A. 城市化格局
B. 农业发展格局
C. 生态安全格局
D. 自然岸线格局
A. 坚守底线
B. 突出重点
C. 完善制度
D. 引导预期
A. 加快建设制造强国
B. 支持传统产业优化升级,坚持“三去一降一补”
C. 激发和保护企业家精神,鼓励更多社会主体投身创新企业
D. 建设知识型、技能型、创新型劳动大军。
A. 深化供给侧结构性改革
B. 加快建设创新型国家
C. 实施乡村振兴战略,实施区域协调发展战略
D. 加快完善社会主义市场经济体制和推动形成全面开放新格局
A. 质量变革
B. 利益变革
C. 效率变革
D. 动力变革
A. 实体经济
B. 科技创新
C. 现代金融
D. 人力资源
A. 产出高效
B. 产品安全
C. 资源节约
D. 环境友好
A. 积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,探索和创造具有中国特色的民主政治建设模式和发展道路
B. 坚持和改善党的领导
C. 坚持和完善我国的根本政治制度和其他重要制度
D. 加强基层民主管理和群众自治
A. 党的领导
B. 人民当家作主
C. 依法治国
D. 参政议政
A. 以民为本
B. 市场经济
C. 共同富裕
D. 中华文化
A. 党的领导
B. 人民当家作主
C. 依法治国
D. 严惩腐败
A. 政治协商
B. 民主监督
C. 参政议政
D. 监督政府
A. 长期共存
B. 互相监督
C. 肝胆相照
D. 荣辱与共
A. 全体社会主义劳动者
B. 社会主义事业的建设者
C. 拥护社会主义的爱国者
D. 拥护祖国统一和致力于中华民族伟大复兴的爱国
A. 把利用国际有利条件和发挥港澳优势有机结合起来
B. 把坚持“一国”原则和尊重“两制”差异有机结合起来
C. 把维护中央权力和保障特别行政区高度自治权有机结合起
D. 把发挥祖国内地坚强后盾
A. 来自于对自身文化价值的充分肯定
B. 是对文化地位作用的深刻认识
C. 来自于对自身文化生命力的坚定信念
D. 是对文化发展规律的正确把握
A. 创造精神
B. 奋斗精神
C. 团结精神
D. 梦想精神
A. 富强、民主、文明、和谐
B. 自由、平等、公正、法治
C. 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善
D. 勤劳、节俭、勇敢、理性
A. 源自于博大精深的中华优秀传统文化
B. 承继于激昂向上的革命文化
C. 熔铸于生机勃勃的社会主义先进文化
D. 植根于中国特色社会主义伟大实践
A. 巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位
B. 巩固全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础
C. 聚集实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的强大正能量
D. 促进人的全面发展和引领社会全面进步
A. 发展社会事业
B. 优化社会结构
C. 完善社会服务功能
D. 促进社会组织发展
A. 乡村振兴
B. 防范环节重大风险
C. 精准脱贫
D. 污染防治
A. 优先发展教育事业
B. 提高就业质量和人民收入水平
C. 加强社会保障体系建设
D. 坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战
A. 坚持系统治理
B. 坚持依法治理
C. 坚持源头治理
D. 坚持综合治理
A. 努力办好人民满意的教育
B. 推动实现更高质量的就业,千方百计增加居民收入
C. 统筹推进城乡社会保障体系建设,提高人民健康水平
D. 加强和创新社会管理体制
A. 社会管理法律建设
B. 体制机制、能力建设
C. 人才队伍建设
D. 信息化建设。
A. 坚守底线
B. 突出重点
C. 完善制度
D. 加大拨款
A. 提高保障和改善民生水平
B. 实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫策略
C. 加强和创新社会治理,形成共建共治共享的社会保障体系
D. 树立国家总体安全观
A. 推进绿色发展
B. 着力解决突出环境问题
C. 加快生态系统保护力度
D. 改革生态环境监管体制
A. 政治建设
B. 经济建设
C. 文化建设
D. 社会建设和生态文明建设
A. 全面建成小康社会
B. 全面深化改革
C. 全面依法治国
D. 全面从严治党
A. 理论与实践具体的历史的统一
B. 共性和个性具体的历史的统一
C. 价值判断与价值选择的辩证统一
D. 整体和部分的辩证统一
A. 经济更加发展
B. 民主更加健全
C. 文化更加繁荣
D. 社会更加和谐
A. 平衡性
B. 科学性
C. 协调性
D. 可持续性
A. 为人民服务
B. 为民族求独立
C. 为中国人民谋幸福
D. 为中华民族谋复兴
A. 发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用
B. 全面建成小康社会
C. 完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度
D. 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化
A. 系统性
B. 整体性
C. 协同性
D. 持续性
A. 有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究
B. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系
C. 建设社会主义法治国家
D. 法律面前人人平等
A. 建设创新型社会
B. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系
C. 建设社会主义法治国家
D. 建设人民满意的服务型政府
What is required when changing a virtual machine name using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. Verify connectivity to the ESXi host where the virtual machine is running and its inventory list is accessible.
