What does the speaker do? ___
A. Public relations consultant.
B. Home cook.
C. Website administrator.
D. Writer.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s favorite breakfasts? ___
A. Egg.
B. Prosciutto.
C. Papaya.
D. Cabbage.
When do the students start learning Chinese? ___
A. Since kindergarten
B. Since elementary school
C. Since middle school
D. Since high school
When can the students continue studying Chinese? ___
A. In elementary school and middle school.
B. In middle school and high school.
C. In high school and university
D. After the university.
How many American students are currently learning Chinese? ___
A. About 22,000
B. About 24,000
C. About 44,000
D. About 2,400
How much did the Defense Department give Oregon schools? ___
A. $70,000
B. $1.3 million
C. $700,000
D. $1.3 billion
What’s Isabel Weiss’s purpose of learning Chinese? ___
A. For fun
B. For more opportunities for jobs
C. For more opportunities of making money
D. For more opportunities for promotions
What ability do the standardized tests reward to? ___
A. Think.
B. Create.
C. Quickly answer superficial questions.
D. Above all.
In what ways the IQ scores can be changed? ___
A. Training.
B. Nutrition.
C. More friendly people administered the test.
D. Above all
What do schools focus on? ___
A. Concepts.
B. Science.
C. Social Studies.
D. Foreign languages.
Why tests and standards are a necessary fact of life? ___
A. They protect us from hazardous products.
B. They protect us from inept drivers.
C. They protect us from shoddy professionals.
D. Above all.
How many percent did the scores on statewide tests rise? ___
A. 4%.
B. 14%.
C. 40%.
D. None.
What was the woman’s reaction when she was nominated? ___
A. She was surprised at the nomination.
B. She was calm at the nomination.
C. She was indifferent to the nomination.
D. She was scared of the nomination.
According to the woman, who paid for her trip to San Francisco? ___
A. Her trip to San Francisco was sponsored by the Academy.
B. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company.
C. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her family.
D. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by herself.
What is the name of George Miller’s new movie? ___
A. Happy Feeling.
B. Happy Dancing.
C. Happy Foot.
D. Happy Feet.
Which name is not mentioned in the film? ___
A. Nicole Kidman.
B. Hugh Jackman.
C. George Clooney.
D. Robin Williams.
Which of the following statement is not true about “Life in the Freezer”? ___
A. It was a documentary film.
B. It was made by National Geographic and the BBC.
C. It was a story of the amazing life of Emperor penguins.
D. The
E. mperor penguin sang to each other to find a mate and made friends.
What should you do during a high-pressure periods? ___
A. Lock yourself in a room with your work.
B. Leave your work and go on a vocation.
C. Tell your boss you can’t finish your work.
D. Get together with people who will revitalize and inspire you.
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.
What should you do in the TempWorld? ___
A. In TempWorld you must withstand disappointment, juggle stressful situations, and handle pressure.
B. You must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future.
C. Things always go well for successful people because they are honest.
D. Both A and B.
Which of the following statements is Not True? ___
A. Your boss may be willing to change his behavior than your think.
B. Some managers don’t care how much their words or actions upset staffers.
C. You should tell your managers how their outbursts make you feel.
D. If the boss values your work, he may stop his abusiveness.
Which of the following public places is NOT mentioned that have banned mobiles? ___
A. restaurants
B. gas stations
C. theatres
D. museums
What happened when the cellphone of the speaker’s friend rang? ___
A. His friend answered the phone and the speaker became invisible to his friend.
B. They answered the phone together.
C. The speaker threw away his friend’s cellphone.
D. His friend hung up the phone and kept talking to the speaker. (C)
What happened to the man? ___
A. He had a car accident.
B. He had his arms broken.
C. He lost his mobile phone.
D. He was not able to use his mobile because he was in a remote area.
Which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. Today there are about 400 million cellphone owners.
