A. 保钾排钠
B. 保钠保钾
C. 排氢保钾
D. 保钠排钾
E. 排氢排钾
A. 500ml
B. 1000ml
C. 1500ml
D. 2000ml
E. 2500ml
A. 出汗浸湿一身衬衣裤,丢失的水分约1000ml
B. 气管切开术后,每天经呼吸道多丢失水分约1000ml
C. 体温每升高1℃,每公斤体重每天多丢失水分3~5ml
D. 成年女性体液总量占体重的55%
E. 皮肤每天无形失水量达1000ml
A. 10%葡萄糖溶液
B. 5%葡萄糖溶液
C. 生理盐水
D. 平衡盐溶液
E. 右旋糖酐溶液
A. 急性重症胰腺炎
B. 甲状旁腺受损
C. 服用过量维生素D
D. 胰腺及小肠瘘
E. 血清白蛋白降低
A. 体内的钙99%存在于骨骼中
B. 非离子钙具有维持神经肌肉稳定性的作用
C. 血钙降低,神经肌肉兴奋性增高
D. 维生素D促进肠道对钙的吸收
E. 甲状旁腺素分泌增加,血钙升高
A. 代谢性酸中毒
B. 高钙血症
C. 低钠血症
D. 低镁血症
E. 低钙血症
A. 急性胃肠炎剧烈呕吐
B. 摄入水份不够
C. 大面积烧伤急性期
D. 急性肠梗阻
E. 急性腹膜炎
A. 低血钾使心肌应激性升高
B. 维持细胞外液的渗透压
C. 维持细胞内液的酸碱平衡
D. 分解代谢增强时,K_TagUpStart_+_TagUpEnd_进入细胞
E. 钾浓度过高增强神经肌肉的兴奋性
A. 成年男性体液总量占体重的60%
B. 细胞内液大部分在骨骼肌内,占体重的40%
C. 组织间液和血浆称细胞外液,占体重的20%
D. 位于体腔内的液体称为第三间隙,属于功能性细胞外液
E. 体液的主要成分是水和电解质
A. 细胞外液渗透压
B. 细胞内液容量
C. 细胞外液容量
D. 细胞内液渗透压
E. 血容量
A. 低于机体需要量
B. 活动无耐力
C. 低效性呼吸状态
D. 营养失调
E. 有受伤的危险
A. <10mmol/h
B. <15mmol/h
C. <20mmol/h
D. <25mmol/h
E. <30mmol/h
A. 失钠重于失水
B. 血管升压素分泌减少
C. 容易发生血容量不足
D. 细胞外液减少小于细胞内液
E. 晚期醛固酮分泌增加
A. 视力模糊
B. 恶心呕吐
C. 手足麻木
D. 明显口渴
E. 脉压变小
A. 要发生于呼吸道梗阻
B. 要由于体内HCO_TagUpStart_-_TagUpEnd_减少
C. 循环与组织灌注不足时可以发生
D. 发生于急性肾衰竭
E. 发生于肠道液体大量丧失时
A. 代谢性酸中毒
B. 低渗性缺水
C. 高渗性缺水
D. 代谢性碱中毒
E. 等渗性缺水
A. 复方氯化钠溶
B. 1.25%碳酸氢钠和等渗盐水之比为1:2
C. 5%葡萄糖盐水和1.86%乳酸钠溶液之比为1:2
D. 乳酸钠林格氏液
E. 复方氯化钠溶液
A. 细胞内钾浓度高于血浆钾浓度
B. 酸中毒时钾进入细胞
C. 肾脏保钾比保钠的功能强
D. 碱中毒时钾转出细胞
E. 细胞内外液的渗透压相等
A. 纠正酸中毒
B. 补充钾盐
C. 输入钙剂
D. 补充血容量
E. 给予利尿剂
A. 尿量减少,钠排出减少
B. 尿量增加,钠排出减少
C. 尿量正常,钠排出正常
D. 尿量减少,钠排出增加
E. 尿量增加,钠排出增加
A. 肌内注射硫酸镁时应深部注射,并经常更换注射部位
B. 镁中毒时应用氨化钾对抗
C. 可经口服.肌内注射及静脉注射补充
D. 镁缺乏纠正需较长时间
E. 治疗低镁血症时应同时兼补钾和钙
A. 血压显著升高
B. 出现相对缓脉
C. 多见年轻人
D. 起病急剧,发展迅速
E. 突然头痛,视力模糊
A. 阵发性心动过速
B. 心房颤动
C. 频发室性期前收缩
D. 频发房性期前收缩
E. 房室传导阻滞
A. 美托洛尔
B. 硝酸异山梨酯(消心痛)
C. 阿司匹林
D. 硝苯地平(心痛定)
E. 卡托普利(开搏通)
A. 调换止血剂品种
B. 加大洋地黄用量
C. 静脉推注利尿剂
D. 做二尖瓣置换术
E. 做经皮二尖瓣球囊扩张术
A. 浮肿
B. 心律失常
C. 栓塞
D. 晕厥
E. 肝大
A. 脑血栓形成
B. 脑出血
C. 脑血管痉挛
D. 脑栓塞
E. 蛛网膜下隙出血
A. 宜卧床休息,限制走动
B. 应绝对卧床,取半卧位
C. 需增加睡眠,户外活动
D. 可打太极拳,忌剧烈运动
E. 活动可不限,需劳逸结合
A. 风湿性心瓣膜病
B. 室间隔缺损
C. 动脉导管未闭
D. 法洛四联症
E. 其余选项均是
A. 立即停用药物
B. 口服氯化钾
C. 静脉补钾
D. 静脉注射阿托品
E. 静脉注射苯妥英钠并补钾
A. 窦房结
B. 浦肯野纤维
C. 心室肌
D. 房室束
E. 房室结
A. 咳嗽.气喘
B. 发绀.烦躁
C. 咳粉红色泡沫状痰
D. 端坐呼吸.闻哮鸣音
E. 夜间不能平卧
A. 心功能Ⅰ级
B. 心功能Ⅱ级
C. 心功能Ⅲ级
D. 心功能Ⅳ级
E. 心力衰竭
A. 阿托品
B. 氨茶碱
C. 呋噻米(速尿)
D. 肾上腺素
E. 毒毛花苷K(毒K)
A. 血液中还原血红蛋白增多
B. 血红细胞大量破坏
C. 局部瘀血
D. 毛细血管通透性增加
E. 其余选项都是
A. r-谷酰基磷酸转肽酶(r-GTP)
B. 天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)
C. 肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)
D. 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)
E. 肌红蛋白
A. 频发房性期前收缩
B. 阵发性室上性心动过速
C. 阵发性室性心动过速
D. 心室颤动
E. 心房颤动
A. 24小时内
B. 48小时内
C. 1~2周
D. 1~4周
E. 1~2个月
A. 心功能Ⅰ级
B. 心功能Ⅱ级
C. 心功能Ⅲ级
D. 心功能Ⅳ级
E. 该患者应严格卧床休息
A. 调节离子代谢
B. 疏通心肌微循环
C. 溶解冠状动脉内粥样硬斑块
D. 减少心律失常
E. 溶解冠状动脉内的血栓
I often see _________ the road on his way home.___
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
The workers are busy __________ models for the exhibition.___
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
The higher the temperature, __________ the liquid evaporates.___
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ___________ people drive on the left of the road.___
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts _________ .___
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ___________, it takes many years for the system to recover.___
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done
We worked hard and completed the task ________.___
