黑格尔说,割下来的手就不是真正的人手了。这句话表达的哲学道理是( )?
A. 承认世界的统一性
B. 承认世界的本原是物质的
C. 否认联系的形而上学观点
D. 承认普遍联系的辩证法观点
列宁对辩证唯物主义物质范畴的定义是通过 ( )
A. 物质与意识的关系界定的
B. 个别与一般的关系界定的
C. 哲学与具体科学的关系界定的
D. 认识与实践的关系界定的
主张“世界上除了运动着的物质之外,什么也没有” 的观点,属于 ( )
A. 否认人的意识存在的自然唯物主义
B. 主张世界统一于物质的辩证唯物主义
C. 否认时间与空间存在性的唯心主义
D. 把人的意识理解成为某种特殊的“精细物质”的机械唯物主义
《坛经》中记载:“时有风吹幡动,一僧曰幡动,一僧曰风动,议论不已。慧能进曰:“不是风动,不是幡动,仁者心动。”这段话表明慧能关于运动观的基本观点是: ( )
A. 运动是物质的根本属性
B. 运动和物质是不可分割的
C. 物质是运动的主体
D. 精神是运动的主体
相信“意念移物”,甚至相信可以用意念来直接改变物质结构,就是信奉 ( )
A. 主张精神主宰客观物质世界的主观唯心论
B. 主张精神是脱离人脑独立存在的客观唯心论
C. 认为人的思想是特殊物质的机械唯物主义
D. 认为人具有主观能动性的实践唯物主义
中国古代哲学家荀子说:“心不使焉,则白黑在前而目不见,雷鼓在侧而耳不闻。”这段话表明人的意识具有 ( )
A. 客观性
B. 能动性
C. 对象性
D. 任意性
“观念的东西不外是移入人的头脑并在人的头脑中改造过的物质的东西而已。”这个命题表明 ( )
A. 意识是客观存在的主观映象
B. 人脑是意识的源泉
C. 观念的东西和物质的东西没有本质上的区别
D. 意识是人脑特有的物质
马克思主义哲学认为,我们想问题,办事情的出发点是( )
A. 正确的原则
B. 人们的目的,制定的路线
C. 领导者的意图
D. 客观存在的事实
承认客观实在性是物质唯一特性的哲学派别是( )
A. 朴素唯物主义
B. 形而上学唯物主义
C. 辩证唯物主义
D. 庸俗唯物主义
我国哲学家范缜说:“形存则神存,形谢则神灭。”这是( )
A. 客观唯心主义观点
B. 形而上学的观点
C. 唯物主义观点
D. 主观唯心主义观点
马克思主义哲学大厦的基石是( )
A. 世界是联系和发展的原理
B. 世界是运动变化的原理
C. 世界统一于物质的原理
D. 世界统一于精神的原理
唯心主义的思想认识根源是( )
A. 否认意识的能动性
B. 夸大意识的能动性
C. 夸大物质的决定作用
D. 承认物质的决定作用
承认人的观念,情绪等对人体生理活动有重要影响,这是( )
A. 符合实际的唯物主义
B. 唯意识论的观点
C. 机械论的观点
D. 物与物的关系
“劳动过程结束时得到的结果,在这个过程开始时就已经在劳动者的表象中存在着” ,这是( )
A. 客观唯心主义观点
B. 主观唯心主义观点
C. 形而上学唯物主义观点
D. 辩证唯物主义观点
把世界的本原归结为某种或某几种具体物质形态的观点是 ( )
A. 形而上学唯物主义
B. 唯心主义
C. 朴素唯物主义
D. 辩证唯物主义
“动中有静,静中有动”说的是 ( )
A. 形而上学和诡辩论的统一
B. 绝对运动和相对静止的统一
C. 物质和运动的统一
D. 连续性和非连续性的统一
“人不能两次踏进同一条河流”主要说明运动和静止的关系是 ( )
A. 运动是绝对的,静止是相对的
B. 运动是相对的,静止是绝对的
C. 静止是绝对的,运动也是绝对的
D. 静止是相对的,运动也是相对的
“假定一切物质都具有在本质上跟感觉相近的特性.反映的特性,这是合乎逻辑的”,这是 ( )
A. 庸俗唯物主义观点
B. 辩证唯物主义观点
C. 古代朴素唯物主义观点
D. 形而上学唯物主义观点
在人类意识的产生过程中,起决定作用的是 ( )
A. 自然界的变化
B. 能够使用工具和制造工具的劳动
C. 语言和思维的形成
D. 脑量的增加
世界上本没有鬼,可是人们能画出牛头马面人身等各种各样的鬼的图形来,这仍然表明 ( )
A. 意识的内容来自人脑
B. 意识的内容来自主观能动性
C. 意识的内容来自人的思维活动
D. 意识的内容来自外部世界
所谓意识是“客观存在的主观映像”是指 ( )
A. 意识是客观精神和主观感觉的产物
B. 意识是沟通客观和主观的桥梁
C. 意识的形式是客观的,而它的内容和源泉是主观的
D. 意识的内容是客观的,而它的形式是主观的
意识的本质是指它是 ( )
A. 人脑主观自生的
B. 人脑分泌的特殊物质
C. 人脑对客观存在的反映
D. 可以脱离被反映者
“人有多大胆,地有多大产”观点的错误在于 ( )
A. 夸大了意识的能动性
B. 夸大了运动的绝对性
C. 夸大了真正的相对性
D. 夸大了矛盾的特殊性
物质和意识关系是 ( )
A. 物质决定意识,意识对物质没有反作用
B. 物质决定意识,物质对意识有能动作用
C. 物质决定意识,意识也决定物质
D. 物质决定意识,意识对物质有能动作用
