A. 国家立法机关依照立法程序制定和颁布的法律
B. 国家行政机关制定的法令、条例、规定
C. 企业制定的生产经营计划
D. 企业制定的材料消耗定额、工时定额
E. 被审计单位上级主管部门和被审计单位内部制定的各项规章制度
A. 审计组起草审计报告和审计决定书
B. 审计报告无需征求被审计对象意见
C. 审计机关业务部门复核审计报告和审计决定书
D. 审计机关审理机构审理审计报告和审计决定书
E. 审理机构审理后,应当出具审计工作报告
A. 涉及国家秘密的信息
B. 正在调查中的事项
C. 正在处理过程中的事项
D. 法律法规规定公布的信息
E. 涉及商业秘密的信息
A. 参加本单位有关会议,并行使表决权
B. 对正在进行的严重违法违规、严重损失浪费行为,进行处罚
C. 对可能转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃会计凭证、会计账簿、财务报告以及与经济活动有关的资料,有权予以暂时封存
D. 检查有关的计算机系统机器电子数据和资料
E. 提出纠正、处理违法违规行为的意见
A. 内部控制可能因执行人员滥用职权而失效
B. 内部控制测评不能代替实质性测试
C. 内部控制可能因经营环境、业务性质的改变而削弱或失效
D. 设计和运行的内部控制在审计风险模型中,控制风险为零
A. 销售发票
B. 发运凭证
C. 客户订购单
D. 对账单
E. 销货单
A. 重大错报风险评估为高水平
B. 涉及大量余额较小的账户
C. 预期不存在大量的错误
D. 没有理由相信被询证者不认真对待函证
E. 金额较大
A. 应收账款在决算日后收回
B. 决算日后应收账款有大额调整
C. 部分应收账款原始单据有篡改痕迹
D. 应收账款明细账频繁发生红字冲销
E. 部分客户对账单即送后从未收到回复
A. 组织机构的独立
B. 业务工作的独立
C. 经济来源的独立
D. 人员独立
E. 技术手段独立
A. 应采取突击方式进行监盘
B. 出纳和会计主管应在盘点表上签字
C. 由出纳自行盘点,会计主管和审计人员在旁边观察监督
D. 对存放于不同地点的现金,应分别安排不同的监盘时间
A. 财务专用章由专门指定的人员保管
B. 审批支付用的个人名章由审批人员个人保管
C. 每天下班后,签发支票使用的全部印章都集中存放在财务处的保险箱中
D. 支票和印章应有不用的人保管,防止管理失控
A. 出纳员
B. 会计主管人员
C. 财务总监
D. 内部审计人员
E. 总经理
A. 层次性
B. 真实性
C. 地域性
D. 时效性
A. 确定折旧额计算是否正确
B. 确定折旧政策是否符合会计准则
C. 确定折旧方法是否得到一贯执行
D. 确定固定资产增减是否符合预算
A. 审计目标在审计项目的全过程中起了决定性作用
B. 审计目标决定了采取什么样的审计程序和方法
C. 审计目标决定了采取什么样的审计证据
D. 审计目标具有全面性和长期性
A. 不得从事损害所在组织利益的活动
B. 保持合理的职业谨慎,并合理使用职业判断
C. 在履行职责时,做到独立、客观、正直和勤勉
D. 在审计报告中依据被审计单位的意愿披露相关事项
E. 参加教育和培训,保持职业胜任能力
A. 审计事实确认书已经被审计单位(人)确认
B. 审计程序执行完毕
C. 审计报告征求意见稿已得到反馈
D. 审计报告无需征求被审计单位意见
E. 审计目标已经实现
F. 其他
A. 审计项目名称
B. 审计目标
C. 审计范围
D. 审计重点
E. 审计项目实施时间
F. 审计资源配置
A. 审计立项
B. 制定审计方案
C. 组建审计组
D. 开展审前培训
E. 送达审计通知书
F. 出具审计报告
A. 明确审计立项依据
B. 编制审计立项需求
C. 填制现场审计立项表
D. 履行审计立项审批
E. 编写审计底稿
F. 出具审计报告
A. 审计目的
B. 审计对象
C. 审计范围
D. 审计内容
E. 审计方式
F. 审计依据
A. 审计项目的组织推动
B. 具体承担开展审前调查
C. 制定审计方案
D. 指导审计实施
E. 提供专业支持
F. 撰写审计汇总报告
A. 审计对象名称
B. 审计项目名称
C. 审计范围
D. 审计开始时间
E. 审计组成员名单
F. 审计要求
A. 签订承诺书
B. 召开进点会议
C. 发布审计公告
D. 审计取证
E. 编制审计工作底稿
F. 出具审计事实确认书
A. 审计对象名称
B. 审计项目名称
C. 审计范围
D. 审计开始时间
E. 审计组成员名单
F. 日期、编号及派出单位盖章
A. 签订承诺书
B. 召开进点会议
C. 发布审计公告
D. 审计取证
E. 编制审计工作底稿
F. 出具审计事实确认书
A. 有错必纠原则
B. 责任落实原则
C. 标本兼治原则
