B. 使用分析技术收集绩效和其他指标
C. 让发起人参与获得独立评估
D. 正视团队成员的明显偏差
A. 规划风险应对,并更新风险登记册
B. 应用检测方法
C. 计划使用应急储备并更新风险减轻计划
D. 使用挣值管理(EVM)方法
A. 交互式沟通
B. 内部沟通
C. 拉式沟通
D. 推式沟通
A. 变更控制程序
B. 沟通管理计划
C. 组织沟通需求
D. 风险登记册
A. 更新项目进度计划
B. 执行实施
C. 提交变更请求
D. 修改项目基准
A. 创建工作分解结构(WBS)
B. 安排召开项目启动大会
C. 获得必要的项目资源
D. 定义项目管理计划的活动
A. 更新范围计划,包含新功能
B. 创建变更请求并评估影响
C. 与发起人讨论该请求
D. 更新项目文件
A. 为每个时区都安排一次启动大会,并获得所有关键相关方的参与承诺
B. 为包含大多数相关方的时区安排一次启动大会
C. 安排一次虚拟会议,并要求无法参加会议的关键相关方观看录制的会议
D. 与每位关键相关方安排一对一的会议,收集所有提出的问题,然后设置较小型的焦点小组会议来解决这些问题
A. 完成公司的最低记录保存要求
B. 开始在新项目上工作
C. 与前一个项目的相关方商量
D. 按照项目管理计划进行项目收尾
A. 将项目管理计划提交给发起人
B. 参与制定项目章程
C. 定义项目范围说明书
D. 定义项目需求
A. 相关方沟通需求
B. 沟通管理计划
C. 工作绩效报告
D. 项目沟通
A. 落后于进度,并超出预算
B. 超前于进度,但超出预算
C. 落后于进度,但低于预算
D. 超前于进度,并低于预算
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change [ ]
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
A lot of what we [ ] is made from raw materials which are not renewable
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to [ ] their house before the baby was born
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
Jennifer couldn't [ ] her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia
make it, with open arms ,strip off,keep back,
free of/ from ,after all,straighten up, throw away
We want to give all children a world [ ] violence
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
Fortunately, the accident didn't [ ] many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
She[ ] her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
They kept on trying their best to develop
their business, but in such [ ]market competition, they had no Idea if success would come along one day
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators [ ] taking up a musical instrument at a young age
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any [ ]
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,[ ] to questions in class,or talk with other children
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; [ ] to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
The duties to provide services for children in need are not [ ] to the local social services department
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
We pray that all nations be [ ] and that all people around the world live in peace
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
It was reported the president had [ ]to fight If war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
I had to [ ] one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail
controversial,assess, resolve,decrease,alter,abandon,indicate,undermine,compromise, conventional
Darwin's theory of evolution remains[ ] partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man
advocate,involve,confine,respond,subsequent ,distinct ,intense, fulfill,circumstance, reconcile
He suggested a small but [ ] improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
She held her hand above her eyes to [ ]them [ ] the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
The boy studied the signs for over an hour,but still could not [ ]them, so he turned to his teacher for help
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
They [ ] the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
We will continue to care for those [ ] and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
Many people [ ]careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can [ ]
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
Finally, I would like to [ ]by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
He is a person that you always [ ]when you need help.
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms [ ] families with small children
in sb. 's words,count on,make sense of ,reserve for, shield from,call on, sum up, relate to ,in need,
be/ get caught up in
Betty loves reading.[ ],“Reading is the most wonderful thing in the world.”
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Every one of you has made a contribution and I [ ] knowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in
They all tried to talk [ ], but I couldn't hear anything they said
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Yellow flowers in the field always [ ] me [ ] my childhood in the countryside
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should [ ]winning the game
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Research on genes will [ ] exciting new medical treatments.,
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
My family [ ] on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
Many subway riders read books or listent music in order to [ ] their time on the way to work
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks [ ]
open the door to,In advance,all at once,reap the benefits (of), make the most of,over time, get by, stand a chance (of),remind of, take pleasure in,
In order to [ ]physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly and for at least half an hour each time
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
Mary was a careful speaker, every word seemed to have been [ ] before it was allowed to escape through her lips
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly [ ] their return
embarrass,polish, emotional, etticiency,curb ,await, donation ,dump,stuff ,historical
Thanks to the [ ] of air transport,everyone is free to go anywhere at any time