A. 宽容有助于扩大交往空间
B. 宽容有助于消除人际间的紧张和矛盾
C. 宽容有时需要牺牲原则
D. 宽容意味着严以律己,宽以待人,求同存异,相互包容
A. 人性本善
B. 社会关系的形成
C. 社会舆论的形成
D. 自我意识的形成
A. 先公后私、先人后己的人生目的
B. 禁欲主义、苦行僧主义的人生目的
C. 尽情享受口腹耳目快乐的人生目的
D. 主观为自己、客观为他人的人生目的
E. 大公无私、全心全意为人民服务的人生目的
A. 爱国守法
B. 明礼诚信
C. 团结友善
D. 勤俭自强
E. 敬业奉献
A. 生来就有的
B. 靠教育、实践或感化获得的
C. 长期遵守或违背道德所得到的结果
D. 主观上道德认识和客观上道德行为的统一
E. 在一次或两次道德行为中所表现出来的偶尔的心理特征
A. 没有集体利益,就不可能有个人利益
B. 集体主义坚决排斥个人利益和个性自由
C. 广大人民只有靠集体奋斗才能实现自身的正当利益
D. 只有集体的事业兴旺发达,才能保障个人的正当利益充分实现
E. 集体主义可以完全不顾个人的思想,要求个人无条件地服从集体
A. 正直无私、忠诚守信
B. 仁爱互助、推己及人
C. 敬业好学、勇敢进取
D. 察言观色、花言巧语
E. 见风使舵、明哲保身
道德品质与道德原则规范的关系表现为 ___。
A. 道德品质和道德原则规范相互依存
B. 道德品质对道德原则规范的形成具有定向和调节作用
C. 道德原则规范对道德品质的形成具有定向和调节作用
D. 道德品质具有巩固和强化道德原则的功能
E. 道德原则具有巩固和强化道德品质的功能👨
中国革命道德传统是指中国共产党人、一切先进分子和人民群众,在中国革命和建设中所形成的优良道德传统。它是中华民族优良道德传统的继承和发展,是革命前辈留给 我们的宝贵精神财富。中国革命道德传统的基本内容有___。
A. 追求真理的精神
B. 艰苦奋斗的精神
C. “仁者爱人”的精神
D. 毫不利己专门利人的精神
E. 全心全意为人民服务的精神
A. 是对个人行动自由的干预和限制
B. 是为了提高全民族的思想道德素质
C. 能使人们自觉地遵守和践行道德原则规范
D. 是依靠国家强制力量来巩固和维持道德原则规范
E. 能使道德原则规范由外在的要求变成人们日常生活的习惯
A. 与国际惯例相接轨
B. 与社会主义市场经济相适应
C. 与社会主义法律规范相协调
D. 与中华民族传统道德相承接
A. 道德观的一个重要部分
B. 一定社会经济关系的反映
C. 世界观、人生观和价值观的重要内容
D. 一定社会思想道德原则和规范的重要体现
A. 诚实守信是为人之本、成事之基
B. 诚实守信是社会主义市场经济健康发展的基石
C. 诚实守信是构建社会主义和谐社会的道德基础
D. 诚实守信是集体主义道德原则的最高层次要求
A. 认真学习,提高道德认识
B. 严格要求,完善道德品质
C. 勤于实践,加强道德行为训练
D. 坚持“慎独”,不与他人发生交往
道德建设的核心体现并决定着道德建设的根本性质和发展方向。在中国特色社会主义建设的新时期,我国社会主义道德建设以为人民服务为核心。这是因为,为人民服务 ___。
A. 只是对共产党员和一切先进分子的要求
B. 体现着先进性要求和广泛性要求的统一
C. 是社会主义市场经济健康发展的基本要求
D. 是社会主义经济基础和政治制度的客观要求
A. 有利于对公民进行道德教育
B. 是对公民道德要求的高度概括
C. 体现了社会主义道德建设的要求
D. 是每个公民都能高度认同并自觉做到的
A. 依赖于个体的社会实践
B. 完全受制于人的自然本性
C. 受历史和现实社会关系的制约
D. 包含多种心理成分的相应发展
A. “坐而论道”、“闭门造车”
B. “不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之”
C. “三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之”
D. “吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”
A. 社会公德
B. 伦理道德
C. 职业道德
D. 家庭美德
A. 文明礼貌
B. 助人为乐
C. 爱护公物
D. 保护环境
E. 遵纪守法
A. 继承性
B. 基础性
C. 强制性
D. 简明性
E. 广泛性
A. 精神文明建设的基础性工程
B. 提高劳动者技能的重要途径
C. 成为一个有道德的人的最基本要求
D. 维护社会公共生活正常秩序的必要条件
E. 每个社会成员的自觉选择
A. 不随地吐痰
B. 乘坐轨道交通站点的电梯时,左行右立
C. 捡到财物,招领时索要酬金
D. 不随意采摘公园或路边的花、果
E. 在公共汽车上为老幼病残孕让座
A. 语言文明,不恶语伤人
B. 在会议室抽烟
C. 自觉提高法律意识,用法纪来指导和约束自己的行为
D. 听课时,手机调至静音状态
E. 对在公共生活中某些人不守秩序的行为积极干预,予以制止
自觉遵守社会公德的意义有 ___ 。
A. 遵守社会公德是为了建立美满幸福的家庭
B. 遵守社会公德是成为一个有道德的人的最基本要求
C. 遵守社会公德是维护社会公共生活正常秩序的必要条件
D. 社会公德建设是精神文明建设的基础性工程,也是精神文明程度的“窗口”
A. 活动范围的广泛性
B. 活动内容的主题性
C. 交往对象的复杂性
D. 活动方式的多样性
E. 网络环境的虚拟性
A. 人与人之间
B. 人与社会之间
C. 人与自然之间
D. 人与物之间
A. 支持台独言论的集会
B. 携带烟花爆竹等在闹市区游行
C. 以静坐方式抗议宪法所确定的基本原则
D. 佛教协会的诵经活动
A. 人车平等
B. 从严治理原则
C. 依法管理原则
D. 以人为本,与民方便原则
A. 经济建设与环境保护协调发展原则
B. 以经济建设为中心,兼顾环境美化原则
C. 谁污染谁治理、谁开发谁保护原则
D. 预防为主、防治结合、综合整治原则
A. 践行“低碳”生活
B. 自修结束,随手关闭空教室的电灯再离开
C. 与他人交往时,信守诺言
D. 将好友的生活照片私自发布到网络上
A. “春蕾计划”
B. “保护母亲河”
C. “志愿者”
D. “百城万店无假货”
A. 利用互联网损坏他人商业信誉和商品声誉
B. 利用互联网窃取、泄露国家秘密、情报或者军事秘密
C. 利用互联网煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结
D. 利用互联网销售伪劣产品或者对商品、服务作虚假宣传
A. 利用互联网侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人
B. 利用互联网侵犯他人知识产权
C. 利用互联网侵犯公民通信自由和通信秘密
D. 利用互联网造谣、诽谤或者发表、传播其他有害信息,煽动颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度,或者煽动分裂国家、破坏国家统一
A. 机动车通过没有交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线或交警指挥的交叉路口时,应当减速慢行,并让行人和优先通行的车辆先行
B. 没有人行道的道路,行人可以直行
C. 在没有非机动车道的路口,非机动车应该在人行道的右侧行驶
D. 在没有非机动车道的路口,非机动车应该在车行道的右侧行驶
A. 行人走在人行道的右侧
B. 在没有人行道的马路上,行人靠边走
C. 列车上,乘客将吃剩的食物抛出车窗
