A. 400-600ml
B. 300-500ml
C. 200-500ml
D. 500-800ml
E. 1000ml
A. 胸骨中下1/3交界处
B. 心尖部
C. 剑突下两横指
D. 胸骨中断
E. 胸骨左缘
A. 患者晚间休息时应将义齿取下
B. 义齿的刷牙方法与真牙相同
C. 义齿取下后,应按摩牙龈部位
D. 取下的义齿应浸泡于热水中
E. 患者戴上义齿前,应对口腔进行清洁
A. 生理盐水
B. 1%-3%过氧化氢溶液
C. 1%-4%碳酸氢钠溶液
D. 0.02%洗必泰溶液
E. 0.1%醋酸溶液
A. 生理盐水
B. 1%-3%过氧化氢溶液
C. 1%-4%碳酸氢钠溶液
D. 0.02%洗必泰溶液
E. 0.1%醋酸溶液
A. 生理盐水
B. 1%-3%过氧化氢溶液
C. 1%-4%碳酸氢钠溶液
D. 0.02%洗必泰溶液
E. 0.1%醋酸溶液
A. 生理盐水
B. 1%-3%过氧化氢溶液
C. 1%-4%碳酸氢钠溶液
D. 2%-3%硼酸溶液
E. 0.1%醋酸溶液
A. 保持口腔清洁
B. 防止口臭、口垢
C. 观察口腔粘膜及舌面
D. 清楚口腔一切细菌
E. 预防口腔感染
A. 应先用开口器从臼齿处放入
B. 擦洗时棉球不宜过湿
C. 应夹紧棉球
D. 操作前应清点棉球数量
E. 主要选择合适的漱口液漱口
A. 不合作患者需一人协助固定气管导管
B. 口腔护理前放出气囊内的气体
C. 教会患者用手势表达不适
D. 根据病情选择合适的口腔护理液
E. 禁止漱口
A. 口腔有无粘膜溃疡
B. 口腔有无真菌感染
C. 口唇是否干裂
D. 有无口腔异味
E. 牙龈有无肿胀出血
A. 高热患者
B. 昏迷患者
C. 下肢外伤患者
D. 危重患者
E. 禁食患者
A. 右侧卧位
B. 半坐卧位
C. 左侧卧位
D. 强迫卧位
E. 头高脚底位
A. 20min
B. 25min
C. 30min
D. 35min
E. 40min
A. 大量不保留灌肠取右侧卧位
B. 大量不保留灌肠取半坐卧位
C. 慢性痢疾者取右侧卧位
D. 阿米巴痢疾者取右侧卧位
E. 清洁灌肠取头高足低位
A. 1000ml,不超过50cm
B. 1000ml,不超过30cm
C. 500ml,不超过20cm
D. 500ml,不超过30cm
E. 500ml,不超过60cm
A. 中暑病人
B. 心梗病人
C. 急腹症病人
D. 消化道出血病人
E. 妊娠早期病人
A. 为便秘者软化、清除粪便
B. 急腹症病人的肠道准备
C. 分娩者的肠道准备
D. 腹腔手术前的准备
E. 为高热病人降温
A. 7-10ml
B. 10-15ml
C. 15-20ml
D. 20-25mlml
E. 30ml
A. 7-10ml
B. 10-15ml
C. 15-20ml
D. 20-25mlml
E. 30ml
A. 拔出肛管
B. 可稍转动肛管
C. 将肛管往前插入少许
D. 嘱患者更换体位
E. 嘱患者深呼吸
A. 减轻不良反应
B. 使病人舒适
C. 提高治疗效果
D. 便于护士操作
E. 促进药物排出
A. 鼻尖至耳垂
B. 鼻尖至耳垂的1/2
C. 鼻尖至耳垂的1/3
D. 鼻尖至耳垂的2/3
E. 鼻翼至耳垂
A. 烦躁不安,脉搏增快
B. 喘息、鼻翼煽动
C. 四肢末梢紫绀
D. 血压下降
E. 神志不清
A. 关紧总开关→关闭流量表→取下鼻导管→重开流量表放余气
B. 关紧总开关→取下鼻导管→关流量表
C. 取下鼻导管→关紧总开关→关流量表
D. 关紧流量表→关总开关→取下鼻导管→重开流量表放余气
E. 取下鼻导管→关流量表→关总开关→重开流量表放余气
A. 拔出鼻导管调节氧流量
B. 直接调节
C. 分离鼻导管调节
D. 更换粗鼻导管并加大氧流量
E. 更换流量表
A. 体温升高
B. 恶心
C. 烦躁不安
D. 胸骨下不适
E. 呼吸增快
A. 先清洁后浸泡消毒再灭菌
B. 先清洁后灭菌
C. 先浸泡消毒后清洗再灭菌
D. 先浸泡消毒后清洗
E. 先灭菌后清洗
A. 压疮创面
B. 下肢慢性溃疡
C. 脓肿切开引流术
D. 清创缝合后拆线
E. 下肢开放性损伤
A. 伤口不清创,换药
B. 清创后不予缝合
C. 清创后延期缝合
D. 清创后一期缝合
E. 以上都不对
A. 组织对葡萄糖的利用减少
B. 糖异生增多
C. 糖异生减少
D. 糖原分解增多
E. 糖原合成减少
A. 服75g葡萄糖前,服糖后30min,60min,120min,180min
B. 服75g葡萄糖前,服糖后30min,60min,90min,
C. 服75g葡萄糖后,服糖后30min,60min,120min,
D. 服75g葡萄糖欠,服糖后1h,2h.3h
E. 服75g葡萄糖后1h,2h,3h,4h
A. 根据医嘱给药,一般情况下不执行口头医嘱
B. 给药过程中对医嘱或药物有疑问时,询问明确后方可给药
C. 准备好的药物应按时分发
D. 必须做好三查七对一注意
E. 凡发生过敏反应的药物应暂停使用
A. 维生素C
B. 止咳合剂
C. 多酶片
D. 胃蛋白酶合剂
E. 氨茶碱
A. 避免损害造血系统
B. 减轻服药引起的恶心
C. 避免尿中结晶析出
D. 避免影响血液酸碱度
E. 增加药物疗效
A. 胃肠道反应
B. 是否成瘾
C. 心率、心律
D. 体温
E. 皮肤反应
A. 维生素C不宜与磺胺类药物同服
B. 胃蛋白酶应饭后服
C. 吗丁啉应饭前1小时服用
D. 胃舒平宜饭后嚼碎后服用
E. 服用止咳糖浆后应多饮水
A. 直立位
B. 右侧卧位
C. 左侧卧位及头低足高位
D. 半坐卧位
E. 头高足低位
A. 30滴/分
B. 40滴/分
C. 50滴/分
D. 55滴/分
E. 60滴/分
A. 心脏负荷过重
B. 出血倾向
C. 高血钙
D. 枸橼酸钠中毒反应
E. 酸碱平衡失调
For lunch, we have pork ____ rice and shrimp ____ noodle, which one would you like? ___
A. with, from
B. from, from
C. of, with
D. with, with
Could you please make room ____ other passengers to pass?___
A. for
B. to
C. with
D. of
____ the soup. It ____ very nice.___
A. Taste, taste
B. Tastes, tastes
C. Taste, tastes
D. Tastes, taste
If you need anything from us, please feel free to _____ the call button during the whole flight. ___
A. push
B. click
C. press
D. pull
Do you need a wheelchair ____ landing at our destination?___
A. before
B. during
C. after
D. when