马克思说“搬运夫和哲学家之间的原始差别要比家犬和猎犬之间的差别小得多。它们之间的鸿沟是分工掘成的”。这说明人的才能 ( )?
A. 与人的先天生理素质没有关系
B. 主要来源于后天的实践
C. 取决于人的主观努力
D. 是由人的社会政治地位决定的
唯物辩证法认为,事物发展的规律是( )?
A. 思维对事物本质的概括和反映
B. 用来整理感性材料的思维形式
C. 事物内在的本质的稳定的联系
D. 事物联系和发展的基本环节
在哲学史中,我们可以看到,各种唯心主义派别之间的差异和矛盾,常常有利于唯物主义的发展。这一事实说明( )?
A. 矛盾一方克服另一方,促使事物发展
B. 矛盾双方彼此对立
C. 矛盾双方中每一方的自身矛盾,可以为另一方的发展所利用
D. 矛盾双方的融合促使事物的发展
认为“任何一个事物都和物质世界的其它事物处于普遍联系之中”,是( )?
A. 唯物辩证法的正确观点
B. 唯心主义诡辩论的错误观点
C. 形而上学的错误观点
D. 机械唯物主义的观点
矛盾的两种基本属性是( )
A. 矛盾的主要方面和矛盾的次要方面
B. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性
C. 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性
D. 矛盾的对抗性和非对抗性
辩证法同形而上学的斗争( )
A. 是又一个哲学的基本问题
B. 是唯物主义同唯心主义斗争的表现形式
C. 是从属于唯物主义同唯心主义的斗争,并同这种斗争交织在一起的
D. 高于唯物主义同唯心主义的斗争
辩证法所说的矛盾是指( )
A. 人们思维中的自相矛盾
B. 事物之间或事物内部各要素之间的对立统一
C. 对立面的相互排斥
D. 事物之间或事物内部各要素之间的相互依赖
主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面原理在方法论上应坚持( )
A. 均衡论
B. 一点论
C. 重点论
D. 二元论
中国古代哲人荀子说:“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。”这是一种( )
A. 宿命论观点
B. 唯意志论观点
C. 机械唯物论观点
D. 朴素唯物论观点
主要矛盾和次要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面和次要方面的区别属于( )
A. 矛盾不平衡性的两种形式
B. 矛盾普遍性的两种情形
C. 矛盾斗争的两种形式
D. 矛盾运动的两种形式
在马克思主义普遍原理指导下,从中国的基本国情出发,走建设有中国特色的社会主义道路。这体现了( )
A. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性的统一
B. 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性的统一
C. 事物发展的量变和质变的统一
D. 事物发展的前进性和曲折性的统一
“只见树木,不见森林”;“一叶障目,不见泰山”。这是一种( )
A. 不可知论的观点
B. 相对主义的观点
C. 庸俗主义的观点
D. 形而上学的观点
一些地方的人们掠夺性地滥挖草原上的甘草,虽获得了一定的经济利益,却破坏了草原植被,造成土地荒漠化,一遇大风,沙尘暴铺天盖地而至,给人们带来了巨大灾难。这些人的做法忽视了( )
A. 事物普遍联系的观点
B. 事物永恒发展的观点
C. 量变和质变统一的观点
D. 必然性和偶然性统一的观点
区分新事物和旧事物的标志在于看它们( )
A. 是不是在新的历史条件下出现的
B. 是不是符合事物发展规律,有强大的生命力
C. 是不是具有新形式和新特点
D. 是不是得到绝大多数人的承认
“一把钥匙开一把锁”,这句话强调的是( )
A. 要承认事物的客观性
B. 要承认事物运动的规律性
C. 要注重分析矛盾的普遍性
D. 要注重分析矛盾的特殊性
联系的客观性和普遍性原理的方法论意义在于( )
A. 要求我们用联系的观点看世界
B. 它是认识事物本质的基础
C. 它是科学分门别类的客观依据
D. 它是正确区分不同事物的基础
矛盾的普遍性的含义是说( )
A. 矛盾无处不在,无时不有
B. 矛盾推动一切事物发展
C. 矛盾决定一切事物的性质
D. 矛盾是永远存在的
Which two statements correctly describe VM-Host affinity rules? (Choose two.) ___
A. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere DRS cluster, the rules are applied equally.