D. 行人坐在道路隔离设施上小憩
A. 肇事车辆立即停车
B. 注意保护现场
C. 有人员伤亡的,立即送医院抢救
D. 目击者拨打报警电话或者急救电话
A. 在本职工作中勤奋努力,不偷懒,不怠工
B. 喜欢自己的工作,能心情愉快、乐观向上地从事自己的本职工作
C. 为了求得未来自己理想的职业,利用现有的职业劳动时间全力为求新职做准备
D. 不情愿地成为了现有职业的劳动者,在没有调换工作之前,仍坚守工作岗位,履行职业责任
E. 把自己看成现职工作单位的一分子,把自己从事的工作视为生命存在的表现方式,尽心尽力地去工作
A. 在不被领导发现的情况下,可以适当降低工作质量
B. 干一行爱一行,热爱自己的工作岗位
C. 尊重职业对象的利益,满足他们的需要
D. 遵守规章制度,秉公办事,不滥用职权
E. 主动承担社会义务,为社会、为他人作出贡献
A. 提高劳动者素质的重要途径
B. 社会主义道德建设的重要任务
C. 社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容
D. 提高工作效率和质量,促进社会生产力发展的必要条件
E. 纠正行业不正之风,形成良好社会道德风尚的重要手段
A. 对本职工作马马虎虎,大错不犯,小错不断
B. 喜欢自己的工作,心情愉快,乐观向上地从事自己的职业
C. 用一种恭敬的态度对待工作,勤奋认真,不偷懒,不怠工
D. 对于被动选择的职业岗位敷衍了事,消极应付,争取早日调换工作
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 3 Because of easy access to the Internet,the New breakthrough tq create something Truly creative ( ) happen anytime now.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 4 Indeed,if teachers want to( ) how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 5 Nature has( ) these animals ( ) a capacity for not showing Fear.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 6 During the weeks of discussion,delegations from groups who are interested in the Resolution may call on representatives to ( ) their point of view.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 7 Plato was a superb writer,and his works are Part of the world’s great literature.Most of His existing work is ( )Dialogs and letters.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 8 Young people should enter into a broad Flexible training program,through which They can learn a lot and be ( ) their future careers.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 9 The young man is very happy and proud to be ( ) the old professor because he always feeIs great when talking With him.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 10 One day they passed more than 20 villages ( ),and some of these are Said to have stretched for six miles or more.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 7 Being asingle parent,there is no way for her to ( ) the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 8 It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main ( ) teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 9 We all know the dangers of an earthquake: the ( ) to buildings,the troubles can be caused by falling trees,and the terror occurs when the earth actually opens uip.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 10 Not until recently have we realized that the increasing world population may lead to a potential gloomy ( ) for humanity starvation.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 2 It is the development strategy/of the company to ( ) its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 3 Nearly six million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year,attracted by the ( )of her smile.When you're not lodking at her, she seems to be smiling;when you look at her,she stops.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 4 To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain ( )into its culture.
Boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 5 There is a real need to ( ) academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a student's overall character.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 6 Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from( ), reason and language.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 1 When the police caught up with him, Mr.Foster had to [ ] that he'd broken the speed limit.
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 2 Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don't agree with, I tell him what I really think, though it's [ ] to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 3 As can be probably perceived, a manned tip to Mars may soon[ ] since scientists have achieved the manned moon mlssion
commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 4 A number of countries are [ ]their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about She authorizcd her partner to carry out daily responsibllitles [ ]when she was on her business trip
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about On hering the latest news about your mother's ill health, I [ ]canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not[ ] the general discontent.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes[ ]tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, orgrief was difficult to tell.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Rose knows that continuous letters fromJohn, together with countless roses are aimedat making her[ ]him.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about [ ]public school for drinking and smoking and then failing inshow business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 1When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were muchvmore willing to [ ] solutions to the problems.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 2 A strong police force has been placed between the two [ ]group in the village to prevent fighting and killing.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 3 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in [ ] innovative acts cannotbe.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 4Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been [ ] in today's society___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 5 Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21stcentury and their [ ] birth rates have also posed problems___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 6 She didn't want to marry him and was [ ] against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 7 The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to [ ] his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 8 To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and [ ]providing me with a new and different perpective on the world in which we live.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 9 People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution notonly affects everyone's health but also makesit difficult for businesses to [ ].___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 10 Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to [ ]the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 1Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family [ ]him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.___