D. 及时性、真实性、有效性原则
E. 持续改进原则
A. 督办被审计单位的整改工作
B. 统计、分析整改工作情况并向本单位领导报告
C. 评价考核被审计单位整改工作
D. 对外部审计部门查出的问题,就整改工作牵头与相关部门进行沟通、协调,督促被审计单位落实问题整改等。
A. 行为纠正到位
B. 风险控制到位
C. 责任追究到位
D. 责任单位处理到位
A. 审计质量责任
B. 审计职业道德
C. 审计业务执行
D. 审计质量监督
A. 有充分证据表明审计人员已尽职责,但因受规定职责、权限和审计手段、技术所限,造成审计结果出现偏差的;
B. 及时发现并纠正质量过错,未造成严重后果的;
C. 因被审计对象对其提供的会计及相关资料的真实性、完整性做出虚假承诺,造成质量过错的;
D. 其他尽职免责的情况。
A. 结论类材料
B. 立项类文件材料
C. 证明类文件材料
D. 备查类文件材料
A. 重要性原则
B. 代表性原则
C. 风险导向原则
D. 经验原则
A. 随机抽查法
B. 经验判断法
C. 金额占比法
D. 笔数占比法
A. 机构抽样
B. 业务抽样
C. 人员岗位抽样
D. 随机抽样
A. 核对法
B. 审阅法
C. 复算法
D. 比较法
E. 分析法
F. 逆查法
A. 盘点法
B. 调节法
C. 鉴定法
D. 抽查法
A. 外核法
B. 查询法
C. 函证法
D. 比较法
A. 经营管理活动中存在的异常事项;
B. 有关部门提供的线索和群众举报;
C. 公众、媒体的反映和报道;
A. 省联社审计部
B. 省联社区域审计室
C. 各市县内部审计部门
D. 全省农信社系统审计从业人员
12. This week, the _______ seems to change every day: one day is hot; the next day is cold.
A. time B. weather C. season D. way
13. He never does his work _______ Mary.
A. as careful as B. so careful as C. carefully as D. as carefully
14. — Can he jump high?
— Yes, he ______. He is a good high jumper.
A. must B. need C. can D. shall
15. The shop _____ at 8:00 a.m.and it ________ for ten hours every day.
A. is open; has opened B. is opened; opens
C. opens; is open D. opened; opens
16. —Excuse me, may I use your bicycle? ______ is broken.
Certainly. But remember to return it before lunch.
A. Mine B. Me C. Myself D. I
17. Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking?
Youd better ________ more water than usual. Its hot today.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
18. Helen ______ to a language school when she was seven.
A. sent B. is sent C. will send D. was sent
19. — Is this park youve visited recently?
— Yes, it's the most beautiful one Ive ever visited before.
A. that B. the one C. which D. the one which
20. — Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.
— I think a bridge ________ over the river.
A. should be built B. is being built C. has been built D. was built
21. — Could you tell me when Mr. Li ________ in Huaibei?
— Sure..When he ________, I’ll call you.
