A. 管制席位
B. 科室领班主任
C. 区管总领班
D. 管制中心总领班
A. 1小时30分钟
B. 2小时
C. 3小时
D. 4小时
_____carpet maybe required for emergency landing. ___
A. Water
B. Foam
C. Rubber
D. Sand
ADS is a means for_____.___
A. control
B. communication
C. navigation
D. Surveillance
Before providing radar service,air traffic controllers hould______to the aircraft. ___
A. confirm altitude
B. confirm identity
C. confirm speed
D. confirm heading
Because of their high fuel consumption at low levels,______prefer to remain at higher altitudes when they fly. ___
A. light and small aircraft
B. propeller aircraft
C. Jets
D. allaircraft
When an aircraft was in emergency after taking off,i tshould______before landing. ___
A. check the engine
B. read the checklist
C. dumpfuel
D. makeaplan
“Engine flamed out“means______.___
A. Engine failure
B. Engine fire
C. Engine started
D. Engine lost
A. spend
B. meet
C. counter
D. get
The opposite meaning of“converging”is______.___
A. diverging
B. opposite
C. diverting
D. closing
Which of the following is not included in the ATC clearance? ___
A. Aircraft callsign
B. Flight route
C. Wind direction and speed
D. Clearance limit
“Recycle squawk A0612”means______.___
A. reselect squawk number A0612
B. don’t use A0612
C. who is squawking A0612
D. squawk A0612
“A575”is a name of a route.“A”means_________
A. the order
B. the first kind
C. main south and north direction
D. no special meaning
“FMC”is a system in an aircraft to manage the______.___
A. met message
B. flight data
C. flight pitch
D. flight roll
“Deteriorating weather”means the weather is getting______.___
A. better
B. clear
C. good
D. worse
Azimuth means horizontal______or direction. ___
A. heading
B. direction
C. bearing
D. scale
According to characters and conditions of flights on the route,ATS route is divided into______and______route. ___
A. domestic,international
B. fixed,temporary
C. regional,national
D. civil,military
Fuel______means the quantity of fuel carried by now. ___
A. reminding
B. endurance
C. number
D. total
The opposite meaning of“speedup”is_________
A. slowdown
B. speeddown
C. speedlow
D. slowby
Pilot turns on squawk______to request a squawk number. ___
A. 3000
B. 3500
C. 4000
D. 2000
First______assistance means doctor and ambulance in an emergency condition. ___
A. emergency
B. priority
C. aid
D. help
When somebody is reported hurt on board,maybe it will need______assistance on arrival. ___
A. fire-cart
B. medical
C. police
D. wheelchair
In emergency descent procedure,the pilot should turn right______out of the route while descending. ___
A. 40°
B. 30°
C. 20器
D. 15°
A. 保持平稳,避免频繁重复指令
B. 尽量快些,才能指挥更多飞机
C. 降低语速,避免口误
D. 时快时慢,引起机组的注意
According to ICAO,a standard holding pattern should all turn to the______.___
A. right
B. west
C. left
D. east
The standard altimeter setting is______inhpa. ___
A. 1013.20062
B. 1010.10062
C. 29.92002
D. 30.10002
2500f/m rate of vertical speed is equal to______.___
A. 10m/s
B. 15m/s
C. 20m/s
D. 25m/s
A. 相对飞行穿高度时
B. 天气差时,担心自己会忘记某个正在改变高度的动态
C. 飞机多时,为了节省精力
D. 在紧急情况下,用于冲突解脱时
Standard rate for a turning is______degrees per second. ___
What is the best course of action for a pilot to follow when thunderstorms are observed along the route of flight? ___
A. Fly below the thunderstorms
B. Climb over the thunderstorms
C. Disregard the thunderstorms
D. Take any action to avoid all thunderstorms
The subdivision of frequencies is______MHZ. ___
A. 0.025
B. 0.035
C. 0.02
D. 0.015
Aeronautical chart is divided into two categories,______. ___
A. Aeronautical map and special type of aeronautical chart
B. En-route chart and approach chart
C. Area chart and standard instrument arrival and departure chart
D. Aerodrome chart and area chart
Aircraft are required to comply with ATC instructions within______.___
A. advisory airspace
B. domestic airspace
C. controlled airspace
D. international airspace
Amendments to the initial clearance will be issued at anytime an air traffic controller deems such action necessary to______.___
A. avoid possible confliction between aircraft
B. correct the previously issued clearance
C. cancel the flight plan
D. expedite the traffic
研究表明,当耳机话筒的位置距离嘴( )英寸且稍微偏下时,传输的声音质量最佳。(注:1英寸=2.54CM)___
A. 0.25-0.5
B. 0.75-1
C. 1.25-1.5
D. 1.75-2
“I want to divert to shanghai” is equal to______.___
A. I want to our destination Shanghai
B. I want to overfly Shanghai
C. I want to alternate to land at Shanghai
D. I want to call Shanghai control
When an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot should try to notify _______ of this fact.___