You can also _____ thereading light and call for help by using it.___
A. turn on
B. press
C. turn in
D. turn out
Would you mind _____ your seat with that gentleman? ___
A. to change
B. changing
C. to have changed
D. change
Mobile phones, even in flight mode are not _____ to be used during the entire flight. ___
A. allow
B. accepted
C. permitted
D. available
Our IFE system can show in ( ) Chinese and English, you can change the language by clicking the set icon.___
A. both
B. among
C. between
D. either
The baby needs ______.___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
We still have to wait ( ) a few minutes. Thank you ( ) your understanding.___
A. for; for
B. of; of
C. for; of
D. of; for
Please ( ) your cigarette immediately.___
A. put off
B. put in
C. put out
D. put on
The plane is ( ) take off, and the lavatory has been suspended.___
A. to
B. goes to
C. going
D. about to
Excuse me, sir, would you please ( ) your mobile phone?___
A. turn on
B. turn to
C. turn in
D. turn off
I'd like two ( ) of ice in my drink. ___
A. cubes
B. bottles
C. drops
D. cups
Madam, is this newspaper the ( ) issue?___
A. last
B. latter
C. latest
D. late
The computer must be switched off when the seat belt signs ( ) during the landing time.___
A. come in
B. come to
C. come off
D. come on
The mobile phone is prohibited to use on the plane. It might ( ) the plane's navigation system. ___
A. interfere on
B. interfere in
C. interfere with
D. interfere to
May I ( ) your overcoat?___
A. hang on
B. hang
C. hung
D. hung up
Which of the following means different from the other choices?___
A. The headsets don't work.
B. The headsets are out of use.
C. The headsets are out of function.
D. The headsets are in good condition.
The baby needs ( ). ___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
Could you please tell me ( )? ___
A. where the airport is
B. how far the airport was
C. how can we get to the airport built
Exercise One is the easiest ( ) all the exercises. ___
He looked out of the window and saw a group of children ( )football. ___
A. to play
B. played
C. playing
D. play the
They were short of money and couldn't ( ) the project.___
A. went on with
B. went on doing
C. go on with
D. go on to do
There are many books in our school library, but( )of them is written in Russian.___
A. some
B. all
C. both
D. none
Be quiet! I have( ) to tell you.___
A. something important
B. anything important
C. important something
D. important something
"What do we do now?" Peter said in a low voice. The underlined part means ( ). ___
A. damaged
B. shouted
C. attracted
D. whispered
Sorry, Sir. I completely understand ( ) you feel, but we don’t have pills for coldness on board. ___
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. how
You may refer to ( ) at any time for fly information. ___
A. the music
B. the videos
C. the movies
D. the Air-show
Shanghai is the biggest city in China.
Wednesday is the last day of the week.
“婴⼉安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
“加⻓安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
sweet potato 指的是: 番薯。