A. 先从保证汽车预期的最高车速来初步选择发动机应有功率
B. 还利用现代汽车统计数据初步估计汽车比功率来确定发动机应有功率
C. 对最小比功率的规定,以保证路上行驶车辆的动力性不低于一定水平。
D. 货车的比功率跟总质量没有关系
A. 附着力
B. 制动力
C. 抗热衰退的性能
D. 前后制动器制动力的分配比例
A. 0.3-0.9秒
B. 0.1秒或更短
C. 2秒
D. 0.4秒
A. 试验路段应为干净、平整、坡度不大于1%的硬路面
B. 风速应大于5m/s
C. 路面附着系数不宜大于0.72-0.75
D. 气温在0-35℃
A. 前轮先抱死拖滑,然后后轮抱死拖滑,是稳定工况,但制动时汽车会丧失转向能力
B. 后轮先抱死滑移,然后前轮抱死滑拖 ,是不稳定工况,中、后轴可能出现侧滑
C. 前、后轮同时抱死拖滑,可避免后轴侧滑,附着条件没有充分利用
D. 前、后轮同时抱死拖滑,可避免后轴侧滑,前轮在最大制动强度下才会失去转向能力
A. 汽车在原地、小半径弯道低速行驶时,要防止转向盘过于沉重
B. 在高速行驶时,转向盘力不宜过小,而应维持一定的数值
C. 转向系的刚度应高些为好
D. 动力转向系的转向盘力特性不随车速而变化
A. 58%
B. 14%
C. 12%
D. 7%
A. 大倾斜角的前风窗
B. 平滑的表面
C. 高而短的后箱盖
D. 保险杠的材料
A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 6%
D. 9%
A. 汽车的动力性只受驱动力的约束
B. 汽车的动力性只受到轮胎与地面附着条件的限制
C. 地面对轮胎切向反作用力的极限值称为附着力
D. 对于前轮驱动的汽车同,其前驱动轮的附着率应大于地面的附着系数
A. 只能通过百分之几的坡度
B. 能通过30%以上的坡度
C. 车速低时后备功率比较大
D. 车速低时能提供较大的驱动力
A. 必须配备非透过性无级变速器
B. 必须配备透过性无级变速器
C. 必须配备有级变速器
D. 无须装用任何变速器
A. 泵轮转矩系数是常数值
B. 泵轮转矩与泵轮转速的关系是一条抛物线
C. 发动机节气门不变,外界阻力有变化,发动机转速不会变化
D. 扩展了发动机运转的转速范围和相应的转矩范围
A. 行车车速
B. 座椅的位置
C. 采用电子控制技术
D. 传动系的挡数
A. 应在混凝土或沥青路面的弯路段上进行
B. 纵向坡度在0.1%之间
C. 动力试验时汽车载荷为满载
D. 轮胎的充气压力误差不超过10KPa
A. 确定最小传动比时,要考虑驾驶性能的限制
B. 确定最小传动比时,要考虑后备功率
C. 确定最大传动比时,要考虑最大爬坡度
D. 确定最大传动比时,要考虑最高车速
A. 与制动器摩擦副材料有关
B. 与制动器结构无关
C. 不受摩擦材料摩擦因素下降的影响
D. 鼓式制动器比盘式制动器稳定性好
A. 0.3-0.9秒
B. 0.1秒或更短
C. 2秒
D. 0.4秒
下面哪一项不是汽车通过性几何参数? ___
A. 最小离地间隙
B. 纵向通过角
C. 接近角
D. 车身长度
A. 时间上的滞后
B. 产生侧向滑动和翻车的倾向
C. 横摆角速度上的波动
D. 执行上的误差
A. 回正力矩随垂直载荷的增大而减小
B. 在同样侧偏角下,尺寸大的轮胎一般回正力矩大
C. 子午线轮胎的回正力矩比斜交轮胎的大
D. 轮胎的气压低,接地时间长,轮胎拖距大,回正力矩也就大
A. 58%
B. 14%
C. 12%
D. 7%
A. 大倾斜角的前风窗
B. 平滑的表面
C. 前照灯的亮度
D. 高而短的后箱盖
A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 6%
D. 9%
A. 汽车的动力性只受驱动力的约束
B. 汽车的动力性只受到轮胎与地面附着条件的限制
C. 对于前轮驱动的汽车同,其前轮驱动轮的附着率应大于地面的附着系数
D. 在潮湿的沥青路面上,大的驱动力可能引起车轮在路面上急速加剧滑转
A. 发动机的功率在低转速时较大
B. 能通过30%以上的坡度
C. 车速低时后备功率比较小
D. 车速低时能提供较大的驱动力
A. 必须配备非透过性无级变速器
B. 必须配备透过性无级变速器
C. 必须配备有级变速器
D. 无须装用任何变速器
A. 泵轮转矩系数是常数值
B. 泵轮转矩与泵轮转速的关系是一条抛物线
C. 发动机节气门不变,外界阻力有变化,发动机转速会随着变化
D. 汽车行驶条件的改变,即负载对泵轮转速无任何影响
A. 发动机仪表的指示装置
B. 变速器的选择
C. 采用电子控制技术
D. 传动系的挡数
A. 应在混凝土或沥青路面的直线路段上进行
B. 纵向坡度在1%之间
C. 动力试验时汽车载荷为满载
D. 轮胎的充气压力不允许有误差
A. 确定最小传动比时,要考虑驾驶性能的限制
B. 确定最小传动比时,要考虑最高车速
C. 确定最大传动比时,要考虑后备功率
D. 确定最大传动比时,要考虑最大爬坡度
A. 与制动器摩擦副材料无关
B. 与制动器结构有关
C. 不受摩擦材料摩擦因素下降的影响
D. 鼓式制动器比盘式制动器稳定性好
A. 0.3-0.9秒
B. 0.1秒或更短
C. 2秒
D. 0.4秒
A. 最小离地间隙
B. 车身高度
C. 接近角
D. 最小转弯半径
A. 时间上的超前
B. 进入稳态所经历的时间
C. 横摆角速度上的波动
D. 执行上的误差
A. 回正力矩随垂直载荷的增大而增大
B. 在同样侧偏角下,尺寸大的轮胎一般回正力矩小
C. 子午线轮胎的回正力矩比斜交轮胎的大
D. 轮胎的气压低,接地时间长,轮胎拖距大,回正力矩也就大
A. 58%
B. 14%
C. 12%
D. 7%
下面哪项与降低CD值无关 ?___
A. 排气管的形状
B. 平滑的表面
C. 高而短的后箱盖
D. 大弧形拐角
A. 空气阻力分为压力阻力和摩擦阻力
B. 坡度阻力和滚动阻力合在一起称为道路阻力
C. 无级式变速器传动比是不随时间发生变化的
D. 汽车加速行驶时,不仅平移质量产生惯性力,旋转质量也要产生惯性力偶矩
A. 汽车的动力性不只受驱动力的约束还受到轮胎与地面附着条件的限制
B. 不管路面情况如何,只要加大的驱动力车轮就不会在路面上滑转
C. 对于后轮驱动的汽车,其后驱动轮的附着率应大于地面的附着系数
D. 对于前轮驱动的汽车,其前驱动轮的附着率应大于地面的附着系数
A. 功率近似等于活塞式内燃机
B. 能通过30%以上的坡度
C. 最大功率要比等功率发动机的大
D. 只能通过百分之几的坡度
We have time and again___ that we will never be the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. declared
B. accused
C. announced
D. blamed
Since the matter was extremely ___, we dealt with it immediately.
A. tough
B. tense
C. urgent
D. rough
She was so ___ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.
A. attracted
B. absorbed
C. drawn
D. concentrated
He is ___ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.
A. outstanding
B. optional
C. optimistic
D. obvious
The president could not go to the meeting, so Mr. Smith___ him.
A. recorded
B. renewed
C. represented
D. recalled
