A. 负责中央军委全面工作
B. 领导指挥全国武装力量
C. 决定国防和军队建设一切重大问题
D. 决定国防和军队建设重大问题
A. 关系我军最高领导权和指挥权
B. 处于最高层次
C. 居于统领地位
D. 中国特色社会主义政治制度和军事制度的重要组成部分
A. 对全国武装力量实施政治领导、思想领导和组织领导
B. 指挥全国武装力量,全面推进国防现代化
C. 领导制定军事战略和武装力量的作战方针
D. 领导制定军事行政法规和军事法规、发布决定和命令
A. 政治立场
B. 政治方向
C. 政治原则
D. 政治道路
A. 政治性
B. 时代性
C. 原则性
D. 战斗性
E. 针对性
F. 实效性
A. 对党忠诚
B. 善谋打仗
C. 忠诚干净
D. 实绩突出
E. 清正廉洁
F. 公道正派
G. 敢于担当
H. 求真务实
A. 请示报告
B. 信息服务
C. 督促检查
D. 纠治整改
A. 克服差不多、松口气、歇歇脚的想法
B. 克服打好一仗就一劳永逸的想法
C. 克服初见成效就见好就收的想法
D. 克服反腐是政治斗争的想法
A. 坚持以党章为根本遵循
B. 坚持纪在法前、纪严于法
C. 坚持依纪依法、实事求是
D. 坚持从严从紧、一严到底
A. 凡是收送影响公正执行公务礼品礼金涉嫌违法犯罪的,一律按照受贿行贿移送司法机关依法处理
B. 凡是虚报冒领、违规套现涉嫌违法犯罪的,一律按照贪污挪用移送司法机关依法处理
C. 对涉嫌贪污公款、受贿行贿3万元以上的,移送司法机关依法处理
D. 收受下属财物3万元以上,如果有请托事项,涉嫌违法犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理,如果无请托事项,则不移送
E. 对存在买官卖官和索贿、向3人以上行贿等较重情节,涉嫌违法犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理
A. 严禁工作日喝酒
B. 严禁在担负值班、执勤、演训等任务期间宴请喝酒
C. 严禁在执行抢险救灾、反恐维稳、海外护航、安保警戒等重大任务期间宴请喝酒
D. 严禁在工作(操作)场所、集体宿舍和内部食堂喝酒
A. 外事接待由军级以上单位和部门主要领导批准,并报同级纪委备案
B. 情报、联络工作由军委机关归口管理
C. 在远洋护航、编队出访、中外联演、军事留学等时机,由编队指挥员批准可购酒带酒
D. 赴少数民族地区执行任务,确需尊重当地风俗习惯报军级以上单位和部门主要领导批准
A. 严禁集体会餐时喝酒
B. 严禁工程、采购、医疗、装备、科研等人员接受企业或承包人、销售人宴请,参与可能影响公正执行公务的宴请喝酒
C. 严禁借婚丧嫁娶、乔迁生子、祝寿庆生等时机邀请现役人员聚众喝酒
D. 严禁借远洋护航、编队出访、中外联演、军事留学等时机购酒带酒
A. 作为严重顶风违纪行为严肃处理
B. 对屡教不改、不收敛不知止的,从重加重处理
C. 点名道姓通报曝光
D. 违规宴请喝酒问题多发频的单位,既追究当事人责任,又追究党委主体责任、纪委监督责任和相关领导责任
E. 违规宴请喝酒引发事故案件的,对组织者、在场职务最高者和直接责任者,一律先免职再严肃处理
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
1. 如图, △ABC≌△DEF,A 与 D, B 与E 分 别 是对应顶点,∠B=60º, ∠A=68㎝ , AB=13㎝, 则∠F=( )度 ,DE=( )㎝ .
