A. 负责中央军委全面工作
B. 领导指挥全国武装力量
C. 决定国防和军队建设一切重大问题
D. 决定国防和军队建设重大问题
A. 关系我军最高领导权和指挥权
B. 处于最高层次
C. 居于统领地位
D. 中国特色社会主义政治制度和军事制度的重要组成部分
A. 道路自信
B. 理论自信
C. 制度自信
D. 文化自信
E. 政治自信
A. 不准把党的干部当作私有财产,党内不准搞人身依附关系
B. 领导干部特别是高级干部不能搞家长制,要求别人唯命是从
C. 特别是不能要求下级办违反党纪国法的事情
D. 下级应该抵制上级领导干部的这种要求并向更上级党组织直至党中央报告
E. 不应该对上级领导干部无原则服从
A. “三会一课”制度
B. 民主生活会和组织生活会制度
C. 谈心谈话制度
D. 对党员进行民主评议
A. 坚持党要管党、全面从严治党
B. 党纪面前一律平等
C. 实事求是
D. 民主集中制
E. 惩前毖后、治病救人
F. 批评与自我批评、
A. 警告
B. 严重警告
C. 撤销党内职务
D. 留党察看
E. 开除党籍
A. 主动交代本人应当受到党纪处分的问题的
B. 在组织核实、立案审查过程中,能够配合核实审查工作,如实说明本人违纪违法事实的
C. 检举同案人或者其他人应当受到党纪处分或者法律追究的问题,经查证属实的
D. 主动挽回损失、消除不良影响或者有效阻止危害结果发生的;
E. 主动上交违纪所得的;
F. 有其他立功表现的
A. 表决权
B. 选举权
C. 被选举权
D. 申诉权
A. 经商办企业的
B. 个人违反规定买卖股票或者进行其他证券投资的
C. 从事有偿中介活动的
D. 在国(境)外注册公司或者投资入股的
A. 公开发表违背四项基本原则,违背、歪曲党的改革开放决策,或者其他有严重政治问题的文章、演说、宣言、声明等的
B. 妄议党中央大政方针,破坏党的集中统一的
C. 丑化党和国家形象,或者诋毁、诬蔑党和国家领导人、英雄模范
D. 歪曲党的历史、中华人民共和国历史、人民军队历史的
A. 在民主推荐、民主测评、组织考察和党内选举中搞拉票、助选等非组织活动的
B. 在法律规定的投票、选举活动中违背组织原则搞非组织活动,组织、怂恿、诱使他人投票、表决的
C. 在选举中进行其他违反党章、其他党内法规和有关章程活动的
D. 扰乱投票秩序,在投票场所大声喧哗的
A. 拒不执行或者擅自改变党组织作出的重大决定的
B. 违反议事规则,个人或者少数人决定重大问题的
C. 故意规避集体决策,决定重大事项、重要干部任免、重要项目安排和大额资金使用的
D. 借集体决策名义集体违规的
A. 党员被依法判处刑罚后,不按照规定给予党纪处分,或者对违反国家法律法规的行为,应当给予党纪处分而不处分的
B. 党纪处分决定或者申诉复查决定作出后,不按照规定落实决定中关于被处分人党籍、职务、职级、待遇等事项的
C. 党员受到党纪处分后,不按照干部管理权限和组织关系对受处分党员开展日常教育、管理和监督工作的
D. 对受到党纪处分的党员采取歧视态度的
46.天基武器系统主要指攻击对方航天器用的卫星和卫星平台,包括 ___ 、 ___和___ 等。
48.新概念武器主要有 ___ 、___、 ___ 、 ___ 、___ 等。
49.核武器具有____、冲击波、____ ___、核电磁脉冲和放射性沾染等五种杀伤破坏因素。
What is an example of social engineering?___
A. gaining access to a computer by observing the user login credentials
B. gaining access to a build through an unguarded entrance
C. gaining access to a server by using a USB stick
D. gaining access to a server room by posing as local IT
Which type of Layer 2 attack enables the attacker to intercept traffic that is intended for one specific recipient?___
A. BPDU attack
B. DHCP starvation I LAB
C. MAC address spoofing
D. CAM table overflow
Which about nested policy maps in a zone-based firewall is true ?___
A. They are limited to two leve ls in a hierarchical policy
B. Parent policies are previously defined policies that are defined by using the service policy command
C. A child policy is a new policy that uses a pre-existing policy.
D. A child policy is a new that uses a pre-existing policy
In which configuration do you configure the ip ospf authentication key 1 command?___