He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ___and a scholarship.
A. faith
B. prestige
C. status
D. courage
Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked___.
A. mindless
B. unaware
C. brainless
D. unconscious
It is our___policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A. consistent
B. continuous
C. considerate
D. continual
The author of the report is well___with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.
A. informed
B. acquainted
C. enlightened
D. acknowledged
The manager lost his ___ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.
A. mood
B. temper
C. mind
D. passion
Many Europeans___ the continent of Africa in the 19th century.
A. exploded
B. explored
C. exposed
D. expanded
If you hear such a rumor,___ it thoroughly.
A. seek
B. investigate
C. search
D. explore
The pressure ___causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.
A. to compete
B. competing
C. to be competed
D. having competed
Having decided to rent a flat, we ___ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.
A. set about
B. set on
C. set out
D. set up
The old couple decided to ___ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.
A. adapt
B. adjust
C. adept
D. adopt
Mike was being ___for violent tendencies.
A. contended
B. consulted
C. counselled
D. insulted
I will___ Mr. Walters on this point.
A. refer to
B. commit to
C. contribute to
D. defer to
What happens in the next few days is___to our success.
A. critical
B. critic
C. prior
D. valid
She won’t___that there is a problem.
A. confer
B. concern
C. acknowledge
D. contemplate
This offer is___ for travel before the end of April.
A. effective
B. ineffective
C. invalid
D. valid
___ to British universities depends on examination results.
A. Admittance
B. Entry
C. Admission
E. ntrance
The database is only ___ by authorized managers.
A. proved
B. accessible
C. approved
D. access
This traditional ___ is of indigo blue.
A. clothes
B. diversity
C. costume
D. institution
These cigarettes are a ___ of the best tobaccos.
A. blend
B. band
C. mixture
D. mess
The tennis players need total ___ during play.
A. concentration
B. section
C. depression
D. energy
He ___ that he was innocent.
A. announced
B. declared
C. disclosed
D. admitted
Columbus discovered America but did not ___ the new continent.
A. seek
B. investigate
C. search
D. explore
The trees ___their foliage every year.
A. repeat
B. grow
C. refresh
D. renew
Make a list of the various ___.
A. options
B. choice
C. optional
D. samples
I am well aware that this is a ___ job.
A. rough
B. tough
C. wealthy
D. rogue
I found their kindness quite ___.
A. strong
B. overweening
C. keen
D. overwhelming
The captain wasn’t ___ on having him in the team.
A. eager
B. keen
C. overwhelmed
D. anxious
He was ___at the prospect of seeing them again.
A. thrilling
B. blessed
C. thrilled
D. emotional
They ___ against travelling at night in such a dangerous country.
A. consul
B. advocate
C. counsel
D. recommend
It is absolutely vital that food supplied should be ___.
A. sustained
B. enhanced
C. exhausted
D. maintained
He must have had an accident, or he ___ then.
A. would have been here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would be here
It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline (截止日期).
A. must be sent
B. would be sent
C. be sent
D. were sent
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what