A. 白酒
B. 啤酒
C. 黄酒
D. 米酒
E. 果酒
A. 荀慧生
B. 梅兰芳
C. 尚小云
D. 程砚秋
E. 谭鑫培
A. 《贵妃醉酒》
B. 《霸王别姬》
C. 《红娘》
D. 《昭君出塞》
E. 《锁麟囊》
A. 猫耳朵
B. 驴打滚
C. 艾窝窝
D. 狗不理
E. 豆汁
A. 长城
B. 泰山
C. 武陵源
D. 黄山
E. 武夷山
A. 郎酒
B. 泸州老窖特曲
C. 剑南春
D. 洋河大曲
E. 古井贡酒28
A. 氨基酸
B. 维生素
C. 矿物质
D. 咖啡碱
E. 黄烷醇类化合物
A. 曹操
B. 刘备
C. 袁绍
D. 孙权
E. 刘表
A. 马致远
B. 关汉卿
C. 白朴
D. 汤显祖
E. 郑光祖
A. 黄公望
B. 王蒙
C. 倪瓒
D. 吴镇
E. 汪士慎
A. 线条美
B. 结体美
C. 章法美
D. 色彩美
E. 神韵美
A. 狗不理
B. 酥麻花
C. 糯米烧麦
D. 南翔馒头
E. 黄桥烧饼
A. 春节
B. 中元节
C. 中秋节
D. 重阳节
E. 腊八节
A. 玄奘
B. 道宣
C. 达摩
D. 慧能
E. 神秀
A. “以咫尺之幅,写千里之遥”
B. “不似之似为真似”
C. “无色如有色”
D. “有色如无色”
E. “近看鬼打架,远看一张画”
A. 《井冈山黄洋界》
B. 《烟雨莽苍苍》
C. 《千峰送雨图》
D. 《转战南北》
E. 《雨景图》
A. 《雷雨》
B. 《日出》
C. 《原野》
D. 《北京人》
E. 《名优之死》
A. 周敦颐
B. 程颢
C. 张载
D. 朱熹
E. 王阳明
A. 曹禺
B. 田汉
C. 欧阳予倩
D. 袁雪芬
E. 洪深
A. 兴奋提神
B. 抗癌和抗突变作用
C. 利尿、止痢和预防便秘
D. 提高白细胞
E. 醒酒作用
A. 竹子象征人品清逸和气节高尚
B. 松柏象征坚强和长寿
C. 梅花象征洁净无暇
D. 兰花象征幽居隐士
E. 玉兰、牡丹象征荣华富贵
A. 天地
B. 社稷
C. 祖先
D. 高山
E. 大海
A. 筵席是一个历史术语,本义是铺地的坐具
B. 筵和席是两种物料
C. 筵长席短,筵在上,席在下
D. 现代筵席具有礼仪性、艺术性和规范性的特征
E. 筵席的组成格局包括冷菜、热菜和随饭菜
A. 《瑶池宴》
B. 《解佩令》
C. 《华胥引》
D. 《献仙音》
E. 《如梦令》
A. 文徵明
B. 沈周
C. 仇英
D. 唐寅
E. 石涛
A. 《食经》
B. 《食疗本草》
C. 《饮膳正要》
D. 《随园食单》
E. 《调鼎集》
A. 位于台北市士林区外双溪,1965 年建成
B. 仿照北京故宫博物院形式
C. 采用中国宫廷式设计
D. 大楼前有蒋介石雕像
E. 建筑由中央博物院与北平故宫博物院组成
A. 邗沟
B. 江南运河
C. 洛州河
D. 会通河
E. 通惠河
A. 《肘后备急方》
B. 《抱朴子·内篇》
C. 《肘后一百方》
D. 《千金方》
E. 《黄帝内经》
A. 达摩
B. 惠能
C. 神秀
D. 马祖
E. 百丈
A. 天台宗
B. 华严宗
C. 净土宗
D. 律宗
E. 禅宗
A. 研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治等的一门科学
B. 在中国古代的唯物论和辩证法思想的指导下,形成的独特传统医学科学
C. 中国人民通过长期的医疗实践,不断积累,反复总结而逐渐形成的
D. 中国传统文化的重要组成部分
E. 具有数万年的悠久历史
A. 中医理论来源于实践
B. 中世纪开始,发现某些食物能减轻或消除某些疾病,就是应用中药的起源
C. 在烘火取暖时,逐渐产生了热熨和灸法
D. 在使用石器作为生产工具的过程中,创造了运用砭石、骨针治病的方法
E. 由针刺疗法进而形成经络学说
A. 《湿热条辨》
B. 《唐本草》
C. 《千金要方》
D. 《唐·新修本草》
E. 《千金翼方》
A. 阴阳
B. 盈亏
C. 表里
D. 寒热
E. 虚实
A. 叶桂的《温热论》
B. 吴瑭的《温病条辨》
C. 王士雄的《湿热条辨》
D. 薛雪的《温热经纬》
E. 王清任的《医林改错》
A. 辨病治疗
B. 整体观念
C. 辨证论治
D. 同病异治
E. 对症治疗
A. 望
B. 闻
C. 问
D. 切
E. 按
A. 南方以龙泉青瓷为代表
B. 北方以景德镇青白瓷为代表
C. 南方以越窑青瓷为代表
D. 北方以邢窑白瓷代表
E. 形成“南青北白”的瓷业格局
A. 南北官窑
B. 南方越窑
C. 南方哥窑
D. 北方汝窑
E. 定窑、钧窑
A. 北方龙泉青瓷窑系
B. 景德镇青白瓷窑系
C. 南方定窑、钧窑系
D. 耀州窑系
E. 磁州窑系
Which is the correct sequence to upgrade a vSphere infrastructure?___
A. vCenter Server>ESXi host> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
B. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
C. vCenter host> ESXi host> VM compatibility> VMware Tools
D. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VM compatibility>VMware Tools
An administrator has a large boot from SAN cluster and wants to ensure consistent configuration by using host profiles. What special considerations are required for boot from SAN hosts?___
