票据金额以中文大写和数码同时记载,二者必须一致,二者不一 致的,票据无效
A. 对
B. 错
同一债务有两个以上保证人的,没有约定保证份额的,保证人承 担连带责任,债权人可以要求任何一个保证人承担全部保证责任,保 证人都负有担保全部债权实现的义务
A. 对
B. 错
为避免抵押物处理困难,订立抵押合同时,抵押权人和抵押人在 合同中可以直接约定在债务履行期届满抵押权人未受清偿时,抵押物 的所有权转移为债权人所有
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
—人有限责任公司的股东不能证明公司财产独立于股东自己的财 产的,应当对公司债务承担连带责任
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
—物可设数个质押权,当数个质押权并存时,有受偿的先后顺序 之分
A. 对
B. 错
依据票据法,持票人可以不按照汇票债务人的先后顺序,对其中 任何一人、数人或者全体行使追索权
A. 对
B. 错
依据票据法,将汇票金额的一部分转让的背书或者将汇票金额分 别转让给二人以上的背书无效
A. 对
B. 错
依据物权法,以建设用地使用权抵押的,该土地上的建筑物一并 抵押
A. 对
B. 错
已经承担保证责任的保证人,只能向债务人追偿,不能向其他保 证人追偿额
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
《贷款通则》中规定,对借款人不能依照合同约定归还贷款本息 或不能落实还本付息事宜的,贷款人应当及时进行债权保全,必要时 可以依法在新闻媒体披露或釆取诉讼等法律措施
A. 对
B. 错
不良资产的转让方式包括拍卖、竞标、竞价转让和协议转让等方 式
A. 对
B. 错
连带保证的保证人与债务人未约定保证期间的,债权人自主债务 履行期届满之日起6个月要求保证人承担保证责任
A. 对
B. 错
银行在催收贷款的同时,对不能按借款合同约定期限归还的贷款, 应当按规定加罚利息,加罚的利率为当时的市场利率
A. 对
B. 错
在抵押期间,银行经办人员对抵押物检查时如抵押人行为已造成 抵押物价值减少,应要求抵押人恢复抵押物价值
A. 对
B. 错
客户应当是经工商行政管理机关(或主管机关)核准登记的企(事) 业法人其他经济组织和具有完全民事行为能力的中华人民共和国公 民或符合国家有关规定的境外自然人
A. 对
B. 错
对共有房产作抵押的,房产共有人必须全部到场在抵押合同上签 字盖章
A. 对
B. 错
按规定使用统一制式的合同文本,对有特定要求的,也可不签订 合同文本
A. 对
B. 错
—年以内(含)的个人贷款,展期期限累计不得超过原贷款期限。一 年以上的个人贷款,展期期限累计与原贷款期限相加,不得超过该贷 款品种规定的最长贷款期限
A. 对
B. 错
短期贷款期限在一年(不含一年)以内。中期贷款期限在一年以 上,五年以内(不含一年,含五年)。长期贷款期限在五年以上
A. 对
B. 错
担保人为有限(责任)公司或股份有限(责任)公司的,为他人 担保时,必须提供公司监事会等决议和经工商部门盖章确认的公司章 程
A. 对
B. 错
贷款人,系指经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准在中华人民共和 国境内依法设立并具有经营贷款业务资格的金融机构
A. 对
B. 错
特定贷款,系指经国务院批准并对贷款可能造成的损失釆取相应 补救措施后责成国有独资商业银行发放的贷款
A. 对
B. 错
不得对未依法取得经营房地产资格的客户经营房地产业务发放贷 款
A. 对
B. 错
除人民银行批准之外,不得发放从事有价证券、期货等投资的贷 款
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
当事人釆用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章 时合同成立
A. 对
B. 错
法律、行政法规规定或者当事人约定釆用书面形式订立合同,当 事人未釆用书面形式但一方已经履行主要义务,对方接受的,该合同 成立
A. 对
B. 错
行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人名 义订立合同,相对人有理由相信行为人有代理权的,该代理行为无效
A. 对
B. 错
合同无效或者被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以返还。 不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔 偿对方因此所受到的损失,双方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责 任
A. 对
B. 错
商业银行授信的对象是法人,不允许商业银行在一个营业机构或 系统内对不具备法人资格的分支公司客户授信
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
除部分指定的消费类贷款,贷款人不得发放无指定用途的个人贷 款
A. 对
B. 错
除国务院决定外,任何单位和个人无权决定停息、减息、缓息和 免息
A. 对
B. 错
除依法取得经营房地产资格的借款人以外,不得用贷款经营房地 产业务:依法取得经营房地产资格的借款人,不得用贷款从事房地产 投机
A. 对
B. 错
《物权法》第9条规定:不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭, 经依法登记,发生效力;未经登记,不发生效力,但法律另有规定的 除外
A. 对
B. 错
合同一方将合同的权利、义务全部或者部分转让给第三人的,应 当取得合同另一方的同意
A. 对
B. 错
背书人将背书金额的一部分或将背书金额分别转让给二人以上的 (即部分背书),为无效背书
A. 对
B. 错
根据规定,公司为公司股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经 股东会或者股东大会决议。接受担保的股东或者受接受担保的实际控 制人支配的股东,不得参加该事项的表决。该项表决由出席会议的其 他股东所持表决权的过半数通过
A. 对
B. 错
According to ICAO definition, a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but which does not require immediate assistance is _______ .___
A. urgency
B. dangerous
C. emergency
D. distress
Which SSR Code is not right?___
A. 7020
B. 8025
C. 6060
D. 4021
______is the accepted standard for worldwide time signal broadcast used for aviation.___
_____means the level is measured in 1013.2 pha___
A. Level
B. Height
C. Altitude
D. Flight level
An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency should be given______over other aircraft.___
A. way
B. flight plan
C. instruction
D. priority
A. PTT发射键还没有完全按下时就开始发指令
B. 指令还没有结束就松开PTT发射键
C. 按PTT发射键与发话同时进行,松开PTT发射键与发话同时进行
D. 先按下话筒PTT发射键,然后再开始对空发话,发话完毕后再松开话筒PTT发射键
SSR code is a______digital number.___
A. two
B. six
C. one
D. four
Traffic information should include_________
A. direction of aircraft concerned
B. weather
C. speed of aircraft
D. heading of aircraft
根据区管中心业务通告,管制员通知机组转换频率的管制指令应当与其他管制指令( )。___
A. 分开发布
B. 同时发布
C. 无特别要求
20NM is equal to.___
A. 40km
B. 38km
C. 37km
D. 41km
The altimeter setting used in en-route flight should be______hpa___
A. 1019
B. 1013
C. 2992
D. 1000
Larger separations than the specified minima should be applied whenever in.___
A. turbulence
B. bad weather