B. After creating a VM-Host affinity rule, its ability to function in relation to other rules is predetermined.
C. When there is more than one VM-Host affinity rule in a vSphere
D. RS cluster, the rules will be ranked.
An administrator wants to enable proactive HA by moving virtual machines automatically if a hardware alert is triggered. What are the three required settings? (Choose three.)___
A. Set vSphere DRS Automation to Partially Automated.
B. Turn on Proactive HA.
C. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Manual.
D. Set the Proactive HA Automation Level to Automated.
E. Turn on vSphere HA and vSphere DRS.
If vCenter Server 5.5 installation has one or more services deployed remotely, which three services are relocated to vCenter Server 6.5 on upgrade? (Choose three.)___
A. vCenter Inventory Services
B. vSphere Authentication Proxy
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere
E. SXi Dump Collector
What two debugging levels can a virtual machine be configured to? (Choose two.)___
A. Verbose
B. Debugging
C. Statistics
D. Trivia
What are three benefits of using a few large-capacity LUNs instead of many small-capacity LUNs? (Choose three.) ___
A. Better performance because there is less contention for a single volume.
B. More flexibility for resizing virtual disks.
C. Less wasted storage space.
D. More flexibility to create virtual machines without adding new LUNs.
E. Fewer VMFS datastores to manage.
Which two configurable options are available in Boot Options for a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Tools Upgrades
B. Encryption
C. Firmware
D. Force BIOS setup
Which three VMware-recommended best practices should an administrator follow before upgrading to vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Disconnect ESXi host from vCenter.
B. VMware Tools are installed in the virtual machine.
C. Ensure that the system hardware complies with ESXi requirements.
D. Back up the host.
E. Check the interoperability of any other software integrated with vSphere.
What are two requirements to enable EVC in vSphere DRS cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. CPUs must be from the same vendor.
