A. 手法复位
B. 急诊手术
C. 抗生素治疗
D. 胃肠减压
E. 纠正水电解质紊乱
A. 碱中毒
B. 高血钾
C. 肺水肿
D. 钠潴留
E. 心衰
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌
B. 溶血性链球菌
C. 大肠杆菌
D. 肺炎链球菌
E. 铜绿假单胞菌
A. 高血钾
B. 尿钾排出增加
C. 血浆肾素水平高
D. 低血压
E. 血醛固酮水平降低
A. 肠道内容物发醇产生
B. 肠道内容物经细菌分解产生
C. 咽下的空气
D. 血液弥散至肠腔内
E. 肠道感染产生
A. 疼痛
B. 尿频
C. 尿急
D. 尿痛
E. 血尿
A. 呛咳
B. 声音嘶哑
C. 发声音调变低
D. 手足抽搐
E. 烦躁、谵妄
A. 心衰加重,胃肠道淤血
B. 脑血管意外
C. 扩血管药物引起的低血压
D. 利尿药物引起的电解质紊乱
E. 洋地黄药物中毒
A. 严密隔离
B. 消化道隔离
C. 呼吸道隔离
D. 接触隔离
E. 保护性隔离
A. 鼻饲饮食
B. 避免强光照射
C. 按时使用镇静剂
D. 保持环境安静
E. 静脉滴注破伤风抗毒素
A. 胆道无畸形
B. 结石
C. 胰头癌
D. 胆管癌
E. 胆道炎性狭窄
A. 顶部
B. 颈部
C. 底部
D. 底三角
E. 两侧壁
A. 头下骨折
B. 经颈骨折
C. 基底骨折
D. 头颈骨折
E. 以上都不对
A. 镇静、止痛、对症治疗
B. 胸膜腔穿刺抽气
C. 输血、输液
D. 胸膜腔闭式引流
E. 牵引固定
A. 细胞内磷酸盐缓冲系
B. 血红蛋白缓冲系
C. 血浆中蛋白缓冲系
D. 氧合血红蛋白缓冲系
E. 碳酸氢盐缓冲系
A. 阴茎部
B. 球部
C. 膜部
D. 前列腺部
E. 尿道狭窄处
A. 闭合性气胸
B. 开放性气胸
C. 张力性气胸
D. 损伤性血胸
E. 机化性血胸
A. 骨盆由骶骨、耻骨、尾骨组成
B. 真骨盆两侧为髂骨翼,后面为第5腰椎
C. 骨盆下口平面是指由骶尾关节、两侧的坐骨棘、耻骨联合下缘围绕的骨盆腔最低平面
D. 骨盆上口平面为骶岬上缘,髂耻线与耻骨联合上缘
E. 中骨盆平面横径为坐骨结节间径
A. 阴阜
B. 小阴唇
C. 大阴唇
D. 阴蒂
E. 阴道前庭
A. 妊娠28周
B. 妊娠16周
C. 妊娠18周
D. 妊娠24周
E. 妊娠8周
A. 药物阴道冲洗
B. 阴道放置药物
C. 红外线凝结疗法
D. 宫颈锥形切除术
E. 子宫切除术
A. 过期妊娠,无阴道分娩禁忌证者
B. 有潜伏期延长趋势,潜伏期>6小时
C. 活跃期继发性宫缩乏力
D. 母亲合并症或并发症,需要终止妊娠,并具有阴道分娩条件者
E. 胎膜早破>12小时
A. 成人子宫重约50g
B. 成年妇女子宫体与子宫颈之比为2:1
C. 子宫体壁由内膜层、肌层、浆膜层组成
D. 子宫峡部指的是宫腔与宫颈管之间最狭窄的部位
E. 宫颈内口为宫颈癌的好发部位
A. 可在出生后12小时开始
B. 可在新生儿沐浴过程中进行
C. 每次抚触的时间一般20~30分钟
D. 抚触室温度应在28%以上
E. 抚触部位是新生儿胸部和腹部,不包括头面部
A. 基础体温曲线高温相已18天
B. 尿妊娠试验呈阳性
C. 黄体酮试验无阴道出血
D. 双合诊发现子宫增大而软
E. B超检查发现是圆形光环,内为液性暗区
A. Ⅰ级
B. Ⅱ级
C. Ⅲ级
D. Ⅳ级
E. V级
A. 临产后卧床休息
B. 少做肛门检查
C. 破膜后 ,立即听胎心音
D. 阴道口见胎足,为子宫颈口开全
E. 勿灌肠
A. 腹主动脉音
B. 脐带杂音
C. 子宫杂音
D. 胎动杂音
E. 羊水流动音
A. 正常
B. 炎症
C. 可疑癌变
D. 高度可疑癌变
E. 肿瘤
A. 为孕卵着床后的子宫内膜
B. 覆盖在囊胚上面的蜕膜称为真蜕膜
C. 与极滋养层接触的蜕膜称为包蜕膜
D. 除真蜕膜、包蜕膜外覆盖在子宫腔内的蜕膜为底蜕膜
E. D.除真蜕膜、包蜕膜外覆盖在子宫腔内的蜕膜为底蜕膜
A. 胎儿娩出后2小时内阴道出血量超过500ml
B. 胎儿娩出后24小时内阴道出血量超过500ml
C. 胎盘娩出后2小时内阴道出血量超过500ml
D. 胎盘娩出后24小时内阴道出血量超过500ml
E. 产后阴道出血量超过500ml
A. 孕母B型,丈夫A型、B型、AB型
B. 孕母A型,丈夫A型、B型、AB型
C. 孕母O型,丈夫A型
D. 孕母0型,丈夫AB型
E. 孕母O型,丈夫A型、B型、AB型
A. 极性
B. 节律性
C. 对称性
D. 缩复性
E. 间歇性
A. 产后7天
B. 产后6天
C. 产后5天
D. 产后4天
E. 产后3天
A. 血压及脉搏
B. 子宫收缩情况
C. 阴道流血量
D. 乳汁分泌情况
E. 膀胱充盈情况
A. 立即手术治疗切除阑尾,术后抗感染、保胎治疗
B. 首选广谱抗生素保守治疗,同时加用抑制宫缩的药物,尽可能不手术治疗、
C. 首选广谱抗生素保守治疗,数天后切除阑尾,术后保胎治疗
D. 立即行引产,然后行阑尾切除术
E. 立即行阑尾切除术,然后行引产
A. 子宫呈横椭圆形
B. 胎体纵轴与母体纵轴不一致
C. 子宫底部可触到圆而软的胎臀
D. 第三步触诊时可触及浮球感
E. 触诊不能确定时,可进行肛查协助诊断
A. 化疗
B. 手术治疗
C. 放射治疗
D. 内分泌治疗
E. 免疫治疗
A. 先兆流产孕妇禁止肥皂水灌肠
B. 必要时给予先兆流产孕妇对胎儿无害的镇静剂
C. 孕妇黄体功能不足引起先兆流产要保胎治疗
D. 尽量保胎,使胎儿继续成长
E. 先兆流产孕妇禁止性生活
A. 31~33℃
B. 34~36℃
C. 40~41℃
D. 44~46℃
E. 47~49℃
A. 坐骨结节
B. 坐骨棘
C. 骶岬
D. 耻骨降支
E. 骶尾关节
This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up, you ___ many difficulties.