A. 阶级矛盾
B. 人民内部矛盾
C. 物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾
D. 人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾
A. 中国共产党的领导
B. 改革开放
C. 以经济建设为中心
D. 建设社会主义强国
A. 党的领导
B. 物质生产
C. 精神文明建设
D. 发展经济
A. 先进性建设
B. 反腐倡廉建设
C. 纯洁性建设
D. 纪律建设
A. 规范化
B. 科学化
C. 制度化
D. 正规化
A. 求真务实
B. 艰苦奋斗
C. 执政为民
D. 开拓创新
A. 申辩
B. 复议
C. 申诉
D. 诉讼
A. 基层组织
B. 所有干部
C. 各级组织和全体党员
D. 领导干部
A. 规章
B. 道德
C. 党章和国家法律
D. 政策
A. 可以
B. 必须
C. 不用
D. 视情况而定
A. 党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会
B. 党的全国代表大会和党的地方各级代表大会
C. 党的中央政治局及其常务委员会
D. 党的全国代表会议
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
A. 支部党员大会,党支部委员会,党小组会,党课
B. 支部党员大会,全体人员会,领导班子会,党课
C. 民主生活会,党支部委员会,党小组会,党课
D. 支部党员大会,党支部委员会,组织生活会,党课
A. 中央军事委员会
B. 中央军事委员的政治工作机关
C. 中国人民解放军总政治部
D. 中央军事委员会总政治部
A. 信念坚定、为民务实、忠诚干净、敢于担当
B. 信念坚定、勤政务实、敢于担当、清政廉洁
C. 对党忠诚、信念坚定、敢于担当、治企有方
D. 对党忠诚、为民务实、忠诚干净、敢于担当
A. 普通一员
B. 重要一员
C. 其中一员
D. 特殊一员
A. :使各个环节衔接井井有条,不重复,不遗漏
B. :各步骤都有数据校验,保证信息处理的质量
C. :减少设备的损耗,降低信息处理成本
D. :明确分工和责任,出现问题便于追责
A. :节省存储
B. :便于传输
C. :提高安全性
D. :便于查找
A. :集中存储在数据中心
B. :分散存储在数据产生端
C. :靠近数据使用端存储
D. :均衡地存储在各个终端
某社区有1 2个积极分子A~L,他们之间的联系渠道见下图。居委会至少需要通知他们之中___个人,才能通过联系渠道通知到所有积极分子。
A. : 1
B. : 2
C. : 3
D. : 4
A. :程序设计
B. :指纹识别
C. :社区聊天
D. :数据统计
A. :他们对将要讨论的事项了解多少
B. :他们需要什么,又想要知道什么
C. :他们的艺术水平和欣赏能力如何
D. :他们将如何利用分析展示的信息
A. :直方图
B. :圆饼图
C. :折线图
D. :雷达图
The___ is the primary device for entering information into the computer
A. :disk
B. :printer
C. :keyboard
D. :memory
___ system let you run more tlian one program at a time
A. : Application
B. :Software
C. : Real time
D. :Multitask
Small business may use___ for word processing
A. : microcomputers
B. :industrial computers
C. : mainframe computers
D. :supercomputers
Once you've made the Internet connection, you can send___ to any of computer user all around the w orld
A. :e-mail
C. :ccc
D. :web station
Which statement about zone-based firewall configuration is true?___
A. You can assign an interface to more than one zone
B. Traffic is implicitly denied by de fault between interfaces in the same zone
C. The zone must be configured before it can be a ssigned
D. Traffic that is destined to or sourced from the Self zone is de nied by default
Refer to the exhibit line in this configuration prevents the help Desk user from modifying the interface configuration.___
A. Privilege exec level 10 interface
B. Privilege exec level 9 configure terminal
C. Privilege exec level 7 show start-up
D. Username HelpDesk privilege 6 password help
You have been tasked with blocking user access to websites that violate company policy, but the sites use dynamic IP addresses. What is the best practice for URl filtering to solve the problem?___
A. Enable URL filtering and use URL categorization to block the we bsites that violate company
B. Enable URL filtering and create a blacklist to block the websites that violate company policy
C. Enable URL filtering and create a whitelist to block the websites that violate company policy
E. nable URL filtering and use URL categorization to allow only the websites that company policy allows users to access.
Within an 802. 1x-enabled network with the auth Fail feature configured, when does a switch port get placed into a restricted VLAN?___
A. When a conected client fails to authenticate after a certain number of attempts.
B. if a connected client does not support 802. 1x
C. when AAA new-model is ena bled
D. after a connected client exceeds a specified idle time
E. when 802. 1x is not globally enabled on the Cisco Catalyst switch
Which type of attack does a proxy firewall protect against ?___
A. cross-site scripting attack
B. worm traffic
C. port scanning
D. DDoS attacks
When an administrator initiates a device wipe command from the ISE, what is the immediate effect?___
A. It requests the administrator to choose between erasing all device data or only managed corporate data.
B. It requests the administrator to enter the device pin or password before proceeding with the operation
C. It notifies the device user and proceeds with the erase operation
D. It immediately erases all data on the device
What is a valid implicit permit rule for traffic that is traversing the ASa firewall?___
A. ARPs in both directions are permitted in transparent mode only
B. Unicast IPv4 traffic from a higher security interface to a lower security interface is permittee in routed mode only.
C. Unicast IPv6 traffic from a higher security interface to a lower security interface is permitted in transparent mode only.