B. EVC must use the lowest possible baseline supported by the hardware.
C. CPUs must be in the same family and of the same speed.
D. No VMs may be running in the cluster.
What three conditions could result in VMware Flash Read Cache being unable to claim a disk? (Choose three.)___
A. The disk is not listed in the VMware hardware compatibility guide.
B. The disk is not detected as an SSD.
C. The disk is not detected as local.
D. The disk is in use by VMFs.
Boot from SAN is supported on which three storage technologies? (Choose three.)___
A. VMware vSAN
C. NFS 4.1
Which two components are part of storage I/O multipathing on ESXi? (Choose two.)___
Which two statements are true about Highly Available vSphere Auto Deploy infrastructure? (Choose two.)___
A. It helps prevent data loss.
B. It is a prerequisite for using vSphere Auto Deploy with stateful install.
C. It requires two or more Auto
D. eploy servers.
The virtual machine log rotation size can be changed for all VMs by which two interfaces? (Choose two.)___
A. PowerCLI
B. vSphere Web Client
C. ESXi host client
D. esxcli
Which two configuration options can exclude virtual disks from snapshot operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RDM in virtual mode for virtual disk.
B. Use virtual disks in Independent – Persistent mode.
C. Use a virtual disk larger than 2 TB in size.
D. Use RDM in physical mode for virtual disk.
Which two storage configurations on the source server are unsupported with VMware Converter? (Choose two.)___
A. Linux LVM
B. software RAID
C. GPT/MBR hybrid disks
D. Windows basic volumes
E. Windows dynamic volumes
Which two statements about vCenter HA are correct? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi 5.5 or later is required.
B. vCenter HA network latency between nodes must be less than 50 ms.
C. NFS datastore is supported.
D. It must be deployed on a 3
E. SXi host cluster with DRS enabled.
An attempt to delete NFS datastore from a ESXi host returns the error: Sysinfo error on operation returned the following status:< Busy> Which two statements could explain this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. NFS datastore is a part of Storage DRS Cluster.
B. NFS.VolumeRemountFrequency value is set to 30.
C. Storage I/O Control is enabled on NFS datastore.
D. NFS datastore has running or registered virtual machines.
An administrator finds that the Microsoft Exchange virtual machines are exhibiting network latency. What two in-guest changes can help decrease latency? (Choose two.)___
Which two types of iSCSI adapters require VMkernel networking configuration? (Choose two.)___
A. dependent hardware
B. in-guest
C. software
D. independent hardware
Which two statements are true for NFS v4.1 firewall behavior? (Choose two.)___
A. It closes port 2049.
B. It sets allowed. All flag to TRUE.
C. It sets allowed. All flag to FALSE.
D. It opens port 2049.
A vSphere Administrator attempts to enable Fault Tolerance for a virtual machine but receives the following error: Secondary VM could not be powered on as there are no compatible hosts that can accommodate it. What two options could cause this error? (Choose two.)___
A. The other ESXi host(s) are in Maintenance Mode.
B. Hardware virtualization is not enabled on the other ESXi host(s).
C. The other ESXi host(s) are in Quarantine Mode.
D. Hardware MMU is enabled on the other
E. SXi host(s).
Storage capabilities be populated in what two ways? (Choose two.)___
A. The administrator can use tags to describe capabilities.
B. Default capabilities are provided by vCenter Server.
C. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VAAI.
D. Datastores can advertise their capabilities through VASA.
In network troubleshooting it is important to know what upstream switch the ESXi host is connected to. Which two features does ESXi provide to help identify the upstream switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Promiscuous mode
Virtual Volumes supports which three VMware features? (Choose three.)___
A. Instant Clones
B. Distributed Resource Scheduler
C. Linked Clones
D. vMotion
E. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler
vSphere DRS helps to balance virtual machines with available resources in a vSphere cluster. What three types of resources can be taken into account for balancing? (Choose three.)___
B. physical NIC saturation of an ESXi host
C. virtual NIC saturation of a virtual machine
E. storage latency
Which three design requirements must be satisfied to enable RAID-6 objects in a VMware vSAN cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. vSAN Advanced license or higher
B. vSAN stretched cluster
C. at least six hosts contributing storage
D. deduplication and compression
E. all flash configuration
When using "Cluster resource percentage" for host failover capacity in vSphere HA Admission Control, the total resource requirements are calculated from which two values? (Choose two.)___