A. routing process
B. interface
C. privileged
D. global
Which statement about command authorization and security contexts is true?___
A. If command authorization is configured, it must be enabled on all contexts.
B. The change to command invokes a new context session with the credentials of the currently
C. AAA settings are applied on a per-context basis
D. The enable. 15 user ang admins with chang to permission ha e dfferent command authorization levels pertontext
Which command do you enter to enable authentication for OSPF on an interface?___
A. router(config-if)#ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 CIS COPASS
B. router(config-if)#ip ospf authentication message-digest
C. router(config-if)#ip ospf authentication-key CISCOPASS
D. router(config-if)#area 0 authentication message-digest
What feature defines a campus area network?___
A. It has a single geographic location
B. It lacks external connectivity.
C. It has a limited number of segments.
D. It has limited or restricted Internet access
Which type of attack most commonly involves a direct attack on a network?___
A. :phishing
B. Trojan horse
C. denial of service
D. social engineering
What information does the key length provide in an encryption algorithm?___
A. the cipher block size
B. the hash bloc k size
C. the number of permutations
D. the packet size
How do you verify TaCACS+ connectivity to a device?___
A. You successfully log in to the device by using the local credentials
B. You connect via console port and receive the login prompt.
C. You connect to the device using SSH and receive the login prompt.
D. You successfully log in to the device by using ACS credentials
Which term best describes the concept of preventing the modification of data in transit and in storage?___
A. availability
B. confidentially
C. fidelity
D. integrity
Which loS command is used to define the authentication key for ntp?___
A. switch(config )#ntp authentication-key 1 mds Clcs
B. switch(config )#ntp authenticate
C. switch(config)#ntp trusted-key 1
D. switch(config)#ntp source
What is true about the cisco lOS Resilient Configuration feature ?___
A. The feature can be disabled through a remote session
B. There is additional space required to secure the primary cisco lOS image file.
C. The feature automatically detects image or configuration version mismatch.
D. Remote storage is used for securing files
When is the default deny all policy an exception in zone-based firewalls?___
A. when traffic terminates on the router via the self zone
B. when traffic traverses two interfaces in different zones
C. when traffic traverses two interfaces in the same zone
D. when traffic sources from the router via the self zone
.If an access port is assigned as an isolated port in a PVLAN, which network ports can it communicate with?___
A. promiscuous ports in the same PLVAN
B. isolated ports in the same PVLAN
C. all ports in the same PAVLAN at ILAR
D. all ports in the adjacent PVLAN
Which IPSEC mode is used to encypt traffic directly between a client and a server VPN endpoint?___
A. quick mode
B. transport mode
C. aggressive mode
D. tunnel mode
Which command do you enter to verify that a vpn connection is established between two endpoints and that the connection is passing traffic? ___
A. Firewall#sh crypto session
B. Firewall#debug crypto isakmp
C. Firewall#tsh crypto ipsec sa
D. Firewall#sh crypto isakmp sa
which type of Pvlan port allows communication from all port types?___
A. isolated
B. in -line
C. community
D. promiscuous
Which command do you enter to configure your firewall to conceal internal addresses?___
A. no ip directed-broadcast
B. no ip logging facility
C. no proxy-arp
D. no ip inspect audit-trial
E. no ip inspect
F. route
Which feature defines a campus area network? ___
A. It has a limited number of segments.
B. It has limited or restricted Internet access
C. It lacks ex1ternal connectivity.
D. It has a single geographic location
What technology can you use to provide data confidentiality data integrity and data origin authentication on your network?___
A. IPSec
B. Certificate Authority
D. Data
E. ncryption Standards
which standard is a hybrid protocol that uses oakley and skerne ke y exchanges is an ISAKMP framework?___
What is the actual los privilege level of User Exec mode?___
What is the effect of the asa command crypto isakmp nat-traversal?___
A. It opens port 500 only on the out side interface
B. It opens port 500 only on the inside interface
C. It opens port 4500 on all interfaces that are IPSec enabled
D. It opens port 4500 only on the out side interfac
Which Fire POWER preproce ssor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?___
A. Inline normalization
B. IP Defragmentation
C. Ports can
D. etection
Which NAT type allows objects or groups to reference an IP address ?___
A. identity NAt
B. static NAT
C. dynamic
D. dynamic NAT
Which Auto NAT policies are processed first?___
A. Dynamic NAT with longest prefix
B. Dynamic NAT with shortest prefix
C. static NAT with longest prefix
D. static NAT with shortest prefix
Which feature allows a dynamic Pat pool to se lect the next address in the pat pool instead of the next port of an existing address?___
A. next IP
B. round robin
C. dynamic rotation
D. NAT address rotation
Which IPS detection method can you use to detect attacks that are based on the attackers IP address?___
A. anomally-based
B. policy-based
C. signature-based
D. reputation-based
Which type of encryption technology has the broadest platform support?___
A. software
B. middleware
C. file-level
D. hardware
Which type of address translation supports the initiation of comm unications bidirectionally ?___
A. multi-session PAT
B. dynamic NAT
C. dynamic PAT
D. static NAT
Which label is given to a person who uses existing computer scripts to hack into computers while lacking the expertise to write the own?___
A. script kiddy
B. white hat hacker
C. hacktivist
D. phreaker
What is the primary purpose of a defined rule in an IPS?___
A. to configure an event action that takes place when a signature is triggered
B. to define a set of actions that occur when a specific user logs in to the system
C. to configure an event action that is pre-defined by the system administrator
D. to detect internal attacks
Which option is the default valuce for the Diffie- Hell man group when configuring a site-to-site VPn on an asa device ?___
A. Group 1
B. Group 2
C. Group 5
D. Group 7