A. Change the “Device is shared clusterwide” setting to “false” in the host profile.
B. Verify that the boot LUN is correctly identified as the boot device in the host profile.
C. The boot from SAN device must report as a local device.
D. Host profiles are incompatible with boot from SAN hosts.
When using VMware Converter to import a Windows server and improve the consistency of the destination virtual machine, which optional step can be performed immediately prior to powering down the source server?___
A. Perform a final synchronization task.
B. Remove the server from the network.
C. Uninstall production applications.
D. Remove the server from the Active Directory domain.
Restoration of the vCenter Server Appliance is accomplished using which interface?___
A. vSphere Web Client
B. vSphere Client
C. vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface
D. vCenter Server Appliance GUI Installer
When attempting to migrate a virtual machine to another host in the same cluster, the error message, “Select a valid compute resource” returns. What could cause this error?___
A. Both hosts run different versions of ESXi.
B. Both hosts are not sharing the same datastore.
C. VMware Tools is not installed.
D. Virtual machine has an ISO attached.
When will vSphere Data Protection delete the expired backup image of a Platform Service Controller?___
A. Immediately after the retention period has expired.
B. After the expired backup image is restored.
C. During the next backup window following expiry.
D. During the next maintenance window following expiry.
Group A has permission to download files in Content Library. Group B does not have permission to download files in Content Library. If a user is a member of both groups, what will be the result?___
A. The user cannot download file from Content Library.
B. The user can download file from Content Library.
C. The user cannot access Content Library.
D. The user can access Content Library.
An administrator is trying to set up Host Partial Failure Response, but the Automated option is grayed out. What can the administrator change to enable the Automated option?___
A. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Partially Automated.
B. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Fully Automated.
C. Enable vSphere HA Host Monitoring.
D. Change the vSphere DPM Automation level to Automatic.
When you attempt to open a virtual machine console from the vSphere Web Client, the console does not connect. The following error message appears:<HTTP ERROR 404> <Problem accessin/.Reason: Not Found>. Why did not connect?___
A. Port 443 is in use.
B. Port 9443 is in use.
C. Port 8443 is in use.
D. Port 22443 is in use.
What new feature was introduced to the Content Library in vSphere 6.5?___
A. Mount an ISO directly from the Content Library.
B. Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF Package in a Content Library.
C. Upload a File from a URL to a Library Item.
D. Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item.
How can an administrator exclude Encryption rights from a support engineer?___
A. Clone the role Virtual machine power user, remove Cryptographic operations privileges.
B. Clone the role Administrator and assign to the support engineer.
C. Clone the role Virtual machine power user and assign to the support engineer.
D. Clone the role No cryptography administrator and select privileges only for the support engineer.
The administrator must back up a vCenter HA deployment. Which component must be backed up?___
A. Passive node
B. Witness node
C. External database
D. Active node
What is the supported protocol to perform remote L3 traffic monitoring in vSphere 6.5?___
What are the minimum hardware requirements for a Windows vCenter Server with embedded PSC that manages a “Small” environment?___
A. 2vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
B. 4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
C. 2 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
D. 4 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
Which port is used for communication between ESXi and vSphere Data protection?___