A. the appropriate ATC units
B. company
C. the passengers on board
D. air attendants
When pilot say“Did you pick it upon your screen?”,that means______.___
A. did you pick up your screen?
B. did you see it on your screen?
C. did your screen pick me up?
D. did you change your radar?
ATC clearance does not contain______.___
A. clearance limit
B. altitude data
C. route of flight
D. flight direction
When pilot sets an altimeter setting to a QNH,that will indicate_________
A. flight level
B. altitude
C. height
D. safety level
启动除泥泵之前需要检查( )。___
A. 泵的叶轮
B. 盘根
C. 上水蝶阀
D. 排水蝶阀
气动绞车提升力不足下列哪项是其排除方法( )。___
A. 更换活塞环
B. 增加进气压
C. 按规定安装供气管路
D. 拆下气马达,重新清洗干净装备
气动绞车气马达过热,下列哪项不是其排除方法( )。___
A. 适当降低负荷,加足或更换润滑油
B. 更换油封圈
C. 加足或更换润滑油,更换油封圈
D. 适当降低负荷,更换油封圈
导致旋流器底部流串状排泄的原因可能是( )。___
A. 顶部阀门太小
B. 进口压力太低
C. 钻井液粘度太高
D. 进口压力过大
( )设备属于液压传动。___
A. 油压千斤顶
B. 液压大钳
C. 钻井泵
D. 液压抽油机。
操作井架前的准备工作有( )。___
A. 检查滑道是否完好,在滑道表面涂润滑油
B. 松开井架固定螺栓及绷绳
C. 井场不得有妨碍井架移动的物品存在
D. 调整卡爪使之与运动要求相适应
顶驱运转时应随时注意检查( )。___
A. 各个螺栓紧固情况
B. 顶驱水龙带.冲管.由壬接头有否泄漏,刺裂情况
C. 润滑油.液压油.气管线是否泄漏,油温是否正常
D. 遥控考克活动是否正常
检查泥浆泵油泵时,如果出现油压降低,原因有( )。___
A. 吸入滤网堵塞
B. 油位过低
C. 接头松动或破裂
D. 油压表出现故障
检查泥浆泵油泵时,如果出现油压升高,原因有( )。___
A. 油路堵塞
B. 沉渣使油粘滞
C. 安全阀是否不工作
D. 压力表是否坏
使用除砂泵的技术要求( )。___
A. 启动供给泵的电源开关,并确认排出管线内泥浆排除
B. 检查泵的固定和传动部分是否达到使用要求
C. 冬季使用后应放净钻井液
D. 供给泵盘根及连接轴黄油嘴每班加注黄油
对振动筛下列描述正确的是( )。___
A. 是固相控制的首要设备
B. 担负着清除大量岩屑的任务
C. 为下一级固相控制设备创造条件
D. 判断岩性的重要设备
下列属于是泥浆处理设备的是( )。___
A. 混合泵
B. 搅拌器
C. 混合漏斗
D. 泥浆泵
振动筛使用的好坏直接影响下一级固控设备的效果,影响振动筛网的选择以及分离的效果的因素有( )。___
A. 钻井液粘度
B. 泵排量
C. 振动筛网的面积
D. 固相浓度
输灰不畅.堵灰的原因可能是( )。___
A. 输灰管线气加力管线闸门没有打开
B. 缓冲罐排气管线没有空气排出
C. 灰罐气压不到0.28MPa
D. 所输的灰是干燥的
下面几种情况里,哪些会损伤钢丝绳或减少钢丝绳的寿命:( ) 。___
A. 拔遇卡的管柱
B. 钢丝绳上粘有泥砂
C. 润滑钢丝绳
D. 润滑游车和天车
下面几种离合器,哪些属于气动控制:( )___
A. 牙嵌型正向离合器
B. 轮毂型气动离合器
C. 双盘式气动离合器
D. 活塞型隔膜式气动离合器
钻井平台常用的的泥浆泵是哪两种形式:( ) ___
A. 三缸单作用泵
B. 三缸双作用泵
C. 双缸双作用泵