B. Verify in which datastore the virtual machine resides and that you have access and its inventory list is accessible.
C. Verify that virtual machine files are stored in the same datastore and can be accessed in the datastore browser list.
D. Verify the virtual machine is not running in Fault Tolerant mode and that it is not in a Distributed Resource Scheduler cluster.
An administrator deploys vRealize Operations into a vSphere 6.x environment. After the deployment, the administrator notices that badges are not appearing. What is a likely cause of this behavior? ___
A. Badges do not appear until you register vRealize Operations with vCenter Server.
B. Badges do not appear until you register a vCenter Server in vRealize Operations.
C. The vRealize Operations appliance needs to be redeployed.
D. The vCenter Server appliance needs to be redeployed.
How are ports scaled on vSphere Standard Switches (vSS)? ___
A. Ports on a vSS can be dynamically scaled up and down.
B. Ports on a vSS can only be statically scaled up or down.
C. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled down.
D. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled up.
A High Availability (HA) cluster is configured to respond to a given number of host failures. The cluster contains virtual machines configured with these settings: VM1 has a 1GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM2 has a 2GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM3 has no CPU reservation and no Memory reservation . Given this information, what is the correct slot size for the cluster? ___
A. The CPU Reservation should be set to 32MHz and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB plus memory overhead.
B. The CPU reservation should be set to 1 GHz and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus memory overhead.
C. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
D. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB, plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
An administrator is planning a vSphere infrastructure with the following specific networking requirements: <The ability to shape inbound (RX) traffic> <Support for Private VLANs (PVLANs)> <Support for LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)>. What is the minimum vSphere Edition that will support these requirements? ___
A. vSphere Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
When you add an ESXi 6.x host to a new Cluster, which vSphere object owns the CPU and Memory resources of the hosts? ___
A. vCenter Server
B. Datacenter
C. Cluster
D. Host
A user is trying to retrieve objects from a SharePoint server and finds the request is taking an excessive amount of time. An administrator tries to isolate the issue and notes the following: Application performance is poor when compared to virtual machines on other hosts. Performance improves when the virtual machine is moved to another host. The virtual machine encounters higher than expected CPU %Ready times. What conclusion can be reached regarding the performance issues for this virtual machine? ___
A. Host Power Management is directly impacting virtual machine performance.
B. The virtual machine has a large number of snapshots.
C. The Path Selection Policy for the storage device is set differently on the affected host.
D. Network I/O control is configured for the portgroup.
A virtual machine template is accidently removed from the vCenter Server Inventory. Which method would be used to recover the template back into the environment?___
A. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmtx file to inventory.
B. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmx file to inventory.
C. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:GuestFileManager object.
D. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:VirtualDiskManager object.
A vSphere administrator needs to backup a virtual machine that has a Microsoft SQL Server Database installed. Which solution allows for an application quiesce to occur during backup?___
A. VMware vCenter Converter
B. VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
C. VMware vSphere Replication
D. VMware vSphere Data Protection Advanced
An administrator is migrating a virtual machine from a Test cluster to a Production cluster. The two environments do not have any shared storage. What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? ___
