电气磨耗是指( )和( )。___
A. 粘结磨耗
B. 电离子转移
C. 颗粒磨耗
D. 电弧烧损
机械磨耗分为( )和( )___
A. 粘结磨耗
B. 电离子转移
C. 颗粒磨耗
D. 电弧烧损
软、硬横跨形式的支持定位装置主要包括( ),( )和吊弦等。___
A. 横向承力索
B. 上、下部定位绳
C. 定位器
D. 馈线
定位器具有一定的倾斜度,其倾斜度规定在( )~( )之间。___
A. 1:5
B. 1:0.5
C. 1:2
D. 1:10
支柱在接触网中的作用可分为( )、转换支柱、( )、( )、( )、道岔支柱等几种。___
A. 中间支柱
B. 中心支柱
C. 定位支柱
D. 锚柱
刚性架空接触网悬挂点的正线最大跨距:曲线为( )m,直线为( )m。___
A. 5~7
B. 7~9
C. 9~10
D. 10~11
隔离开关的触头要有足够的( )和( )。___
A. 粘合力
B. 压力
C. 摩擦力
D. 自清扫能力
按锚段关节的所含跨距数可分为( )、( )、( )、( )等几种不同形式。___
中国电气化铁路建设初期,采用的是铜接触线,主要型号为( )、( )、( )型。___
A. TCG-85
B. TCG-100
C. TCG-110
D. TCG-120
采用合金的目标是提高接触线的( )、( )和( )___
A. 抗拉强度
B. 耐磨耗性能
C. 导电性能
D. 高温软化性能
吊弦一般有环节吊弦、活动吊弦、( )吊弦和( )吊弦。___
验电和装设、拆除接地线,必须由( )人进行,()人操作,1人监护,其岗位等级分别不低于初级(包括初级)。___
紧固件具有良好的结构工艺性,是指( )___
A. 结构合理
B. 抗破坏性强
C. 适配性好
D. 工艺精致
交流爬距级别1、2、3分别表示爬距为( )mm、( )mm、( )mm的产品。___
A. 1000
B. 1200
C. 1400
D. 1500
绝缘件闪络电压的大小主要取决于( )。___
A. 温度
B. 环境
C. 工作电压
D. 受力大小
由于绝缘件处于空气之中,( )等因素会导致绝缘性能下降,产生沿面气体放电现象。___
A. 表面破损
B. 瓷釉剥落
C. 污秽受潮
D. 过电压
接触网常用的绝缘子有悬式、( )、针式和( )四种类型。___
A. 棒式
B. 柱式
C. 圆柱式
D. 套管式
棒式绝缘子用在( )等处。___
A. 绝缘腕臂
B. 隧道内悬挂
C. 隧道内定位
D. 刚性悬挂
绝缘子电气性能用( )表示。___
A. 干闪
B. 湿闪
C. 耐压
D. 击穿电压
承力索在腕臂处位置超标,并处于曲线 外侧区段,应如何调整承力索?()___
A. 在支柱上底座处搭手扳葫芦拉住承力索, 调整手扳葫芦,使腕臂不受力
B. 将承力索从承力索底座内抬出,移动承力索底座到规定位置、紧固好
C. 拆除承力索底 座
D. 再次调整手扳葫芦,将承力索放入承力索座线槽中,紧固好
A. 电弧
B. 电气磨耗增加
C. 接触电阻增大
D. 产生高温
A. 观察检查吊索 线夹型号是否 与被夹持的线 索型号一致
B. 仔细检查吊索 表面是否出现 裂纹或者影响 其使用的变形
C. 观察检查吊索 线夹配件是否 齐全
D. 观察吊索是否 有断股、烧伤、 锈蚀现象
关于刚性接触网刚柔过渡下列说法错误 的有:()___
A. 贯通式刚柔过 渡处两支刚性悬挂接触线可 以不等高
B. 贯通式刚柔过 渡交界点处, 汇流排对接触线不应产生下压或上抬
C. 贯通的接触线 下锚处绝缘子 边缘距受电弓 包络线应不小 于 150mm
D. 刚柔过渡电连 接线在柔性悬 挂承力索上除 需用线夹连接外,还需在线夹两端进行绑扎,绑扎材料无要求。
A. 大、小轮缠绕时最少缠绕半圈,最多缠绕 三圈,小轮缠绕时必须两边对称。
B. 完整无损、转动灵活,没有卡滞现象。对需要加注润滑油的补偿棘轮,应按产品规定的期限加注润滑油。
C. 接触线两下锚 绝缘子串应对 齐,允许偏差 为±150mm。下 锚补偿装置平 衡轮应水平, 偏 斜 不 超 过 12°。
D. 坠砣串的重量符合规定,允许误差不超过2%。坠砣块自 上而下按块编号,并标明重量。
A. 锈蚀面积超过20%时应除锈涂漆
B. 每组硬横跨的 支柱中心连线 一般垂直于多 数股线路中心 线
C. 硬横跨上、下 部定位绳的回 头用锲形线夹 连接固定时, 其受力方向要 正确
D. 硬横跨各段之 间及其与支柱 应连接牢固,硬横梁应与轨 面水平
A. 正线或重要的 侧线要在下方
B. 若温度高于平 均温度,则限 制管应偏向中 心锚节方向或 硬锚方向调整
C. 若温度低于平 均温度,则限 制管应偏向下 锚方向调整
D. 侧线上下活动 间隙为 1-3mm
A. 几何参数
B. 动态参数
C. 电气参数
D. 辅助参数
弓网间的接触压力是由以下哪些力综合 产生的()。___
A. 受电弓垂直作 用到接触网上 的力
B. 停车时,传动 机构使受电弓 垂直作用到接 触网上的力
C. 关节间磨擦产 生的力,与弓 头运行方向相 反
D. 气流对受电弓 的作用力及由 垂直振动引起 的惯性力
下列属于接触网参数(导高、拉出值) 对运营的影响有()。___
A. 剐弓
B. 受电弓碳滑板 集中磨耗
C. 隧道结构钢筋 腐蚀严重
D. 离线拉弧
A. 应处于汇流排 中心线的正上 方,基座中心 偏离汇流排中 心 不 大 于 ±30mm
B. 中心锚结绝缘 子表面应无损 伤,接地端至 带电体--汇流 排距离一般情 况 应 不 小 于150mm;困难情 况 不 应 小 于 115mm
C. 中心锚结线夹 处接触线应平 顺无负弛度
D. 中心锚结绝缘 子及拉杆受力 均衡适度,与 汇流排的夹角 不大于 65°
A. 其绞线断股、 损伤面积不超 过其截面积的5 %且载流量 不超过允许直 时,可将断股 处磨平用材质 的铜线扎紧
B. 当断股、烧伤 面积维 5%~30%时要进补 强
C. 当断股、烧损 面积超过 20% 时须更换线, 切断做接头
D. 张力和弛度要 符合有关规定 标准。
A. 在 故 障 情 况 下,可先进行 倒闸,再向电 力调度报告
B. 各隔离开关的 操作机构必须 加锁
C. 架空接触网发 生 断 线 事 故 时,任何人在 装设接地线以 前不得进入距 断线落下地点5 米范围以内
D. 接地线采用截 面不小于 70 平方毫米的裸 铜软绞线,并 不得有断股、 散股和接头
A. 造成定位器坡 度 远 小 于1 10,受电弓通过时,受电弓通过时,钻入下部固定绳引起弓网故障
B. 造成接触线与 下部固定绳的 距 离 远 小 于 250mm,受电弓 通过时,钻入 下部固定绳引 起弓网故障
C. 造成接触线网 压异常,甚至 引起变电所跳 闸