D. Only BPDUs from a higher security interface to a lower secur ity interface are permitted in transparent mode.
E. Only BPDUs from a higher security interface to a lower secur ity interface are permitted in routed mode
A specific URL has been identified as containing malware. What action can you take to block users from accidentally visiting the URl and becoming infected with malware ?___
A. Enable URL filtering on the perimeter router and add the URls you want to block to the router's local URL list
B. Enable URL filtering on the perimeter firewall and add the URls you want to allow to the router's local URL list.
C. Enable URL filtering on the perimeter router and add the URls you want to allow to the firewall's local URL list
D. Create a blacklist that contains the URl you want to block and activate the blacklist on the perimeter rout
E. Create a whitelist that contains the URLs you want to allow and activate the whitelist on the perimeter router.
How does PEAP protect the EAP exchange ?___
A. It encrypts the exchange using the server certificate
B. It encrypts the exchange using the client certificate
C. It validates the server-supplied certificate,and then encrypts the exchange using the client certificate
D. It validates the client-supplied certificate,and then encrypts the excha nge using the server certificate
Which feature of the Cisco Email Security Appliance can mitigate the impact of snowshoe spam and sophisticated phishing attacks?___
A. contextual analysis
B. holistic understanding of threats
C. graymail management and filtering
D. signature-based IPS
Refer to the exhibit【nat (inside,outside)dunamic interface】 Which translation technique does this configuration result in?___
A. DynamIc PAT
B. Dynamic NAT
C. Twice NAT
D. Static NAT
Refer to the exhibit which are repre sents the data center?___
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
While trouble shooting site-to-site VPN, you issued the show crypto isakmp sa command. What does the given output show?___
A. IKE Phase 1 main mode was created on, but it failed to negotiate with 10.10 10.2
B. IKE Phase 1 main mode has successfully negotiated between and 10.10..
C. IKE Phase 1 aggressive mode was created on, but it failed to negotiate with
Refer to the exhibit All ports on switch 1 have a primary vLan of 300 Which devices can host 1 reach?___
A. host 2
B. server
C. host 4
D. other devices within VLAN303
Which option is the cloud-based security service from Cisco the provides URL filtering, web browsing content security, and roaming user protection?___
A. Cloud Web service
B. Cloud Advanced Malware Protection
C. Cloud We b Security
D. Cloud Web Protection
How can you detect a false negative on an IPS?___
A. View the alert on the ips
B. Review the ips log
C. Review the is console
D. Use a third- party system to perform penetration testing.
E. Use a third- party to audit the next generation firewall rules
If a switch port goes directly into a blocked state only when a superior BPDU is received, what mechanism must be in use?___
A. STP BPDU guard
B. Loop guard
C. EtherChannel guard
D. STP Root guard
what improvement does EAP-FASTv2 provide over EAP-FAST? ___
A. It allows multiple credentials to be passed in a single EAP exchange.
B. It supports more secure encryption protocols
C. It allows faster authentication by using fewer packets.
D. It addresses security vulnerabilities found in the original protocol
When users login to the Client less Ssl Vpn using ,which group policy will be applied?___
A. test
B. clientless
C. sales
D. DfitGrp Policy
E. Default RAGroup
F. Default WEB VPN
G. roup
Which user authentication method is used when users login to the Clientless SSLVPN portal using
A. AAA with LOCAL database
B. AAA with RADIUS server
C. Certificate
D. :Both Certificate and aaa with LoCAL database
E. Both Certificate and AAA with RADIUS server
What' s the technology that you can use to prevent non malicious program to runin the computer that is disconnected from the network?___
A. Firewall
B. Sofware Antivirus
C. Network IPS
D. Host IPS
Which statement about the communication between interfaces on the same security level is true?___
A. Interfaces on the same security level require additional configuration to permit interinterface communication
B. Configuring interfaces on the same security level can cause asymmetric routing
C. All traffic is allowed by default between interfaces on the same security level
D. You can configure only one interface on a n individual security level
Which product can be used to provide application layer protection for tcp port 25 traffic?___
which iPS mode is less secure than other options but allows optimal network through put ?___
A. inline mode
B. inline-bypass mode
C. transparent mode
D. Promiscuous mode
Which feature of the Cisco Email security Appliance can mitigate the impact of snowshoe spam and sophisticated phishing attack?___
A. reputation based filtering
B. signature based IPS
C. contextual analysis
D. graymail management and filtering
Which type of social-engineering attack uses normal tele phone service as the attack vector?___
A. smishing
B. dialing
C. phishing
D. vishing
Which quantifiable item should you consider when you organization adopts new technologies?___
A. exploits
B. vulnerability
C. threat
D. Risk
Referencing the ClA model, in which scenario is a hash- only function most appropriate ?___
A. securing data at rest
B. securing real-time traffic
C. securing data in files
D. securing wireless transmissions
Which ports must be open between a aaa server and a microsoft server to permit Active Directory authentications?___
A. 445 and 389
B. 888 and 3389
C. 636 and 4445
D. 363 and 983