A. 大好河山
B. 文化传统
C. 骨肉同胞
D. 道德渊源
A. 归属感
B. 自豪感
C. 责任感
D. 荣辱感
A. 爱祖国的大好河山
B. 爱自己的骨肉同胞
C. 爱祖国的灿烂文化
D. 爱自己的国家
A. 实事求是
B. 解放思想
C. 艰苦奋斗
D. 改革创新
大学生应当珍惜人生中最具创造力的宝贵时期,有敢为人先、开拓进取的___,有逢山开路、遇河架桥的( C ),在创新创造中不断积累经验、取得成果、演绎精彩。
A. 意志 锐气
B. 意识 精神
C. 锐气 意志
D. 精神 勇气
A. 追求进步
B. 维护民族尊严
C. 维护国家主权
D. 以上都是
A. 献身建设中国特色社会主义事业
B. 献身树立崇高的理想道德信念
C. 全心全意为人民服务
D. 献身建设和保卫社会主义现代化事业和祖国统一的事业
A. 爱国主义与爱中国共产党
B. 爱国主义与坚持人民民主专政
C. 爱国主义与爱社会主义
D. 爱国主义与马克思主义
A. 武力解放台湾
B. 反“台独”
C. 两岸双向“三通”
D. “和平统一,一国两制”
A. 爱国主义与爱社会主义是一致的
B. 爱国主义与拥护祖国统一是一致的
C. 爱国主义与爱中国共产党是一致的
D. 爱国主义与爱马克思主义是一致的
A. 科学没有国界,但科学家是有祖国的
B. 科学有国界,科学家也有国界
C. 科学没有国界,科学家也没有国界
D. 科学、科学家跟国界没有任何关系
社会主义核心价值体系主要包括马克思主义指导思想、中国特色社会主义共同理想、以___为核心的民族精神和以( B )为核心的时代精神、社会主义荣辱观。
A. 社会主义 与时俱进
B. 爱国主义 改革创新
C. 爱国主义 团结奋斗
D. 艰苦奋斗 与时俱进
A. 重和谐
B. 重伦理
C. 重民本
D. 重爱国
A. 保障人权
B. 艰苦朴素
C. 爱好和平
D. 改革创新
A. 国际组织
B. 国家
C. 跨国公司
D. 经济联盟体
A. 突破陈规、大胆探索、勇于创造的思想观念
B. 不甘落后、奋勇争先、追求进步的责任感和使命感
C. 坚忍不拔、自强不息、锐意进取的精神状态
D. 固守经验、步伐稳健、游刃有余的处事风格
A. 实现工业化
B. 实现共产主义
C. 实现民族解放和国家独立
D. 实现人与自然的和谐发展
A. 共产党的领导
B. 弘扬时代精神
C. 学习科学文化知识
D. 参与经济全球化
A. “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”
B. “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”
C. “知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也”
D. “苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”
A. 经济和文化
B. 主权和尊严
C. 民主和自由
D. 科技和军事
A. 马克思主义是科学又崇高的
B. 马克思主义具有持久的生命力
C. 马克思主义重视实践、以改造世界为己任
D. 马克思主义是一个开放的理论体系
A. 爱人民
B. 爱劳动
C. 爱祖国的灿烂文化
D. 爱科学
A. 社会主义
B. 集体主义
C. 爱国主义
D. 人道主义
A. 大力支持国家的经济建设
B. 致力于推翻帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,建设新中国
C. 发扬我国博大精深的民族文化
D. 献身于建设和保卫社会主义现代化事业和促进祖国统一大业
A. 团结统一
B. 爱好和平
C. 勤劳勇敢
D. 自强不息
A. 吸引外资的能力
B. 购买外国先进技术的能力
C. 自主创新能力
D. 爱国主义精神
A. 爱国行为
B. 爱国思想
C. 爱国情感
D. 爱国意识
A. 自强不息
B. 爱好和平
C. 勤劳勇敢
D. 团结统一
A. 做忠诚的爱国者
B. 只购买民族品牌的商品
C. 跟日本、美国等反华势力斗争到底
D. 参军入伍
A. 霍去病
B. 范仲淹
C. 陆游
D. 顾炎武
A. 以爱岗敬业为核心的时代精神
B. 以淡泊名利为核心的时代精神
C. 以改革创新为核心的时代精神
D. 以艰苦奋斗为核心的时代精神
A. 为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平
B. 自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本
C. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也
D. 一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐
A. 对社会主义中国的热爱
B. 对人民群众的热爱
C. 对港澳台同胞和海外侨胞的热爱
D. 对马克思主义的热爱
国家安全是指一个国家不受内部和外部的威胁、破坏而保持稳定有序的状态。当前, 我国国家安全内涵和外延比历史上任何时候都要丰富,时空领域比历史上任何时候都要宽广,内外因素比历史上任何时候都要复杂,必须坚持总体的国家安全观,宗旨是___。
A. 经济安全
B. 政治安全
C. 人民安全
D. 国际安全
经济全球化条件下,___ 是本民族整体利益的最具权威的代表者。
A. 人民
B. 中央政府
C. 政党
D. 国家
A. 它的核心是爱国主义
B. 它的核心是为人民服务
C. 它与时代精神没有关系
D. 它的核心是集体主义
A. 它是对全体中华儿女提出的基本要求
B. 它主要是对生活在大陆的中国公民的基本要求
C. 它是对一切生活在中国的人提出的基本要求
D. 它对海外侨胞不作要求
A. 隶属关系
B. 敌对关系
C. 依存关系
D. 兄弟关系
The President is directly voted into office by .