A. Perform a Storage vMotion.
B. Perform a regular vMotion.
C. Perform a Virtual to Virtual migration.
D. Perform a backup and restore using VMware Data Protection.
An administrator must determine an appropriate backup solution, given these conditions: 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named Finance. 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named QA. Which solution allows an administrator the ability to backup 100 virtual machines? ___
A. Use Snapshot Manager on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
B. Use the VMware Consolidated Backup (vcb) tool on the ESXi Host to backup the virtual machines.
C. Use the VMware Data Recovery (VDR) Appliance on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
D. Use the VMware Data Protection (VDP) Appliance on one of the
E. SXi Hosts to backup the virtual machines.
What is a benefit of using Enhanced vMotion Compatibility for an environment? ___
A. EVC masks CPU features to allow compatibility between hosts that are dissimilar.
B. EVC allows for cross platform vMotion to occur.
C. EVC enables Long
D. istance vMotion.
How many Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) can be configured on a vSphere 6.x Distributed Switch? ___
A. 64
B. 96
C. 128
D. 256
How many Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) can be configured on a vSphere 6.x Distributed Switch? ___
A. 64
B. 96
C. 128
D. 256
An administrator needs to verify that vMotion operations can be performed in a vSphere data center.What round trip time (RTT) latency is the maximum value that will allow vMotion operations to succeed? ___
A. 50ms RTT
B. 100ms RTT
C. 150ms RTT
D. 200ms RTT
A storage administrator has reported that full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi 6.x host is not being seen. In troubleshooting the issue, the Adapter details are shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, what is cause of the issue? ___
A. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
B. There are no virtual machines on the ESXi host.
C. Not all links are used because a path is disabled.
D. Another path needs to be configured.
An administrator is migrating a powered-on virtual machine, as shown in the exhibit. Which option should be selected to perform a Storage vMotion of the VM? ___
A. Change storage only
B. Change VM compute resource only
C. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the compute resource first.
D. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the storage resource first.
An administrator is attempting to enable Storage I/O Control on a datastore, but it is failing. What is the likely reason for this failure? ___
A. The host is connected to a datastore is running on ESX 4.0.
B. The host is connected to a Fibre Channel storage array.
C. The datastore has multiple extents.
D. The datastore is managed by a single vCenter Server.
A mission-critical virtual machine built on vSphere 4.1 needs to be moved to an ESXi 6.x host.Which virtual hardware version is needed to move the virtual machine without upgrading? ___
An administrator is analyzing a virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. What is the current long term risk for this virtual machine? ___
A. The virtual machine may run out of memory before April 27.
B. The virtual machine may continue to function after April 27.
C. The virtual machine has adequate memory configured for operation for the next 120 days.
D. The virtual machine has adequate memory reservation configured for operation for the next 120 days.
An administrator is monitoring a High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) enabled cluster and has noticed that virtual machines in the cluster are being migrated without user intervention. Why is this happening? ___
A. The DRS Automation level is set to Fully Automated.
B. The Automation level is set to Automatic.
C. The
D. PM Threshold is set to Aggressive.
An administrator attempts to migrate a suspended virtual machine to a newly deployed vSphere 6.x cluster. The compatibility check fails. What condition could cause this behavior?___
A. The new vSphere 6.x cluster is running Intel CPUs instead of AMD CPUs.
B. A suspended virtual machine cannot be migrated.
C. The hardware virtualization feature of the CPU is not enabled on the new hosts.
D. A vSphere Distributed Switch is required to migrate a suspended virtual machine.
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
An administrator has just configured the IP address on an ESXi host from the Direct Console User Interface. How can the configuration be validated as correct without any additional tools?___
