A. 700
B. 600
C. 800
D. 200
A. 300
B. 100
C. 400
D. 200
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%
A. 400
B. 450
C. 550
D. 650
How did the speaker feel about his childhood? ___
A. Alone.
B. Happy.
C. Sad.
D. Interesting.
Which is NOT mentioned when the speaker curled up in a chair? ___
A. Reading fairytales and myths.
B. Daydreaming.
C. Writing poems.
D. Listening to music.
What kind of person was the speaker’s grandma? ___
A. Often critical, judgmental.
B. Very strict.
C. Easygoing.
D. Successful.
When was the speaker’s first conscious memory of feeling different? ___
A. Fourth grade.
B. Fifth grade.
C. First grade.
D. Second grade.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s inner world? ___
A. Reading books.
B. Writing.
C. Watching TV.
D. Daydreaming.
What does integrity mean? ___
A. You do what you do because it's fashionable.
B. You do what you do because it's politically correct.
C. You do what you do because it's right.
D. You do what you do because somebody asked you to.
Is there cheating in World Cup? ___
A. It's none.
B. It's rare.
C. It's some.
D. It's popular.
Which one of the following situations is NOT mentioned for making us upset? ___
A. Some reward we thought we deserved has been denied us.
B. Some man we helped has proved ungrateful.
C. Some man we believed to be a friend has betrayed us.
D. Some woman we believed to be a friend has spoken ill of us.
In which year the Tour of France was hit by a drug-taking scandal? ___
A. In 1996.
B. In 1997.
C. In 1998.
D. In 1999.
Cheap fake products are everywhere except ___
A. clothes.
B. cut-price DVDs.
C. cut-price CDs.
D. cosmetics.
What should we do after exercise? ___
A. Stretch the muscles.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Maintain high body temperature.
D. Take a shower.
What shouldn’t we wear when we exercise? ___
A. Properly fitted sportswear.
B. Well-fitted sneakers.
C. Tight pants.
D. Sports bra for women.
Which of the following is NOT good for health? ___
A. Training with a friend.
B. Slack off a fitness regimen.
C. Keep our body hydrated.
D. Take small sips every few minutes.
What does the speaker do? ___
A. Public relations consultant.
B. Home cook.
C. Website administrator.
D. Writer.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s favorite breakfasts? ___
A. Egg.
B. Prosciutto.
C. Papaya.
D. Cabbage.
When do the students start learning Chinese? ___
A. Since kindergarten
B. Since elementary school
C. Since middle school
D. Since high school
When can the students continue studying Chinese? ___
A. In elementary school and middle school.
B. In middle school and high school.
C. In high school and university
D. After the university.
How many American students are currently learning Chinese? ___
A. About 22,000
B. About 24,000
C. About 44,000
D. About 2,400
How much did the Defense Department give Oregon schools? ___
A. $70,000
B. $1.3 million
C. $700,000
D. $1.3 billion
What’s Isabel Weiss’s purpose of learning Chinese? ___
A. For fun
B. For more opportunities for jobs
C. For more opportunities of making money
D. For more opportunities for promotions
What ability do the standardized tests reward to? ___
A. Think.
B. Create.
C. Quickly answer superficial questions.
D. Above all.
In what ways the IQ scores can be changed? ___
A. Training.
B. Nutrition.
C. More friendly people administered the test.
D. Above all
What do schools focus on? ___
A. Concepts.
B. Science.
C. Social Studies.
D. Foreign languages.
Why tests and standards are a necessary fact of life? ___
A. They protect us from hazardous products.
B. They protect us from inept drivers.
C. They protect us from shoddy professionals.
D. Above all.
How many percent did the scores on statewide tests rise? ___
A. 4%.
B. 14%.
C. 40%.
D. None.
What was the woman’s reaction when she was nominated? ___
A. She was surprised at the nomination.
B. She was calm at the nomination.
C. She was indifferent to the nomination.
D. She was scared of the nomination.
According to the woman, who paid for her trip to San Francisco? ___
A. Her trip to San Francisco was sponsored by the Academy.
B. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company.
C. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her family.
D. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by herself.
What is the name of George Miller’s new movie? ___
A. Happy Feeling.
B. Happy Dancing.
C. Happy Foot.
D. Happy Feet.
Which name is not mentioned in the film? ___
A. Nicole Kidman.
B. Hugh Jackman.
C. George Clooney.
D. Robin Williams.
Which of the following statement is not true about “Life in the Freezer”? ___
A. It was a documentary film.
B. It was made by National Geographic and the BBC.
C. It was a story of the amazing life of Emperor penguins.
D. The
E. mperor penguin sang to each other to find a mate and made friends.
What should you do during a high-pressure periods? ___
A. Lock yourself in a room with your work.
B. Leave your work and go on a vocation.
C. Tell your boss you can’t finish your work.
D. Get together with people who will revitalize and inspire you.
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.
What should you do in the TempWorld? ___
A. In TempWorld you must withstand disappointment, juggle stressful situations, and handle pressure.
B. You must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future.
C. Things always go well for successful people because they are honest.
D. Both A and B.
Which of the following statements is Not True? ___
A. Your boss may be willing to change his behavior than your think.
B. Some managers don’t care how much their words or actions upset staffers.
C. You should tell your managers how their outbursts make you feel.
D. If the boss values your work, he may stop his abusiveness.
Which of the following public places is NOT mentioned that have banned mobiles? ___
A. restaurants
B. gas stations
C. theatres
D. museums
What happened when the cellphone of the speaker’s friend rang? ___
A. His friend answered the phone and the speaker became invisible to his friend.
B. They answered the phone together.
C. The speaker threw away his friend’s cellphone.
D. His friend hung up the phone and kept talking to the speaker. (C)
A. 加强信息的辨识能力
B. 增进信息的应用能力
C. 提高信息的获取能力
D. 减少网络的使用频率
A. 爱岗敬业
B. 办事公道
C. 服务群众
D. 诚实守信
A. 办事公道