D. 造成绝缘子干 闪电压、湿闪 电压值下降
A. 接触轨受流面 中心距离线路 中心应按照之 字布置
B. 整体绝缘支架 纵向轴线垂直 于 线 路 中 心 线,横向轴线 平行于线路中 心线
C. 接触轨钢带的 连接应平滑顺 畅、无阶梯, 其不平顺度应 控制在 0.5mm 范围之内,复 合轨的连接缝 隙应密贴
D. 膨胀接头用以 自动调整接触 轨的因温度引 起 的 膨 胀 伸 缩,防止由于 温度变化产生 的纵向应力作 用于接触轨支 撑件上
刚性架空接触网和接触轨的锚段长度, 应根据()确定。___
A. 环境温度
B. 载流温升
C. 材料线胀系数
D. 伸缩要求
A. 锚段长度一般 比较短
B. 锚段长度一般 比较长
C. 锚段长度无特 殊要求
D. 该锚段两端一 般为硬锚
以下接触网零部件、线缆机械强度安全 系数不得小于 3.0 的有()。___
A. 接触网承力的 零件
B. 供电线承力的 零件
C. 馈电线承力的 零件
D. 架空地线承力 的零件
A. 上网电缆、回 流电缆的根数 和截面积,应 根据大双边供 电方式的远期 最大负荷计算 确定
B. 每个回路的电 缆根数不得少 于两根
C. 应满足在正常 运行方式下, 一根电缆断线 条件下远期最 大负荷的运行 要求
D. 电缆最大敷设 长度不得超过 对应电压等级 标准
A. 支柱横线路面 应垂直于线路 中心线,允许 偏差不应大于2 度。
B. 单腕臂、双腕 臂和中心锚结 支柱顺线路方 向应直立,允 许 斜 率 为 ± 2‰
C. 补偿下锚柱横 线路方向,向 受力反向的倾 斜率为 0-5‰
D. 均不得向线路 侧和受力方向 倾斜
A. Read J. K. Rowling's first book.
B. Go to buy a new Harry Potter book.
C. Watch BBC news about J. K. Rowling.
D. Take her cousin to see a new Harry Potter movie.
A. At a café.
B. Ona train.
C. At a cinema.
D. In a bookstore.
A. She won't write any more books.
B. She will write more magic stories.
C. She hasn't said anything about her future plans.
D. She said she would work on more serious subjects.
A. J. K. Rowling's secret.
B. J. K. Rowling's writing plan.
C. A new book by J. K. Rowling.
D. An interview with J. K. Rowling.
A. He broke the milk bottle.
B. He fell down on the floor.
C. He made a mess inside the refrigerator.
D. He spilled the milk over the kichcn floor.
A. Ѕhе gаvе hіm а lоng leсture.
B. She shouted at him in anger.
C. She enjoyed the wonderful mess.
D. She cleaned up the mess with him.
A. How to do an experiment.
B. How to carry amilk bottle.
C. How to clean up spilled milk.
D. How to avoid making mistakes.
A. Mistakes can become learning opportunities.
B. Mistakes are just like scientific experiments.
C. One should sometimes make mistakes.
D. One should try to avoid making mistakes.
A. Because he likes the sunny weather,
B. Because he wants to challenge himself.
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem.
D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles.
A. To go sailing.
B. To go surfing.
C. To go to the beach.
D. To go to her nephew's.
A. Going to visit relatives.
B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach.
C. Building sand castles with her niece and nephew.
D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the waves.
A. Surfing in the sea.
B. Collecting seashells.
C. Building sand castles.
D. Jumping in thewaves.
A. 89 percent.
B. 84 percent.
A. People aged 16to 24.
B. People aged 25 to 34.
C. People aged 16 and over.
D. People aged 55 and over.
A. People aged16 to 24 preferred listening to music most.
B. more popularB It was geting more andamong the Bish people.
C. Trwas the third most popular ativity among people aged 55 and over.
D. People aged 25 to 34 listened to musicmore often than those aged 16 to 24.
A. Older people go out to pubs more often.