A. like to encounter
B. like encountering
C. are likely to encounter
D. are like to encounter
The ability to live for a long time without water is characteristic ___ the camel.
A. of
B. for
C. about
D. in
Rising sales is a good ___ that this product is well received in the market.
A. response
B. convention
C. indication
D. Influence
When tourists travel abroad, they are sometimes ___ by the local people because the tourists don’t know the real value of products.
A. turned in
B. given chase
C. wrapped up
D. ripped off
The professor’s lecture ___ the capacity of his young audience. They all looked puzzled at him.
A. pointed out
B. went beyond
C. contributed to
D. kept off
We must ___ on the amount of time we use on this project.
A. cut both ways
B. cut in line
C. cut off
D. cut down
We have to be very patient with this experiment. It will take time for some effects to ___ clearly.
A. build up
B. break up
C. clear up
D. show up
Perhaps there is a(n) ___ of truth in both theories, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.
A. lump
B. substance
C. section
D. element
Be careful when you get along with her because she is known for her short ___.
A. temper
B. emotion
C. mood
D. feeling
It seems that wearing less formal clothing to school and work is becoming a(n) ___.
A. trend
B. campaign
C. goal
D. occurrence
You cannot correct children’s bad behavior simply with a (n) ___ or two on the hand or face.
A. slap
B. smash
C. slam
D. strike
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
___ is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness.
A. It
B. There
C. Here
D. This
___ a day goes by that I don’t receive dozens of junk mails in my email box.
A. None
B. Usually
C. Nearly
D. Hardly
Please trust me. Try this new method ___.
A. you feel very relaxed
B. and you feel very relaxed
C. you will feel very relaxed
D. and you will feel very relaxed
John said Mom was coming back tomorrow, not next week. If this is the ___, we’ll all have to clean the house thoroughly.
A. point
B. norm
C. question
D. case
It is far too late for you to go out and play football, ___ the fact that it’s raining.
A. no doubt
B. despite
C. given
D. not to mention
However, under no circumstances should we ___ our achievements, nor should we regard our accomplishments as unimportant.
A. present
B. perceive
C. exemplify
D. exaggerate
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there ___.
A. accurately
B. randomly
C. emotionally
D. continually
In many Middle Eastern cultures a deadline is taken as a(n) ___, and such terms should not appear in a purchase contract with businessmen from these countries.
A. target
B. favor
C. honor
D. insult
He is by no means a(n) ___ man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.
A. disgraceful
B. sophisticated
C. traditional
D. intelligent
Although the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved, the government’s emphasis has been ___ from coal to nuclear.
A. intended
B. defined
C. attached
D. switched
The psychologist doesn’t say directly, but seems to ___ that emotional maturity and self-stimulation are the key elements for success.
A. inquire
B. imply
C. refer
D. confront
The top floors of a building collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble (瓦砾), but he was ___ and could talk to rescuers.
A. reasonable
B. rational
C. innocent
D. conscious
After ___ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before.
A. extensive
B. durable
C. partial
D. extreme
As the world is becoming global, it is increasingly important that countries work together to ___ international trade.
A. soar
B. rise
C. facilitate
D. prompt
As the technology develops, it is probable that electronic books will start to ___ paper books in the near future.
A. ban
B. exchange
C. employ
D. replace
The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of ___ a senior bank official.
A. bribing
B. frustrating
C. chasing
D. eliminating
Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ___ from school.
A. forbidden
B. induced
C. expelled
D. disobeyed
A. 勇于尝试,不怕失败
B. 培养优良学风
C. 培养和提高独立生活能力
D. 培养自信心。
A. 奇思异想
B. 瞬间顿悟
C. 求真务实
D. 求新求变
A. 求实
B. 一丝不苟
C. 勤奋
D. 敢为人先
A. 勤奋
B. 严谨
C. 求实
D. 创新
A. 胡锦涛
B. 江泽民
C. 温家宝
D. 李长春
A. 社会主义荣辱观
B. 社会主义核心价值体系
C. 科学发展观
D. 马克思主义
A. 雷锋
B. 张思德
C. 王杰
D. 白求恩