A. A. all citizens of America
B. B. the citizens over 18 years old
C. C. electors elected by the voters
D. D. the senators and representatives
The Supreme Court is composed of justices.
A. A. six
B. B. seven
C. C. eight
D. D. nine
The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively.
A. A. two, four
B. B. two, three
C. C. two, six
D. D. six, two
According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be .
A. A. at least 35 years old
B. B. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United States
C. C. born in America
D. D. all of the above
The following except are all powers of the President.
A. A. vetoing any bills passed by Congress
B. B. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
C. C. making laws
D. D. issuing executive orders
All the following except cannot make legislative proposal.
A. A. the Senator
B. B. the Representative
C. C. the Secretary of State
D. D. the President
The following except are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A. A. freedom of religion
B. B. the right to get into people’s house by police
C. C. freedom of speech and of press
D. D. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes
The Bill of Rights .
A. A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the President
B. B. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms
C. C. is part of the Declaration of Independence
D. D. has no relationship with the Constitution
The Constitution of the United States .
A. A. gives the most power to Congress
B. B. gives the most power to the President
C. C. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others
D. D. gives the most power to the Supreme Court
The U. S. Constitution came into effect in .
A. A. 1787
B. B. 1789
C. C. 1791
D. D. 1793
The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents .
A. A. Johnson, Nixon and Ford
B. B. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
C. C. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon
D. D. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson
President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.
A. A. Wilson
B. B. Truman
C. C. Roosevelt
D. D. Kennedy
The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.
A. A. neutrality
B. B. full involvement
C. C. partial involvement
D. D. appeasement
Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.
A. A. Declaration of Independence
B. B. Constitution
C. C. Emancipation Proclamation
D. D. Bill of Rights
In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.
A. A. the First Continental Congress
B. B. the Second Continental Congress
C. C. the Boston Tea Party
D. D. the Congress of Confederation
The first shots of the American dependence were fired in .
A. A. Concord
B. B. Lexington
C. C. Philadelphia
D. D. Boston
“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of .
A. A. the settlers of Virginia
B. B. the people of Pennsylvania
C. C. the colonists in New England
D. D. the people of the 13 colonies
The Seven Years’ War occurred between the .
A. A. French and American Indians
B. B. French and Spaniards
C. C. French and British
D. D. British and American Indians
Pilgrim Fathers are a group of who came to America to avoid persecution in England.
A. A. Protestants
B. B. Puritans
C. C. Catholics
D. D. Christians
The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in .
A. A. Jamestown, Louisiana
B. B. Boston, Massachusetts
C. C. Jamestown, Virginia
D. D. Plymouth, Georgia
The characteristic of dominant American culture is .
A. A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-class
B. B. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-class
C. C. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-class
D. D. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class
The ImmiWar of Ingrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States, particularly from .
A. A. Europe
B. B. Asia
C. C. Africa
D. D. South America
The largest minority in the United States is the .
A. A. Pacific Islanders
B. B. Blacks
C. C. Native Americans
D. D. Asians
The native Alaskan population includes the following except the .
A. A. Indians
B. B. Eskimos
C. C. Aleuts
D. D. Blacks
is located on the U. S. –Canadian border between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
A. A. Yellowstone National Park
B. B. The Grand Canyon
C. C. Niagara Falls
D. D. The Great Salt Lake
Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located .
A. A. in the South
B. B. along the Pacific Coast
C. C. in New England
D. D. in the Midwest
The largest river in the U. S. is .
A. A. the Missouri River
B. B. the Mississippi River
C. C. the Ohio River
D. D. the Colorado River
The U. S. lies in North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its and the Pacific to its .
A. A. northern, east, west
B. B. central, east, west
C. C. southern, west, east
D. D. western, east, west
The state of is the largest in area of all the states.
A. A. Alaska
B. B. Hawaii
C. C. Texas
D. D. Florid
The United States has states on the continent.
A. A. 50
B. B. 49
C. C. 48
D. D. 35
Waiting for Godot is written by .
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. George Orwell
C. C. William Golding
D. D. D. H. Lawrence
Of the following writers, is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Samuel Beckett
B. B. James Joyce
C. C. William Golding
D. D. V. S. Naipaul
Of the following statements, is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf.
A. A. She was a central figure of the “Bloomsbury Group”.
B. B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.
C. C. She was an influential feminist.
D. D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.
Of the following books, was NOT written by Thomas Hardy.
A. A. Jude the Obscure
B. B. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
C. C. Adam Bede
D. D. The Return of the Native
is NOT included in the modernist group.
A. A. Oscar Wild
B. B. Virginia Woolf
C. C. William Butler Yeats
D. D. T. S. Eliot
Of the following statements, is NOT correct in terms of Neo-Romanticism.
A. A. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.
B. B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.
C. C. The writers believed in “Art for Art’s Sake”.
D. D. Treasure Island was a representative work.
is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century.
A. A. Robert Louis Stevenson
B. B. John Milton
C. Joseph Conrad
D. D. Thomas Hardy
Of Dickens’ novels, is considered autobiographical.
A. A. A Tale of Two Cities
B. B. David Copperfield
C. C. Oliver Twist
D. D. Great Expectations
is viewed as Romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.”
A. A. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”
B. B. Don Juan
C. C. “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
D. D. Prometheus Unbound
The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is .
A. A. poetry
B. B. drama
C. C. novel
D. D. pamphlet