B. 爱岗敬业
C. 服务群众
D. 奉献社会
A. 奉献社会
B. 勤俭持家
C. 爱岗敬业
D. 服务群众
A. 邻里团结
B. 勤俭持家
C. 爱岗敬业
D. 服务群众
A. 树立崇高的职业理想
B. 服从社会发展的需要
C. 看哪份工作社会地位高、赚钱多
D. 做好充分的择业准备
A. 以赚钱为首要目标
B. 有积极创业的思想准备
C. 有敢于创业的勇气
D. 提高自主创业的能力
A. 学习职业道德规范
B. 提高职业道德意识
C. 提高践行职业道德的能力
D. 用法律的武器武装自己
A. 尊重对方的情感和人格
B. 自愿地为对方承担责任
C. 方既相互爱慕、亲近,又举止得体、相互尊重
D. 放纵自己的情感,束缚或强迫对方
A. 尊重人格平等
B. 自觉承担责任
C. 文明相亲相爱
D. 人格依附
A. 婚姻是家庭产生的重要前提
B. 家庭又是缔结婚姻的必然结果
C. 婚姻的成功体现为家庭的幸福
D. 家庭的美满又彰显出婚姻的意义
A. 男女平等
B. 夫妻和睦
C. 勤俭持家
D. 邻里团结
A. 邻里团结
B. 勤俭持家
C. 爱岗敬业
D. 服务群众
A. 男女平等
B. 勤俭持家
C. 尊老爱幼
D. 服务群众
A. 邻里团结
B. 办事公道
C. 爱岗敬业
D. 男女平等
A. 不能把友谊当爱情
B. 不能错置爱情的地位
C. 不能片面或功利化地对待恋爱
D. 不能因失恋而迷失人生方向
A. 恋爱与学习的关系
B. 恋爱与关爱他人和社会的关系
C. 恋爱与关心父母的关系
D. 恋爱与关心集体的关系
A. 道德认知
B. 道德判断
C. 道德意志
D. 道德行为
A. 个人品德对道德和法律作用的发挥具有重要的推动作用。
B. 个人品德是个体人格完善的重要标志
C. 个人品德是经济社会发展进程中重要的主体精神力量
D. 个人品德是决定人的道德境界高低的标志。
A. 自我批判
B. 自我陶冶
C. 自我培育
D. 自我完善
A. 学思并重
B. 省察克治
C. 慎独自律
D. 知行合一
E. 积善成德
A. 道德修养需要日积月累的坚持
B. 在与人相处的时候要设身处地地为他人着想
C. 注重平时的坚持和孜孜不倦的努力,“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”
D. 坚持“慎独”
A. 形成正确的道德认知和道德判断
B. 激发正向的道德认同和道德情感
C. 强化坚定的道德意志和道德信念
D. 坚持“慎独”,尽量减少与他人交往
A. 向道德模范学习
B. 强化社会责任意识、规则意识、奉献意识
C. 培养志愿服务精神
D. 大力弘扬时代新风
A. 刻苦学习,争取保研
B. 最需要的地方去
C. 帮助弱势群体
D. 做力所能及的事
A. 知荣辱
B. 讲正气
C. 作奉献
D. 促和谐
A. 知荣辱
B. 立诚信
C. 作奉献
D. 促和谐
A. 道德模范是在一定社会道德实践中涌现的符合特定道德理想类型的人物
B. 道德模范是人们日常生活中能够近距离感受的具有积极道德影响的人物
C. 学习道德模范的先进事迹,有利于提升全体社会成员的道德素质和社会整体道德水平
D. 大学生要向道德模范学习弘扬真善美,传播正能量。
A. 热心公益与爱心资助
B. 在危难关头挺身而出
C. 以关注个人得失为重点
D. 捍卫国家安全为己任
A. 自我身心的和谐
B. 个人与他人的和谐
C. 个人与社会的和谐
D. 人与自然的和谐
A. 为家庭谋幸福
B. 为他人送温暖
C. 以国家为荣耀
D. 为社会作贡献
A. 遵守公民道德准则
B. 自觉传承中华传统美德和中国革命道德
C. 积极吸收借鉴人类优秀道德成果
D. 在投身崇德向善的实践中不断提高道德品质
A. “天意神启论”
B. “先天人性论”
C. “情感欲望论”
D. “动物本能论”
A. 劳动是道德起源的首要前提。
B. 劳动创造了道德
C. 劳动是道德起源的第一个历史前提
D. 道德先于劳动出现
A. 人类道德合乎规律发展的必然产物
B. 人类道德发展史上的一种崭新类型的道德
C. 对人类道德传统的批判与继承
D. 已经人类道德发展的最高阶段
A. 中华传统美德是中国革命道德的渊源之一
B. 没有中华传统美德的长期发展和丰厚积淀,就不可能有中国革命道德的形成和发展
C. 中国革命道德是中国优良传统道德的延续和发展
D. 中国革命道德已经是道德发展的最高阶段
A. 法律是统治阶级意志的体现
B. 法律体现的统治阶级意志是上升为国家意志的统治阶级意志
C. 法律是集体意志的体现
D. 法律产生于特定社会物质生活条件基础之上
A. 生产力
B. 生产关系
C. 劳动力
D. 劳动关系
A. 法律不是从来就有的,也不是永恒存在的
B. 法律随着私有制、阶级和国家的产生而产生
C. 法律随着私有制、阶级和国家的消亡而消亡
D. 法律的发展史可以追溯到原始社会
迄今为止,法律历史发展进程中出现过的法律有: ___
A. 奴隶制法律
B. 封建制法律
C. 资本主义法律
D. 社会主义法律