B. Today there are about 300 million Personal Computer subscribers.
C. Cellphones will be more often used.
D. Cellphones will completely replace Personal Computers.
Which of the following is true? ___
A. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf stayed in her country during the nation’s civil war.
B. She is still working for the United Nations.
C. She is the first woman ever elected president of an Asian country.
D. She is a Liberia.
What do you know about the solar eclipse? ___
A. Only hundreds of people gazed at it.
B. It was caused by the earth passing in front of the moon.
C. It was not often seen.
D. It started in Mongolia and ended in Brazil.
What is true about this meeting between the USA and China? ___
A. It was a meeting between Xi Jinping and Donald Trump.
B. It was the first time that the Chinese president had visited the United States.
C. The issue of the Olympics was discussed.
D. South Korea’s nuclear weapons program was discussed.
In which year did the station’s first permanent crew arrived? ___
A. 1998
B. 2000
C. 2002
D. 2003
If elected, ________________. ___
A. Richardson would be the first Hispanic President.
B. Clinton would be the first African-American President.
C. Romney world be the first Hispanic President.
D. Clinton would be the first Mormon President.
What are the things that the speaker’s inner and outer life based on? ___
A. Money
B. Health
D. elicious food
What kind of things has its own reason for existing? ___
A. Questioning
B. The structure of reality
C. Curiosity
D. The mysteries of eternity
Who are so full of doubts? ___
A. Fools and fanatics
B. Wise people
C. Professors
D. University students
To the speaker, what kind of things always win in life? ___
A. Truth and love
B. Power and status
C. Great minds
D. Money and material
What’s the key word of the speaker? ___
A. Love
B. Power
C. Freedom
D. Curiosity
What happened to the man? ___
A. He committed identity theft.
B. He was put in prison.
C. He reported a case of theft to police.
D. He robbed a bank.
What is the attitude of Mrs. Washington? ___
A. She tries to cover up for little George.
B. She thinks Mr. Washington should not ask George directly.
C. She encourages George to chop down the tree.
D. She thinks Mr. Washington should put the blame on the sharp axe.