A. in the time
B. on the time
C. ahead of time
D. before time
I didn't expect you to turn __________ at the meeting yesterday.___
A. up
B. to
C. out
D. over
Mike is better than Peter _________ swimming.___
A. for
B. at
C. on
D. in
Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ___________ of fat.___
A. a large number
B. the large number
C. a large amount
D. the large amount
His salary as a driver is much higher than _____________.___
A. a porter
B. is a porter
C. as a porter
D. that of a porter
I have been looking forward to__________ from my parents.___
A. hear
B. being heard
C. be heard
D. hearing
The manager will not __________ us to use his car.___
A. have
B. let
C. agree
D. allow
__________ her and then try to copy what she does.___
A. Mind
B. See
C. Stare at
D. Watch
It's bad __________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.___
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
— I think John and Peter will.___
A. carry out
B. get through
C. take in
D. set aside
If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ________ in her diet.___
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
___________ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.___
B. efore B. At
C. In
D. Between
A police officer claimed he had attempted to _________ paying his fare.___
A. avoid
B. reject
C. refuse
D. neglect
He is not seriously ill, but only a _________ headache.___
A. obvious
B. delicate
C. slight
D. temporary
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _________ a day.___
A. customers
B. supporters
C. guests
D. clients
What is the train _________ to Birmingham?___
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
He put forward a theory, _______ of great importance to the progress of science of technology.___
A. I think which is
B. which I think is
C. which is I think
D. I think it is
If the doctor had been available, the child ____________.___
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
The music sounded _______. I enjoyed every minute of it.___
A. well
B. boring
C. wonderfully
D. beautiful
Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ______letter. ___
A. anyone's else's
B. anyone's else
C. anyone else's
D. anyone else
I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my_____.___
A. service
B. money
C. use
D. chance
We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.___
A. leaves
B. would leave
C. left
D. had left
The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall, ______?___
A. can't it
B. isn't it
C. hasn't it
D. doesn't it
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words ___ which we become acquainted in daily conversation,
which we ___,that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates,
and which we should know and use ___ we could not read or write.
They ___the common things of life,
and are the stock in trade of all who___the language. Such words may be called “popular”,
since they belong to the people___and are not the exclusive share of a limited class. On the other hand,
our language___a multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person,
but there is little___to use them at home or in the market-place.
Our___acquaintance with them comes not from
our mother’s___or from the talk of our school-mates
,___from books that we read,