A. arrives; will arrive B. will arrive; will arrive
C. arrives; arrives D. will arrive; arrives
22.There is ________ 800-metre-long road behind ________ hospital.
A. an; an B. an; the C. a; a D. a; the
23. — Did you see a girl in yellow pass by just now?
— No, sir. I ________ a magazine.
A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. would read
24.In fact, my parents are not only kind to me, but also strict ________ me.
A. at B. to C. for D. with
25. The boy_____ a yellow sweater can_____ himself now.
A. wearing; dress B. putting on; wear C. put on; dress D. dressing;
( ) 26. Where does the writer of "The little Prince" come from?
A.England. B.France. C.America. D.China.
( ) 27. What does the prince do after the fox tells him a secret?
A.He cares more about a flower and a sheep.
B.He meets many more strange adults on other planets.
C.He realizes his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.
D.He discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox.
( ) 28. What does "The little Prince" mainly talk about? It' s about _________.
A.the adult world B.the planet B -612
C.a rose and a fox D.the adventure of a young
( ) 29. When a baseball player hits the ball, he must ______ to get a point.
A. run to each base freely
B. touch the home plate first
C. touch all the bases with his hands
D. run to each base in order and touch it with his foot
( ) 30. When was the importance of touching all the bases shown?
A. Before the baseball rules made.
B. At the end of the 1974 baseball seasons.
C. At the start of the 1974 baseball seasons.
D. In the second week of 1974.
( ) 31. Who hit home run number 715?
A. Babe Ruth. B. Hank Aaron. C. Babe Ruth’s partner. D. Hank Aaron’s friend.
( ) 32. What does the expression “to touch all bases” mean?
A. To try your best to set a new record.
B. To get a chance to be the greatest hitter.
C. To do what is needed to finish an activity.
D. To solve the problems successfully.
( ) 33. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.
A.south B.east C.west D.north
( ) 34. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.
A.hot B.pleasant C.cold D.dry
( ) 35. The World Wetlands Day is on _______.
A.February 2 B.June 25 C.April 22 D.March 22
( ) 36. We must protect wetlands because _______.
A.they are home for wildlife B.they can prevent flood
C.they can offer food to the animals and birds D.all of the above
( ) 37.The greatest river for navigation is ___________.
A. the Nile B. the Amazon C. the Mekong D. the Mississippi
( ) 38. From a dam, people can use the water for ___________.
A. keeping the rivers clean B. only making electricity
C. irrigation and making electricity D. washing clothes
( ) 39. The water in the river is polluted because of _____________.
A. people's drinking water too much B. people's swimming in the river too much
C. chemicals and other materials D. people's building a dam across a river
( ) 40. The best title of the passage is ___________.
A. Rivers in Cities B. The importance of Rivers
C. Transportation D. Natural Resources
1.—Hello! This is Henry Speaking.I’d like to speak to your father.
—Sorry, he has Shanghai.
A. been in B. been to C. come to D. gone to
2. — It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.
— I think a bridge ______ over the river.
A. was built B. is being built C. has been built D. should be built
3. —Where would you like to go, Jinan or Qufu?
— .I only want to go to Qingdao.
A. Each B. Either C. Neither D. All
4. — The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? — ______.
A. I think so B. Pretty good C. It’s my pleasure D. All right
5. There are three English-books on the shelf, but ______ of them is mine.
A. both B. neither C.all D. none
6. When the parents arrived at the hall, the students _______ their projects.
A. have finish B. finished C. had finished D. are finishing
7. This week, the _______ seems to change every day: one day is hot; the next day is cold.
A. time B. weather C. season D. way
8. He never does his work _______ Mary.
A. as careful as B. so careful as C. carefully as D. as carefully as
9. — Can he jump high?
— Yes, he ______. He is a good high jumper.
A. must B. need C. can D. shall
10. The shop _____ at 8:00 a.m.and it ________ for ten hours every day.
A. is open; has opened B. is opened; opens
C. opens; is open D. opened; opens
11. —Excuse me, may I use your bicycle? ______ is broken.
—Certainly. But remember to return it before lunch.
A. Mine B. Me C. Myself D. I