What do Nancy’s colleagues think about her transgender transition? ___
A. They think it is ridiculous.
B. They make a big fuss about it.
C. They take it lightly.
D. They are sympathetic.
What are the two women talking about? ___
A. They are talking women’s liberation.
B. They are talking about an ideal husband.
C. They want a rewarding job.
D. They are talking about women’s choice between family and career.
According to what you’ve heard, which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. The two ten-minute workouts help people get into shape in a short time.
B. The two ten-minute workouts are designed for the people of certain level of fitness.
C. The two ten-minute workouts help people to lose weight and to be vigorous.
D. The two ten-minute workouts are suitable for most people.
我国在工伤事故统计中,按照导致事故发生的原因,将工伤事故分为( )类。
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 35
检查事故处理是按照( )的原则要求处理事故。
A. “三不放过”
B. “五同时”
C. “三同时”
D. “四不放过”"
依据《国家电网公司安全生产工作规定》要求:由企业安监部门负责人主持的会议是( )。
A. 班前会和班后会
B. 安全日活动
C. 安全分析会
D. 安全监督及安全网例会
从事特种作业的人员的条件之一是,必须年满( )周岁,身体健康。。
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 25
在低压带电导线未采取绝缘措施时,工作人员( )穿越。
A. 不得
B. 可以
C. 穿工作服
D. 从侧面"
为便于维修工作和事故时人员逃离事故点,成排布置的配电屏长度超过6m时,屏后的通道应设两个出口.当两出口之间的距离超过( )m时,其间尚应增加出口。
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 15
若室外配电装置的( )设备停电,只有个别地点保留有带电设备而其他设备无触及带电导体的可能时,可以在带电设备四周装设全封闭围栏。
A. 小部分
B. 大部分
C. 全部
D. 一部分
高压设备发生接地时,室外不准接近故障点( )m以内。
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8"
非运行人员在高压回路上使用钳形电流表测量电流,应该( )。
A. 填用第二种工作票
B. 填用第一种工作票
C. 由两人进行
D. 由有经验的人员进行"
一级动火区是指火灾危险性很大,发生火灾时后果( )的部位或场所。
A. 不严重
B. 很轻微
C. 较严重
D. 很严重
工作许可人应是经( )书面批准的有一定工作经验的运行人员或检修操作人员(进行该工作任务操作及做安全措施的人员)。
A. 工区(所、公司)生产领导
B. 本单位调度部门
C. 本单位安全监督部门
D. 分管生产领导"
动火作业应有专人监护,动火作业前应清除动火现场及周围的易燃物品,或采取其他有效的安全防火措施,配备( )的消防器材。
A. 全部型号
B. 一定数量
C. 足够适用
D. 合适
( )是用以表达向人们提供某种信息(如标明安全设施或场所等)的图形标志。
A. 提示标志
B. 禁止标志
C. 警告标志
D. 指令标志"
电缆两端应悬挂标明电缆编号名称、起点、终点、型号的标志牌,电力电缆还应标注( )。
A. 电压等级、直径
B. 电压等级、通流大小
C. 电缆长度、直径
D. 电压等级、长度
根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院493令)规定事故调查组的职责包括( )。
A. 查明事故发生的经过、原因、人员伤亡情况及直接经济损失
B. 认定事故的性质和事故责任
C. 提出对事故责任者的处理建议
D. 总结事故教训,提出防范和整改措施
E. 提交事故调查报告
生产安全事故的应急救援体系是保证生产安全事故应急救援工作顺利实施的组织保障,主要包括( )。
A. 应急救援指挥系统
B. 应急救援日常值班系统
C. 应急救援信息系统
D. 应急救援技术支持系统
E. 应急救援组织及经费保障
《国家电网公司安全事故调查规程》规定:发生六级人身、电网、设备和信息系统事件,应立即按资产关系或管理关系逐级上报至( )。
A. 国家电网公司