A. Total vCPUs assigned to each VM.
B. Average CPU usage on each VM over time.
C. Memory reservations on each VM.
D. Total memory assigned to each VM.
E. Average active memory on each VM over time.
F. CPU reservations on each VM.
Which are four attributes of the Active vCenter HA node? (Choose four)___
A. It uses the vCenter HA network to communicate with the Witness node.
B. It constantly replicates vPostgres data with the Witness node.
C. It uses a public IP address for the management interface.
D. It runs the active vCenter Server Appliance instance.
E. It uses the vCenter HA network for replication of data to the Passive node.
F. It provides a quorum to protect against split-brain situations.
Which are two vCenter Server two-factor authentication methods? (Choose two.)___
A. RSA SecurID
B. Smart Card
D. Symantec VIP
An administrator is creating VMkernel adapters on an ESXi 6.5 host and wants to create separate VMkernel adapters for every type of traffic in the default TCP/IP stack. Which three types of traffic can be explicitly enabled on a separate VMkernel adapter? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual SAN traffic
B. NFS traffic
C. vMotion traffic
D. vSphere HA traffic
E. Fault Tolerance logging traffic
When migrating a Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which two will be migrated by default? (Choose two.)___
A. Local Windows OS users and groups
B. Configuration
C. Custom ports
E. Historical and Performance data
Which three types of Content Libraries exist within vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Content Library
B. Published Content Library
C. Local Content Library
D. Shared Content Library
E. Subscribed Content Library
An administrator cannot enable multi-processor Fault Tolerance (SMP-FT) for a virtual machine. Which are two possible causes for this? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is running on a vSAN datastore.
B. The Fault Tolerance network is using a 10Gbit uplink.
C. The virtual machine has 6 vCPUs assigned.
D. The virtual machine has a 1TB VMDK attached.
E. The virtual machine has snapshots present.
Which two statements are true for Predictive DRS? (Choose two.)___
A. It balances resource utilization for virtual machines with unpredictable utilization patterns.
B. It integrates DRS with vRealize Operations Manager to balance workloads for virtual machines before resource utilization spikes occur.
C. It balances resource utilization based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night.
D. It determines the best placement and balance of virtual machines based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night in vCenter Server 6.5 Database.
Which two situations could cause a virtual machine to appear with (orphaned) appended to its name? (Choose two.)___
A. if a host failover is unsuccessful
B. if a virtual machine was removed from vCenter Server's inventory
C. if a virtual machine was deployed from template, and the template has been deleted
D. if a virtual machine is unregistered directly on the host
Which three requirements are needed to apply RAID 5 or RAID 6 erasure coding on a vSAN 6.2 or 6.5 object? (Choose three.)___
A. on Disk Format 3.0
B. Hybrid vSAN
C. All Flash vSAN
D. vSAN Advanced License
E. Stretched Cluster Configurations
An administrator sees the following error in the log files: Which two events could be the source of the error message? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server failure
B. VXLAN failure
C. Disk array failure
D. Network failure
E. ESXi host failure
An administrator is attempting to access an ESXi host via the DCUI but is unable to do so. Which could be two possible causes? (Choose two.)___
A. The host in Qhas no out-of-band management capability (i.e. iLO/iDRAC).
B. The SSH service is disabled on the host.
C. Strict lockdown mode is enabled on the host.
D. Normal lockdown mode is enabled and the administrator is a member of the
E. xception User list.
Which two permissions are required to migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion? (Choose two.)___
A. Network > Move Network
B. Virtual Machine > Inventory > Move
C. Resource > Migrate powered on virtual machine
D. Datastore > Allocate Space
Which are three supported storage requirements for vCenter Server HA? (Choose three.)___