C. a raining day
D. highlevel
_______is air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas___
A. Route service
B. En-route fly service
C. Area control service
D. Deviation control service
_______ is a service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required.___
A. alerting service
B. information service
C. rescue service
D. assistance service
Visibility is the ability as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in unit______.___
A. meters
B. feet
C. distance
D. odometer
SIGMET is a weather advisory issued concerning weather______to the safety of all aircraft.___
A. significant
B. changeable
C. information
D. condition
Flight level is a______of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum 1013.2hpa.___
A. standard
B. surface
C. height
D. number
Air traffic means all aircraft in flight or operating on the______of an aerodrome.___
A. highway
B. hanger
C. maneuvering area
D. terminal
The true airspeed is the airspeed of an aircraft relative to______air.___
A. turbulence
B. smooth
C. undisturbed
D. the
Air speed is the speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding______.___
A. traffic
B. airmass
C. clouds
D. wind
“Aircraft” means any machine that can derive support in the______from there actions of the air other than there actions of the air against the earth's surface.___
A. atmosphere
B. water
C. sea
D. lake
If the radar receiver detects the retarding time tR=500mS between transmitting pulse and receiving pulse,now the target is______km from the radar station.___
A. 150
B. 120
C. 100
D. 75
“Advise______”means“ Tell me what you plan to do”.___
A. wanting
B. intentions
C. ideas
D. command
The recommendation is advisory in nature.The decision as to whether the flight can be conducted safely rests solely with the______.___
A. controller
B. manager
C. pilot
D. passengers
“There are broken______along the entire route between niner and one one thousand feet at the present time.”___
A. radial
B. clouds
C. weather
D. way
Th evertical speed in dicator measures______of climb or descent.___
A. time
B. point
C. rate
D. distance
A magnetic compass is the______air navigation instrument.___
A. basic
B. advanced
C. computer
D. improved
In the AFTN,the flight plan filing time shall consist of a______data-time group.___
A. four-digit
B. five-digit
C. six-digit
D. eight-digit
“______”is a notice containing information concerning the establishment,condition or change in any aeronautical facility service procedure or hazard,the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.___
“______”means visibility,cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions.___
A. Weather clear
D. VisibilityOK
“______”is the height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000m covering more than half sky.___
A. roof
B. VFR Top
D. Ceiling
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. :根据进程单和现有雷达信息仍可以提供雷达管制服务
B. :向移交方了解是否是航空器的原因
C. :应当采用两种以上识别方法进行识别直至确认为止
D. :首先报告领班主任
A. Air Information Publication
B. Air traffic information Publication
C. Air traffic International Publication
D. Aeronautical Information Publication
An air show may with the consent of the______be the reason for an aerodrome being closed to all traffic for a few hours.___
A. Control tower
C. Approach Control
D. proper authorities
Who will be in charge for a flight?___
A. The first officer
B. The pilot-in-command
C. Fligh tattendant
D. Pilot
A. a ground power facility
B. an air boarding facility
C. a hydraulic facility
D. a fueling facility
The magnetic compass indicates the______in which an aircraft is flying with respect to the magnetic north pole.___
A. level
B. bearing
C. route
D. direction
VHF communication frequency is_________
A. 100MHZ~350MHZ
B. 10MHZ~136.97MHZ
C. 30MHZ~300MHZ
D. 2MHZ~29.9999MHZ
The rmalth under storm is caused by_________
A. heating imbalance of the earth’s surface
B. the effect of the weather system
C. the up lifting effect of the terrain
D. the aclinicflow of temperature