D. 双缸单作用泵
A. 平垫圈一般用在连接件中一个是软质地的,一个是硬质地较脆的;
B. 平垫圈的主要作用是增大接触面积,分散压力,防止把质地软的压坏;
C. 弹簧垫圈的弹簧的基本作用是再螺母拧紧之后给螺母一个力,增大螺母和螺栓之间的摩擦力;
D. 防松垫圈一种防止螺栓松动的垫圈
对于振动筛的检查描述正确的是( )。___
A. 筛网完好与否,是否有破损.松动
B. 固定螺丝是否紧固,护罩.梯子.栏杆是否齐全牢固,皮带松紧是否符合标准
C. 听看马达运转是否正常,轴承润滑是否到位,有无异常声响
D. 检查电线有无破损,如有应及时整改
关于循环罐的检查描述正确的是( )。___
A. 检查循环罐的密封是否完好,如有跑.冒.滴.漏现象要进行封堵
B. 检查循环罐的泥浆量,是否够正常钻进的需要
C. 检查循环罐之间的链接是否紧密,闸板阀的开关是否灵活
D. 检查循环罐内砂子数量,如罐中的砂子超过罐体积的四分之三,应进行清砂作业
钻井绞车的温升超标,可能的原因是( )。___
A. 润滑系统压力低
B. 润滑油变质
C. 油位过低
D. 链条过松
钻井绞车刹把压到最低位置仍刹不住车的原因可能是( )。___
A. 刹车片严重磨损
B. 刹车毂上有油
C. 刹把的角度不对
D. 刹车带过紧
转盘运转声音异常,其故障原因包括( )。___
A. 联轴节损坏,键脱落
B. 变速箱轴承磨损严重或损坏
C. 转盘轴承磨损严重或损坏
D. 转盘转动速度不匀
检查转盘时需要检查的是( )。___
A. 减速箱油面油质
B. 锁紧爪销
C. 刹车磨损情况
D. 转盘材质
关于转盘的检查下面说法正确的是( )。___
A. 检查转盘油池,油位和油质
B. 减速箱的油面和油质
C. 转盘上的泥浆不用冲洗
D. 对锁紧爪销加注黄油
空气包的作用( )?___
A. 空气包分排出空气包和吸入空气包两种。
B. 排出空气包-减少泵的排量和压力波动;
C. 吸入空气包-改善吸入条件,防止气蚀。
钻机的游动系统包括( )。___
A. 天车
B. 游动滑车
C. 绞车
D. 钢丝绳
泵压下降可能由( )造成。___
A. 泵回水阀门刺
B. 井塌
C. 钻具刺
D. 气侵
在下列情况下应由钻井队长组织对提升系统的防碰装置进行调校( )。___
A. 切割大绳后
B. 滑移大绳后
C. 更换大绳后
D. 钻井绞车防碰系统拆卸.修理及安装后
危险废弃物指( )。___
A. 油漆类:废油桶.油漆用具;
B. 矿物油类:废机油;灯管.石棉;
C. 医疗垃圾.
D. 硒鼓.墨盒等
危险废弃物(指油漆类:废油桶.油漆用具;矿物油类:废机油;灯管.石棉;医疗垃圾.硒鼓.墨盒等)采用( )管理方式,相关单位负责废弃物的日常归类存放和处置。___
A. 集中.定点存放
B. 分散存放
C. 统一处置
D. 自由处置
大绳使用寿命与( )。___
A. 井架高度
B. 滑轮直径
C. 大绳受力状况
D. 绞车滚筒的类型
倒大绳应注意( )。___
A. 错开临界点
B. 每次倒8米
C. 不能是滚筒周长的倍数
D. 领班说算
如果转盘油池内的油脏了,应采取以下哪些措施( )。___
A. 放掉脏油
B. 将油池清洗干净
C. 并按规定的数量加入质量合格的油
D. 排除导致污染的原因
转盘的用途有( )。___
A. 钻井作业时用来传递扭矩,带动钻具旋转钻进
B. 起下钻过程中悬挂钻具及辅助上卸钻具丝扣
C. 协助下套管
D. 协助处理井下事故
以下描述转盘正确的说法有( )。___
A. 转盘的开口直径越大,其承载能力越大
B. 锁紧装置是一个小型的机械连杆机构,它由锁紧销及转台上的凹槽组成。
C. 转盘无法锁住,是因为电机损坏的原因
D. 目前的转盘大多采用独立的电机驱动方式
“三大管理工具”包括是:( )。___
A. 安全建议
B. 安全风险分析
C. 班前班后会
下列属于泥浆循环系统的有:( )。___
A. 泥浆泵
B. 游车
C. 水龙带
D. 钻柱
影响大绳使用寿命的因素包括( )。___
A. 井架高度
B. 滑轮尺寸
C. 死绳固定器尺寸及位置
D. 气温
转盘的两个主要功能是:( ) ___
A. 提升钻具
B. 起下钻时支撑钻柱重量
C. 钻具上扣
D. 把扭矩传递给钻具