B. Younger people go to the cinema less frequently.
C. Older people spend more time reading and gardening.
D. Younger people spend less time visiting friends and family.
A. 4 hours.
B. 2 hours.
C. 1.5 hours.
D. 45 minutes.
A. At 8.
B. At 7.
C. At 6.
D. At 5.
A. She can either read or rest a little on the train.
B. She can read and respond to emails on the train.
C. She can travel to many different parts of the city.
D. She can go shopping on her way home from work.
A. He can take the train to the old part of the city.
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes the train.
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train.
D. Hecan take the train to the airpor insted of driving.
A. About an hour.
B. More than an hour.
C. About half an hour.
D. More than one and a half hours.
A. More and more Americans spend over an hour getting to work.
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less than an hour getting to work.
C. Only New York people spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more than 90 minutes getting to work.
A. Because gas prices are not high.
B. Because the commute is not tiring.
C. Because he can attend a better school.
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle.
A. Traffic jams.
B. Expensive housing.
C. Poorer life quality.
D. A tiring and boring trip.
A. She liked playing an interesting game.
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends.
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume.
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard.
A. None of her friends likes Jason.
B. None of Jason's guests is young.
C. She wants to go to Linda's party.
D. She went to Jason's party last year.
A. The party will last four hours.
B. Six people will attend the party.
C. They will have huge bags of candy.
D. They will play a new game called Guess Who"
A. Go to Jason's party.
B. Go to Linda's party.
C. Attend both Jason's and Linda's parties.
D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents.
A. Some stores offered bigger holiday discounts.
B. Some stores provided more choices of nightlife.
C. Some stores made efforts to attract young people.
D. Some stores opened much earlier than they used to.
A. To attract young customers.
B. To beat other stores for sales.
C. To let people sleep late the next day.
D. To keep people stay up for the night.
A. 24 percent.
B. 37 percent.
C. 9.5 percent.
D. 23.5 percent.
A. She and her cousins went back home at midnight.
B. She liked the traditional 4 a.m. Black Friday openings better.
C. She preferred midnight shopping to earlymorning shopping.
D. She and her cousins got up very early to buydiscounted items.
A. 党的十八大
B. 党的十八届三中全会
C. 党的十八届四中全会
D. 党的十八届五中全会
A. 解决发展动力问题
B. 解决发展不平衡问题
C. 解决人与自然和谐问题
D. 解决发展内外联动问题
A. 解决发展动力问题
B. 解决发展不平衡问题
C. 解决人与自然和谐问题
D. 解决发展内外联动问题