A. Add the host to vCenter Server and if it works, then all networking settings are ok.
B. Select the Test Management Network option from the DCUI.
C. Connect to the host with the vSphere Client and click the Test Network option.
D. Use PowerCLI to connect to the host and initiate a network test.
An administrator is installing vCenter Server for an environment that has 40 ESXi 6.x Hosts and 150 virtual machines. Which database would meet the minimal requirements needed for this task? ___
A. vFabric Postgres
B. Microsoft SQL Express 2008
C. Microsoft SQL Server 2014
D. Oracle 11g
What is a requirement when enabling a Virtual SAN cluster in an existing High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? ___
A. Disable DRS and HA before enabling Virtual SAN
B. Enable DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
C. Disable HA before enabling Virtual SAN
D. Enable Storage DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
The vSphere administrator attempts to connect to an ESXi host via an SSH client and receives the following security alert: The vSphere administrator needs to determine whether the RSA key fingerprint shown in the security alert is the fingerprint of the intended ESXi host. Which tool should the vSphere administrator use? ___
A. Direct Console User Interface
B. vSphere Client
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Management Assistant
An administrator needs to monitor traffic on vSwitches in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which option, if configured, would accomplish this task? ___
A. Forged Transmits
B. MAC Address Changes
C. Promiscuous Mode
D. Notify Switches
What is true regarding datastores on ESXi 6.x? ___
A. NFS 4.1 datastore does not support Fault Tolerance (FT)
B. VMFS3 and VMFS5 datastores can be newly created
C. NFS datastore can be concurrently mounted using NFS 4.1 on one host and NFS on another
D. NFS 3.0 datastore does not support Fault Tolerance (FT)
An administrator is cloning and configuring five new web server virtual machines. What would be the benefit of configuring resource shares for the new VMs? ___
A. To prioritize access to a resource during contention.
B. To guarantee access to a resource during contention.
C. To prioritize access to a resource before contention occurs.
D. To guarantee access to a resource before contention occurs.
An administrator logs into the vSphere Web Client and sees the warning shown in the Exhibit. During a change control window, the warning was addressed. What should be done to verify that the host is no longer showing the warning? ___
A. Run a Remediate host operation.
B. Recheck the compliance of the host.
C. Restart the host to get rid of the warning.
D. Install VMware tools to clear the warning.
A vApp named Sales has a Memory Limit of 32 GB and a CPU Limit of 12,000 MHz. There are three virtual machines within the vApp: <Sales-DB -- Has a memory reservation of 20 GB. > <Sales-DC -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB. > <Sales-Web -- Has a memory reservation of 8 GB.> Which statement is correct? ___
A. All three virtual machines can power on, but will have memory contention.
B. All three virtual machines can power on without memory contention.
C. Only two of the three virtual machines can power on.
D. Only one of the virtual machines can power on.
You are editing the management network configuration of an ESXi 6.x Host from the vSphere Web Client. You mistakenly put the incorrect VLAN in place for the management network. What action do you need to take to correct this? ___
A. You need to manually edit the configuration on the host with command line utilities.
B. No action is required. By default ESXi rolls back configuration changes that disconnect the host.
C. The ESXi host system configuration will need to be restored to the factory configuration to fix the issue.
D. The change can be reverted in the vSphere Web Client by simply editing the switch again.
What is true about resource pools created on a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) cluster?___
A. A root resource pool is created with the specified values.
B. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of the ESXi host resources in the cluster.
C. A root resource pool is automatically created using the aggregate total of all resources in the datacenter.
D. A root resource pool is not needed when creating resource pools on a DRS cluster.
An administrator attempts to enable Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) on a cluster. The operation results in a compatibility error, as shown in the exhibit. What is the likely cause of this error? ___
A. The CPUs in the ESXi host are not AMD CPUs.
B. The CPUs in the ESXi host do not support hardware virtualization capabilities.
C. The XD/NX CPU features have not been enabled in the BIOS of the server.
D. There is no shared storage between the hosts in the cluster.
What condition would prevent an administrator from creating a new VMFS3 datastore on an ESXi 6.x host using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be created on an ESXi 6.x host.
B. The VMFS3 kernel module is not loaded.
C. A VMFS3 datastore cannot be mounted on an ESXi 6.x host.
D. VMFS3 datastores are not compatible with virtual machines created on an
E. SXi 6.x host.
During a new vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, where does the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value get modified? ___
A. Uplink Settings
B. Switch Settings
C. Portgroup Settings
D. NIC Teaming Settings
A small company wants to use VMware products for its production systems. The system administrator needs to recommend a solution that will deliver High Availability to the company's production applications. What is minimum vSphere offering that will support this requirement? ___
A. vSphere Essentials
B. vSphere Essentials Plus
C. vSphere Hypervisor
D. vSphere Standard
Which scenario shows a reason for VMware Tools failing to install? ___
A. Virtual machine has a CD-ROM configured.
B. Guest OS Antivirus is blocking the VMware Tools installation.
C. Guest OS has 64-bit ldd (list dynamic dependencies) utility installed.
D. Virtual machine is powered on.