A. 80
B. 443
C. 902
D. 22
What can prevent Storage DRS from functioning on a datastore?___
A. The datastore is configured for Virtual Machine Swapfile location.
B. The datastore is shared across multiple datacenters.
C. The datastore is connected to a host that is running Storage I/O Control.
D. Storage DRS advanced option IgnoreAffinityRulesForMaintenance is set to 1.
When troubleshooting VMware vCenter Server issues, when logging level provides maximum detail?___
A. Verbose
B. Trivia
C. Info
D. Error
What new feature is introduced in NFS 4.1 on ESXi 6.5?___
A. IPv6
B. KRB5i
D. Storage DRS
What configuration option would ensure that a virtual NUMA topology is defined on VMs having more than eight virtual CPUs?___
A. cupid.coresPerSocket
B. numa.vcpu.followcorespersocket
C. numa.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode
D. numa.vcpu.min
What is the minimum disk space required to deploy vSphere Data Protection (VDP) with 8 TB configuration?___
A. 4 TB
B. 16 TB
C. 8 TB
D. 12 TB
What advanced option for vSphere HA defines a maximum number of reset attempts by VMCP for a virtual machine?___
A. das.maxterminates
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. das.maxresets
D. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
What vSphere technology enables the administrator to ensure consistent configuration at scale?___
A. PowerCLI
B. Host Profiles
C. esxcli
D. vSphere Web Client
Which port is used for vSphere HA agent-to-agent communication?___
A. 443
B. 8182
C. 22
D. 902
Which log file would assist in identifying an issue that occurred during the database export phase of a vCenter Server upgrade process?___
A. vcdb_import.out
B. export.json
C. export-upgrade-runner.log
D. vcdb_export.out
Bidirectional CHAP is support by which storage initiator?___
A. software FCoE HBA
B. Fibre Channel HBA
C. independent hardware iSCSI HBA
D. dependent hardware iSCSI HBA
What is a pool of raw storage capacity that a storage system can provide to Virtual Volumes?___
A. protocol endpoint
B. storage container
C. storage provider
D. datastore
vSphere 6.5 DRS is now Network-Aware. Based on network utilization, when will DRS balance VMs?___
A. DRS will balance VMs when a network resource pool is configured for VMs.
B. DRS will balance VMs when Network I/O Control is enabled.
C. DRS will place VMs on initial boot for hosts that have network utilization lower that the threshold.
D. DRS will vMotion VMs when network utilization is higher than the threshold on a particular host.
A scripted upgrade of ESXi fails due to an incorrect parameter in the upgrade script. What file must the administrator modify to correct the problem?___
A. vmreconfig.pl
B. hostinfo.pl
C. ks.cfg
D. boot.cfg
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machine VM2. If a user is a member of group A and B, what action can the user perform?___
A. Suspend VM2.
B. Power off VM1.
C. Power on and power off VM1.
D. Power on and power off VM2.
The networking team has requested to have a dedicated network for iSCSI traffic. This task has been assigned to the vSphere Administrator. What is the VMware-recommended way to accomplish this?___
A. Configure Static Routes on each ESXi Server.
B. Configure the right subnet.
C. Create a custom IP Stack.
D. Define a dedicated gateway for the iSCSI vmkernel.
To prevent possible failures or issues during a vSphere upgrade, which component should be upgraded first?___
A. ESXi Hosts
B. virtual machines
C. datastores
D. vCenter Server
What is the command for updating an ESXi host?___
A. esxcli software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
B. esxupdate software update –d”/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
C. esxcli software update –d “/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
D. esxupdate software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
A vSphere Administrator would like to identify which physical NUMA node their virtual machine is currently residing on. What esxtop metric would provide this information?___
A. GST_ND[x]
B. OVD_ND[x]
How can a vSphere administrator ensure that two virtual machines never run on the same datastore in a datastore cluster, while permitting the VMs to be load-balanced?___
A. Use an Intra-VM Anti-Affinity Rule.
B. Configure a storage DRS VM override.
C. Disable storage
D. RS for the VMs.
What is the VMware-recommended way to move a physical adapter out of Network I/O Control’s scope?___
A. Set the teaming policy to “Route Based on Physical NIC Load.”
B. Add the vmnic to the Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit parameter in Advanced System Settings.
C. Add the vmnic to the Net.IOControlPnicOptOut parameter in Advanced System Settings.
D. Move the vmnic to a different vmUplink port on the Distributed Switch.
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. If a user is a member of Groups A and B, what will be the user’s effective permission on VM1 and VM2?___
A. Power on
B. Power off.
C. Power on and Power off.
D. Reset.
Group 1 is granted console interaction on a VM folder. User 1 is granted no console interaction on the same VM folder. What will be the outcome if User 1 tries to access the console of a virtual machine?___
A. User 1 will not be able to access the virtual machines in the VM folder.
B. User 1 will not have access to the virtual machine console.
C. User 1 will have access to the virtual machine console.
D. User 1 will have console access only via the vSphere Web Client.
Which statement is true regarding the use of VMFS3 datastores with vSphere 6.5?___
A. VMFS3 datastores can be used but not created.
B. VMFS3 datastores can be neither used nor created.
C. VMFS3 datastores will be present but unmounted.
D. VMFS3 datastores can be created and used.
In the Exhibit, each VM has a 1GHz non-expandable reservation. If all VMs are powered on in sequence, what would be the outcome?___
A. VM4 cannot be powered on.
B. VM5 cannot be powered on.
C. VM6 cannot be powered on.
D. VM3 cannot be powered on.
vSphere 6.5 introduced MAClearning capabilities for VMware’s virtual switches. What three benefits will it provide? (Choose three.)___
A. Reduced memory consumption.
B. Reduced consumption of extra CPU cycles.
C. Increased network throughput.
D. Prevent packet flooding inside the vSwitch.