B. 国家电网公司直属公司
C. 国家电网公司分部
D. 省电力公司
根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院493令),事故的等级一般分为( )。
A. 特别重大事故
B. 重大事故
C. 较大事故
D. 一般事故
E. 重伤事故
 根据《国家电网公司安全事故调查规程》规定:下列属于人身事故(事件)的是( )。
A. 在公司系统各单位工作场所或承包承租承借的工作场所发生的人身伤亡
B. 被单位派出到用户工程工作过程中发生的人身伤亡
C. 乘坐单位组织的交通工具发生的人身伤亡
D. 单位组织的集体外出活动过程中发生的人身伤亡
E. 员工因公外出发生的人身伤亡
《国家电网公司安全事故调查规程》规定:即时报告可以( )等形式上报。
A. 电话
B. 电报
C. 电传
D. 电子邮件
E. 短信
《国家电网公司安全生产工作规定》规定:反事故措施计划应根据上级颁发的反事故技术措施、需要消除的重大缺陷、提高设备可靠性的技术改进措施以及本企业事故防范对策进行编制。反事故措施计划应纳入( )计划。
A. 检修
B. 技改
C. 新建
D. 扩建
E. 改建
根据《浙江省电力公司应急管理工作规定》对应急组织体系的要求:浙江省电力公司建立自上而下的应急工作( )体系。
A. 领导
B. 工作
C. 保证
D. 监督
E. 管理
安全工器具的配置应以满足生产班组实际工作需要为原则,实行( )。
A. 定期更换
B. 定岗配置
C. 定人保管
D. 定置存放
E. 定期试验
犬咬伤的现场急救要点是( )。
A. 不要惊慌、奔跑、饮酒,以免加速蛇毒在人体内扩散
B. 咬伤后应立即用浓肥皂水或清水冲洗伤口至少15min,同时用挤压法自上而下将残留伤口内唾液挤出,然后再用碘酒涂搽伤口
C. 少量出血时,不要急于止血,也不要包扎或缝合伤口
D. 尽量设法查明该犬是否为“疯狗”,对医院制订治疗计划有较大帮助
E. 已昏迷病员应保持气道通畅,有条件时给予氧气吸入。呼吸心跳停止者,按心肺复苏法抢救,并联系医院救治
有害气体中毒开始时有流泪、眼痛、呛咳、咽部干燥等症状,应引起警惕。稍重时会( )。
A. 头痛
B. 气促
C. 胸闷
D. 眩晕
E. 惊厥昏迷
对有害气体中毒已昏迷的伤员救治方法是( )。
A. 保持气道畅通
B. 有条件时给予氧气吸入
C. 呼吸心跳停止者立即采用心肺复苏法救治
D. 联系医院救治
E. 电扇吹风
浙江省电力公司安全文化建设方向,就是以人为本,建设安全( ),将安全理念扎根于员工的心灵深处,升华为员工的自觉行动,建设浙江公司更加美好的家园,成就浙江电力更加辉煌的事业。
A. 理念文化
B. 行为文化
C. 制度文化
D. 环境文化
E. 物质文化
全体员工应自觉做到“( )”四不伤害。
A. 他人保护我不受伤害
B. 不伤害自己
C. 不伤害他人
D. 不被他人伤害
E. 我保护他人不受伤害
牢固树立“( )”的思想,以人员、时间、力量的“三个百分之百”,确保电网安全、员工平安、企业稳定、社会和谐。
A. 关爱企业
B. 关爱他人
C. 关爱自己
D. 关爱家庭
E. 关爱社会
全体员工应自觉做到“( )”四不伤害。
A. 他人保护我不受伤害
B. 不伤害自己
C. 不伤害他人
D. 不被他人伤害
E. 我保护他人不受伤害
企业应根据国家的( ),结合企业实际,建立健全各类安全管理制度。
A. 法律
B. 法规
C. 条例
D. 地方性文件
E. 地方性行政规章
安全检查的内容,主要是( )。
A. 查思想
B. 查管理
C. 查隐患
D. 查整改
E. 查事故处理
在日常工作中要贯彻预防为主原则,通过实施安全风险管理体系,开展( ),落实事故预防措施,使管理对象始终保持在安全状态,防止风险失控。
A. 风险预防
B. 风险辨识
C. 风险评估
D. 风险分析
E. 风险控制
对( )每年进行培训,经考试合格后,书面公布。
A. 工作票签发人
B. 工作负责人
C. 工作班成员
D. 工作许可人
E. 班级技术员
在生产活动所涉及的场所、设备(设施)、运行操作、检修施工等特定区域以及其它有必要提醒注意危险和有害因素的地点,按照标准要求,设置清晰醒目、规范统一的( )等各类安全设施,并规范使用。
A. 安全围栏
B. 标识标志
C. 报警装置
D. 防坠装置
E. 安全措施
建立市局级、工区(县局)级、班组三级安全稽查网络,采用上级部门“飞行检查”( )等形式查处作业违章、装置违章和管理违章。
A. 动态稽查
B. 交叉互查
C. 集中稽查
D. 班组自查自纠
E. 各类专项检查活动
对在岗生产人员定期组织并开展有针对性的( )等现场培训和专项培训活动,经考试合格后,方可上岗作业。
A. 现场考问
B. 反事故演习
C. 技术问答
D. 事故预想
E. 典型案例分析
A. 将检修设备的各方面电源断开取下可熔保险器
B. 在开关或刀闸的操作把手上挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”的标识牌
C. 工作前必须验电
D. 根据需要采取其他安全措施
手持电动工具下列哪些情况下不能使用( )。
A. 绝缘损坏
B. 有外壳保护
C. 保护线脱落
D. 插头插座开裂
专责监护人临时离开现场时,应该( )
A. 指定能胜任的人临时代替
B. 通知被监护人员停止工作
C. 通知被监护人员离开工作现场
D. 特别告知被监护人员安全注意事项